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Fandom «Turtle-y Awesome!» TMNT 2012 Rp with Plain Light Warrior


New Member
Maria Senryū

It was a day like any other at Roosevelt Highschool in New York, the same old teenagers roaming the same old halls. To some people, this repetitive environment was boring; to most, even. But others found joy in relishing in this hierarchical form of society. Not everyone had those privileges, that was for sure, but Maria did and she loved it. She‘d look at someone and they would either crack a nervous smile or chuckle anxiously. Either way, this form of power was exciting - But by far not the best part of school. She hadn‘t gone to school for too long due to her upbringing in the mountains in Japan, but in the time she had been attending this place, she‘s grown fond of a few people and would even consider those people her friends.

Maria confidently walked over to one of her closest friends, Lucas. Oh, this sweet, sweet boy. She would never let anyone harm him - if she knew what he was going through, she’d lose it. The two of them were like ying and yang, refreshing opposites who were doing each other the favor of motivating one another during their school days.

"Morning, Luce.“ she hummed and adjusted her hair that absolutely had to sit correctly.

"Have you seen April and Casey yet? With Casey, I‘m not surprised, but April‘s usually never late to class.“
Lucas found school to be terrifying, mostly due to how crowded it was. He liked staying to himself in his oversized sweaters and blend into the background unnoticed. He just didn't like attention on himself, preferred to cover himself completely except for his eyes and nose. He didn't want anyone to see his body, to see the bruises he had, new and old. Though he did prefer being at school than at home, he had friends which he still wasn't sure how he managed that, but he did.

He jumped a bit when hearing Maria greet him, a normal occurrence since he was always jumpy. "O-Oh, morning Maria." He replied as he calmed down from the startle. "No, not yet. I'm sure they'll come though." He said softly even if he did get concern hearing April wasn't here yet, she was easily the smartest of their group of friends, taking schooling seriously. Lucas was smart, but his knowledge was of plants, anything plant related he would happily ramble to his friends.

"D-Did you do your homework for today?" He then asked her. Even if he wasn't the smartest he did make sure to pass his classes and do good in school, though known to him it was mostly due to fear of the consequences if he didn't and not from the teachers. His home life wasn't the best to say the least, the only thing anyone in his friend group could tell were that his parents were strict. The last thing he wanted were them to know how they hurt him everyday.
Maria Senryū

"The day I do my homework is the day I get possessed by some extraterrestrial being, Luce.“ Maria responded and grinned slyly. Yes, she was seemingly overly confident, but whenever it was needed, she could also be incredibly responsible - just not when it came to school. Her clan taught her that school was just another part of her disguise, of a grand act for the sake of her family; and that‘s how Maria treated it. A game, a plaything and…a place where she could hide just how unsure she was of herself.

Maria looked at her phone and frowned when she saw that April hadn‘t even texted her. Now, this was beyond unusual since the cheerleader knew that her ginger friend was reliable and always kept her updated.

"…I‘m gonna go look for April.“

Her gaze on Lucas softened for a second. Usually, she‘d drag anyone with her, but she didn‘t just want to grab the poor boy and force him to skip class. He was the only one she wouldn‘t do that to.

"…You coming with me or nah? We still have a few minutes. I just have this…gut feeling and I wanna make sure nothing happened to our little redhead.“ she explained, already facing the end of the hallway and ready to leave the school building.
Lucas couldn't help but giggle at her response, having a feeling that's what she would tell him. Though he saw her look down at her phone with a frown until she told him she was going to look for her. "I-I'm sure she's fine." He said but he was worried, but was more scared of his parents finding out.

He frowned when she asked if he was coming, it made him nervous the thought of leaving school, but school hasn't started yet. He also knew Maria had good gut feelings. It made him hesitant to answer. "A-As long as we're not too late for class." He said as he was sure he probably won't get in trouble, though he never skipped class before.

He followed after her outside of the school building, already getting anxious the further away they got. He kept glancing at his phone for the time as he ran after her, just to tell how much time passed. "W-Where do you think she could be?" He asked Maria as he followed her.
Maria Senryū

"If we‘re gonna look for her, we should probably check the route she walks to school.“ Maria suggested and looked behind herself to smile encouragingly at Lucas.

