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Realistic or Modern ***Undead Survival: Zombie Apocalypse RP*** (OPEN!!! Limited spots avaliable)

She kept on with the group as the revolver waved at her side, her somewhat sharp yet beautiful features showing under the hat that covered her head. She broke into a jog as they sped away from the horde of dead, taking heavy breaths as she looked over the newfound people. Her voice seemed a bit lighter now, though still riddled with her northern English accent. "How far are we? What are your names?" She let out a sigh, deciding to start with simple questions.

@Kencen @Wolfrose
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<p>As the group switched to a light jogging pace, Niels considered the distance. “Maybe ten minutes, if we keep this pace.” Niels was very comfortable with running- he’d been on the track team in high school. Even after his parents had died, he managed to run almost every morning. Marina, on the other hand, hated it. Even the light jog they had settled into was enough to make her breath heavy. Niels figured Setaki was in fine shape, but he was a bit worried about Haika. He fell in near the new woman, to answer her question.</p>


“My name is Niels,” he said, then nodded towards his sister. “My sister, Marina. Setaki and Haika,” he finished, nodding towards each of them in turn. “My brother, Casper, is at our base. And you? What’s your name?”</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33421-northguy/" data-mentionid="33421">@northguy</a></p>
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Haika sighed and narrowed her eyes. "great, this day just keeps getting better and better," she muttered, looking to the gun held up at her friends. She already didn't like this lady.

Setaki, who had watched the entire scene unfold from up ahead, simply grunted and shrugged when a new stranger joined them. Poor siblings... They've been through a lot in one night. He crossed his arms and waited for the others to reach him, an eyebrow raised.

Yet another survivor... And to think i was the only one around these parts...

@Kencen @northguy
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Karah raised her revolver up in front of her as she swiftly moved through the woods, checking if it was completely full of bullets. She sighed as she glanced back to both of them, "Dr. Karah Jones.." She breathed out, having decided to say her name more formally. She began to move a bit quicker as well, hoping to arrive at their camp sooner. She was hungry, and she was going to survive.

@Wolfrose @Kencen
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Once they had all caught up, Setaki led them towards the gas station, keeping pace at jogging speed with them. Instead of saying anything, he just listened to Neils talk with the newcomer.

Haika looked to Setaki as they jogged. He was really attractive. She scanned him over. He had rippling muscles, but most survivor by now had their bodies in such shape. Not her, though. She was a scrawny little thing. Her eyes looked to his face and she blushed. he had hardened features, which made him very handsome. Those grey eyes of his... They were electric, calm... His black leather attire suited him rather well, really enhancing hs body's striking features. the black brought out hi eyes and silver hair even more.

Damn, what a man... she remarked to herself, glad no one could read her mind. The pink dusted on her cheeks darkened and she dropped her gaze. She wondered what that red rag symbolized on his head, where he got such weapons, how he learned to be so quick and skilled.

@Kencen @northguy
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Karah let out heavy breaths as they reached the gas station, making her way inside as she immediately began to count their supplies in her head. She

finally holstered her gun as she studied the supplies, glancing back to the group outside for a moment, before finally following out with them. She looked between all of them as she finally spoke up, "Give me some food, and you will never see me again." She offered to the group finally, keeping her hand rested on the handle of her revolver.

@Wolfrose @Kencen
At the edge of the desert, Daemon and Rosha had decided to make camp. It was far from the Undead within the desert, and close to one of the ruined cities from long ago when the world still made sense.

"We can get supplies at the break off dawn tomorrow, then we have to continue straight on to the military base," Rosha told him as she finished setting up their camp. When she was done, she sat opposite to Daemon and began counting out their remaining portions to see what was left and what they would eat.

Daemon was starting up a fire. "How much lighter fluid do we have left?" he asked her.

Rosha made a face and looked up at him. "You know we can't use that for a fire, it burns off too quickly. I told you we only use that when we are in the midst of a horde of Undead, I don't know where else we will find any," she responded.

Daemon glanced up at her, still trying to start the fire. "I only need a little to kindle it, Rosh," he muttered, waiting.

Rosha rolled her eyes and pulled her pack to her. "Fine," she scoffed, opening the pack and digging for it. "But don't get upset when we don't have enough to use against a horde. There's not a lot left." She pulled it out and handed it to him.

Daemon softened his face and took it from her. "Thank you," he replied gently.

