
Aiden looked at the whole lot, dissatisfaction in his look, you could tell he looked more... dictatory like... he called out,"Give me Meiko, we're testing, now." His voice was much more powerful, with much more emotion, it was unclear how he did it, but to anyone who remembered, it was the Update he had had earlier, two thousand posts ago. He had learned everything he needed. He waited quite patiently for Meiko to come.

(Ready? It's Kabul)
Meiko opened up her wings and quicly flew over, hearing him call out her name. "I don't wanna do anymore tests...." she whined quietly under her breath. Though, she infact hadn't had a single test since they were back at the original lab...a little before that actually.

Kiro groaned again and rolled onto his side. He blinked his eyes open. Shifting his sight up at Nichole then Riko, he quickly looked away a second later. He closed his eyes again.
"Meiko, I wasn't asking you know," his voice was now more refined, with a new calming effect to it. In the end though you could tell he was serious. Grabbed Meiko on the shoulder and brought her in, taking her through a labyrinth of halls until finally they got in a room. A bed, a table, and a lot of medical equipment was on it.

"Get on the bed Meiko, someone will be doing the tests other than me now. So deal with it," he explained as he sat on a chair nearby.
Meiko stared down at the bed for a few moments. Glancing over at the medical equipment, it sent a cold shiver down her back. 'I don't want to know what that stuff is for....' she thought as she slowly climbed onto the bed. 'Why am I on a bed anyways?!' She was freaking out in her mind. She didn't know what to expect.
Aiden almost sighed in anger, holding back with only a micron to spare, "It's because he's got a ton of stuff to do," as Aiden drawled out his anger a duo of doctors came in to do some checking up, the hooked Meiko up to an IV and started listing down all the needed about her, in Aiden's mind they weren't working fast enough, but to anyone else, these guys were professionals who were working at a safe brisk pace. Aiden watched as they scribbled down the properties then they started to speak, their English had some flaws, but it was alright, "We're going to anesthesia now" they said putting a small needle into Meiko's arm, this would make her go to sleep for a while s that it wouldn't hurt. Aiden waited the five minutes for her to finally fall asleep.
Meiko slowly blinked her eyes closed as she drifted off into slumber. She relaxed and her heart beat went back tp normal now that she was asleep.
Riko gazed at Nichole's glowing orange eyes for a second, not really understanding what was going on. He turned his attention back to Kiro. He wondered what would have happened if Kiro didn't make it through that fall; Would he have died too? Because they're both the same person...just in two different forms. Maybe he was just thinking selfish thoughts, even though it was still, as already mentioned, himself too.
This procedure went on for two hours, where Aiden would constantly correct the two even though they worked with the best they knew. After it was done the anestisiac was done working and slowly Meiko would wake up in about fiteen minutes.

"Wake up, it's done," Aiden ordered, he already noticed Nichole's bat, but in the essence of being a great dictator who was used to people trying to shoot him, he totally ignored it.

Off in another world, who knows what it was, a boy, maybe twelve, was writing something, his eyes a dark olive green and his glasses thick, dark brown hair laced his head and all that could be heard was the sound of a keyboard typing. This boy was typing on a laptop, an ASUS actually, after he finished typing he moved his Razor Naga Epic mouse and opened up Steam, opting to play a nice, simple, game of shoot a bunch of people because you can, as he called it. He wasn't good at it, but yet he kept playing, it was odd, but in the end, he quit, deciding to play a strategy game, he choose to play Civ 5, and his civilization of choice being Mongolia, with one powerful city he raised a small army to take over his rival next to him, China, the army went in the lands, and with a Great General the battle was over in a few turns, with a little circle on the right saying 'China has lost it's capital, 23 more civilizations with their capitals' and on the map, a lot more red. He quit for the night, and went to sleep, slowly and eerily.