"Hey…relax, okay? I‘m not letting you get into any trouble. Even if we get late, I‘ll tell my coach to put in a good word for us and your parents will never ever find out.“ she assured him as she knew her sweet friend was worried about the reactions he‘d get from home…She just didn‘t know how bad it really was.
As the two friends were making their way towards April‘s home, Maria couldn‘t help but hear screeches from afar; it sounded like a commotion was going on somewhere in a back alley.
"Luce? Stay behind me, okay?“

Maria‘s eyes were glued onto the shadows of the dark alleyways they were slowly entering. Soon enough, the commotion she heard turned out to be April amidst a group of men with monotonous-looking faces…All of those men were looking the exact same, actually!

April O‘Neil

"You freaks! Can‘t I ever have a day without you trying to kidnap me or something?!“ April yelled out, doing her best to fight off the Kraang agents that were trying to take her with them. She had already called her mutant friends for backup, but like a lot of things, time was of essence in this situation. As she saw her two friends from afar, the redhead went pale and she knew she owed them an explanation later on.

"Guys, whatever this looks like, don‘t come any closer! Run, now!“

Maria Senryū
"Girl, what on earth did you do to be surrounded by men in ugly suits like that?!“ Maria called out and pulled out a hairpin that was buried in her hair, throwing it at one of the Kraang bots, only for it to be dissected in half and collapsing.

"Luce, stay behind me, okay?!“
Lucas looked up at her seeing her smile at him as she reassured him, it made him calm down a bit but when they found April she was surrounded by men his eyes widen when he saw Maria cut one in half with her hair pin. He shook as he nodded, especially when he saw a brain looking thing come out of the top half making him queasy.

He took a step back to keep a distance from this whole thing, now shaking more. He couldn't help but crouch down and put his arms over his head as he hid by a dumpster, flinching at every sound wanting it to be over. That was when he heard the sound of others making him peek out to see four turtles now!?

"April are you okay?" Donnie's voice sounded as he and his brother came to take out the kraang, spinning his bo-staff before hitting one of the kraang bots. Though there was another issue too as there were two other people here too. One making him briefly pause as he looked at Maria, seeing how gorgeous she was until he was snapped back into the fit by a hit from one of the kraang.

Lucas took off his bag from his back, honestly completely terrified of the whole situation. He grabbed one of his heavier textbooks and threw it at these weird guys.
April O‘Neil
"Yeah, I‘m fine as someone can be when alien robots are attacking them!“ April yelled in response to Donnie‘s question, assisting as best as she could to take down the alien threat surrounding them. Since the Kraang were now mainly focused on their combat with the turtles, it was easier for her to make use of the different combat elements she had learned from Splinter.

Maria Senryū

As much as she was caught off guard by the four humanoid turtles joining the combat, they were undoubtedly allies and not enemies, which was why she decided to fight alongside them. She had gotten very brief explanations about her mission from her clan - but this might just be a piece of the puzzle.

"Careful, lanky turtle!“ she yelled as the turtle with the purple bandana got hit by one of the Kraang. In response to that, she struck the robot with the side of her hand, followed by a roundhouse kick to send the actual Kraang inside flying.


One of the robots was hit by Lucas‘ book, quickly recognizing where the source of aggression was coming from. It turned around and marched straight towards the boy. However, before any more books could be thrown or the sweet boy could be further threatened in any shape, way or form, Raph grabbed the enemy from behind and made a quick process of the elimination with the help of his sais.

As the robot dropped to the cold ground, the turtle‘s eyes turned back to its regular emerald green colour.
"…You good down there?“ he asked, unsure of how to approach the clearly frightened boy. He knelt down and offered him a hand. Behind his stern and tough expression, there was an undeniable softness and…worry about the human in front of him.
Lucas's eyes widen in horror as one of the robots looked at him and headed right for him. He flinched back and moved back before watching one of the giant turtles take it out before it could even touch him. He was shaking uncontrollably until the turtle looked at him and asked if he was good as he knelt down and outstretched his hand. Lucas looked down at the hand before back up to the other's eyes behind the red mask and hesitantly reached out to take his hand before the dumpster was hit making him startled causing him to hurry and grab onto the other, hiding behind him.

"Heh heh, oops." Mikey said as it was him that hit the dumpster before getting back to fighting the kraang. The didn't last too much longer as they managed to drive them off.

Donnie felt himself get flustered by Maria, especially seeing her fight. When the fight ended he did ask again if everyone is alright. "No one's hurt right?" He asked as it was a little late to hide the fact they were turtles to these two new humans, seeing the girl was able to handle herself, and looking to see the other smaller boy hiding against his brother, Raph.

Lucas had his eyes squeezed shut and shaking but was untouched.

It was Mikey who broke the silence next. "So, I'm Mikey, you were pretty cool fighting like that!" The orange clad turtle told Maria.