Zeth had been going around a demolished city, searching for more supplies. It was pretty much in a desert so it made the most sense to stick around that area to him since he figured there would be significantly less of the undead, or at least they'd be at a disadvantage since they'd be rotting faster and such. The teen was at the edge of the city when he swore he heard voices. His first reaction should've been to get out of there since the voices might belong to bandits or worse but curiosity was eating away at him as well as hunger. He had been out of food for about half a week despite his wise rationing of it beforehand. Zeth snuck around best he could, trying to find the source of the voices. As he began to go over a small dune, he saw two people who seemed to be trying to start a fire. He got down and spied on them since he was 110% sure that facing them directly wouldn't end well. Bandits or not, they'd likely be paranoid and might even kill him if they discovered him.

Daemon heard some peculiar sounds pretty close to camp. He stopped what he was doing, narrowed his eyes, and glanced about.

Rosha noticed his change in behavior and raised an eyebrow at him. "What? What's wrong?" she asked him with concern.

"Someone's here..." He stood and drew his Bowie knife, looking around cautiously.

Rosha gave him a look and stood. "What makes you so sure...?" she asked him firmly, beginning to look around herself.

"i heard something... It sounded like a foot crushing the sand..." he mumbled quietly, holding the Bowie knife at the ready.

Rosha took up her spear, but hesitantly. "Where...?"

Niels was a bit startled when they got back, seeing Casper cleaning the wounds of a stranger. Another stranger! This night had just been too strange. He looked at Marina, tilting his head towards Casper and the mystery girl. She nodded, striding over to their little brother to investigate.


Niels closed and locked the gate once everyone was inside, then looked around at his base. The two rows of gas pumps were directly opposite the gate, the convenience store off a bit to the right. In the small parking lot the kept three cars, Niels’s pick-up truck, and an RV. Niels had placed a queen-sized mattress in the bed of the truck (Casper had thought this was hilarious, and Marina rolled her eyes when Niels had suggested it.) and he usually slept out there, Casper sometimes joining him. Casper usually slept in the attic they had cleared out in the gas station, while Marina shared the RV with Haika. The whole base was surrounded in a chain link fence, left over from one of Niels’s last construction jobs. They had lived safely within their enclosure almost from the beginning, the fence having never been breached. He smiled, looking around and seeing their base’s population had almost doubled overnight. He saw Karah snooping around, so he went after her.

Niels followed Karah inside the convenience store. He examined their stocks, pleased to see that they still had so much. Marina was a fantastic scavenger; she had found several water trucks and they had dozens of those five gallon water jugs. The occasional warehouse run kept their supplies of non-perishables up, and they’d even come across an overgrown garden a few days ago so they had some fresh fruit and vegetables. With only four people they generally found food faster than they could eat it.

“If you really want to leave you can take some food and water, a car too if you want one, and be on your way. But I urge you to stay! With more people, we can think bigger! We can keep each other safe. You must be capable, to have survived out there on your own for so long. We need you, Karah.” Niels looked into her eyes, a tired smile on his face. What a day!

@northguy<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab050c44_GasStation.jpg.52a72cf7a2c52e4947d94a0b93130452.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab050c44_GasStation.jpg.52a72cf7a2c52e4947d94a0b93130452.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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'Shit' was all that crossed Zeth's mind as he practically tried to disappear within the opposite side of the dune they were hanging out by. He had thought he'd been sneaky enough but apparently not. He knew that if he tried to make a mad dash for it, both of the people would come barreling after him and two against one weren't good odds. Especially since the two had smaller weapons that could be thrown around more easily whereas he only had his sword. Zeth shut his eyes. He didn't want to have to deal with being caught by these people or anything of the like, but he would have to make a run for it if he really wanted to try and escape them. His eyelids fluttered open to reveal his crystal eyes. He was so hungry and it looked like they had plenty to spare... but he knew he couldn't trust anyone ever. After a deep breath he sprung to his feet and bolted for the pack that was farthest from them. He grabbed it and started making a mad dash away, hoping they wouldn't be able to catch up to him or to have good aim with knives.


(btw you can trip him up by throwing a knife at one of his legs or something)
"I'm sorry I bothered you... You didn't have to let me in. I couldve found another place to rest, though it probably wouldnt have been as safe as here...." Haruka spoke finally after securing one of the bandages and stepping into the base, she glanced around nervously. "How long have you guys secured this place? Have you been here for long?"

Glancing over at Casper she looked him up and down. "I dont think I introduced myself yet... My names, Haruka, Haruka Myano." She secured the bandage on her hand and held it out for Casper to take if he wanted. "You dont mind if I stay here for a while... Do you?"

