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Fantasy Two world one family

Blake chuckled " yeah, I worry about her hanging around with demons though. Although its not like she'll go to hell of she becomes fallen. I doubt ahe will anyway but you know what everyone is like...angels dont like fallen angels and Demons dont like them either"
"Lyric hasn't fallen yet, I think they will stay on the right path." Taylor said. "Crystal had to know freedom at one point Blake.."
A flat.

Metatron was supposed to live in a freaking flat.

Now, he was by no means unused to living at such simplicity, not when he has manytimes survived wartime situations with little supplies and little to no living space.

No, the reason Metatron was upset was becuase it would be hard to hold meetings here. Hmmm...

His two companions seemed to be upset too. Though for differing reasons.

"A flat. So this is how they treat their best." an angel (?) with black wings said in contempt. "Hmph. So I find my place of residence downgraded from mansion to utter rathole...this is nothing like my mansion. I can't go out to the front yard and laugh as thousands of sinners and pathetic demons get what they deserve."

Metatron frowned beneath his mask. Mastema was far too arrogant at times, far too a sadistic. I did not stop him from being a competent angel, however....

The girl beside the black-winged angel closed her eyes at Mastema rant. "I don't believe that's the problem here, Mastema. The problem is that it will be difficult to hold any meetings in here without others noticing or before the room get full."

Metatron's frown turned into a smile. Good. Lucia, her daughter, was doing quite well. She was competent, and her fighting ability was good. Yes, she was growing fast. Especially since she was only 16.

"Now," he called out to them. He did not use his booming voice, that voice only used to bring awe and fear, and it was really noticable anyways. "We must be ready from themoment we enter this building. Lucia," he said, turning to his adopted daughter "You know as much as I that neither Mastema or me can speak with demons and heretics without getting infuriated. But you can take it much better. So I need you to collect information from the inside, try to find out who is out allies who is our enemies. Start with Blake, leader of the newly-formed High Council." he ordered, and she nodded and went inside the building.

Metatron did not mention that another reason he wanted her to do this was so she could gain some new friends.

He then turned to Mastema. "Mansemat...are the preparations ready?" he questioned.

The black-wnged angel smiled. "Oh, you mean for 'that' plan? Almost. Just needs a bit more..."

"Then get to it. There is still some unease about the merging, and we need to use that to our advantage." Metatron said, and Mastema simply giggled before flying away.

So, it is all set. With that, he stepped into the building where he shall stay for the time being.

Shit, accidentally posted it. (EDIT: Done now!)
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Well Blake is in Taylors home but alright...and have metatron just walked around or something, ill have crystal bump into him)

Blake sighed and stood up " I'm going to look for Crystal. I haven't seen her all day. See you later" he said before vanishing and appeared on a random street nearby
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Lucia failed to find Blake in the apartment building. Not deterred, she went out and searched in the streets.

As she walked, she noticd all the interactions between angels and demons. There was still some unease, but people were accepting it and became more and more friendly with one another as time went on. Was this peace really that undesirable...?


She saw the target. Blake, leader of the High Council was walking towards her.

This was it. Wait, just what was she going to say anyways? How was she going to greet him How would she open up conversation? Dammit, her faher was right, she needed more social interaction! Now what she was going to--

It was all for naught, because she accidenatlly bumped into him anyways.


Metatron had fnished unpacking his inventory. It was not much in the first place anyways, since he was always wearing that armor of his anyways. Wondering what he should do now, he saw the city sight from the window and decided to get familliar with the terrain. He stepped out onto the porch, spread his metallic wings, and leaped.
Blake ran a hand through his hair trying to think of where crystal might be, last time he saw her was with lyric but that wasn't really much help. He sighed and shrugged, probably better to wander around and see if he could just bump into her. so that's what he did. he began walking and suddenly bumped into someone, it made him chuckle since what he was just thinking about. "sorry, love. Are you alright?" He asked looking down at the girl, a little bit of worry could be heard in his voice.

Crystal was peering over the edge of the building still deciding whether what the twins had told her was a good idea or not. She tilted her head seeing the armoured man from before and once again with curiosity getting the better of her she jumped of the edge, her wings appeared through bursts of light and flew up past him waving at him as she did
Crystal did a U-turn and flew back to the roof landing behind them "can you guys fly?"she asked tilting her head as her wings glowed before vanishing

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