
Riko kept running. "Almost there! I think I'm getting close!" He told himself, he was around halfway to the lake at that time. He had no clue what the hell was going on.
Nichole felt her fangs grow and her eyes turned blood red. some idiot was running by as she stood. she flew up and at him fangs opened wide. he screamed as she pinned him going to bite his neck. yubel and jackson (the vamp) said"stupid human!"
Riko heard the guy cry out. "What the f***?" He ran in that direction. As he ran, he could kinda sense the air getting thicker and dense, it smelled of blood...a fowl, fowl smell.
Even though there was no spilled blood, the fowl smell made him feel sick. "Nichole!" He shouted loudly before covering up his face. He leaned against a nearby before getting up again and forcing himself to conrinue on. He had to find Nichole. She was near.
"Nichole!" Riko caught a glimpse of....blood wings?! Yeah, the wings were formed of blood. The owner of the wings was a girl....Nichole! Nichole was pinning down a man, just a spilt second away from drinking his blood. His eyes widened. "Nichole! Nichole get away from that guy!"
(Poor random guy xD at least he got away)

Riko stood his ground and looked up at Nichole's face, her scary blood red eyes glowed fiercly but he wasn't afraid. "Nichole...if youu have to drank someone's blood...drink mine." He said calmly, but seriously.

Kiro groaned, he had almost literally dragged himself all the way there. "That d*mn b*stard! Just leaving me back at a stupid tree!" He lifted himseld off the ground to see Riko and full-vampire Nichole. "R-Riko....get away from her! If she drinks your blood...!" He tried to call out to his other half.

Riko ignored Kiro completely, he didn't even turn to look at him. No reply either. He kept his attention on Nichole.
Riko closed his eyes and gritted down on his teeth. Her fangs were longer and sharper since she had transformed into a full vampire. He felt his blood slowly flow out of him, drop by drop. It was different feeling from before when she gave blood instead.

Kiro cursed outloud. "You idiot!" He felt his blood fading too. It was creepy and weird feeling. "You'll die if she drinks all of your blood! We'll both die! What do you think will happen if she returns to normal to find us- dead! Huh!?" He houted and held his neck.

"Sh-Shut up...." Riko muttered, it was a quite stutter so Kiro probably didn't even hear it.
Nichole's wings started disappearing. so warm.... ​they spread out before fading into sparkles. she let go feeling her fangs retract and her eyes normal. "huh?" looking around.
Riko slowly blinked once, his eyes were all dazed and he swayed back and forth. "Ni....Nichole..." he closed and collapsed cold. Dead.

"Idiot....I told you...." Kiro muttered before falling to the ground, dead too.
(Hold on...hold on...)

Kiro's body disappeared and his half of the spirit appeared in glowing blue form. "I told that idiot so many times that he was gonna die." He said as he walked over to thd too. He sighed sadly when he saw Nichole crying. He wiped away her tears then added, "I can return Riko to life...It's kinda the same as if I faded away. What I'm saying is that I can bring him back, but he'll still only be that half of himself." He kissed her forehead. "But I know you love him..." he sighed but a smile. "Bye Nichole, say hi to myself for me." He said before returning Riko's spirit to him. His spirit inreturn faded away forever.

Riko opened his eyes slightly and groaned, closing his eyes again. He didn't understand that he was alive again.

(I'm sorry! That was stupid and the only way I could think of bringing him back!)
(He had to go somehow, but yeah. )': )

Riko opened his eyes again. He looked up at Nichole. He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't get anything out. He reached out a hand to her.
Aiden took off on his Scythe, ignoring whoever was there, his speed was still tremendous, arriving only to see Riko and Kiro dead, and to see the blood bath. He didn't bother to land, his mind was going awry, he started to think he was a true god, not in a proverbial sense, but the real thing. He jumped off the Scythe in mid air, hitting the ground softly.

"Hello lesser being, how does your mundane puny existence relate to my glorious godship, oh wait, I lost interest in your petty struggles, feel free to kneel to me, the god of all the winds, and by feel free I mean do it now, or else I will proceed to kill you, and at the last second, make you admit that I am your holy patron and the god of all winds who is so divine that not even a host could keep me in," his ramble wasn't without it worthiness, the air seemed to move so his coat would make the epic thing where it goes with the wind. He slowly menacingly walked up to Nichole, his eyes glowing with lust and power.
The scythe, sorry for not including it.

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