
Aiden had arrived, now as the ruler of half the world slowly he walked up to Harumi, he knew this battle he had won perfectly. This war was won flawlessly and he started to speak calmly with a whole new tone.

"Has my plan worked love? Have my thoughts finally given you the incentive to get rid of your curse,," he said solemnly his voice showing an odd way of happiness.

"So it has," Aiden ran her hand through her hair softly, 'Perfect isn't it?' his thoughts were coming back again and Aiden looked at Harumi one last time with an inkling of a conscience, he didn't want to pain her with the thought so he didn't say anything.
Kiro stopped in his tracks, no longer chasing after Nichole. He sighed and went off to find his other half. He found the original Riko gazing off into space through one of the large, open windows. "You're still upset, huh?" He leaned back against the wall.

Riko blinked and stood up out of his chair. He turned around to face him. "...what do you think is gonna that Aiden has won?" He asked in a low mutter.

Kiro shrugged. "If you don't know, I don't know. Do you really think anybody knows?" He grumbled.

" is Nichole doing?" Riko continued to ask questions.

"Nichole? Oh, she woke up just a moment ago. She seemed all upset angry, not really surpprised though...but still she didn't have to yell at me." He pouted.

"So...she's not...dead?" Riko mumbled.

"Obviously not. Why? Still crying about how she almost died because of you?" Kiro said coldly.

Riko looked down at the floor. He sighed. "Just forget it."
(Nichole did a good thing!)

"If you could love, would you love me?" Harumi asked, she forced herself to look at him. "I trust that you're going to tell me the truth." She added.

Kiro walked out of the room to go searching for Nichole again.

Riko stared down at the floor for a few minutes before leaving the room too.
Aiden was almost loveless, he held Harumi with one hand on her face. His eyes centimeters from hers.

"Forever and ever, love," he answered, his voice sincere.

(wrote on an iPhone)
Brady started figgiting in her lap rolling his head around like something was bothering him. Something was happening that he didn't like and he wasn't reacting well. However Meiko was warm so he relaxed again falling asleep once more.
Kiro backed away from Nichole, his eyes wide. He knew it'd truely be dumb to mess with her while she was like that. He only could stand back and watch.

Riko slowly walked up to Nichole and lightly tapped her shoulder. "Nichole. What are you doing?" He asked quietly.

Kiro tried to pull him back too. "Hey, if she kills you, I'll die too. And I don't think you feel like dying righhtt now."


Meiko poked Brady's head, wondering if he'd woke up. She wasn't sure if he was having nightmares or just troubles with sleeping. "Brady? You okay?" She whispered softly, incase he was still asleep. She couldn't help but notice how smooth and soft his hair was. She lightly petted his hair.
Nichole ripped off her father's head and cackled. her mother said"I SAID THATS ENOUGH!" allona said"big sister youre scaring me!" Nichole's eyes returned to normal after hearing her little sis.
Brady started making something almost like purring noises when she stroked his hair. He didn't even know why he was so tired he just all of a sudden felt like he was gonna pass out like he was drugged or perhaps something similar.
Riko and Kiro both took a few steps back when her eyes returned to normal. Riko looked down at Nichole's decapitated father. He sighed deeply and quickly walked back to hiss room.

Kiro covered his mouth, not having a clue what to say. He took another step back before turning and following his original self.


Meiko continued to slowly pet his hair. 'Wow...he's really asleep.' She thought and gazed out the window closest to her. 'I hope Ciel's okay...I wonder what happened to him. Did we leave him behind? He might hurt or something...'
Kiro leaned against the wall, hand still covering his mouth and his eyes wide. He wanted to go and comfort Nichole but he was a little freaked out. Hee looked over at Riko; He was sitting silently in his seat, staring blankly out the window like before. "H-How caan you just sit there so calmly?! You've, been acting like a stiff tree fo the past week!" He growled at him. "Say something!"

Riko looked at his other half through the corner of his eyes. "This wouldn't have happened if only I had stopped her father in the first place."

"You're still thinking about that?! Gosh! If I couldn't have stopped him, I highly doubt you could have." Kiro grumbled in frustration.

"Still! I didn't even try to help Nichoe!" Riko said. "And now her father's dead!"

([MENTION=4683]Jomeimei[/MENTION]: Nichole finally woke up and was went through extreme anger mode. She accidentally ended up killing her own father.)
Riko walked out of the room, leaving Kiro alone to himself. He lightly knocked on the bathroom door. "Nichole? Are you in there?"

(Poor Nichole...D': )
Maia stood on the deck, watching the waves of the sea lap on the sides of the oat calmly. Behind the, sea foam rose and went softly down. She glued her eyes to the horizon line and watched the peaceful line of endless sea move further and further away as they moved ever so closer
"I'm sorry...I just thought you could use someone to talk..or at least be you don't have to cry alone." Riko sighed. "Would you like me to stay? I know it's kinda awkward since you're in the shower and all, but...I can just stay out here in the hall."

Kiro walked around the plane/helicopter/thing. He stopped when he noticed the girl from before staring off into the sky. He walked over and sat down next to her. He wasn't gonna flirt, he just wondered what she wass doing. "Hello?" He started and waited for her reply.

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