
'Its a little late for me to do anything anyways(sigh) oh he's gonna punch at your right breast.' Outside Brady swung his fist right where he had said trying to keep her away from the flower.
Harumi put her hand out and said "stop!" The punch hit her hand, it didn't hurt much. "Don't you know it's rude to hit a girl?" She smirked and kicked him in the stomach pushing him away. 'Thanks and sorry.' She kept her eyes on Brady to see what he did next. Harumi though of what game this could be, maybe Mario or something. Mario (Harumi) trying to defeat Bowser (Brady) to get back Princess Peach (the flower.)
"Fine we will continue this way." He crossed his arms and his body turned green and roses sprouted all over him. Then the forest became entangled in roses and their thorns. He ran inside the forest "And the real game begins.
Harumi sighed, following him would be asking for death but there was no other way to get the flower. She sighed again sitting down. Then Harumi realized she still had one shot left in her gun. If she could hit him anywhere it might give her enough time to grab the flower. She climbed a tree careful to avoid the thorns, she made it to a poin high enough to see mostly everything. Harumi looked until she found Brady and pulled out her gun. When he finally stopped she shot him in the hand. The flower fell to the ground and Harumi raced for it.
(@anonymous: I'm curious. Why is the flower given to Meiko and the flower Harumi is trying retrieve now so important? Does it symbolize something?)
When Brady was hit in the hand he went slightly berserk for a moment. He lifted his hand crushing it into a fist "Thorn!" Inside he shouted 'Watch out for the...' But he was too late the flower had thorns exploding outward from everywhere and walked toward Harumi 'Harumi before anything happens tell Meiko that I'd once given her my heart by right now I need her to crush it'
With all the energy being thrown about the bamboos weren't nearly as hard, he kicked his way out and grabbed a small vine, sending pain rushing through it, more specifically, the pain of fire would be nice against a plant boy. He walked into the forest maze, barely missing a shot from the thorn, he started to think, 'I didn't know we were playing Touhou, jerks.'
The thorns pierced her skin, that didn't stop her and now that Brady was 'on fire' she quickly took the flower. "So much for our little game. That was fun though, maybe we can play again another time." She held the flower triumphantly making her hand bleed because of the thorns. 'Meiko~! Brady wants you to crush his heart.' She passed on the message. She walked towards what was most likely the way out of the forest leaving a trail of blood from her wounds. "Hi Aiden." Harumi smiled and waved at him with her good hand, she decided to walk with him into the forest.
He was yelling but laughing at the same time "No this game is not over...I'm not done playing!" He flailed his arm as vines wrapped around Harumi and Aiden. "I still have pieces on my board." He was down on the ground in pain and punched the ground and the vines grew thorns that were at least three inches long. He coughed "I hope you want the same stuff as bat girl got!" He was shaking and the vines concentrated on Aiden and turned upside down."don't let it go to your head..." He laughed kind of quietly.
"I got the damn flower what more do you want?!" She gripped the flower tighter making the petals tear a bit. She picked out one of the thorns in her skin and threw in at Brady. "I'd rather take an arrow to the knee than take this s***!" She struggled with the vines.
Aiden seemed to be tangled up again, and this time put his hands on the vines at his chest.

"Look, I've noticed I don't need to reason with you, so I'll be nice about it," and by nice Aiden had in mind a nice supper of a little jibe he wanted to pull, 'Love, how would a plant feel about a cow eating it?' he thought before sending that exact feeling, and then added a lull of more pesticide pain, this time to get him tormented, he could stand a while on his head, but he wanted him to beg for mercy.
He yelled from the burning sensation he received and ran stumbling toward Aiden. He thrusted his arm making a bamboo rod grow from his hand and into his throat. He ment to get him right in the trachea but he missed a little to the right. He was still shaking "if this is a mind trick what happens if your mind deteriorates?"
Aiden already had an answer for that one, "Then I'll send quadruple the pain in spasms, so don't even bother," and it was evident, his pain spasms where more odd, crazy, no control, he was using this to his advantage, but not for long, his mind was going numb, and he was relying on felt pain, he injected the same bamboo shot's pain back at him, but a lot wierder, seeming to come and go.

"I'll make your mind kill yourself!" while it was possible it would take so much energy he would be out cold, he added a pain of getting all his blood up his head for an extended time, attempting to out pain himself, he was seeing speckles of black all over now.
"Could you stop it?! You could both go to death row for attempted rape and murder y'know! And this is only making it worse!" She could also feel the pain that Brady and Aiden were feeling since it wasn't physical it had to be a mental pain. On top of that Nichole was also feeling pain and everyones thoughts as well, it wasn't the best thing that could happen. If everyone was dead she wouldn't hear anymore thoughts. 'Meiko! Hurry up and destroy Brady's heart! Or I'll destroy your head!' She though to Meiko.
Aiden decided for once he needed to ignore Harumi, putting one hand on her back and kept his other on Brady's, "There's no point in continuing this fight plant-boy, if you were to kill me the influx of my mind spazzing would kill you and destroy your Garden, if I killed you your Garden would die and I'd be out cold or die. But if you won't listen I'll pull out your sissy side again!" this time he feinted the pain, sending in just random pain in surges, his mind was spinning, and in reality, it hurt him too, it was nesceescary for his mind, he kept the surge going until he pushed this Brady out.

"I... always thought... anti-heroes were too...cliche," and at that it went in one last blast of pure pain until he went limp and a snore could be heard.
The blood from Brady's hand wound suddenly freezes. The very edges of his body start to freeze, and it starts to freeze almost Brady's whole body. The ice moves, surrounding brady. Suddenly, it shatters, sending broken ice flying through the forest. Some ice starts gathering, gaining mass, until it forms into an ice clone of Ciel. The ice starts melting, and Ciel is revealed underneath the ice.

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