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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

Oops, didn't get notifications. Can Maja not reach out and grab Kuaidao as he's falling, or interpose herself between the closing metal grate and the wall to prevent it from shutting? If not, and if cutting the steel with a Daiklave doesn't work, I can always toss the Shadow Walking Belt down to Kuaidao and he can just go out between the bars.
Did you want to try and make that roll, or should we just continue on? I want to give you the chance if you want to use it.
Not a problem. Just didn't want to rush past it and not give you the opportunity to make your post.
Guys, I'm sorry but I don't think I'm going to continue this RP. I'm falling too far behind for my tastes and my offer on buying a house was accepted so my pace isn't going to get any better. If you guys want Thallus to continue ya'll are welcomed to make him an NPC.

This was my first time playing Exalted and it's a fun system. I think I would benefit greatly from an In person game so people can explain more of this game.

Sherwood Sherwood D. Rex D. Rex jaydude jaydude Psychie Psychie Random Word Random Word
Syvvaris Syvvaris

Well, if things ever change for you and some time is freed up, you will be welcome to return to the fold. Thank you for the courtesy of letting us all know what was going on.
I would not be against that. Just give me a good flashback to a past Exaltation and you can say that all the Old Realm you are hearing has jogged your memories of your past life.
I might just do the same.

Also, I really hope that this...
Spider looks at the face that is speaking and sighs. "Anyone know what gibberish it is saying? I don't understand it at all."
...doesn't count as our question.
I was going to have Kuaidao facepalm, but then I realised that he doesn't understand Old Realm either.
Well, I won't be a evil storyteller and have that count as your one question. Now that Spider speaks Old Realm, what do you do?
Apologies for the constant edits. I'm just trying to explain the solution in a way that's clear to everyone, least of all Psychie Psychie .
Well, you are going to get zapped, unless you can pull out a Charm to defend with.
That can work, or Kuaidao can see how much his soak can take.
Could I use Monkey Leap Technique to jump up out of the way? If not, assuming it won't be fatal, I don't mind taking the hit.

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