
Harumi didn't really care about this competition, she knew she could just read his mind anytime she wanted to and continued to ask her question. "How did you and Riko end up together?" Harumi hoped she wouldn't ask why she was asking her this but she could tell by her thoughts she was suspicious about her question.
Nichole said"well um we saved each others lives and stuff....we grew closer and we met before as kids so we clicked as we started to remember..."blushing.
Aiden remembered this handicap he had and made sure she thought something, "Oh right, if you don't come, let's see, what horrible thing do I have to do to get you to come here...hmm, I'll close off my mind, oh right, news flash, we just finished intra dimensional travel, and we found your family Nichole, don't worry, we don't hurt em, they just lost their wings and their canines, that's all," he said eccentricly, that was the one good thing about being a psychopath, you have total, and I mean total control about your brain, if he wanted to all Harumi would hear was static. He had hoped this would give some invective to get everyone to come.
She sighed. Aiden wouldn't give up until someone told him the answer. She wrote down all 50 of them and handed the paper to Aiden to make sure no one else could see. "Are you happy now?"
Outside on another one of those helicopter things the family was there held by seemingly nobody, it was odd, until you noticed that if any had wings, they were mutilated and the canines were ripped off, blood trickling down them.

"Now come over and we won't drop them to their deaths, in fact we'll take them back to the 'North American Province #2 Sub category Province: Louisiana etc. etc." he didn't laugh at all through the intercom, but if you actually listened closely his laugh could be heard, it was an evil, despicable laugh that was high pitched and yet invoked more fear than any muscle man. The best part is, she did just what he expected. He was winning the game, one piece at a time.
Aiden noticed Harumi giving him the whole list and he sighed.

"You are wrong, love, it's four, Brazil, North and Central American Korean Province, Mexico, and the South American Area of the Saudi Arabian Empire, still, I'll tell you a secret, I want you to read my mind," he took his psychopathic mind to it's static level, and waited for her to be totally annoyed by it.
"That's to easy. Theres no way I'm going to read your mind." Harumi said. She really wanted to read his mind just to see if he did like her in any sort of way, but it wasn't like Aiden to just let her read it.
Her brother grabbed her by her ear. "WHO SAID YOU COULD DATE A HUMAN?!LET ALONE MARRY ONE YOUR YOUNG!" Nichole said"OWWWWWWW OWWWWWWW!!!!!!" her dad said"WHAT?!"
Aiden did one his mastered fake frowns, you really would think he was a cornucopia of emotion, he turned his head and looked at her oddly,"Are you sure? I really want to see the extent of how much you can read my mind," he used the whole science as a facade for her to make the discovery and to tell her what she needed to know it was all mastered, slowly he turned his brain back to reading mode and said in his head 'Some one is attempting a coup against me, he plans to assassinate me and all the rest, I want you to not talk to me, I wouldn't want you to die,' he thought, in another deeper layer, which was locked he knew his plans were going to work perfectly.

"Oh right, we're arriving in thirty minutes," he mentioned.
(Just so you know, I'm gonna be playing some Blacklight Retribution for a while so go hang out or something so you don't wait for me in vain)
Riko looked back over his shoulder at Nichole. He looked back up at her family, still remaining silent. He didn't know what to say.

Kiro felt a bit jealous that she went straught for Riko but kept it inside this time. "You b*tch, that's no way to treat a lady." He said, talking to Nichole's older brother.

'Look who's talking...' Riko thought.
(okay! I'll be going soon as well)

Harumi couldn't say no. She was mad at Aiden now. She turned away and walked back to her room. Thoughts seemed to get louder when it was silent, she liked being on her own though. She looked back at a few of the papers she wrote on, most of them were about Aiden. "Why do I even like Aiden?" She asked herself out loud. She threw the papers and the scattered around the room.
"Maybe...she's supposed to choose between me and the wimper version of me." Kiro said and pointed back at Riko.

"I'm not THAT wimpy. And aside from that, YOU are a different version of ME; Not the other way around." Riko muttered, sticking up for himself.

(It just seems kinda sad, having only a one-way-love)
(im with storm!)Nichole's dad growled at both of them. mostly at Nichole. she whimpered walking to him.SMACK! she gasped holding her cheek crying. "YOU DARE DEFY ME?!"

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