
Maia frowned and shook out her mane of glossy black hair before ignoring what was going on and walking straight past them. ( where does this take place?)
([MENTION=4683]Jomeimei[/MENTION]: They're currently all riding in some helicopter thing at the moment. They're on their way to Mexico...if that's what you were asking)

Kiro turned his head away, trying to pretend he didn't care but he obviously did. He felt like punching Riko but that wouldn't do any'd only hurt himself too.

Riko grinned. 'Well, you might as well give up now. She's already made her decision.' He thought as if he were talking to Kiro.

Kiro looked back att him. 'I'm still you, so I can hear everything you're thinking, idiot. I'm not giving up that easily.' He thought and glanced at Nichole for a second.
(Lol, Nichole enjoys being fought over between two boys....even if those two boys are the same people)

"Hey, isn't that the bat that you showed me when we met at Camp Cod?" Riko asked Nichole.

Kiro's upset face slowly disappeared when he looked down at Yubel. He sighed a small, quiet sigh then smiled slightly. He remembered the bat
(Lol that's nichole xD )

Riko scratched Yubel behind the ears. "Hello Yubel," he smiled as he remembered it's name.

Kiro looked down at the ground. Riko's memories were running through his head. He grumbled under his breath, he wanted his brain to shut up. 'Maybe if I was my own person...Nichole might have found some interest in me.....why does she like him, well..."me" anyways....he acts like a child. At least my part isn't afraid to be a man...' he thought as he continued to review the memories. '...I don't cry either ....'
Kiro frowned as he stood up from his seat and walked off into a different part of the ship. He stared at his reflection in one of the windows. He narrowed his eyes into a glare and lightly punched the window, he could have broken it if he really wanted to. "I hate being an other...but I won't lose!" He muttered to himself with confidence.

Riko watched Kiro leave. 'Good, he's finally gone.' He thought. He didn't talk very much anymore, since Kiro had taken most of his friendliness when they split, making him kinda shy now. He quietly watched Yubel and Nichole fly around.
Nichole and Yubel danced in the air. Nichole flew around the ship looking for the ladies room. she turned back and lookedlooked around. she had to go BAD! ​i shouldn't have drunk so much tea!!!!
Kiro saw Nichole running all around the place. "Bathroom is over there!" He told her and pointed in the direction. He wiped the glare off his face since he was talking to Nichole.
(Ahhhh, okay good night yullen)

Kiro turned back to the window and sighed.

Riko leaned back against the wall, he was still tired from everyone keeping him up all night.a
Harumi leaned near the window next to Riko 2 "It's okay. I know how you feel, I used to have a twin sister. We did everything together, until I wanted to be different." Harumi said stopping her flashback there. She came up with an idea, "Do you know how to use a gun?" She asked and held on gun out for him and getting one out for herself.
"I thought we could practice, might help let your anger out as well." Harumi set up a stuffed doll that looked like Riko on top of a few boxes, she aimed and fired shooting him in the chest and knocking him of the boxes. She put him back and let Riko 2 have a go.
Kiro lifted up the gun and carefully aimed his weapon. When fired, the bullet shot straight through the dolls head, stuffing flew everywhrre as it again flew off the boxes. He grinned in amusement and pleasure.
"Wanna hang out with me for a while?" Kiro asked with a friendly smile.

Riko walked out to the section of the plane/helicopter/thing that they were at. He quietly listened from behind the door, peeking his head out a little.
Kiro grinned, surprised yet glad she agreed.

Riko's eyes widened slightly. He frowned and slowly walked back to his seat, making sure he was silent.

Kiro set the destroyed Riko doll down on the window sill and took her hand. "Come on," he started bringing her towards another room.

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