
(Oh, nevermind xD )

Meiko held her head, she was obviously still a bit loopey from the drugs and testing. "Kinda dizzy...and tired.." she mumbled quietly. She shivered once from the sudden temperature change.
"Well, it's good that you aren't hurting anywhere... Sorry for not showing up sooner." Ciel said to Meiko, and began to walk her towards the door. A chunk of ice busted the door off its hinges, and Ciel saw that Aiden had already disappeared.

Lulu Leaned against a wall a few halls away. She saw Aiden turn the corner and asked "So, how'd the testing go?"
Nichole and yubel ran off to another area. yubel looked around then glowed and grew. she said"Nichole are you sure you want to find the crescent of know what can happen if you fail the test?" (View attachment 14037<this is yubel now.) Nichole nodded and said"i must..."
Meiko took a quick glance up at Ciel's face before turning her sight back down to the floor onfront of her. As she wobbled beside him, her dizzinesss slowly began to fade away. "Hey have you been this whole time? Why were you gone....?"" She asked with a soft voice.
(Hey Yubel looks cool as a human! :D )

(Why's Nichole going after some Creasent of Blood so suddenly? Is she gonna give it to her family?)
"Hmm... now that I think about it, I don't know. After I was dreaming for a long period, I just sort of ended up in a strange town. I talked to the locals, and then I found out that I wasn't even in the same world as the one we're in now. So then, I trained my ice powers a lot. I learned how to transport using my ice."
(Ahhh. Okay, goodnight ceros.)

"Strange town?" Meiko repeated and put a finger to her lips as she tried to imagine it in her head. She was mostly just glad that Ciel was back. She had missed him dearly.


Kiro finally sat up and sighed. He sighed again when he saw that Nichole was gone. "...I wish I died just now..." he muttered and reates his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Hey, not don't talk about things like that. It's not amusing in any way." Riko told him and crossed his arms.

"I wasn't trying to sound funny...where'd Nichole go?" Kiro asked.

"I heard Yubel ssy something about a Creasent of Blood. Some vampire thing I think." Riko informed him then continued. "I don't know...she always runs ooff..."

"Yeah...I know...." kiro sajd with a depressed sigh.
Harumi heard something, it was something sad as if someone missed someone. She knew that the thoughts had come back to her. "Why?" She asked herself. The thoughts came back a few at a time, Aiden seemed to be having fun, Riko's missed Nichole. Nichole was scared. It was all very strange, the thoughts became more presice, she could hear the exact thoughts now. Harumi sighed.

(I didn't know how to jump back in...)
Aiden knew his plan failed, and yet, he had won, his ideal was secured, Though the sacrifice would be a little disgruntling, death wasn't so bad. Aiden noticed the girl leaning on the wall, though he never met her in the centre he was calm enough to pretend she was an old friend.

"Fine, well, I've gotten three death threats in a minute, so I was lucky, usually there's more, and a legion too," he commented sarcastically, waving his hand around a little.

"I'm going to foil more plans, if I'm going to die in a month or so might as well make it fun," this was said both in thought and in speech, though it would always be in thought anyways. He walked over towards a helicopter, and thanks to a lot of really weird putting stuff in people's ears, he figured out where Nichole was, glancing at it in a second he already knew where to go, and waited a few seconds for anyone to get on, two extra seats where on the back where he'd go and stop Nichole again, he didn't believe in the 'Crescent of Blood' it was a placebo to him, the sheer thought brought back said 'Vampirism' and that was enough for them.
nichole and yubel made it through the deadly traps and mazes. at last they came to their prize. yubel said"it must be you who takes them....." nichole nodded and walked ahead. the walls started to close in and she ran to it grabbing the crescent of blood and the blood of many. they glowed brightly and a form of the very first vampire showed."will you be willing to become a full fledged vampire and give up your humanity to claim these objects?" nichole's head held low as she thought.
(@storm:if she chooses to become a full vampire.......well.....lets just say she wont be able to be in sunlight and wont be biting riko to release anymore....)
(@yullen: So...basically, someone will die either that what you mean? That'd be a terrible and super-duper-tough question to decide.)
(@yullen: It's exciting and difficult, but sad for Nichole)

Riko helped Kiro stand back up onto his feet, of course after stumbling like eight times. He helped him walk as they slowly began searching foe Nichole. "Nichole!" They both shouted out, hoping to hear some sort of reply. "Nichole! Where are you you?!"
Nichole looked up and nodded. He said"follow me..."taking her to where she first awakened. "here..."handing her a robe. bats covered the sun and the watered turned blood red.
"Which way did she go anyway?" Kiro asked.

"I don't know. I was watching you." Riko replied.

Kiro groaned then said, "Well why didn't you follow her?!"

"Because I was watching you! I just don't told you that." Riko growled back in frustration. "No need to yell at me."

"Maybe if you followed her, we wouldn't have to wander all other place just to find her." Kiro continued to grumble towards him.

"Stop blaming me! I could have left you back at the building you know! Stop whining and me find our girlfriend!" Riko shouted.

Kiro looked up at the sky as a huge swarm of bats blocked out the light. "What the-"
Nichole stepped onto the water and dropped her robe. she was in a pure white dress. Yubel and the vamp (older an Dracula!) glowed starting the spell. the water surrounded Nichole and held her tight she screamed and Yubel said"JUST STAY CALM!"
(@yullen: Do Riko/Kiro stop her in time before she becomes full vampire?)

Riko's eyes widened. "Wait here!" He told Kiro and leaned him against a tree. He quickly ran off in the direction of the lake. Everything seemed so familiar, it was the camp...the camp that he had first met Nichole. "The lake! Maybe she's back at the lake!" He told himself and raced that way.

"You can't just leave me here!" Kiro growled, but Riko had already run off and he was too weak to go after him.
(@storm:they make like half way when she attacks this one guy) Nichole couldn't move and wings made from the blood watery substance came from her back. she couldn't talk it hurt it hurt so much!

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