
(@yullen: That'd be cool! :D Ceros doesn't get online much anymore anyways...and I don't think Anonymous's character Brady likes her more after trying to kill and plant-rape her... if you want to that'd be cool, but either way is fine.)
(And I'm trying to kill the moment by being special and bringing in 1950's pesticides, they work wonders on plants and by wonders I mean I think it's a warcrime in plant war [if that exists])
(I feel as if Harumi should be naked too, coz all the other girls are.)

"Pervert!" Harumi kicked Brady in the head. She was pleased that she could kick that heigh. Harumi didn't have any other ideas and she instantly knew that Brady was mad at her to so, she hid. It wasn't like Harumi to run from a fight but this was just to come up with what she would do next.
"No I am nothing like Aiden he is foolish ,he doesn't kill right away he has to do stupid tests." Brady rose his hand and a flower appeared by her face "Love Pheremones." It poofed out a red dust into her face "Your lucky though, he is still in there fighting for you. There fore I release you but get out of my sight." (Well now would be a good time to find Nichole in my opinion) " But you..." He turned toward Harumi and quickly rose his hand causing bamboo rods to stab from the front and back piercing threw her hands and her feet pierced together. "Bamboo Crusafix!" He stared at her in contemplation "You will be the center on my new garden."
Aiden finally broke up the shed and sighed, he dropped the cans when his psyche messed him up again, from thinking like a smart person he started to think he was a god again, and he loved the rush. It was a foolish idea, yes, but being foolish does not mean being stupid, in fact it was a small ploy, but for now he would have to think like a normal human. He picked up the canisters and read the label, shrugged it off and sat on the closest bench and much to his display, the one overgrown with vines and bamboos. He sighed and grabbed a small knife he found in his shed, and by picking it up he was pretty sure he cut himself a little, stupid knife. He cut the small vines so he wouldn't sit on a vine bench and decided to watch the whole fiasco, waiting was fun to do.
(That a great Idea with the plant pesticide if it weren't for the fact that pesticide takes awhile to work and they grow at an enhanced rate.)
Lolliypops said:
(I feel as if Harumi should be naked too, coz all the other girls are.)
"Pervert!" Harumi kicked Brady in the head. She was pleased that she could kick that heigh. Harumi didn't have any other ideas and she instantly knew that Brady was mad at her to so, she hid. It wasn't like Harumi to run from a fight but this was just to come up with what she would do next.
(Seriously? xD I don't think it'd be a pleasant feeling, but lol)
"I'm flattered that I could be the centre of your garden." Harumi smiled sarcastically. "If you would let me move I'd be happy to strip for you." She coninued with the same sarcastic tone. "Plant-boy." She muttered and smirked at him, she had an idea now.
Aiden lolled around with his hair before he 'accidently' knocked over the tank of pesticide all over the roots, it seemed pretty stupid but he just kept sitting there, not setting off more pesticide, he seemed to just seem bored, waiting for the pesticide to oddly slow down and deform the vines, as he knew killing the plant would be a worthless waste of time, Aiden locked eyes with Harumi and thought out, 'It's time to begin Harumi, don't fail me now will you?' he asked before laying his feet up and waiting.

Slowly the vampire rose up, turning into a swarm of bats, much larger, he flew in swarms before turning back into himself, suddenly he turned into a... hellhound? His polymorphed body as he dived for the bats, with only one eye eating them.

"You... you think you're a vampire? Hide in the dirt hole you were born in," the voice was floating and bold as the hound grew two more faces, each eating at the bats.
"I'd be happy to wrap you in bramble." He smiled sarcastically at her "Besides I don't really like your hair style." He rose his hand in the air when he felt disturbance in the plants. He clenched his fist causing the wilting plants to go back in the ground. Brady turned back at Harumi and spread out his arms "Welcome to the Garden."
Brady watched as the old man tussled with the African American looking girl. He thought for a moment about if what they say about garlic and wooden stakes was true. He turned back to the girl "However if you really want to I'm sure you can call your little boyfriend over to save you because I'm sure he cares so much." He rose a hand quickly up and said "Bramble Hell" as bramble thorned vines grew around and weaved in and out what little of the building was left.
(Is she still nude)

Brady walked close up to her "Why what's wrong with the little man?" He circled around her looking down at her. "To it doesn't seem like he cares very much." He chuckled a little.
Aiden thought for a minute, maybe the 1970s reforms just weren't good enough, he grabbed an older tank and kicked it off, it was maybe three reforms older, or about six years or so, he waited to become noticed so he could begin, it would be a lovely industrialized factory when he was done with the world, he finally commented on the whole 'Bramble Hell' thing.

"Hey try-hard, giving a power some special name doesn't make you cool, being a almighty god of winds who needs only wave his knee for the winds to carry him, is pretty cool," he added, "Oh and Nikola, make her feel the wrath of a true vampire, will you? Adding to that didn't they bomb your homeland, your home from all those thousands of years ago, painstakingly kept together only to be bombed ruthlessly?" and at his words the hound started to grow smaller, into the mans right arm, it grew a ton of eyes and his deranged face could be seen, in his wake more small eyes emanated from the floor, now it's teeth grew.

" idiocy, your ancestor's idiocy, the madness you've wrought on this earth and that of your ancestors, is now to be punished, so hurry up! Hurry up 'real vampire'! Polymorph! Regenerate faster, revive! Hurry... hurry, hurry! HURRY! HURRY! COME AND KILL ME IF YOU CAN... or can you not..." in his monolauge ended with the arm lunging towards Nichole's right leg, attempting to swallow it whole in it's mouth.


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