[Tremors] What it says on the tin

Incendius said:
Okay. Don't bother writing the charm up then, like I said I hate working with a vague system.
... so, cool idea is not worth trying for just because there are no numbers?
The problem is that I have no idea what I get out of it at all. I dont need a super extensive framework, I just need something to work with. If we could work out some sort of system, so that I can understand what I'm getting into, then I would be happy to do it.
Incendius said:
The problem is that I have no idea what I get out of it at all. I dont need a super extensive framework, I just need something to work with. If we could work out some sort of system, so that I can understand what I'm getting into, then I would be happy to do it.
Ok, I think this can happen. :)
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being 'lol, wat combat' and 10 being 'better have a flurry breaker or have no motes due to expensive perfects', where does this game sit in me really needing the ability to pull off a 15 Parry DV in combat?
Lochar said:
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being 'lol, wat combat' and 10 being 'better have a flurry breaker or have no motes due to expensive perfects', where does this game sit in me really needing the ability to pull off a 15 Parry DV in combat?

Because what? Make something fun to play for you and I'll make challenges for your character. I never do it the other way around. Rough ideas, plots and happenings, sure, but.. yeah. Also having specialty x3 your favorite weapon makes sad panda. Sure it is probably true, but then you don't get more interesting ones.. alas.
There's a point to it, and I can actually change it to be specifically Gae Bolg. If the spear vanishes, Erinos will not bother picking up another weapon. He'll spend the time to track it down, avoiding all other combat. It's a gd ancestral weapon, something he's trained with for nigh on a century, and nothing else feels right in his hands.

In fact, I'll probably move the Wits specialty into something different, because it's more fun to have Investigation (Find Gae Bolg) for when you eventually make someone steal it. :P


In fact, changed it to just that. Melee specialty is now specifically Gae Bolg, and the fourth free Specialty is tracking down Gae Bolg. I'll make sure the backstory lines up with having it stolen a couple of times. :P
@Lochar: Hee. Having lost something so many times that tracking it is a specialty is hilarious.

Okay! Character sheet done. Custom stuff needing approval is in orange. I'll post up a portrait and get the combat stats up tonight.
Feantari said:
Any worn or carried destinies need a least a mention in your backstory, but I like the idea of a list with a blurb for each. Lets say you can have up to Essence of them at char gen just to keep it reasonable. You can roll for creating them or we can try to work out a nominal point value.
Fair point, I will see what I can do. It's likely not too important to my core concept or even mechanics. ^^ Silly Astrology not being so useful.

Hmm, two questions: What would be the minimal point costs to make a destiny? (I've 4 Colleges 3 at 3 and one at 2)... Otherwise... *gasp* how do I roll in this forum? Either that or I suppose invisible castle can work I guess. nod nod
Feantari said:
Negative, specialties are for fun (also it's 4 free specialty points). Don't think of them as hey I want to just have more dice to roll on my awesome thing. Everyone knows you have your awesome thing. Specialties help you define the unique things about your character. :)
Fair enough, I'll see what I can manage with them. If all else fails I can just go without them.

Myllinnia said:
*gasp* how do I roll in this forum? Either that or I suppose invisible castle can work I guess. nod nod
At the bottom of your post, you'll see a button that says "Throw a die", click that, enter why you're rolling the dice at the top, and how many sides the dice has at the bottom (10, for Exalted).

EDIT: See? Three successes for showing off! :P
brb to answer your questions... but I noticed something quick when looking over sheets that I meant to change/mention :x

EVERYONE! Ye shall share BP costs with Solars! (except in specific circumstances where you have your own thingys (siddies with colleges) or you get discounts (lunars with favored attributes). So you siddie there, you have some BP back from that essence buy. :)
Oooh that is what that is for. (I may attempt rolling the destinies, cause... I've never really done it before.) And yay 3 bp for me to play with. ^^
Okay... I'm now certain of it... the Astrology thing is way too many rollings. xD Well try as I might, I only got Rising Smoke and Peacock to survive the prayer rolls' difficulty, I think... xD

Edit: I now know how I'm going to write this into the backstory. xD
Keen on a DB. Love playing the Underdog. Any aspects already claimed before I start planning? I'm actually thinking a Water aspect with a land ship, Pirate of the Desert trade routes Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Oh, outcaste gen rules would be great

or an Ex dynast, I think that might be even better. Up and coming Naval officer goes rogue in the opposite of his element.
No one has jumped on any of the DB aspects. For ex-Realm, just reduce your background pool to 14. You still had the training, but you don't have the realm at your back supplying all the goodies.
Still working on backstory and picture. Mostly done with mechanical bits, besides making combat block.
So I just realized that I don't need an artifact in order to enjoy the benefits of a Hearthstone. I'm putting that extra dot in to Contacts, do you prefer custom contacts or should I just pick a few canon NPCs and call it a day?
JayTee said:
So I just realized that I don't need an artifact in order to enjoy the benefits of a Hearthstone. I'm putting that extra dot in to Contacts, do you prefer custom contacts or should I just pick a few canon NPCs and call it a day?
You do need the artifact to get any motes or powers from the hearthstone. You're just allowed to be attuned to a manse and carry around the stone itself, with no extra powers, if all you have is the manse background.
Incendius said:
You do need the artifact to get any motes or powers from the hearthstone. You're just allowed to be attuned to a manse and carry around the stone itself, with no extra powers, if all you have is the manse background.
Oh, rats. Well, never mind then. I suppose my question about the other two contacts remains then. Which is easier for our kindly GM to play? Custom NPCs or canon?
@Feantari: Kunto's ready for review, honoured ST! Notebooks under Research Log are just to give an idea of the sort of things she might pursue. Really depends on what comes up in the story.

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