[Tremors] What it says on the tin

I still have a bit of work on my backstory, but that will be tomorrow's (er later today's) thing to do. ^^
Brekkir said:
Ho damn. With my hellish week I don't know how I'll cobble something up for friday:eek: ...
My goal is really just have to everyone well on their way by Friday so I can spend some time this weekend figuring out how to pull everyone into the game plot. If you had to finish up stuff over the weekend I'd not cry overmuch. I do want to start play next week though.
You mentioned in a PM that the game isn't going to act on a CRM time scale, so I was wondering if you thought we were going to get enough time to do things like train Essence?
Likely just going to waive training times. There might be specific instances where I'd say someone needed to find a teacher or some equivalent (ex. advancing circles of sorcery), but in general it'll be pretty open on that end.
Great, thanks!

I believe I have finished my character, and that it is ready for review. Everything should be good to go.
I'm mostly just tinkering with my build now. I should have some cool plot up to make integration in to the plot easier by tomorrow. Plus the contacts should be semi-fleshed out by then.
Can I get in touch with any other people playing an Infernal? I was hoping to try and get a feel for folks and see if we couldn't coordinate backstories and whatnot.
Could I get a bit more detail on the Tremors so I can properly include them in the backstory? I just know they're going to screw Silver Voice over somehow! :D
They started 2 weeks prior to the game start. Faint at first, and not as widespread. People at large have really only been connecting the dots that this is a creation wide event in the last week. Now when the shaking happens it affects hundreds of miles at a time and is causing structural damage in more fragile/rigid construction.
And Chiaroscuro is made almost entirely of glass. Haha, Silver will probably have to put all his plans on hold in order to help deal with the fallout. Poor guy!
JayTee said:
And Chiaroscuro is made almost entirely of glass. Haha, Silver will probably have to put all his plans on hold in order to help deal with the fallout. Poor guy!
Starting maybe thirty years before the fallout, is there any chance Silver could tamp down gossip on Kunto in the government or the Guild? If so, I could use help writing this reference to Silver Voice. I don't think I have made a case for his characteristically subtle applications of Wise-Eyed Courtier.


Kunto's audience with the Tri-Khan's court had gone extraordinarily well. It took her a moment to catch on to why one of the advisors kept looking at her and saying how god-blooded could take up certain responsibilities, but she managed to spin a story out as soon as she caught on.
Yeah, that's probably the easiest application of Wise-Eyed Courtier that I can think of. The simplest way to go about doing it would be to just encourage a counter-belief. For example if rumor has it that she's an Exalt that's not a Dragon-Blooded, but there's no real proof, then all Silver would have to do is encourage a rumor that she's just a (insert creature type here). Then use WEC to make sure that his rumor has a social impact of +2 on the opposing rumor. So, for every one person saying she's a Solar, two people are saying she's not.

The key to remember is that beliefs are just opinions that have a social impact, and humans, to say nothing of the Exalts, are nothing if not opinionated.
Starting to get concerned that I wrote Pearl's history a touch too long...what I have there is just the part to her as a new Infernal.
I think it is fine, though I do tend to like large backstories, so I might not be the best judge. Something I did notice though was that it is written in two different fonts; this happened to me a ton when I was doing my character, you can copy paste something into your post but anything new you write will be in the forum's base font.

Also, making this character has helped me realize how amazingly fun Infernal charms are. Where else do you get a splat where going around drinking vials of poison is a good idea?
It's just the Excellency sink that rots my brain about them. I love Infernals otherwise.
I understand the hardship making a new infernal and looking at the opportunity cost of the excellency, but I love the excellencies in play. They really force the thematic. Oh, you want to tap into my awesome powers? Well, guess you have to do it my way then. Most of them are broad enough to be applicable in most every ability depending on how you do it. So, in that sense they are cheaper than other excellencies (if other people bought more than 2 or 3). It does have the effect of making them better generalists though, which I think is important for an exalt that is going to spend most of their time as a loner.
Oh, yes, they are great like that. Part of the appeal of going Devil-Tiger is developing a personal Excellency theme.

I'm pretty certain my Charms add up right, because after Essence I spent all my XP and BP on getting the extra Charms I wanted. But if someone more comfortable with the minutiae of Exalted tells me otherwise I'll fix it.

I just need to fill out my backstory more and spend Backgrounds (Mainly cult and maybe one cool artifact)
Yep...still makes me a little sad, what with kinda wanting two of the excellencies. ._. (Essx2) of my starting charms...yay... >.>
I'm pretty much done. If you want me to expand more on the Resplendent Destinies I can and will do so. ^^ Otherwise it is now reviewable.
I think I'm ready as well. Considering the malleable nature of Intimacies and the cosmetic nature of the Anima Banner, I left those out. However given his high Willpower, it can be assumed that he has an Intimacy towards things relevant to his Motivation. If you need specifics I can put them down, but it seemed reasonable to me to just play it by ear.

EDIT: Also, while I normally don't pay much attention to Charmshare, with this many different types of Exalts running around I would be remiss if I didn't at least TRY to to learn a few foreign Charms. Anyone willing to show an Eclipse a trick or two?
Mamen would probably be happy to, if it ever gets to the point where she feels she can reveal herself. That isn't likely though, not unless another Infernal has already spoiled the whole thing.

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