
"I bet you would wonderful as a Crusafix as well." He turned her around and picked her up by her shoulders. He looked like he was examining her "... and if not I'm sure someone else has an interest in your body."
"Hey waste of time I'm not looking towards being cool I'm looking towards having fun." He had a big smile on his face and turned around "In a world with no people being cool means nothing." He laughed at the vampire thing to "Him I like he looks like he's actually having much fun." He laughed happily
Lulu, disguised as a nearby fox, Copied Nichole's appearance. She came from behind a tree, and held her arm out to her side. A purple ball that looked like it was glowing appeared in her hand, and it formed into a bow. She nocked an invisible arrow, and a see-through purple arrow appeared. She spoke in Nichole's voice "Our test subject can't be wasted like this! It would be a shame if something were to happen to you, Brady. I'd suggest everyone just follow me back to the facility!" She smiled sarcastically.

(ASFDS im sorry orz I dont even know where we are)
Brady looked at Nichole slightly confused at the sudden dress And he looked over the vampire. Then the plants didnt feel right and he just thought to himself "Hmm well guess I can't just hybrid a pesticide proof plant can I...oh wait." He pushed his hand down turning the plants by the pesticides to ash then pulled up causing bamboo rods to sprout up the entire area with sharpened head "Dont worry these are molecularly enhanced just for you."
Brady smirked when the arrow got stuck in his body and he looked up at her "I knew one of you would eventually kill me." He coughed "red" blood "apparently just needed a little push." He fell to his knees still smiling.
Brady looked at her still in the eyes and he stood up. "Did you really think any amount of arrows is going to kill him?" He pulled the arrow out and green blood started filling the hole healing the wound. He started switching his bones with bamboo rods inside his body and got into I fighting stance. "Now I'll fight you and no plants." He flipped forward with an outstretched leg landing his heel on her shoulder standing on one leg.
Aiden still hadn't risen from his chair, he waved his hand around and clapped a little, "I'm flattered sweetheart, got anything else for me?" he asked before finally standing up to the bamboo garden, before grabbing a small pistol and shooting the pesticide, letting the noxious gas fill the air, before he kicked down a weaker bamboo and made it to the center, in front of Harumi, his voice seemed a lot more uncaring than ever.

"Hello love, it seems that you're suffering from a slight case of crucification, too bad that only symbolizes Roman rebels," he commented as he jumped up the vines.
"Not a thing little ball of fricken sunshine." He laughed at himself and looked at Nichole "Woah man you might suffocate someone with that to bad it won't be the plants." He laughed again until he went up to Harumi "Unless your taking her please just take her away." He laughed again.
Meiko quickly unzipped the bag and pulled on some clothes. "Damn Brady! Why is he suddenly such an asshole?!" She grumbled under her breath. She just wanted to get out of this place...or at least see Ciel. "I'm so mad that's he's even getting me cursing like Riko! Fuck him!"
"B-But...." Meiko didn't want to just leave Nichole and Harumi behind, but she knew it wouldn't help if she stayed. It might make it worse infact. She spread open her large feathery white wings, flying up into the sky. She wiped away some tears. "Ciel...where are ypu when I need you?" She looked around at her surrondings. There wasn't really anywhere to go. She spotted a motionless body lying next to a calm red lake. Floating down cautiously, she realized it was someone familiar. "Riko! Hey Riko! Why are you just laying around here?"

Riko slowly turned his tired head to look up at her. "Tired...almost died just a bit ago....where's Nichole?"

"Fighting some pervert," Meiko replies and grumbled something else.

"Oh....." Riko sighed deeply then groaned. He wanted to help her, but even if he had his strength back, he wasn't strong enpugh to have any affect on the fight.

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