
"Let's have some fun girl." He was still smiling at her his leg still up in the air making almost a perfect 180 degree angle. He brought his leg down aimed right at her crouch and falling into the splits.
Brady moved into into a belly up bridge position with his head closer to her and he flipped on his hands slamming his shins into her shoulders with his toes pointed down. He grabbed her head with his legs flipping her over his shoulders into the ground.
"Okay then you silly girl." Brady walked toward her and lifted up his leg ready for a drop axe kick strait for her gut. Then on that leg he flipped over her using his other leg when it came back to hit her in the side.
Aiden looked down at his bamboo rods up his body and attempted to punch them off, failing with a small laugh.

"A mortal does not follow his word, that of course is to say that not all gods follow their words, perhaps the wind is a liar, one who tricks and deceives, or perhaps I felt lazy, sometimes families will die off on themselves hmm? Anyways it wouldn't be fun if I just got out, now I'll have fun um, being stabbed, this is quite uncomfortable by the way, but it's fine, just next time disinfect the bamboo will you? It makes ugly scars and getting rid of them can be quite a pain, but other than that it's fine, I'll stick out here until I'm needed, so just a reminder," for this whole monolauge he'd been speaking relatively quietly, before calling out, "Hey you idiots! Just a small reminder! Don't 'save' me will you? I've got stuff to do, like waiting!"
" as this is..." He kept being interupted with each hit to the ground "Thorn" thorns grew all over his body including where her hand was. "These thorns have been genetically combined to realsease the same toxin as Aconitum otherwise known as wolfbane. This isn't just any wolfbane either effects start immidiatly starting with nausea, the feeling of being burned all over your body,then a loss of motor control. Sadly the death effect doesn't mix well with this type of thorn."
(You have two characters and can't do anything how about almost hitting Meiko...not for any previously planned idea I made or anything.)
"Brady stop! This is retarded!" Meiko shouted out at him and clenched her fists. "They don't have anything to do with this! I'm still not even sure why you're so upset! What's your problem!?" She took a few steps forward.
"Oh are you new contestant considering the old one is...unable to continue." He happily clapped his hands and all of the thorns went back into his body "Press start to play."
"I agree with Meiko! You're nothing but a big bully!" Harumi agreed. As Nichole threw up she felt a bit sick too. Why are you even doing this? She thought to Brady, she didn't think he would tell her but it was worth a try.
'Which one do you want? Because if you want the other guy he's probably to busy to even bother answering.(sigh) Tell Meiko I'm sorry her flower died.' The outside Brady looked at Harumi "Oh did you want to play go ahead and press start." He laughed.
Meiko, plant-boy is sorry your flower died She said to Meiko, "I'll press start if you tell me what the game is." She smiled.
The one you had in your hair. Do you want to try to get Brady back to normal? She looked over to Meiko, she considered her an ally but not a friend.
'Oh...that flower....oh course I want to get him back to normal! How am I supposed to do that?! And what does that dead flower have to do with this?'
(Do you want to wait till Anonymous comes back?)

It has nothing, he just wanted to say sorry. Proof there is still normal Brady.
"Hmm I know what we shall play." He grew an exact replica of the flower Meiko once had over his heart. "You steal this flower you win you but if you die you lose." Brady's inner self started speaking 'I can't do anything right I'm just a sad waste of time."
"You'll be an even more sad waste of time if you let*him* take over you!" Harumi tried grabbing the flower from his hand. I'll die if I don't get this flower, whats the point though? She repeated in her head.

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