Meiko groaned when awoke, feeling tired and just out of it. She slowly sat up in the bed. 'I guess....I guess the test is over....thank goodness.' She thought as she climbed off and back onto the floor. The floor was cold but she was too droopey and dazed to notice. Her head hurt like hell, also her arms and legs felt pretty weak.
Suddenly, on the wall parallel to the long side of the bed, a mass of ice appeared. It shattered into many pieces, covering the floor in ice, and sending a chill through the air. There was a hole in the wall, through which, only darkness could be seen. Soon, a hand reached out of the hole, and grabbed one side of it. Another hand grabbed the other, and Ciel slowly pulled himself out of the darkness beyond. When he was completely in the room, the hole disappeared, and the wall was back to its normal state. Ciel breathed deeply, the floor a few feet around him was covered in ice. He walked slowly towards Meiko, and tried helping her up.
Aiden, unlike the scientists, didn't freak out, intending to remark on the entrance. "Oh Ciel you did remember that being late is worthless compared to the entrance, I see, and I've taken over half the world, and you?" his voice was nonchalant, even arrogant, and he knew well enough Ciel did learn how to use that ice of his better, but still, he had the upper hand of being basically three people with one person controlling everything, and the other two, they're dead. Slowly he stood up from the chair, no weapons or anything in his hand, if someone was going to show off something, it would be him. Ice and fire were well enough, but pain is a different matter, he could create and warp parts of them for an enemy specifically, and the with it, even though he couldn't kill with his power alone, he could subdue and torture.

"Now then, I suppose you've been waiting in Pyongyang just for Meiko hmm? Let her go back to sleep, I need to tell you something," and so his newest plan began, this wasn't for any purpose, but for fun, to see people squander, it would be great.
Ciel looked up at Aiden. and smirked. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Aiden, I won't be late for class next time."

Suddenly, he became serious."I'm not here to play your games. What do you want, anyways? What are you after?" Ciel asked. He held out his right hand, and ice started forming around his fingers, forming sharp, freezing claws that he could use easily. He held them by his side, defensively. He would only attack if provoked. The walls of the room started getting cooler. It became so cold, in fact, that one could see their own breath.
(Hi! ^_^ xD )

(Would it be fine to make a companion character to Aiden? Only if it's alright with [MENTION=3471]Komeko[/MENTION] .)
(Companion character?)

Aiden chuckled a little ignoring the threat of death quite arrogantly, "Now why should I tell you? Look around you, this is the world that has always lived, no difference was made, the strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must, and so it should always be, but I want to change it, I want to make the ultimate utopia, the true utopia, and first, this world must die," as he said this Aiden produced a gun from his pocket and aimed at the two scientists.

"Death by Firing Squad for overhearing," and so two shots where to be heard, and two bodies fell on the floor. Aiden didn't smirk, he didn't need to, the way he walked, the way he spoke, the way he shot that gun of his, it was all true to his arrogance. He looked at the ice on the walls and spoke frankly, "You can stop the empty threat, I doubt you have the muster to kill me and if you try, Meiko's going to die next week, I can assure you, and all my troops will give up their lives for her, all in vain, you would be breaking stability, and for that you'll stop," there was also a new air to his voice along with his arrogance, something like that he didn't lie, the way he spoke it was meant to make people solemn and it wasn't for jokes, that much was obviously clear.
Nichole's eyes stopped glowing as her bat flew back to her. they nodded to each other. "ready to practice yubel?" she nodded and Nichole said"i'll be right back riko and kiro!" skipping off.(hi ceros welcome back!)
Ciel looked down at the cool floor. "When did I threaten to kill you, exactly?" He looked Aiden in the eye with a piercing glare. In Ciel's eyes, there was a small hint of insanity. "Know this, though. If anything happens to Meiko, I will sacrifice myself to destroy you. You don't know what I could do to you if I sacrificed my own health. I could freeze every molecule of your body in a second." His eyes were twitching with pure rage. He had a slight headache.

(Yes. A companion as in a character that would basically be a teammate to Aiden.)
(Eh sure, just know I do plan Aiden to die, but I won't reveal it for another thousand posts or so)

Aiden didn't have to speak against the threat, opting to sit in a chair, and eat a cold mint somewhere on the table.

"Amazing the wonders of plastics, now we can fire things up with he Hadron Collidor to a few like, trillion Celsius," he comented, before totally ignoring Ciel and walking out of the room, and for once, a rare sight to behold, he smirked, and closed the door.
"What an infuriating presence he is." Ciel said scornfully, and the ice around his fingers melted, dripping on the floor. He dried his hands and quickly tried helping Meiko up. The ice in the room melted, and the room returned to normal temperature. "I think he just tries to anger me." he sighed. "How're you feeling Meiko?" Ciel asked, looking at her.


Username: Ceros

Name: Lulu

Age: 19

Gender: Female


View attachment 14036

Personality: Has a very sarcastic sense of humor. Usually messes around and is charming, but can sometimes be very solemn.

Power: She has the power to shapeshift into people, creatures, etc, imitating their abilities and personalities to near perfection.

Crush/Bf/Gf: No.

Other: ...Not much?

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