
Riko went back to his room and sat down on his bed. He grabbed his pillow, slamming it against the wall. 'Why doesn't she just go home...?! She'd be better off back with her family anyways!" He grumbled under his breath.
Aiden finished holding Harumi and left to check on Nichole one more time, looking at the scene. He spoke out his one, solitary, idea, "Do you want a mercy killing?" he asked. He knew the retaliation would be harsh, but he already knew psychology well enough, that girl, no matter how much she held it, would want it in some way.

(A mercy killing is where you kill someone cause if they live it'll be worse for them)
Harumi went over to Connor, his face was disappointed and angry. "What's wrong?" She asked innocently.

"How could you fall for someone like that?!" He paused for a moment and tried to calm himself, "he doesn't even love you, he's just a bully." He said quietly in case Aiden heard him.

Harumi thought about her next move, she'd win in a fight against him and he was her friend. "Even so my feelings won't change." She said before turning back to her room. It had been a long time since she could sleep, she decided to make the most of this thoughtless time and slept.
Aiden slapped Nichole across the face, "You may not think it over, she will," he growled looking at Allona, "You will not decide for her, she will," he stepped away from the room, and waited for Harumi to be alone. He ordered the plane to start in a few hours, enough time to wake up Harumi and tell her something.

Two hours had passed, slowly he shook awake Harumi, "Wake up love, I need to tell you something." he waited for Harumi to wake up, not letting impatience get to him. It might be odd to some that Aiden still called Harumi 'love' but to him it was a continuation of his conscience promise, which he felt like keeping. Not because of honor or anything, just because.
Kiro walked into the hallway that Nichole and her sister were sitting in. "What're you gonna do?" He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
Harumi opened her eyes and sat up. "What is it?" She asked sleepily, she yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
allona nodded and said"i'll be over there..." going back to their mother. nichole got up and looked at her vile."i was saving this for when i need my arrows to be deadlier...." opening it.
(I'll help you! So to point out the main points that have happened.....: There's two new people, Aiden brought everyone over to Mexico, Aiden's now ruler over half the world, Harumi confessed that she loves Aiden..even though he has no soul/feelings to love her back, Nichole accidently killed her father, Riko's personality literally split into two people, and Brady might be falliing for Meiko.)
"Let's leave them, I have a place for you, instead of this ****hole," he whispered softly into Harumi's ear. "Keep yourself asleep, we'll get there in no time," he moved over to his plane and slowly loading Harumi on it, taking care not to drop her, he got on the pilot's seat and took off, getting back to Pyongyang in an hour, now the city was vibrant and colourful, with buildings soaring the skies. Aiden waited a few minutes for Harumi to notice the change and wake up.
"Nichole...p-put the arrows down. Now's not the time to kill people..." Kiro said, trying to calm her down.

Riko slammed his pillow against the wall again.
Harumi awoke only to see the vibrant city surrounding her. Many questions, most with answers raced through her mind in a matter of seconds. One question, however, didn't have an answer. "Why would you do this? You don't gain anything from it, if anything you lost something." She wished she could still read minds so she wouldn't need to ask him this.
Aiden looked like he was about to laugh, "What have I lost?" he asked, as he honestly did not know what he could have possibly lost. He had a purpose to fulfill, and as he thought this the helicopter over in Mexico shut all of the doors, and took off, raring to arrive in two or so hours.

He decided he wanted to tell Harumi a story about him, since she could not read his mind anymore, "Let me tell you a story, once, when I was much younger, I went over to Libya, this was before the time Muamaar Gadaffi was overthrown, I went there and decided to have a little run through of what that dictatorship was doing wrong, it was hard to pinpoint, but everything was in common, none, not one, ever expanded, China did do colonizing and so it was much more successful than Libya or Syria, and I would find a way to express this, I actually wrote a book once called 'On the Art of Socialistic Dictatorships', and I have no clue how many people bought it, but I think no dictator bought it and just a bunch of pre-teens," he recalled, as he told this story he slowly carried Harumi over to a much better place than the old complex, though that place was very nice.

"This is where we wait for two hours, sleep if you want," he explained, as he did this he slowly put Harumi down and walked in the building, inside mahogany walls covered the room, with a velvet carpet underneath. He walked up to the elevator, which had a hue of metal, and travaled up to the sixth floor, he walked into a small hall ending in a room, this hall had the same red carpet but this time the walls where of what looked like alloy, he let Harumi into the door first, to a small room followed by a hall to another room, this one more spacious and vast. It had a bed that was really comfortable, with the greatest mattress and a luscious blanket, Aiden proudly said, "This is for you love, enjoy."

(I'm actually going to get a picture of what Aiden really is supposed to look like tomorrow or so)

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