She let out a sigh as she brought her eyes away for a moment. These people would die if she did nothing, the horde of dead could always shift their walk, or bandits would raid their entire stock, something she had still been marvelling about. How could of they gone so long with this much? How she wanted to take what was offered and be on her way, though she could not stand and let these people get washed away so quickly. They had perhaps started something here. The woman finally looked up from under the black hat, making eye contact with Neils once more. "My bike is still out there.." She let out a sigh, thinking back to the sports bike her father had gifted only a year before the disease had struck, she turned to the rest of the group. "Your standing here is not safe.. There are droves of bandits who wander the roads, the moment they find this place they will attack.." She trailed off, glancing over to the parking lot, then back over to Neils, "How many of them have you brought down?" She asked curiously. She wanted to help this group, but she was not about to give her life up for them.

@Kencen @Wolfrose @Nyxianforeigner
“It’s, uh, nice to meet you, Haruka,” Casper said, smiling when the girl finally told him her name. He took the offered hand, making sure the bandage was on right. Of course it was. “I hope you can stay,” Casper said, looking her in the eye. “When Niels gets back you can talk to him. That’s my brother.” As he finished, he heard them opening the gate, then Casper turned to see them all marching in. “Haika! You’re okay!” He shouted, running to her for a relieved hug. He saw the two other strangers but, while curious, he wanted to introduce Haruka to everyone. Niels seemed busy, following one of the new people into the convenience store. Casper took his sister’s hand and he led her to Haruka. He introduced them, and asked Marina if she could stay with them.

“I guess so,” Marina muttered, looking at the girl. She was a bit intrigued by her presence. Haruka couldn’t have been any older than Marina was herself, but she was injured and dirty, like she’d been wandering on her own. “Have you been all alone this whole time?” She asked, tilting her head.



“Bandits?!” Niels was shocked! “We haven’t even run into anyone new in months! Until today, I mean. The others were nice enough. We traded a bit, and they were on their way. People have really resorted to banditry out here? There’s food everywhere, if you know where to look.” Niels didn’t understand why these ‘bandits’ wouldn’t even try to talk to them first. But, he’d trust Karah. She’d lived outside, as far as he could tell, so she would surely know what other people were like better than he would. Maybe he really had just been lucky so far.

“As for how many I’ve brought down…” Niels scratched his head, thinking. “I guess I’ve never really kept track. Probably two or three a day since this started. Sometimes a lot more. Marina and I go outside the fence almost every day, scavenging. Even when we stay, one or two wander up to the fence every couple of days, and I’m usually the one that gets rid of them.”

Karah sighed as she brought her revolver out yet again, checking the bullets as she'd done before, despite not having fired a single one since. She looked back up to Neil as she spoke, "Two hundred and forty-seven." She briefly stated this before she finally took herself away from Neil and the group, her eyes scanning over the cars, letting out a small cough as she spoke, "There's more people out there, more wanderers like me.." She looked back over to Neils, her accent still thickly covering her words. "Have you had to kill yet? A person?"

“Kill a person? No, not yet. I hope I don’t ever have to. But… If I have to, I think I could do it.” Niels thought about these bandits getting their hands on Marina or Casper, and he knew he would kill anyone who tried. Then his eyes widened and he gulped, looking at Karah. “Have you had to do it?” He asked, barely above a whisper.

She only continued toward the row of cars, patting her hip to notion Neils to follow her, her legs gently moving over the pavement enwrapped in her tight fitted jeans. She looked over the row, gently going over to the truck as she turned back to Neils, finally she turned back to the boy, looking him over. "More than once, Neils." She laid her thin hand upon the back of the pick-up truck, her other going outward, expecting. "Give me the keys so I can get my bike, or stand around and look like an idiot. It's too dangerous for you to come." She finally added in that last part, letting out a sigh. She was not letting someone get hurt right now, not under her responsibility.

Niels dug into his pockets, taking out the keys to his truck. He’d had the truck since he was sixteen, and carrying the keys around was just a habit he never bothered to break. He’d even left the now-useless house and mailbox keys on the ring.

“You’re sure you don’t want me to go along?” Niels asked even as he handed over the keys. “Want me to help you take the mattress out of the back at least?”

"Y'Yeah... I've been alone..." Haruka nodded, "I havent had any luck with finding a group since this started. It's just been me and my survival skills... I'm not much of a fighter even if the wounds say I am... I'm more of a healer than anything else." She then looked to Marina, "I'm sorry if I'm intruding...."