"How about, instead of flirting, YOU TRY NOT TO SCARE THE PEOPLE WE‘RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT BY BEING A KLUTZ?!“ he yelled and gave his little brother a light slap on the back of his head. Then, the hotheaded turtle turned to look at Lucas, very carefully reaching for his head to caress it in a relaxing way.
"Hey, it‘s okay, alright? You‘re safe.“ he spoke calmly.
"I‘m Rapael, but just call me Raph, hm?“


"We should‘ve known that sooner or later, it can‘t be avoided to have more people know about us. After all, Casey also found out about us eventually.“ the turtle with the blue bandana spoke, his arms crossed as he glanced at the boy Raph was comforting, the girl Mikey had been talking to and, of course, April.

Maria Senryū

"Sooo…What are you guys? I don‘t think you guys are wearing costumes, huh?“ Maria said, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Either way, really good ninjutsu you guys did there!“
She turned to Mikey and placed her hands on her hips, grinning.
"You‘d be a good cheerleader, Mikey. Nice to meetcha. Who‘s your cute brother, hm?“
She pointed at Donnie. She was actually pointing at Donnie!
Mikey rubbed the back of his head and to see Raph caressing the boy's cheek. "Seems like you're the one flirting." Mikey said before hurrying to get out of his older brother's reach with a grin before hearing Maria. "Us, we're mutants." Mikey said bluntly before looking at Donnie who stumbled a bit when he heard her call him cute and point at him. "That's Donnie." Mikey grinned more knowing he could tell Donnie already had a crush on her.

Lucas opened his eyes a bit when Raph caressed his face, reassuring him it was safe now before introducing himself as Raph before he blushed brightly hearing what Mikey commented about him flirting. He couldn't help cover his face with his sleeves when the other stopped touching him.

Donnie coughed a bit nervously, giving Mikey a small glare when he ran to hide from their brother's wrath. "Like Mikey said, we're mutants. I'm Donnie, this is Mikey, and Raph, and Leo." Donnie introduced them and looked at April since it was clear they knew each other. "So these are your other friends, April?" He asked her, trying not to make a fool of himself in front of someone who just called him cute. Also expecting names of who they were too as he saw the shorter boy walk over to the girl, still blushing from Mikey's comment.

"MIKEY, I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING YOU PUT ON YOUR PIZZAS, I WILL—-" Raph started to curse, but managed to miraculously force himself to keep it down since he didn‘t want to scare the smaller boy any further after he just calmed him down. That, and Leo was eyeing him from the side with a 'don’t-you-dare' expression.
Since he was getting angry due to his little brother‘s teasing, he didn‘t notice how his face had turned the colour of his bandana. He was practically a tomato turtle at the moment.

"…Hmph…“ he huffed and crossed his arms, looking away. That boy had really pretty eyes, thinking about it…And the way he covered his face when he got flustered? Also kinda cute…

April O‘Neil

April nodded and walked over to stand next to her two friends. She smiled as much as she could in this situation and gestured at them.

"Yes, those two are my friends. Boys, meet Lucas. He‘s a real sweetheart and he has a huge green thumb. Very knowledgeable about plants and you just wanna protect him when you see him, don‘t you? Plus, he‘s a great listener and has a huge heart.“ she introduced her first friend before putting her hand on Maria‘s shoulder.

"And this one‘s Maria. She‘s the cheer captain of my school and we met through charity work outside of school, actually! She makes clothes for orphans. Obsessed with fashion, this one.“

Maria Senryū
"I‘m not surprised April‘s got turtle friends. This ginger‘s so likeable, like girl! Leave some for the rest of us, eh?“ she teased her friend and ruffled her hair.

"Anyways, it‘s nice to meet you all. Thank you for helping us out! Wouldn‘t have wanted to throw my other hair pin, those were expensive…“
Maria tilted her head and crossed her arms, chuckling playfully.
Lucas couldn't help but blush again hearing April talk about him and lifted his hand that was barely visible in his sweater. "H-Hello." He spoke shyly to them. He gave a nod hearing Maria thank them for helping out. His heart was racing at the comment from Mikey though, not being able to get that out of his mind. He glanced over at Raph before looking down feeling extra shy now and lift his sleeve to his cheek where Raph touched him.

"Well it's nice to meet you both-" Donnie spoke before being cut off by Mikey.

"Yeah! We should totally hang out and show you the lair!" Mikey exclaimed as he headed closer with a grin making Lucas shrink down a bit into his sweater and take hold of April's shirt a bit.

