[Tremors] What it says on the tin

I suppose so. I just always loved the notion of having past lives tie into your character's present, particularly when it does things like tie you to characters on the other side of the Heaven/Hell/Underworld divide.
I would love to tie together my backstory with anyone that wants to do so. Even the Solars, though you would have to contest with not knowing my character is an Exalt.

I've made a lot of changes to my sheet again. Sorry, I'm just having a ton of fun thinking of ways to tweak this character's story to make her come out better :P .
If I remember correctly, our game starts 50+ years after the game's starting point. So it's pretty plausible for people who are already Exalted to know that not all Infernals and Abyssals are bad ( the Immaculate Order and the common people will likely still think otherwise, however). Silver Voice's position is such that he could cover for other Exalts should they need to vanish for a while. The trick is he'd probably expect you to return the favor* someday, as Favor-for-a-favor is how Eclipse's tend to work.

*favor as in something helpful to Silver, not your firstborn child or immortal soul.
Well, the only problem with that is that Feantari said that the Infernals are still tight under wraps. Considering how easy it is for an Infernal to impersonate another Exalt, we could have met under a different guise.
The easiest solution that I can think of is to have something pop up that seriously threatens both their motivations and requires them to get involved directly. Given that both of them have motivations regarding the well-being of society, a mad Abyssal summoning up demons to terrorize the populous would fit the bill perfectly. After they both track the Abyssal to her secret lair, they feel they can both deploy their full power without having to worry about their Anima's being seen. Then after noticing each other an a classic display of The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend, they mop up the demons and the Abyssal with little trouble.

There's probably a few holes in that suggestion, but the general idea is the same. Find something that threatens them both and throw it at them to force them to work together, if only temporarily.
It is a good thing we have a Creation wide threat/mystery to deal with then, isn't it? :P

e: I wasn't really talking about in game there, I meant about pre-game history. It shouldn't be very hard to integrate once we actually get going. I've edited Mamen's cult to be based in Chiaroscuro, so she has plenty reason to go there.
I was also hoping to work in Pearl's past with other characters. Given her rather anarchic views, sneakiness, and moonsilver tattoos (plus her penchant to develop sudden affection or love for someone at will, I thought it might be amusing if one or more of the PCs had mistaken her for their Lunar mate at some point in the past.)
Oooh, are we allowing Sidereal Martial arts? They're pretty cool looking. Possibly the most broken and overpowered thing about Exalted, but still cool.
It'd probably be safest to assume that non-Ink Monkey SMA are disallowed, as those in SotM are generally regarded as broken and unfixable in their current state. But that's up to Feantari in the end.
I know, but I saw that Mordred has the starting Charms of Obsidian Shards of Infinity Style, so I figured I would check.
Kunto would look at Pearl and think she looks like a sailor! Oh, what interesting stories. Hire! Wait, where's my money.

Ooh, your theme music is fitting stuff from Florence + The Machine.
Edited the backstory a bit, I tried to emphasize how audacious Silver's request was. Not sure if I did a good enough job, but there it is.
Cirno said:
Kunto would look at Pearl and think she looks like a sailor! Oh, what interesting stories. Hire! Wait, where's my money.
Ooh, your theme music is fitting stuff from Florence + The Machine.
Well, Kunto wouldn't be wrong. Interesting stories? Where? <.< >.>
So, shall we get this party started? I'm looking forward to Social-Fu-ing my way to victory!
I'm basically happy with Skahaz. I'll go add the rest of his intimacies and pick an artifact or two. Ready when you are, Feantari. Hope I didn't hold anything up.

Any other Infernals fancy establishing connections?
It amuses me greatly that none of the infernals have dots in Unwoven Coadjutor. (and yes, it is totally too late to change it)
It is a fairly useless background, all things considered. It gives you minor benefits to things an Infernal does really well anyway, and doesn't help you at all in places where they are lacking. Add on to that the fact that it isn't really compelling (Yay, a random first circle demon is talking to me. I have a retinue of hundreds of those. Why is this important again?), and you get a background that is seldom taken.

Just as as speculative thing, I personally wouldn't take the background unless it was based on this revision. Not necessarily the mechanics, but the ideas he presents there make it much more interesting.

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