
(No, no I understood what you ment. I just thought it was funny)

(I'm not sure what to do...should I have meiko fly riko over to them...or should I just wait?)

Meiko didn't really know what to do. "C'mon, lets go find your girlfriend." She awkwardly wrapped her arms around him from the back and under his arms. She flew off to where she last saw Nichole.
"'re ALOT lighter than I expected! Have you eaten recently?" Meiko commented as she sat Riko down on the ground, they were just a ways away, just so that they weren't directly inside the fight but weren't like a mile away.

Riko watched Nichole race forward at the vampireguy. She looked like she wanted to beat everyone down to nthing but a worthless pile of crap.
(Lol! xD I'm psychic!)

"Nichole?" Riko whispered softly, he would have called out loudly but he hurt everywhere so he couodnt talk very well. She probably couldn't have even heard him because Meiko didn't even pick it up.
"...a-are you... *cough cough*...are you okay?" Riko struggled to whisper. He put a hand on his forehead. 'Damn Kiro...why didn't you stay instead? You were perfectly fine and I'm basically a sick baby. Weak and needed to be looked after all the time.' he thought and groaned.
Meiko's eyes widened. "You too?! You almost got raped too?! What is wrong with guys....?!"

"....s-sorry.." Riko stuttered softly and shifted his eyes down.
"I don't fucking care!" Riko shouted out, his voice cracking painfully. He continued and rubbed his neck, "Getting raped is a huge deal! Even if it's almost!!! *cough cough..cough* ow.....I just can't believe that I've just lying around all pathetically when you almost....*cough*...."

Meiko patted his shoulder snd tried to calm him down. "Whoa there....take it easy. You should be talking so much or loud."
Nichole ran over to riko. "it's alright..."smiling weakly. "here.."putting a vile to his lips."its nectar from the lilies of life it'll heal you..."
"I don't want that crap...." Riko grumbled but drank the nectar anyways.

Meiko sighed then looked at Nichole. "Does he usually act like this?" She mouthed to her.
Meiko shrugged sadly and sighed again. "Oh."

Riko wiped off his mouth when he finished, looking back down at the dead ground. His long bangs fell infront of his eyes.
"Oh please stop paying attention to him." He obviously was barely effected by the kick to the groin and rose his hands causing bamboo sprouts to grow through his body but avoiding the major organs on purpose. "And you I thought you were a god what kind of god doesn't carry through his word? It makes you look weak because I believe you told Nichole that if she didn't kill her family or Riko she would die. Obviously she is still here." He ran up towards Nicole dropping into a spin kick until a connection then brought it up into an axe kick.

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