
"I'm not okay with her coming with us even if she is trying to help us." He said as he pointed a finger at her "You can communicate through thought whats going to stop you from telling him where we are lover girl?"
"You mean you honestly put your trust in someone who could betray you any moment she wanted to?" He said with a fade in his voice to disdain "I think she already knows too much...I don't trust her." He rose an arm and it started turning green. The plants that grew where the building was started flourishing even greater.
Meiko slouched a bit in her standing position. She had let go of Brady's hand. "Well she's not like Aiden. Plus she's a test subject just like us so she understands." She stood, standing up for Harumi. She never really talked to her much before but she neber suspected her to be that bad of a person. An eep of a small shriek came from Meiko when she jumped from the noise of the plants increasing numberously.
(Oh nope thought of a nice twist)

"You know I never did like girls who talked back." He spoke strongly and the flower he had given her started to wilt.His hand clenched suddenly and vines wrapped around her ankles. "I don't know how you talked me out of this before but I hate you for it. As long as there are other people on this ill never have my true Garden of Eden."
"B-Brady?! What the heck are you doing?!" Meiko cried out and tried to free her legs. She opened up her wings, trying to fly out of them. After that didn't work, she angrily sliced the vines apart with her wings; Though that plan worked for a second, it quickly failed when the vines instantly regrew. "What's with the sudden hate?" She noticed the flower in her hair was now dying.
"You believe that girl is a good person that she wouldn't cause betrayal but I will not be satisfied until someone has died for her sins." The vines started going up her body wrapping every inch in vine and a tree grew behind her in the shape of a cross. He commanded her to be carried to it and her arms body and legs were wrapped to the cross in a crussificial position. Only her head could be seen now.
After looking at her and thinking for a moment he spoke "No I will allow you to choose Humility,pain or suffering." The vines brought her down to his eye level. "If you don't choose I'm more than glad to show you."
Even though Meiko was afraid, she glared right at Brady. "I didn't do anything. There's no reason to do this to somene for standing up for their friend." She growled then continued, "I knew I should have stayed and waited for Ciel instead of agreeing to come with you!" The flower fell out of her hair, now completely dead and nothing was decade flower petals.
"Too slow and wrong answer, you were a beautiful girl so how about humility." He brought her and the vines down so they were holding her against the ground but now just around the wrist ankles neck and wrapped around her wings. He walked up to her and kneeled down untieing her shoe "Jesus was stripped and whipped for our sins...don't worry I won't whip you." He took her shoes and socks off first.
"At this point, I don't really care what you do. I'm not even sure what exactly you're planning to do." Meiko was shivering, her wings kept twitching too. "...I do have a question though. Why the hell would you kiss me, then freaking threaten to kill me?! That's just wrong!" She continued to try to free herself. The struggling was pointless.
"Oh be silent girl I want to have some fun without the nagging." He went to her top and tore it off of her almost exposing her. He the lifted her enough to reach her bra strap an unhook it discarding it away. He ran his fingers down her sternum and her stomach until he was just above the button of her pants. He slowly unbuttoned them then unzipped them pulling them apart from the zipper exposing her. He then stripped her completely nude and rose her up into a standing position.
Meiko's face flushed bright red. "What the hell! Are you trying to be Aiden?!" She shouted and struggled greatly now. "Give me back my clothes!! I will not be naked! Oh and I will not be silent!!!!! I can shout all I want, it probably won't do any good but I don't care!!!" She whined and screamed out. "Ciel!!! Ciel!!! Where the fuck are you?! I thought you said that you'd always be there to protect me!!" Her eyes were a little teary now. "Fuck you Brady!! Fuck!!! You!!! I can't believe I trusted YOU!"
Aiden started to skip back knowing his death was probably coming soon, as he psychotically skipped right into the plant rape scene thing Aiden stopped for a bit, mouth open, slowly he started to smile, the probably had been broken and his death would be sooner, but so would his fulfillment of ideals, Aiden stayed far away and looked through his pockets, running out of things to screw around with. He gave up and walked away, but before he looked at the scene with a perverse smile, "I'd love to stick around buddies but I need to get some groceries, see you in a bit," as he sheepishly walked away into a small shed.

The Serbian vampire looked at Nichole with a puzzled stare, "You mean you deserve clothes? Oh right on the subject don't try to seduce me, I cut my ****ing balls off, on purpose, because I felt like it," he commented before moving to a tent, and then he sort of half slept, with one eye open at all times through the day.
(@yullen: This strange moment in the rp...both of our girl characters are tied up against their will...and completely naked.......totally normal)
(@yullen: I know..I'm not really sure what to do. DX Oh btw, how does Nichole plan to escape? I can't have Riko come and save her. He's still lying down from almost dying.)
(@yullen: That's not a bad idea, but should we wait for Anonymous, so the escape isn't perfectly simple? Oh and I agree, clothes is another great idea)

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