
Aiden frowned, disappointing at the lack of kneeling, "You're not kneeling, and I told you to kneel, a god has told his puny subject to kneel," his voice was getting stronger and stronger, "Now what will the the god do to the puny subject who couldn't even kneel hmm?" he gruffly picked up Nichole to eye level, now he would yell, 'I'll pick you up, and drop you, and YOU WILL KNEEL!"
Aiden held her up in front of Riko, "Let this be an example, puny subject," he used his pain power from before to shock Nichole awake, "KNEEL! KNEEL FOR ME!" he yelled at Nichole and kept her in his thight grip from the collar. The firm grip would've demanded that they wouldn't be able to talk and he was using it randomly for fun, he shocked Nichole awake again, and shook her limp body around like a toy wand.
Aiden laughed a little and this time made Nichole feel drowning in her own blood this time not screaming but whispered softly into her ear, "Want this to stop, kneel," he ordered, this time throwing Nichole on the floor, stepping on her back.
Aiden grabbed Nichole up and slowly dragged her through the forest, constantly shocking her and making her feel blades cutting through, until they found a forest clearing, she slowly put Nichole down as cold rain came down and a mountain could be seen in the distance.

"You didn't kneel girl, I'll let you go, we can have a great time just you and me, how about... hmm... what should I do to a disobedient person such as you, maybe I'll violate you, that'll be fun enough to calm me down, so here's the deal, I'll violate you and you get to live another day, that's more than fair," he suggested shocking Nichole again.
Aiden, in his own pleasure stepped on Nicole's back again, getting really close to a odd position if you get my saying.

"I wanted this to be peaceful, but I guess we can't, I'll just have the time of my life with you..." Aiden drawled totally making sure Nichole's limbs wouldn't get her out, with a expression of lust glittered on his face he got on top of Nichole.

"One more chance, you kneel or I rape you," he said bluntly.
Aiden ignored her screaming and with his boot, pushed down Nichole's back and kicked it up when it went too low, "You're bowing down now, it isn't kneeling though so..." and so Aiden got on top of Nichole again this time dead set on his purpose from the beginning, "You brought this on yourself," he grumbled before locking down her limbs and let her settle in to the reality of the situation.
(Don't say I didn't warn you- Oops sorry I sort of e- No I meant don't say I didn't warn you - Oh jeez shu- N-Ye-No.)

Aiden was a little ashamed, "You're like a little kid, you're old enough to actually take charge in a situtation, now stop struggling, I don't want to have to actually hurt you, it makes things messy," he said annoyed at the constant flailing. Aiden let a punch go through her face and waited for the last time to let her stop her flailing.
(Whoa! •_•…this is an awkward time to pop back in. As I was reading the posts, I was like, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa....Aiden....what the **** are you doing?!")
Aiden didn't laugh for once, and decided for a split second to have pity on her, "Last chance I swear, kneel right now in front of me or I'll start, no joke," he wasn't joking, he didn't let Nichole go until she agreed, and if she didn't well it was simple, she would have lost her virginity to put it in a simple light.
Aiden sighed and grabbed a tranquilizer, which he had packed in case, he injected the thing and waited for it to work, carrying her to the mountain, or Kumgangsan, and chained her to the mountain, letting her wake up. She had discarded her clothes, her tools, her everything.
nichole groaned waking up a while later. "huh? EEEEKKK!!!" trying to cover herself as she felt a chill. she looked around and shook her hair some catching a bobby pin in her teeth. //heh stupid i wont go down so easily!//

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