
Kiro turned around, noticing the new girl. He smiled politely and uncrossed his arms, placing one on his hip.

Riko blinked when he saw the bat. It seemed familiar, but he couldn't seem to remember.
Kiro looked back at her, feeling a bit offended. "I only smiled. I'm not flirting with her." He argued. "Maybe you're just jealous?"
Kiro shrugged. "Alright, if ya don't mind your boyfriend flirting with other girls, that's cool."

"Shut, other me!" Riko growled. "She's ONLY my girlfriend."

"You already heard it. Nichole said she likes you/me because we can't 'control yourself'. Face it, my half is better than being a wimpy crybaby." Kiro said.

Riko glared at him, he wanted to punch him so bad.
Kiro's eyes widened, he hadn't expected her to get angry. He chuckled slightly. "Hey, no need to get all upset. It didn't mean anything."
Riko reached a hand out about to call out for Nichole, he stopped himself and retrieved his arm. He glared at Kiro. "You don't have to be such a jerk."

Kiro turned his head to face. "It's your f*cking fault I even act this way." He sighed. "...bur since I am part of you and I love Nichole too, we are officially enemies!" He decided.

"Fine! Nichole would never chose my idiotic side, like you." Riko said and started walking away.

"Remember you're just talking about yourself." Kiro corrected him and followed slowly behind.
(I don't really know how to get back in...)

Harumi saw the two Riko's arguing. "What the hell is going on?!" She ran closer to the two of them. '2 Riko's? Poor Nichole!' she thought.
Riko ignored Harumi's question and muttered something to himself under his breath.

Kiro looked back at Harumi. "Riko got split of his personality and became us-" he paused to point at himself and the other Riko. "I'm the supposibly freaky, weird half half with the somewhat perverted thoughts and isn't a wimp." He looked at Riko in the corner of his eyes, directing that last part at him. "And he's the lameo half that always cries."

Riko glared at himm, even though he knew it was quite true. 'Why am I such jerk in that half?' He wondered.
"I have a feeling that me and you're other half are going to get along." She smirked realizing Nichole was missing. "Where's you're girlfriend?" Harumi asked the other Riko.
"She ran off because other me was being an *sshole. I'd better go find her anyway." Riko answered and left to go search for Nichole.

"The least you can do you give me a name! I'm not just an 'other'." Kiro said as he wandeed away. "So, Harumi, you're the one that can read minds right? Can you tell what I'm thinking?" He asked her and smiled.
"I can hear everyone's thoughts right now. But Aiden and your thoughts are the loudest right now." She smiled back and tried to block out Aiden's thoughts to focus on Riko 2's.
Brady could keep his mind off how beautiful the white flower was in her hair. However he was also worrying about what might happen in Mexico. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Meiko.
Aiden finally finished the hourglass he had and walked up to everyone, in a half brisk pace march half normal walk.

"Well, it's time to go! Hurry up and we'll run off in my newest air veichle, the...." he paused for a minute, debating on what to call it, the official name was 'Unha,' or the Galaxy but that name was boring to him. So he came up with a new name, "The Pulsar!" he proclaimed practically dragging everyone along with his attitude.

"Come on now, come on, come on," he ushered moving everyone towards the huge helicopter thingy.

(The Pulsar:
Riko found Nichole hanging upside down. "C'mon Nichole. It's time to go." He told her.

Kiro glanced at Aiden as he entered the hallway. "Already?" He complained but followed along without arguing.

Meiko picked up her bag when she heard Aiden's order. "I guess it's time to go. " she said, half talking to herself. She looked over her shoulder at Ciel's bedroom door and sighed; She hoped they weren't leaving him behind.

([MENTION=3471]Komeko[/MENTION]: OMG that's cool! :D )
Aiden herded the crowd on board and they took off, this time no time stop was made, Aiden was a little early.

"OK guys, in about 2 hours we'll be arriving, so do whatever," he explained.

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