[Tremors] What it says on the tin

Lochar said:
Had to try. :P

You realize with 18 BP and starting Essence of 3, without flaws we can't hit Essence 6? Was that purposeful?
Yeah, I just put it on there so you know the answer to the question should it come up in teh game.
JayTee said:
Got it, thanks! I should have my character up by tomorrow, if not earlier. Just need to write up 100+ years worth is history. :D
Think Kunto and Silver Voice might know about each other? Kunto might not know Silver is Exalted, but Kunto doesn't exactly hide heing Exalted herself. The government vaguely covers for her, and she goes around fixing Harbor artillery and Old City services.
I just need to add stats and charms for Skahaz. We're cool on him having the perspicacity and sense to realise the Yozis are insane, right? It might just be my gaming circle but we've always though any Infernal who lives 100 years or so is going to be faced with the unsettling reality of his masters.
I've added two rad theme songs, the pre-exaltation part of my backstory, and a new custom charm for approval (though I likely won't be taking it, or several of the others, at character creation, so its not urgent). I have a set of stats worked out, which I will adjust and post when the genesis system is ruled on.
Grey said:
I just need to add stats and charms for Skahaz. We're cool on him having the perspicacity and sense to realise the Yozis are insane, right? It might just be my gaming circle but we've always though any Infernal who lives 100 years or so is going to be faced with the unsettling reality of his masters.
Oh definitely, unless you happen to be on the particularly crazy side (which granted several infernals are...) then I figure you pick up on that in first few days...
Cirno said:
Think Kunto and Silver Voice might know about each other? Kunto might not know Silver is Exalted, but Kunto doesn't exactly hide heing Exalted herself. The government vaguely covers for her, and she goes around fixing Harbor artillery and Old City services.
Sure, I don't have any problem with that, do you have any specifics in mind or just want them to be partners when its convenient?
JayTee said:
Sure, I don't have any problem with that, do you have any specifics in mind or just want them to be partners when its convenient?
I don't have specifics in mind. They could be partners when convenient. If Silver Voice's office is in the Old City, they could have passed by each other.

I imagine the government found Kunto useful for maintaining their arsenal and keeping the Realm off their backs (but not so much the political arena). She has a dislike of the Guild and wouldn't mind eroding their footing in the city, so that could be good or bad for Silver Voice's plans.
Cirno said:
I don't have specifics in mind. They could be partners when convenient. If Silver Voice's office is in the Old City, they could have passed by each other.
I imagine the government found Kunto useful for maintaining their arsenal and keeping the Realm off their backs (but not so much the political arena). She has a dislike of the Guild and wouldn't mind eroding their footing in the city, so that could be good or bad for Silver Voice's plans.
As the only world-wide network of trade and commerce, The Guild is actually going to be very important in Silver's plans. Reducing it's influence can't happen. That said, someone with Silver's Social-Fu could reshape it's policies in how it operates in Chiaroscuro to be more within Kunto's liking.
JayTee said:
As the only world-wide network of trade and commerce, The Guild is actually going to be very important in Silver's plans. Reducing it's influence can't happen. That said, someone with Silver's Social-Fu could reshape it's policies in how it operates in Chiaroscuro to be more within Kunto's liking.
Kunto's privately interested in taking over the Guild network for the profit and empowerment of Harborhead. One application of this power would be to change slavery to be more like indentured service. So I'm not sure how opposed/aligned that is with Silver Voice's goals. (Kunto's motivation isn't set, so I can change it to something less clashy.)
Cirno said:
Kunto's privately interested in taking over the Guild network for the profit and empowerment of Harborhead. One application of this power would be to change slavery to be more like indentured service. So I'm not sure how opposed/aligned that is with Silver Voice's goals. (Kunto's motivation isn't set, so I can change it to something less clashy.)
That is perfectly in line with Silver's goals, you can expect his assistance with your project should you need it! :D
Lochar said:
Hey Feantari, would you be willing to approve a merit, Legendary Strength?
I'll do merits and flaws individually so just pop a request at the end of your character definition posts and I'll look things over so I have your character for context.
Soo I'm looking to play a full-on reality warping Defiler (or at least an Infernal with the Whispering Flame as a Favored Yozi), probably intent on furthering the Reclamation until he goes Devil-Tiger (at which point his attitude will depend on how the big bosses react to Supernal Exalts...). Other part-time or full Loyalist Infernals in the group?
I'm dropping the idea of the merit. I can just Increasing Strength Exercise when I need to. :P
Is there a specific way you want us Sidereals to do our Resplendent Destinies? (Altievia herself may have one or two but not active I suppose.)
If everyone's using Solar XP costs, is there a reason DBs are getting 10 more Ability points than Solars, plus Essence 4, plus more backgrounds, plus more Charms?
But that's not true, and players will realize it. Even with half their Charms, half their Essence, and none of their resources, that Solar is going to be capable of doing things that are freaking amazing. Astounding. He's going to be able to rock out in ways that would either require tremendous effort on their part, or would be flat out impossible for him. It doesn't matter that he's hundreds of experience points behind them, because the Dragon-Blooded players have a glass ceiling while the Solar has a rocket ship to Jupiter.
Likely the reason.
Probably. That's just a lot of extra advantages. I boggled for a moment.


Honest question though. No free specialties?
The second part of my story is up in my first post. Would you believe that it took me longer to write than the first part?

I would appreciate any comments. It is the first time I've written something like that.
I've got most of my character sheet ready. I still need to work out my backstory, should be ready by tomorrow.
Incendius said:
The second part of my story is up in my first post. Would you believe that it took me longer to write than the first part?
I would appreciate any comments. It is the first time I've written something like that.
Seems to read nicely with the second theme song playing.

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