
Kiro leaned against the wall on his shoulder, stuffing his hands into his baggy jean pockets. He looked down at the floor before returning his attenrion back to Nichole and replying, "Help your comes first.."
"Thank you Aiden." She smiled and ran towards the bed. She jumped on it, it bounced a bit and then Harumi slept again.

(Sorry for the short post I need to go for a few hours.)
she sighed and said''i'll be back...'' she told her family they were leaving. she paid her respects to her father and teleported her family and herself out.
Aiden replied graciously, "You're welcome," although his saying was simple, the way he said it invoked a whole new meaning to it, sort of like 'Just call me when you need me'. But that's digressable, Aiden waited outside for the helicopter thing to come back down. He was going to have to actually test on them. He waited the two hours, seeing what they could possible screw up now, his first test subject was Meiko, he really needed to check on those wings, he'd oversee the newest Science Minister, to see if he failed miserably, then another execution, and more hiring.
Kiro sighed when she disappeared, he hated to see her go. He walked slowly back to his/Riko's room. He sat down on the bed next to his other.

"Where's Nichole?" Riko asked, not really upset wkth Kiro at the moment.

"...I told her to go with her family. I'm not sure if she's coming back..probably not." Kiro shrugged, pulling his knees to his chest.

Riko looked down at the ground, he didn't really know what to say.
Kiro wiped his eyes before a few tears fell.

Riko blinked, noticing that he almost started crying. "I thought you said this whole time that you're the one that doesn't cry..?"

"Shut up..." Kiro grumbled. "I'm not heartless....."
Maia watched Kiro walk out and sighed. Family always comes first. She cast one last glance at the horizon before tearing her eyes away and walking inside. She dragged her feet on the floor and settled in her room. She laced her fingers and placed her chin in their little net, wondering about the future...her mind raced and her heart thumped loudly. Her attention was on her breathing. The inside of her body, the whoosh of blood. The blink of an eye
Riko surprisingly did a better job of holding his tears in. He obviously missed Nichole and felt like crying too, but what good would that do?
Riko formed a fireball in his hands. He cupped his together and stared down blankly at the fire.

Kiro did the same, except he entertained himself slightly by shaping into a phoneix.

([MENTION=4683]Jomeimei[/MENTION]: do you want one of mine to talk your character again?)
Riko blinked when the letter appeared, floating infront of his face. He destroyed the fireball by crushing it in his fists. He picked up the letter and opened it up.
Dear rikos, im gonna need some time to think this over...i'll be back. i just have a lot on my plate right now....

love you 'iko!

love,Nichole p.s. my brother is good he just needs time to trust humans again...
Riko read over the letter a couple times. He closed his eyes as he started crying large tears. "N-Nichole..."

Kiro took the letter, reading it too. He set a hand on Riko's head and ruffled up his hair. "And you made fun of me crying..." he sighed. He layed back on his back.

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