[Tremors] What it says on the tin

I've added four Loom Snarling Deception personae so people can get a better idea of how my character operates. I also posted some rough stats, that I will be playing around with, and that will be altered to fit however the genesis/mutation system is ruled on.
I've never liked the idea of Specialties, even in non-Exalted games. Would it be possible to exchange the five specialty points for a smaller number of Bonus or Experience points?
For those of you talking about using Jon Chung's Solar Hero style, you've been linking a version that is a bit outdated. His latest update is here, if you want to take a gander. There are a few charms that need to be updated to fit with 2.5, but its still mostly solid. I'm using it in a different game, and here are the changes I am doing, if you want to look at them
Thanks for pointing that out. I replaced the link i put in my character thread with that one. I agree with all of your 2.5 edits as well. Works nicely, and isn't ungodly powerful anymore either.
Hey Feantari, I'm looking to use both the colored jade specific plus the standard jade properties on my dire lance. Will you allow that for a one dot bump in artifact level?
Myllinnia said:
Is there a specific way you want us Sidereals to do our Resplendent Destinies? (Altievia herself may have one or two but not active I suppose.)
Any worn or carried destinies need a least a mention in your backstory, but I like the idea of a list with a blurb for each. Lets say you can have up to Essence of them at char gen just to keep it reasonable. You can roll for creating them or we can try to work out a nominal point value.

JayTee said:
I've never liked the idea of Specialties, even in non-Exalted games. Would it be possible to exchange the five specialty points for a smaller number of Bonus or Experience points?
Negative, specialties are for fun (also it's 4 free specialty points). Don't think of them as hey I want to just have more dice to roll on my awesome thing. Everyone knows you have your awesome thing. Specialties help you define the unique things about your character. :)

Lochar said:
Hey Feantari, I'm looking to use both the colored jade specific plus the standard jade properties on my dire lance. Will you allow that for a one dot bump in artifact level?
Yes, but it sounds kinda boring. Maybe we can think up something with the bits you want that has a little more flair. I'll give it some thinks.
Trying to wrap up my thoughts on all the request stuffs that are up today. I had company this weekend so didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Hope to have an answer on that one for you over lunch.
Feantari said:
Yes, but it sounds kinda boring. Maybe we can think up something with the bits you want that has a little more flair. I'll give it some thinks.
Upon drawing blood against an opponent, Gae Bolg burns. Fire ignites in the wielder's hands, and quick as flickering flame does the Exalt strike. For each opponent that Gae Bolg draws blood against that still lives, the speed of this weapon drops by 1, minimum 3.
Surely if you're using Gae Bolg you'd go with the classic effect? Splits into innumerable barbs until the vascular system of the enemy is filled with sharp points? Strength roll to remove it and-

You know, that's really more of an Abyssal variant. Like a free Illustrative Overkill Technique.
Yeah, sorry, living in Ireland and with a bunch of roleplayers means I'm prone to pointing out when things deviate from their mythology.
Lochar said:
Upon drawing blood against an opponent, Gae Bolg burns. Fire ignites in the wielder's hands, and quick as flickering flame does the Exalt strike. For each opponent that Gae Bolg draws blood against that still lives, the speed of this weapon drops by 1, minimum 3.
Nice! How about we do like this for stat block: Dmg +8L/11L/2 (as per red jade)

Upon drawing blood against an opponent, Gae Bolg burns. Fire ignites in the wielder's hands, and quick as flickering flame does the Exalt strike. For each opponent that Gae Bolg draws blood against that still lives, the speed of this weapon drops by 1, minimum 3. The flames along the weapon add two damage dice, but do not harm the wielder (and the wielder's possessions). The flames are true fire producing light, heat, and starting fire to flamable things as one would expect.

Norts said:
Do we have a ruling on chung's solar hero revision? Just like to know.
Oy, I feel like I need to write everything in one place to keep track of all this. :-P WIP
Sounds good to me. Need to finish off my sheet, missing three charms and am debating modifying a fourth just because I need it. :P
Oh! I totally failed to spot the name. *just wiki'ed* I kept imagining the Spear of Longinus in Evangelion. Looks like I need to read more myths.
Lochar said:
Sounds good to me. Need to finish off my sheet, missing three charms and am debating modifying a fourth just because I need it. :P
I've shifted my charm purchases around so many times that my edit log must be several pages long :P .
Oh, gods, I just remembered I need to doublecheck my charms. Stupid Infernal Excellency repurchase rule.
Feantari said:
Hehe, not to worry. Like I said, just let me know when you think your character is polished and ready for final review.
I think my crunch is done. Backstory still needs a lot of filling in. Nigh a hundred years of Exalted lifespan requires some talking points. :P
Ok, so.. reviewed revlid's genesis stuff. I am not going to use the system. I like where it is trying to go, but not the way it is trying to get there. Feel free to look at mutations for ideas and things, but I think I'm going to just work details out manually (or if I'm crazy try to cobble something together).

Great Mother's Wame - I will write a version of the charm which will have a higher activation cost and be mechanically very similar to the way Tool-Transcending Constructs works (repurchase gets you better genesis workshop)

the other three are not likely to happen in any form

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