[Tremors] What it says on the tin

Just a sidenote: you don't need to use Witness to Darkness' "Leaking Eyesockets" effect if you don't want to, it only applies if you are trying to see out of that eye, and it is optional. Though the eyepatch is still a cool idea, so you might want to keep it!
If I'm overlapping too much with anyone, let me know. I tend to spread my dots out.

Kunto's a Twilight focusing on Craft (Fire, Magitech), supported by high Lore. Don't expect to go beyond three dots of Occult. She has charms in Medicine for healing wounds, but not illnesses. Favoring Performance and Socialize to gather workers. Fights at long range by sneaking around and taking pot shots. <_<;;
If you plan on crafting artifacts you'll need to up your occult rating, as you need (Artifact Rating + 2) dots in occult to craft one.

Our characters are similar in a lot of ways, but different in many significant ones. Mamen is focused on Craft (Air, Water, Wood) for example, as she loves to create works of art. She's also a social butterfly, but her methods are a bit... odder than most. She mostly fights by appearing to sit on the sideline, but by actually fighting heavily with invisible attacks that most people won't catch.
Not a problem at all! I like helping people get what they want :) . If you have any questions about how things work (because god knows Exalted is a complicated system), just let me know!
As a side note: I has a sad. I'd been trying to find more Loom-Snarling Deception images via Safebooru, and had just finished thinking how hard it was to find decents ones on there that weren't of Date Masamune...when I realized that that was who the guy in the image I'm using for Pearl is supposed to be. >.<

EDIT: I realized that I forgot to ask the question I'd meant to some time ago. Feantiri, how do you rule on Hateful Wretched Noise? Would you allow a character with it to do something akin to sealing their ears with wax or muffling them in order to dim their hearing to tolerable levels (i.e. forgoing the benefits of the charm to suppress the drawback for a time)?

I'd considered picking it up, but I was concerned it might be -too- severely limiting on Pearl's ability to interact with people (or even go in cities at all, for that matter).
I'm... missing something aren't I? Durn my utter lack of pop-culture knowledge.

I usually use deviantart when I go looking for pictures. If you can find some artists you like, they usually have links to other good artists in their favorites section. The search isn't too horrible either, as long as you put safe mode on.
Incendius said:
I'm... missing something aren't I? Durn my utter lack of pop-culture knowledge.
I usually use deviantart when I go looking for pictures. If you can find some artists you like, they usually have links to other good artists in their favorites section. The search isn't too horrible either, as long as you put safe mode on.
Not a universal pop culture thing. It's an anime thing. Well...to be precise, it's actually a Japanese history thing that filtered into anime.

Edit: And true, but I do like Safebooru's ability to actually search by features (i.e. I can do a search for characters with eyepatches, in this case).
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]EDIT: I realized that I forgot to ask the question I'd meant to some time ago. Feantiri, how do you rule on Hateful Wretched Noise? Would you allow a character with it to do something akin to sealing their ears with wax or muffling them in order to dim their hearing to tolerable levels (i.e. forgoing the benefits of the charm to suppress the drawback for a time)?

Yeah, but only to tolerable levels not gone completely.

So many infernals, so many coadjutors to play with. ^_^
That's what I meant. Trade it down to normal human hearing in exchange for not being compelled to immediately go on a murdering/silencing spree until the entire city is silent. Because otherwise, I just don't see how a character with that charm could work in an urban setting without causing immediate problems for everyone involved.
Oh, I was saying you could use the wax to take the penalty from shouting to whisper and whisper to no penalty. Rather than completely dulling your senses. Your answer to the way people have that charm in an urban setting is by paying willpower every scene. >.<
Ah. Well, that just leaves me torn between saying 'Good thing Adorjan's charms are a WP reactor," and "Here's to hoping you don't dislike my attempts to perform as many stunts as possible." Well, that or "Yay for Tragic Love Amusement."

That aside, I was just reminded that 2.5 did away with perfect equipment, so I've got to rethink Pearl's coat. And her whole approach to defending herself, for that matter.

EDIT: It also just occurred to me that between having bestial coadjutator traits and moonsilver tattoos, Pearl could pretty easily be mistaken for a Lunar.

Yet another EDIT: Anyone with Guild contacts or interaction in their backstory willing to chat about ways to work in a connection between Pearl (in one of her various false identities or even in her natural one) and their PC?
Fuck fuckkitty fuck... Still couldn't muster the inspiration and crunch for an Infernal... I may end up going for another splat (I love Green Sun Princes, but shit, I'm really stuck there...)

Also: regarding Urges... should we craft them in relation to the Tremors' phenomenon, or will they see use in game?
Just a thought for anyone with points in Craft (either Magitech Or Genesis): Laser Jelly Fish.

I'll let you take that where you will.
I suppose I could retool one of my contacts into a guild factor. Elias would be far more curious about other exalted than homicidal.
Going to be honest, I was actually thinking about such a thing earlier today.

Considering the lack of five match Exalts, any Circle/Coven/whathaveyou are going to be pretty unorthodox, considering how it'll likely include at least one Solar and one Infernal. That said, Circles are basically a more formalized way of saying "Character Party", and so long as the characters don't have mutually incompatible goals, I don't see a reason why they can't work together.
I'm a bit confused about how the game is going to go from character submissions to a character cast. Is Feantari picking a circle out from the applicants? Is she accepting everyone and making one giant party? Several smaller groups?
I believe it's the first one. But I dislike speaking for others, so don't quote me on that.
That was the feeling I got, but nothing was ever explicitly stated in regards to that (or so I've found). I'm not terribly fond of larger games myself, so it'd be nice to know for sure.
I'm personally hoping it's more of a large party sandbox thing. None of us are required to work together, so we don't actually have to have any real larhe parties.
I always thought of it as "You had this Circle of each caste set in the First Age," and that most Circles were no longer perfect due to them being split between the solaroid types.
My impression was that everybody was in a Perfect Circle at the start of the Primordial War, but over the course of the First Age such no longer became the norm. That is part of the reason the Hierophant's circle was so feared: they were five perfectly complementary Solars of whom three were Primordial War survivors and the fourth was nearly that old.
I guess I defined a Circle as a group of five (or three in the case of modern Lunars) Exalts with one of each type. I suppose it doesn't really matter what we define as a Circle, so long as each Exalt can agree to work together, we can call it a Square I care. :P

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