"N-Now?" Lucas asked as he was sure by now they were late for class, first period is actually over and second period was about half way over too with how long this lasted as he took out his phone seeing the time. Missing class was one thing but missing the whole school day made him feel sick thinking about it, not sure how Maria could cover a whole day for him.
Maria Senryū

"Hm, why not? Might as well! Don‘t worry Luce, I‘ll just tell the coach that we, er…hm…I‘ll figure something out. But come on, a secret lair? That sounds really cool, doesn‘t it?“ Maria encouraged her shy friend and gave him a gentle pat on the back.

"Besides, I‘d rather have them around than those ugly jocks who keep trying to get my number…Ew.“
She shuddered as she remembered all the boys in school who she was having severe trouble with; Maria was popular, yes, but her clan consisted of women only. When she was young, she had to swear to stay away from men in a romantic sense.

"Mikey, you can‘t just invite people into our lair all the time just because you need people to play videogames with! But, well…It‘s alright this time. April‘s friends might as well be our friends.“ he agreed, and even the usually oh-so-sceptical Raph seemed to be agreeing with Mikey‘s proposal.


Raph, while nodding at Leo‘s words, grabbed Mikey by the back of his bandana and harshly pulled him to himself.
"Stop. Scaring. Them. You. Absolute. SHELLBRAIN!“ he yelled.
"Not everyone is immediately all touchy-friendly with a turtle, you know? Especially you, Mikey!“
Lucas looked at Maria as she attempted to calm his nerves about school, but he was still on edge. "I-I don't know." He spoke softly but he reluctantly agreed to go even if this was way out of his comfort zone. "As long as I'm not late to my job." He spoke softly as he had a part time job after school at a flower shop. It was where he can have access to all the plants he wants and care for them. It was another place he felt safe at too, his boss was really nice and caring to him.

"It's going to be rush hour soon so we should get headed if we don't want to get spotted." Donnie said as he headed to one of the sewer covers, lifting it with ease. "It's one of the ways to the lair." Donnie told them with a light chuckle seeing them look at the hole as he jumped down. He then held his hand up to help them down into the sewer giving a lopsided smile.

Mikey stuck his tongue out after Raph let go of him and scolding him before turning back to their new friends. "You're going to love it we have arcade machines and tv, I can order us some pizza too!" He said enthusiastically before jumping down, avoiding Donnie who glared at him for getting in the way.

Lucas looked down into the hole feeling queasy as he wasn't a fan of heights. So that was another thing to add to this day he was going through. "I-It's far." He squeaked as it felt like it to him. Ladders were awful for his fear, preferring stairs but that wasn't an option as he grabbed his bag and put back his textbook that now had a small dent on the edge where it hit the bot.
Maria Senryū
"Arcade machines? Now that‘s what I‘m talking about!“ Maria called out excitedly and jumped after Mikey, losing her balance mid-jump and falling on the youngest turtle, basically making him fall with her. She landed on top of him, which made her fall at least a little less painful - and this girl could handle pain.
She seemed shocked for a second, but then she grinned in satisfaction.
"You‘re my hero! Thanks to you, I‘m not drenched in sewer water, hehe!“

Raph wanted to make this as easy as possible for Lucas, so he decided to jump down the ladder and extended one arm for Lucas to hold onto him.
"As long as you hold onto me, I‘ll carry you down, okay? Just don‘t look down and hold on tight. Nothing‘ll happen, promise.“
It wasn‘t a secret that Raph was actually a softie deep down, but with this human boy, he was actually openly being a softie. Leo was this close to tease him about it, but then again, when was Raph so sweet to anyone who wasn‘t a non-mutated animal? Better enjoy it than end it early.
Mikey fell when she landed on him before bursting out into laughter as Donnie went and helped Maria off of Mikey as the youngest got up with a grin. "You wouldn't have gotten wet, unless you went down the edge." Donnie told her as they got out of the way so the others could come on down too.

Lucas's eyes were wide when he saw Maria just jump down. It made him more nervous and hoping she was alright, but hearing her laugh a bit calmed him down before he looked at Raph who went on the ladder. He shook a bit as he inched towards the opening before holding onto Raph, shaking, trusting him as he hid his face in the other's shoulder.

