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Realistic or Modern ***Undead Survival: Zombie Apocalypse RP*** (OPEN!!! Limited spots avaliable)

Karah silently walked over toward Zeth as she watched the woman begin to work away at the wound, glancing back to her companion once more before she crouched down into a sort of squat, her shirt coming slightly over her back and exposing it the smallest bit, notable tattoos covering her under. She let her pale hands hang on her sides, with her elbows rested on her knees. "How long do you reckon you'll make it out here without just a small accident to end your life? A month, maybe. You're luck you've made it so far, 'specially just with that piece of scrap metal." She looked back over to the woman once again, "Same goes to you. You might you think you have it covered, but are you so sure?"

@Kencen @ZekeDude @Wolfrose
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“It had crossed my mind,” Niels admitted, looking back at Daemon. He didn’t think they were really the last people on Earth, but he figured they were probably the only group around for dozens of miles. Clearly he was wrong. “I had no contrary evidence until today,” he continued, briefly glancing at Karah. “I hadn’t seen a stranger in three months. What are you doing out here then? Hunting bandits? Looking for the rest of the army?” Niels tilted his head, wondering where the hell they’d found bread that hadn’t gone stale.

ZekeDude said:
Zeth winced as she tore his pant leg open, revealing the surprisingly deep cut across his calf that was actively bleeding down the rest of his leg. The trickling made his leg irritated and itchy but he decided it was best to ignore that. He planned on leaving the second he got food in him and his leg cleaned up. Any open wound was a bad idea in times like these, but a huge ass cut was a little more than just a bad idea. Zeth let the girl work away as he wondered why the hell any of them cared what would or could happen to him. He didn't really get it but he was guessing it was some sort of way to earn trust, which was hard to come by.
(Going afk for a bit cus I'm heading on a walk)

@northguy @Wolfrose @Kencen
northguy said:
Karah silently walked over toward Zeth as she watched the woman begin to work away at the wound, glancing back to her companion once more before she crouched down into a sort of squat, her shirt coming slightly over her back and exposing it the smallest bit, notable tattoos covering her under. She let her pale hands hang on her sides, with her elbows rested on her knees. "How long do you reckon you'll make it out here without just a small accident to end your life? A month, maybe. You're luck you've made it so far, 'specially just with that piece of scrap metal." She looked back over to the woman once again, "Same goes to you. You might you think you have it covered, but are you so sure?"
@Kencen @ZekeDude @Wolfrose
Rosha didn't even look to the other woman, too focused on helping Zeth. "With all-do respect, Ma'am, I was the General of my army. My partner was a part of that army. So yes, I KNOW I can handle myself pretty well. I certainly don't need advice from others. I haven't needed any help up until this point, and I don't think I will. I can handle myself perfectly fine. The Undead are nothing to me, and I've faced many hordes of them before and came out unscathed." She glanced up to her finally as she used the cloth she had torn off to clean the blood off of Zeth's leg. "Again, I was trained in the military. A lunatic with a gun is more frightening to me than any mindless zombie. But I appreciate your offer." She looked back down at Zeth's leg. "Daemon, I need the first aid kit." She held her hand out for it.

@northguy @ZekeDude

Kencen said:
“It had crossed my mind,” Niels admitted, looking back at Daemon. He didn’t think they were really the last people on Earth, but he figured they were probably the only group around for dozens of miles. Clearly he was wrong. “I had no contrary evidence until today,” he continued, briefly glancing at Karah. “I hadn’t seen a stranger in three months. What are you doing out here then? Hunting bandits? Looking for the rest of the army?” Niels tilted his head, wondering where the hell they’d found bread that hadn’t gone stale.
Daemon sighed heavily as he cut away the bad parts of the bread and began cutting even portions for everyone. "I honestly don't think that it's any of your business why we are out here, and I'm not much of a talker. but if Rosha wants to tell you everything, she can go ahead. She decided what we do." He accidentally sliced his finger and cringed, cursing to himself, when Rosha called to him. "Dammit, woman, i only have two hands!" he grumbled, pressing his thumb to his black tank top to absorb the blood and grabbed his pack. "Do me a favor and finish cutting that bread."

Zeth looked over at his sword. It had been the thing that decapitated countless zombies and saved his hide plenty of times. He didn't like her calling it scrap metal, especially since her weapon of choice would draw the undead from all around if used even once. He winced here and there but looked back up at the stranger who seemed to think she knew everything. "No offense, but I'm pretty sure the only thing I have to worry about at this point is the living. This sword is more than scrap metal, it can take a dead head right off without an unnecessarily loud bang to attract even more." Zeth knew it was inferior to a gun when the two were placed on opposite sides and both wielder's were alive, but he had managed to survive many bandit attacks and wriggle his way to freedom when he got caught a few times by the more sadistic ones.


@northguy @Wolfrose
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"Alright...either you can come out and we can talk about this, or I can just kill you. I would opt for the first choice." Leo said in a tired tone. I must be losing my touch, I thought I had gotten all the bandits. Leo thought. He notched an arrow, and then decided better against it. "You know what, I really don't like to kill. I killed those men to save the innocent. You can trust I won't shoot you. I'm lowering my weapon." Leo put his MEB on the ground, along with his quiver. He placed his hands on his hips, trying to act nonchalant, but he actually hooked his finger through a small loop on a black kunai (throwing knife). His eyes never stopped moving about the enviornment, always looking for movement.
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Karah only laughed as she came back up from her short moment crouching, looking down at the girl who had been speaking to her. "If I was general, I would be gathering men and making an outpost.. Though, I guess patriotic duty is dead, inn'it?" She said this with a grin before glancing back behind her, beginning toward their large truck before briefly stopping, looking back at the group, "Once we get that bloody bike, we'll be back. And when we're back, any of you are welcome to come with us for a warm meal and a roof under their head." She finally grabbed the door of the truck and pulled it open, letting herself inside. "Coming, pretty boy?!"

@Kencen @Wolfrose @ZekeDude
Why does she keep calling me that, Niels thought, as he handed Daemon the now-sliced bread. “Yes, I’m coming,” Niels said as he hopped back in the truck. “Well, uh, see you all later,” he called out before he closed the door. He watched the three people become smaller and smaller as they drove off into the desert once again. “Is running into so many people in one day normal out here? Because this is just nuts, honestly.” He just sighed and leaned back in his chair, staring out the window, the desert scenery passing by once again.

Zeth watched as they left the three for the time being. He wondered if a survival group was really all it was cut out to be. He watched the truck disappear and wondered what would happen if he really did go with them to the camp. He was certain that the place would honestly be more like a communist place and less of a place where he would be able to keep things for himself. Zeth tried picturing it but all that popped into his head was a summer camp that his little sister and he would always go to when they were little kids. He shook the thought away and looked up at the sky, which was beautiful mind you, as he lost himself in deep thought.

@Wolfrose @northguy

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