Looking off, Haruka then rubbed her bruised neck before turning to her bag of supplies for something she could rest against the bruise to help the pain that lingered dully.

The woman took the keys as she turned back toward the truck, going for the front with heavy steps as she briefly spoke. "I'll put the damn bike on top of it." She said this as she jammed the key into the truck, twisting it and opening the door, looking back over to Neils. "Your choice, pretty boy." She finally stated as she let herself inside the vehicle. She quickly assessed her new surroundings inside the truck, her thin hands managing the keys in her hand as she tightly stuck it into the ignition, turning until the engine purred back at her. This would be enough time for Neils to join her, if he did.

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“Don’t worry about it, Haruka. My brothers wouldn’t throw you out without a very good reason,” Marina said, as Haruka rubbed her neck. “We have a couch in the RV, if you want to lay down for a bit.”

Casper continued to watch the new girl, wishing he could do something to help. Unfortunately, medical supplies was one thing Marina had never really had any luck in finding. She figured hospitals were deathtraps, and all the clinics and pharmacies she’d run across had been picked clean long before she arrived. Casper visible trembled a little, feeling useless, when Marina noticed.

“Why don’t you go get Marina a glass of water, Casper? Just bring it over to the RV if we’re not out here when you come back.” A grin lit up his face and the little boy bounded away enthusiastically.


Pretty boy? That was a new one to Niels. He just grinned and hopped in the passenger seat. He really didn’t want anyone to go anywhere alone if they didn’t have to. Even more so, if there were really bandits out there.

“Where exactly is this bike of yours?” Niels asked as the engine came to life.

Marina heard the engine, and looked towards the truck. She rolled her eyes, seeing Niels and Karah through the windshield.

“I’ve gotta do everything around here,” she muttered as she went to open the gate. She was annoyed that her conversation with Haruka had been interrupted. She saw Casper walk back out, holding two glasses of water. She stood by the gate so she could close it again once they were gone, watching Casper hand a glass to Haruka.

@northguy @Nyxianforeigner
She looked over at him with her dark blue eyes as he spoke, switching the truck into reverse as she backed it up, only glancing to the rearview for a brief moment as she spoke. "The desert." She bluntly stated as she turned the vehicle back into drive quickly moving out of the gas station with a hard foot pedal and single hard turn, screeching against the street as she speedily began to drive off. While on the outside of the vehicle one could call her reckless, inside she seemed calm at what she did, sure of herself. "And if we're going to get it, I can't have you slow me down. The dead ones cover that damn place, pretty boy, and we need to move quick to get it." She looked back over to him, glancing down for a moment, "Think with your head, not your cock." She finally stated with a breathy sigh. She did not need another man dying trying to pursue her, and whether this man would or not, she hoped she put down any hopes.

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Haika was startled when Casper came rushing at her, but she chuckled and hugged him back. "Yes, I'm here. Don't worry, little guy," she coaxed to him, rubbing his back. "Your brother was right, I shouldn't have gone off on my own. I just thought I'd surprise you guys with something. My mistake..." She dropped her gaze shamefully.

Setaki appeared behind her. He looked around, scanning the gas station. They fixed it up real nicely. This must be their permanent camp, he thought. After a moment, he noted a glimpse of white in the corner f his eyes and looked to Haruka. He widened his eyes.

Another stranger... he noted, looking her over. He noticed her injuries, but said nothing. He simply shrugged and decided to head into the gas station to check it out. He had to admit, he was pretty hungry.

Daemon caught sight of the fleeing boy and swiftly hurled his knife at him. It spun and nicked him right in his calf.

Rosha exclaimed and grabbed his arm. "Daemon, no! He's a survivor like us!" But her attempt to stop him was too late. Daemon kept his eyes locked onto the boy as he straightened. "What the hell are you doing here!?" he barked to the boy.

@Nyxianforeigner @northguy @Kencen @ZekeDude
Zeth felt a sudden sharp pain in his calf, putting him off balance and he tumbled forward and face-planted. The pack he stole, his backpack, and his sword flew out of his grip and landed nearby. He even knew something like this had to happen, but he was nearly starving. Zeth looked back at the guy who'd thrown a knife at him and pushed himself off of the ground as he got up. He wasn't sure how to answer the question without sounding like a total creep. "I haven't eaten for days, I heard your voices and it's common sense that where people are, food is..." There wasn't much of a point in lying even though Zeth had the urge to grab his shit and try running for it again, but this guy had good aim with the knife and it's obvious he could've killed Zeth with the knife from before.


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