
Harumi's eyes widened as she just realized what she said, "you're going to find out eventually so I might as well tell you. I like Aiden as more than a friend." She murmured, she hoped they didn't hear.
" like Aiden?" Riko repeated, his eyes wideing a little now.

Kiro's eyes remained narrowed and he only shrugged. "Good for you. Though, he exactly seem like the kind of guy to fall for...especially how he is now..."
"Yes. I know he doesn't like me though." She ignored Riko2's comment. "That's really all I wanted to ask you. You can leave now and Nichole is in the infirmary." She told them hearing the thought of Nichole's family. She unlocked the door and opened it for them, she didn't look up from the floor.
(I haven't really done anything with Meiko right now. She's just sitting quietly alone, somewhere on the plane/helicopter.)

Riko quiclly ran out the door and followed the bat. "I'm sorry Yubel!" He apologized as he hurried along.

Kiro slowly followed after them. He glanced back at Harumi for a second, before leaving her room.

(I haven't really done anything with Meiko right now. She's just sitting quietly alone, somewhere on the plane/helicopter.)

Riko quiclly ran out the door and followed the bat. "I'm sorry Yubel!" He apologized as he hurried along.

Kiro slowly followed after them. He glanced back at Harumi for a second, before leaving her room.
Harumi quickly closed the door. She punched the wall, she just admitted herself that Aiden didn't like her. It shouldn't be something to be mad about and that made her more angry. She sighed and sat on her bed.
"...Nichole? Is she alright?" Riko kneeled down next to bed, staring at her face. He held back tears, begging not to start crying. He felt terrible for not doing anything to protect her.
Brady walked up to Meiko on the plane thing and walked up behind her. He placed his head on her shoulder and said "Do you think everything is okay?"
Meiko blushed brightly when he placed his head on her shoulder, oddly enough she didn't complaint though. "Um...I don't think so...everyone seems all upset right now. Nichole almost got killed my her father just a moment ago. Riko is split into two people. Plus Harumi likes Aiden, uet...he's Aiden." She listed off some of the main problems.

(Um, I guess...)
He leaned his head against hers "but everything is okay now right." He was looking around "or does anyone need help anymore...or do I get to stay in here with you?"
Meiko blushed even more, her face was red with embarrassment. "U-Um.........I-I'm not really sure how everyone is right now. I've been trying to stay out of it..." she stuttered and bit her lip afterwards. 'Why is he so close?!' She thought, but she couldn't move. "Are you okay?" She asked, wondering if anything bad had happened to him too.
Username: Warped Toxin

Name: Connor

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: Brown hair and brown eyes (I'll post a link when it lets me)

Personality: He's very quiet but can get angry easily.

Power: He can manipulate air.

Crush/Bf/Gf: Harumi (though I'd make another love triangle)


Personality: He's very quiet but can get angry easily.

Power: He can manipulate air.

Crush/Bf/Gf: Harumi (though I'd make another love triangle)

Brady spread himself out along the rows of chairs and laid his head in her lap. He was moving quite sluggishly and even spoke slowly. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm alright *yawn* I'm just a little sleepy is all." His eyes started to close and his breathing was regulating as he fell asleep in her lap.
(Accepted! ^^ start whenever)

'I-Is he asleep?! Okay, okay, calm's no big deal....he's a friend s-s-so no need to freak out...right?' Meiko thought as she watched Brody drift off into slumber.
Connor used his air to make his way onto the air vehicle. He found his way to the main area, he found two people, a boy and a girl. "Umm, hi. Do you know anyone named Harumi?" His voice was just loud enough for them to hear.
(Is Lollipops logged on right now? Or is she still off?)

Riko wasn't in the infirmary at that time. He was sitting down in chair, staring blankly out a window in another room. He didn't expect Nichole ever to wake up so he was now sulking...and blaming himself.

Kiro was in the infirmary though. "Nope, sorry disappoint you but I'm here instead." He said then lightly kissed her forehead.
Meiko looked over at the boy. "Harumi? Oh yeah. She's in her room right now. She doesn't feel that well, though." She replied and pointed in the direction of her room. "Are you looking for her?"
(I'm here!!! Toxin also told me that he won't post very often. So I can control his character if I want.)

Harumi was still in her room, she hadn't come out in a week. The thoughts were still getting louder and it was driving her crazy, paper was covered in messy writing and the walls were covered in dint's from her punching them.

Connor thanked her and walked over to the room and knocked lightly on the door. "Harumi? it's me, Connor." He tried opening the door but it wouldn't move. "Can I come in?" He asked.

Harumi yelled to the door "NO! GO AWAY!" She kicked the door hard.

He backed away knowing that it would be best to leave her alone. "Okay..." He walked away.

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