If Leo was close to teasing, Mikey would. Donnie looked up to see Raph climb down with Lucas. "Knight in shining armor." Mikey immediately commented, having little impulse control, but knew Raph couldn't do anything while he was on the ladder and holding Lucas. "Come on, This way." Mikey told Maria going on ahead, excited to have their friend group get bigger.
Maria Senryū

Maria chuckled and nudged Donnie a little.
"Should‘ve carried me down too, smart boy." she teased him for seemingly no reason whatsoever other than to get a reaction out of him.
"I’m just kidding…Sorta. Oh well! Next time, maybe…Wait for me, Mikey!“ the cheerleader called and hurried after the youngest brother. He was cheerful and full of energy, just like her. It was kind of like meeting her male turtle counterpart, which was maybe a bit far-fetched, but still enough to be the foundation of a promising friendship.

As Raph was climbing down the ladder, he could swear he could feel how a vein on his head was about to burst.
Oh, Mikey was gonna get beaten up during their next training session, the hotheaded ninja was gonna make sure of that.
"You okay, Lucas?“ he asked quietly, completely contradictory to the cursing towards his brother just a few moments earlier.
As soon as they were all the way down, Raph carefully lifted him up and placed him on the ground.
"See? You were pretty brave just now. Good job.“
With a smile, Raph patted Lucas on the head, showing his acceptance of him and that he was genuinely proud of him.
Donnie felt his face heat up when she said he should've carried her down. "I Uh, yeah sure." Donnie said stumbling over his words before seeing her run after Mikey making him facepalm at how stupid he sounded as the others got down into the sewer. "Be careful!" He called after them, heading on after them so they didn't slip down here.

Lucas couldn't help but hold onto him a bit more during the descent and from hearing him yell at Mikey. He kept his eyes shut and gave a small nod when he asked if he was alright, blushing a bit. When they were on solid ground he let go and blushed when Raph told him he was brave and did a good job. He didn't feel like he did anything but he couldn't stop the tip of his ears turning pink when Raph patted his head.

"Y-You helped. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." He told the other averting his eyes shyly before seeing April and muttered that he didn't want to be left behind and headed after April, flustered.
As the friend group entered the lair along with their new additions, it didn‘t take too long for Splinter to sense the presence of strangers in his home. He swiftly moved to the entrance, only to be met with two new faces of seemingly perfectly normal teenagers, accompanied by his sons and April.

"Leonardo, would you mind telling me who these people are?“ he asked calmly, eyeing the shy boy first and sensing no malice coming from him. As his eyes drifted to the new girl, his neutral expression turned into something unreadable for a split second. It seemed like he could tell something that the others couldn‘t, but he wouldn‘t say it immediately…He had to observe first.

"Yes, Sensei. These are two new friends we made when we came to help April fight off some Kraang agents.“ he explained.
"This is Luca, and that one is Maria. They‘re valuable allies as they have proven to have useful strengths in fights and perhaps even missions to come.“

Raph rolled an eye and wrapped an arm around Lucas.
"I‘m not letting you endanger him just because numbers may be useful in missions. Leave him out of this.“ he hissed at Leo, to which Leo expectantly looked at Splinter.

He pondered, his fingers trailing along his beard before he came to a conclusion.
"Yes. And no. They should decide for themselves if they want to participate in missions. They are not only dangerous, but they need to be taken seriously. As a ninja, you have responsibilities and cannot be a burden in a fight. Either way, children, you are welcome here. We shall discuss this later, you surely have a lot of things to take in for now.“
Lucas couldn't help but tense a bit when Splinter came into view. He felt nervous, hiding a bit in his sweater as he heard Leo making him freeze a bit. Him on missions!? What missions, he couldn't fight, he already got hurt enough than it is daily pretty much. It wasn't until Raph wrapped an arm around him that he calmed down a bit, feeling a bit better when Raph said he wouldn't let him get involved.

He looked up at Splinter hearing his response. Glad he didn't have to do anything and felt relieved when he was allowed to be here, letting him have a look around the place. He saw Mikey eagerly showing Maria the games and his comic books and looked around more as they had a whole home down here.

"Yo Casey Jones is in the house." Casey said skating to the entrance before pausing seeing Maria and Lucas in the lair. "Uh..."

Lucas honestly shouldn't be surprised Casey knew the turtles either, but now he knew where Casey went to when he was skipping classes now.
April O‘Neil

"Took you long enough, Jones.“ April said and crossed her arms.

"I‘m just gonna pretend I‘m not surprised you didn‘t answer my messages. You could‘ve told me you‘re not coming to school! I was gonna pick you up, but you weren‘t there and the Kraang came for me and now Lucas and Maria are involved-" she ranted, frustrated, before plopping down on the couch and groaning.

