
(Why am I becoming the Dungeon Master? Anyways there's the awesome Scythe on the west wing along with the Pulsars if you saw the pics for those, if you didn't just google Scythe Planetside 2 and Galaxy Planet Side 2,)

The vampire began to open the cuts that had formed on Nichole's arms with his claws, "Next time don't try to break out of metal chains, you're an idiot," he grumbled and stood against a tree, letting the time pasts by idly.
(@komeko: This is kinda off-topic, but I'm just curious, how old is Aiden exactly? Is he their age, older? That'd be weird if he was younger.)

(@anonymous: I'm not really sure either. Was he planning to fly off in a helicopter or something?)
(Well it was either destroy the helicopters and things so they couldnt follow, take a helicopter and fly to Hawaii to replenish it or get stopped by Aiden)
(,@anonymous: If we did decide that they'd get caught before they got away, we'd have to wait for Komeko to log back on; Unless they were stopped by some of the guards or soldiers instead. It'd probably be more entertaining if they didn't get away so easily.)
(@lolliy: Hi Lolliy! :D It's kinda weird and crazy right now. Aiden brought Nichole and some other old vampire up ontop of a mountain and chained her up there...after being creepy and threatening to rape her....., Riko/Kiro became one person again after he almost died again, Meiko and Brady are tying to escape, and I'm not sure what Ciel is doing.)

(@anonymous: I'm not sure when komeko will return, but if you'd like to wait I'm cool with that. I was thinking that maybe they could be attacked by the guards/soldiers or something and maybe as they're about to escape, Aiden shows up and stops them. Idk.)
(Or do you want to like be intervened by some troops trying to get to the helicopter fly away but see some people atop the mountain so we decide to stop and check it out?)
(@anonymous: Any way is fine with me too. I don't really care which one we do. Let's just do your idea, because I had no idea where I was going with mine.)
"Okay then do you think you can lead the way to them?" he asked still with urgency in his voice but not trying to make her anxious. He was still smiling from just kissing her because he was actually quite proud of himself.
(@yullen: I'm sure he'll be back later...)

(@anonymous: Does Brady know that she used to like someone else?)

Meiko nodded, she knew exactly where the helicopters were kept. She grabbed his hand she began leading the way, not wanting to lose him. "I know that we should just be focusing on escaping right now but...where would we go anyways? I don't think we really have to hide some where that's like really far away. I don't expect Aiden to send a huge swarm after us. He still hasn't even used us for anything yet...just tests. I don't think he'll come after."
Harumi had been wanting to try this for a long time, if Riko and Riko could communicate using thoughts why couldn't she? She foucused and tried to help Meiko and Brady escape, "Why don't you try going to China or somewhere?" She thought, she hoped maybe Meiko would react by using her mind. China has a big population making it harder to find them, and she thought China was a pretty awesome place.
(Lets say no)

He followed obediently behind her "Well where would you suggest we go?" he questions as they continued to move forward toward the helicopters. He could think of any reason not to get as far away as possible.
'China? Wait...where'd I hear that voice?' Meiko thought. "H-How about China? I've always wanted to visit China." She suggested, taking the suggestion of the voice she heard in her head.
"It worked!" She exclaimed, she tried it one more time just to make sure though, 'tell me where you are. I'll come with you.' She thought, getting used to this new ability.
'This is so weird...the voice sounds alot like Harumi...oh. We're on our way to the helicopters. Do you know where that is?' Meiko asked her through her thoughts.
'Yes it is Harumi. I'm on my way.' She answered, she ran to meet up with Meiko and Brady. She smiled at Meiko and said 'hi' she waved at Brady thinking that maybe she shouldn't go with them, she sighed thinking about it. If she stayed she would be with Aiden, if she went she would be with Meiko. "Let's go already!" She complained decided to go with them.
The vampire, being quite annoyed at the flailing decided to go one for the classy abuse trick and back handed her, with a raw firm voice emanating,"Stop," it was simple and it was clear, this time he pulled out a scythe and put it to her neck, a cold smile forming on his face.

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