[Tremors] What it says on the tin

I'm pretty much done with Pearl's backstory now, minus some hang-ups I've had with the formatting (Though I'd mention that the backstory has changed significantly from what I first posted). I should have her sheet posted in the thread shortly.
I've reordered a bunch of my stuff, including some parts of my backstory and my history. I'll probably keep playing with the sheet till we start the review process again, just because I find it so hard to stop :P .
Um, pardon me, but I think spoilers ate your posts. xD

Seriously though guys. People are supposed to read your backstory, yes? Unless you have something that is actually spoilery or is a giant list, then I see no need for spoilers everywhere (nested even :o ). I personally like to use the spoiler tags to keep things more work friendly, but that is not requisite.

If you want to divide your backstory into sections use the many other tools at your disposal. :)
I edited out my spoilers. I had them in because of the large amount of media I used for it all, so if you want them back in, I'll redo it.
I had a question, Lochar: would you be willing to have Pearl be the one (or ones, yay Loom-Snarling Deception) that stole Gae Bolg from your character a couple of times?
Incendius said:
I edited out my spoilers. I had them in because of the large amount of media I used for it all, so if you want them back in, I'll redo it.
Media is fine to spoiler imo, I was mostly talking to thief with a general note to everyone since I've seen a bunch of spoiler tags. :-P
Feantari said:
Intimacies are important, and just because something is cosmetic doesn't mean you shouldn't have it...
Fair enough, I'll add it all in!

Incendius said:
Mamen would probably be happy to, if it ever gets to the point where she feels she can reveal herself. That isn't likely though, not unless another Infernal has already spoiled the whole thing.
I'm sure it's nothing that liberal amounts of social engineering or face punching shouldn't be able to solve :D

Feantari said:
Seriously though guys. People are supposed to read your backstory, yes? Unless you have something that is actually spoilery or is a giant list, then I see no need for spoilers everywhere (nested even :o ). I personally like to use the spoiler tags to keep things more work friendly, but that is not requisite.
I use spoilers as a way to more easily navigate my character sheet. Backstories are important, I agree. But it's the mechanical stats that are used most frequently, so it's easier to have them out in the open where they can referenced more efficiently.
JayTee said:
I use spoilers as a way to more easily navigate my character sheet. Backstories are important, I agree. But it's the mechanical stats that are used most frequently, so it's easier to have them out in the open where they can referenced more efficiently.
There's nothing stopping you from putting the backstory after the crunch. :-P *shrug* I'm not aiming to be a spoiler nazi. I'm quite a fan of spoilers for a number of things. :)
I removed the spoiler surrounding my backstory and the length went fa-whoom. But it's nice seeing it not italicized.
Incendius said:
That might just be the point >.>
Just making sure we're all on the same page. Wouldn't be the first time a Bishie was mistaken for a chick!
De'spoilerized all but one spot but it was just the concept block not terribly important. Also... reorganized things to be a bit more organized.
JayTee said:
Just making sure we're all on the same page. Wouldn't be the first time a Bishie was mistaken for a chick!
Incendius is correct in assuming it was done knowingly and intentionally. Pearl's got a bit of deliberate Androgyny going on. (Pretend that the coat simply hides her boobs very well.)

Edit: Also, I've fixed the spoilers and done most of her sheet. (Minus a custom artifact question)
I think at this point Elias is ready for inspection. I don't really think I did his backstory very well, as it's very jumpy and somewhat random, but it serves for now. Done mechanically. I'm risking the non-use of armor simply because I've never done it before.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Incendius is correct in assuming it was done knowingly and intentionally. Pearl's got a bit of deliberate Androgyny going on. (Pretend that the coat simply hides her boobs very well.)

Ah, right then. Should be fun :P

Added Intimacies and Anima banner. Restructured the sheet as per Feantari's clever suggestion. Any additional Intimacies that you feel would be useful for Silver to have would be appreciated, as I have come to realize I am not very good at them.
Can't say that I am. Elias' Lore and Occult are more aimed at providing the needed well rounded knowledge for a Sherlock Holmes type detective. That, and Medicine.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Are any of you particularly good at artifact design?

Kunto has two dots in Magitech. She's more interested in developing artifacts that don't require attunement though (for normal humans to use).

She's also got dots Charms in Medicine, but I could shift those out since I see at least two other people already do.

Edit: Oh OOCly? <_<;; I'm total newbie.
Ah. Well, I was thinking of getting Pearl an artifact eyepatch to cover the whole "leaking primordial essence from her empty eye-socket" thing, but given that it involved a Gethin and eye of Orabilis, I wondered if seeing through it and hiding that leakage wasn't aiming a bit low.
Cirno said:
Edit: Oh OOCly? <_<;; I'm total newbie.
OOC = Out Of Character, so OOCly is Out Of Character...ly. Yeah I don't get the term either, but it's there. Anyway what Thief wants to know is if we're any good at making custom artifacts for the game. I myself have next to zero experience with this games crafting system, but I can offer feedback on ideas you might have if nothing else.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Ah. Well, I was thinking of getting Pearl an artifact eyepatch to cover the whole "leaking primordial essence from her empty eye-socket" thing, but given that it involved a Gethin and eye of Orabilis, I wondered if seeing through it and hiding that leakage wasn't aiming a bit low.

Definitely.. how many dots are you aiming to put into it?

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