"Just another Monday, huh? Ugh, I‘m never gonna pass Math like this…“

The redhead was visibly having trouble dealing with the fact that she was inevitably dragging all of her friends into this mess, even though that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Lucas, are you okay? I know this is a lot to take in…“ April said and sighed, looking at her shy friend.

"But believe me, they‘re all good people, my closest friends along with you guys.

Maria Senryū

Maria was going along with Mikey‘s enthusiasm, but she couldn‘t shake off the way Splinter had looked at her earlier. Was he aware of who she was? There was no way, right? No way that he…

She froze as she felt that she was still wearing her pendant, a scroll with Japanese written on it. Her clan‘s sigil.

Ripping off the necklace, she put it in her bag and sighed. Now she had no doubts about it, Splinter must‘ve seen that and recognized it. She already knew him, how could she not be aware of who Hamato Yoshi was after all the intel she gathered? It wasn‘t a coincidence that no turtles could shock her; she knew.
Caesy gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, my phone was off, oops." He said but headed over. "It'll be alright Red, we don't have to keep hiding from them now." Casey grinned and looked over at Lucas when April asked if he was alright.

Lucas looked over at April hearing her and he sat on the couch. "Honestly, missing school is my biggest worry about everything." He told her softly. "I can tell they're nice." He said and smiled a bit as he messed with his sleeves a bit.

Mikey heard and went over to Casey after hearing Lucas. Already telling Casey about Raph and Lucas making Casey snicker. Though it was hard to see Raph being openly soft around everyone, guess he had to be there.

Donnie looked over at Maria feeling something was up and he approached her. "Are you alright?" He asked her as he could tell something shook her up a bit.
"Mikey, do you want me to rip off your shell right now and then turn it into a skateboard?“

And there it was again, Raph‘s hotheaded side. He could take some teasing now and then, but having his little brother embarrass him in front of his crush? Oh, he didn‘t like that one bit.

"Because I‘m this close to find some use for your shell without it being on your back!“ he yelled and put Mikey in a teasing chokehold from behind.

"Go on, apologize, you shellbrain!"

Leo was struggling to get his furious brother off Mikey, pretty much to no avail. He did get that Raph wanted to look cool in front of Lucas. It was beyond obvious that Raph had a thing for him already.

Maria Senryū

Maria smiled softly and brushed a loose hair strand behind her ear.

"Me? Never felt better…“ she hummed and leaned against his shoulder.

"I‘ve just been wondering, how can a turtle look so adorable?“

With a playful giggle, the girl reached out to touch Donnie‘s face.

"You have a tooth gap…That‘s cute.“
Mikey shrieked when Raph pulled him into a headlock. "Gah! Uncle uncle!" Mikey exclaimed as Raph kept him in a headlock even when Leo was trying to get him off. "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed so he could be let go and taking a breath when he was.

Lucas couldn't help but watch the brothers tussle. "Is this normal?" He asked April and Casey when Casey plopped on the couch next to him.

"Oh, yeah, happens a lot." Casey told him with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, do you guys still have ice cream down here?" He asked more on purpose to get a reaction from Lucas, and it worked.

"Ice cream? Do you have chocolate?" He asked his eyes basically sparkling at the thought of ice cream as Casey just grinned.

Donnie's face turned red as he froze a bit when she leaned against him. "A-Adorable!?" His voice cracked a bit when she said he was adorable before his face heated up even more when she touched his face. He felt like his face was steaming when she called his gap tooth. Sure he had a crush on April before, that went away from well lack of feelings in return, so this blew his mind being flirted with by Maria.
Raph was smirking in satisfaction after he made Mikey apologize, holding onto his belt with a confident stance. Making his little brother beg for forgiveness never got old to him.
"Hm? Chocolate ice cream? Yeah, we should have some of that if Mikey wasn‘t already faster with that than y‘all.“ he said, murmuring the last part under his breath as he got himself some of his magazines.
"Oh, and the fridge might look scary with all the stuff Mikey tried to make last night. He was watching cooking tutorials and tried baking with nothing but eggs. Don‘t ask me…“

Maria Senryū
Maria giggled. She always enjoyed getting a reaction out of people whenever she wanted to, but…somehow, this got a little close to her heart.
"Yeah, adorable.“
It was more like she was talking to herself at this point. What was she doing? Why did her chest feel like it was about to burst open any second? She couldn‘t betray her clan. Not like this, ever.
"I admire how you fight. Would you consider sparring with me? I, er…learnt my fair share of martial arts when I was younger.“

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