
Kiro stepped infront of Nichole. "I don't care who the f*ck you are, I'm not just gonna sit here and let you slap Nichole to death! Back off b*tch and get over it!" He growled too, he grinding his fists. He wasn't afraid to fight any of them.

Riko stood there with his mouth opened slightly. He was literally just about to say those exact words. He closed his mouth and just watched.
Harumi sighed. She walked out of her room, she just watched as Nichole, her family and Riko's were all fighting. It was quite amusing to her.
her father said"get the **** away!" he grabbed Nichole and said"show me your back. Now!" her sister said"papa stop!" Nichole unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall. her dad got out his whip and said"i'll teach you to defy me!" WHIP! Nichole bit back her screams. WHIP! ​she let out a cry of pain.
(Wow, nice father....sarcastic mode activate)

Kiro shoved Nichole's father away, pulling the whip out of his hand in process. "What kind of f*cking father are you?! You're beating up your own freaking daughter you d*mn *sshole!" He shouted angrily.

Riko pulled Kiro back by his shoulder. "Stop're only making it worse...."

"Oh shut up! What kind of boyfriend are you?! You don't even try to protect your girlfriend! You're an *ss of a boyfriend! Nichole's probably not gonna pick me, but at least I'm showing that I care!" Kiro shouted and pulled his shoulder away.
(Protip for any body who plans to write: Never feel empathy for you charries, it will kill you)

Aiden had watched the whole scene and his sadist mind wanted to scream in pleasure, he walked called up the other troops, The Saudi Arabian troops who dealt with Nichole's family before were ruthless, and had an ambition that made the Crusade's look like a little boy's tantrum, they also kept their 'holy' scimitars ready for any problems, in fact one offered to help the father.

"If she has done you wrong, we will honor it and help you, for a disobedient child will grow to be anarchic and mad," one said offering Nichole's dad a nine tail whip instead. Aiden's troops felt apathy, they didn't care, but they didn't bother to help the dad, Aiden remarked the time: "20 minutes, hurry up punishing her will you?" he asked from the other side of the plane, his plan was quite simple for a man like Nichole's dad, in fact Nichole might take it as help, another key factor in his plan.
Nichole's father smirked and picked up Nichole taking her away. Her mother said"STOP THATS ENOUGH!" ​"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!! PAPA IM SORRY!!!!AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!SOB PLEASE STOP!AAAAAHHH!!!!!"
Harumi tried not to smile but couldn't help it, she has happy her enemy Nichole was in pain. Harumi wanted to stay and watch but then Riko's would try to stop. "Riko and Riko! I need to tell you some thing!" She yelled over the screaming.
Nichole screamed loudly. "PAPA IM SORRY!!!! STOP IT PLEASE!!!!"sobbing. her father smirked and poured lemon juice over her whip wounds making sure she's in pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nichole crawled out back to the main room. she felt nothing but pain.
Harumi dragged the two of them into her room locking the door behind her. "Aiden told me that someone wants to assassinate all of us. I don't trust him about it. What do you think?" She stood in front of the door so she could hear Nichole screaming and so Riko couldn't escape.
They both sorta jumped from Nichole's screams. "I've never trusted him," Riko replied. He looked at the door, hearing a another scream. "What about Nichole...?"

"Assassinate all of us? Why?" Kiro asked. He wanted to go help Nichole too but Harumi was blocking his way.
"She'll be alright." Harumi answered. "I don't know why but I think Riko 1 is right not to trust him. As much as I hate to say that." She added.
"How would he know anyway? It doesn't make much sense?" Kiro put his hands on his hips. He flipped his bangs out of his face.

Riko nodded in agreement, actually agreeing in something his other half had said. "Aiden has also been acting...strange lately." He added.
"Aiden is always strange." She looked down at the papers scattered over the floor, she blushed thinking about what was written of them.
"I guess..." She leaned against the wall and sighed. "You're lucky Nichole actually likes you." She said with out thinking.

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