
Username: Jomeimei

name: Maia Scott

age: 16

Gender: Female


Maia has dark hair which she nearly always keeps down. It goes down to her waist, and gets tangled really easily. Her eyes are blue, but not just any drab blue, they sort of pulse, because of their electric color. She is tall, slim and swift looking. Her coppery skin allows her to blend easily with surrounding shadows, which she likes to do, and she has a sort of broad, solid look to her.

Personality: Maia is a laughable girl swift, and easily tempered. She likes to yell, be loud, and will take any shortcuts that will get her somewhere faster. She is funny sweet, and a rebel at some times. Her temper, however, is a major problem. She has a hot temper, and is slow to forgive. She always has a certain glint in her eyes that means mischief, no matter what situation she is in. She is loyal, yet a prankster, and tries to make a joke of everything, not thinking before she opens her mouth and out it comes.


SHAPESHIFTING- the ability to transform into any human being, mystical animal, ect. This form doesn't not allow her to take on any of certain powers they may have.

MENTAL SHEILD: a Shield protecting her from anything that tampers with the nerves/brain paralysis, illusions, mind control, power manipulation ect.

GLYPHING- able to draw a glyph in her mind and as long as she can hold it, which is hard to do because of her constant running mind, it does what she needs it to do

ELEMENTAL POWERED ILLUSION- able t create illusions or objects from the elements

Crush: dunno yet

other: N/A

i know this is my first post. It is true, I am new on this website but I am a skilled roleplayer. May I join?
Riko shrugged. He personally wasn't very fond of Mexico; He hated warm, dry places and he also hated mexican food.

(Of course you can join. :D join in whenever you like.)
([MENTION=4683]Jomeimei[/MENTION]: Yes! You are accepted.)

(@yullen: Do you think I should create another character too? Or would 3 characters be too many?)
(Alright, if ya say so)

(Oh I kinda had an idea for the rp! I was thinking that maybe Riko could "split" into two people; His normal side and his...other, perverted side. And then Nichole will have to choose between them. Idk......I don't have any good ideas)
(Yay! I'll have him split in just a minute)

Riko stared down at the floor boards, he felt really strange and his head ached. Part of him was worrying about visiting Mexico, while the part was thinking....interesting thoughts about Nichole.
Riko slowly stood up off the floor. "I'll be right back. I forgot something in my room." He said as he walked out into the hallway. He suddenly tripped on a loose floor board. He cursed under his breath after he hit the floor. He grumbled as he sat up on his knees. When he looked forward he saw something very shocking, himself. He had literally split into two people. It appeared look he was staring into a mirror. He quickly stood up confusion. "What the-?!"

Riko's "twin" stood up and brushed himself off. He crossed his arms. "I'd say the same thing," he muttered and flicked his bangs out of his face.

"N-Nichole...could you come a second?" Riko called for her.
([MENTION=4683]Jomeimei[/MENTION]: maybe your character could have just woken up after arriving here. She could wake up in her room and rrun into the others. Or maybe they can come find her. Idk, jump in however you want.)

(@yullen: I'm gonna give opposite Riko name so I don't have to just call him "opposite Riko" over and over....does Kiro sound okay? I wanted to make up a name but use the same letters.)

Opposite Riko winked at Nichole when she stepped into the hallway. "Hey hotty."

Riko lightly slapped his arm, from jealousy and annoyance. "I don't have a twin. I just fell and he just appeared." He explained.
Now Aiden had control over the cameras in the facility, and a large sigh could be heard from two halls down, he had not form of love in his mind, and in truth he liked it, not having a conscience and not being able to love make it a lot easier to fake it, in fact he seemed more like Aiden than ever before, his mental thoughts were clouded from Harumi's hearing with a powerful mental screw up wall thing, so his plan was apparent to himself and to nobody else. 'If you can read this, then you're worth my time, I'll use you, exploit you, and do whatever it takes to make the most out of you, and if you truly care, kill me, if you can even read this,' he jibed in his mind taking advantage of his odd mentality. Two Spec Ops soldiers walked in, both knowing fluent English, "In five minutes, it's time to go, finish packing up and stop messing around," the one with more badges ordered, the one with a lot less looked like a sentinel, and you could tell by his wrist he didn't miss, he stared the whole scene in whole, not focusing in one part but in all.

(Two people who have mental walls, hmm, this'll be fun, also after Mexico you'll be ruled by another huge army, and not Mexico, just saying, I have like a small ending for my charries, and you could continue on, but inside in my greedy part of my heart you should keep homage to the ending, because it's one I've thought up of since we started this roleplay, or at least, when I started this roleplay)
"Is it really that weird when a hot guy appears out of nowhere?" Kiro asked, grinning at Nichole.

"How can you hot? You look exactly like me!" Riko argued. "And stop flirting with my girlfriend!"

"At least my eyes are a mysterious purple shade, unlike your's which is the color of crap." Kiro replied rudely. "Besides that, Nichole is technically my girlfriend too...I'm still you, just a different part of you."
Maia stretched her arms and kicked her feet out and off of her bed, her long hair a tangled mess, as it usually was early in the morning. She tamed her dark, frizzy hair until it hung straight and glossy. Hair littered the floor, as she didn't bother to pick it up. She peered out into the hallway, blinking the sun and brightness out of her eyes before settling them on three people in the hall, further to her right. Oddly, two of them looked exactly the same. Duplication? Her eyebrows lifted slightly, a smile renting to form on her already curving lips
(Oh I have a very special plan for who you meet next, you get to meet.... I'm not gonna tell you, but you'll never expect it, never...)

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