[Tremors] What it says on the tin

If not for the fact that Bisclaravet are only possessed of semi-human intelligence, I would have. But no other demon really fit Pearl half so well. Honestly, that coadjutor is about a good quarter of the reason Pearl's a Fiend.
O.o k, well, can always custom it up or I can plug my ears and go lalala or something... regardless the demon will be considered part of Adorjan's purview for the purposes of functioning
Would it be possible to retroactively apply Irresistible Salesmen Spirit for the purpose of gathering rumors? Using it to buff "past" Presence rolls when talking to people?

EDIT: To clarify, when I make the Charisma/Socialize roll, can I apply Irresistible Salesmen Spirit to it to double my successes, under the rational that he'll have used it when gathering the information in the past?
Nopes, but you are welcome to use a charisma based find out what is going on roll as I said. Stunts and charms as you like.
Feantari said:
:confused: k, well, can always custom it up or I can plug my ears and go lalala or something... regardless the demon will be considered part of Adorjan's purview for the purposes of functioning
I edited Pearl's sheet to bring it in line with the idea that she had a Teodozjia Coadjutor instead. I also posted some ideas I'd had as to how to make the backstory potentially work better (and better represent the Yozis' natures). I haven't edited those ideas into the posted story yet, but if they meet your approval, Feantiri, I will.

Also, Grey, I'd be happy to try and work out connections with you or with any of the other Infernals. 100 years of mandatory meetings for the Thing Infernal means they'd at least have seen one another and be vaguely familiar, I'd imagine.
I apologize, I may have taken too many liberties with my initial post. I added in roll for those social attacks I made, and I'll go back and redo it if you wish to focus more on it.
Incendius said:
I apologize, I may have taken too many liberties with my initial post. I added in roll for those social attacks I made, and I'll go back and redo it if you wish to focus more on it.
nah 's cool they are extras. I just wanted a sense of hey you guys were living your lives and such before wham game in your face. (also make sure you guys have options, I mean, they can't force you to go to the meeting if you didn't want to for some reason)
Doods. Sorry for being the slowest to get everything going ever. I've carved out tonight after work for making sure notes-> posts gets done proper like. I tend to post from work usually so.. yeah.. but! notes will also be google doc-ed tomorrow night so that should get better.
It's all good, although I do have something I need clarified for Norts and Cirno.

For the purposes of who knows what:

Silver: Suspects/knows that Kunto may be Exalted, does not know about Elias.

Elias: Suspects that Silver/Kunto may be God-Blooded.

Kunto: Does not know that Silver/Elias are Exalted, and does not suspect either.

Is this information accurate?
JayTee said:
It's all good, although I do have something I need clarified for Norts and Cirno.
For the purposes of who knows what:

Silver: Suspects/knows that Kunto may be Exalted, does not know about Elias.

Elias: Suspects that Silver/Kunto may be God-Blooded.

Kunto: Does not know that Silver/Elias are Exalted, and does not suspect either.

Is this information accurate?
All bits about Kunto are right. I mentioned Silver Voice in Kunto's backstory. I hope that's okay.
Cirno said:
All bits about Kunto are right. I mentioned Silver Voice in Kunto's backstory. I hope that's okay.
That's perfectly fine, I'm just wondering which you would rather it be: Suspects or knows. If he knows that she's an Exalt, then it will be easier for the two to work together as he wont have to constantly hide his own nature from her for much longer (In theory). If he just suspects however, then it'll mean that he's making a bit of a gamble by helping her out. Not one that would be out of character for him by any means, but enough of one where he would be a bit more cautious around her.

Your call either way. Both provide entertaining options for play. I just have a firm dislike of (improper) metagaming and try to be as clear as possible about who knows what even if I mess up sometimes.
I also think both possibilities would be entertaining, but we can go with Silver Voice knowing. I mean, with his social and investigative talents, Kunto could only hold out for so long.
That about covers it. I figured Elias would've heard the rumors plenty of times by now. Having never had a reason to study Kunto, he has no idea.
Feantari, how do you rule social stunts? From my perspective I've interacted with Cassera's social "environment" by playing her mercenary nature to my advantage, thus earning me a two-die stunt. Is this accurate or do you have some other method you prefer?
I'll handle stunts on my end and let you know when I award them. :) That way no one gets confused on awards and such. As for what you posted I would call it one dot (but don't worry about rolling it it'll come in my next posty post, which for timing's sake will be after norts chimes in with any action he wants to take). Also I probably should have given stunts for about a billion things already... >.<
Oh, I don't mind who handles stunts, I'm just wondering what qualifies for which stunt level in social combat due to it's more nebulous nature. I don't need exact figures, but a rough guideline would be very welcome!
Pretty much the same rules as for other stunts. What you are doing by trying to focus on her mercenary nature is hoping you hit an intimacy (or motivation).
Use props! If she's got weapons, reach out and touch them to draw attention to them and your words. :P

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