
"...okay." Riko shrugged then smiled again, still blushing. "We better go get our stuff packed. Aiden said we're leaving for Mexico soon."
Riko rolled his eyes. "How does she even fall asleep that fast?" He asked himself. He went into his room and stuffed all the stuff he needed into a spare backpack he found in the closet. He put in a couple knives and small handgun into the front pockets.
Riko shook Nichole by her shoulder. "Nichole...return from Lollypopland, you need to pack." He said. He looked down at her hands, curious to see if she kept the simple ring he had given her.
Riko smiled, both in amusement and he was glad she had actually saved the sucky ring he made. He grabbed his backpack, completely packed and ready.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Harumi asked, she seemed more happy and friendly than normal as she approached Riko and Nichole.
Riko was about to question Harumi on her friendliness, but decided not. "Aiden told us to pack for the trip." He replied. "Apparently everyone is going to Mexico with him."
Harumi suddenly became less happy. "Oh..." She walked away and tried to find Aiden. She really wanted to stay behind but she also really wanted to be with him.
"Whoa!" Riko kinda wobbled from trying to catch his balance, when Nichole surprise-glomped him. He ended up falling over anyways. "Hey, what was that for?" He smiled.
Nichole nodded and patted her suitcase. BOOM! "Damnit!" the suitcase had burst open. THUD THUD!THUD! CLANK! There were some guns,ammo,clothes, hygenic stuff, and surprisingly a pair of handcuffs. Nichole said"um ignore those..."laugging nervously hiding the handcuffs.
Aiden heard a huge boom in the distance and walked towards it, to see what madness those two must've gotten into, on the way he almost ran into Harumi with only a few centimeters of free space.

"Were you looking for me?" he asked putting on his emotion/love mask, his voice was incredibly gentle, and not sing song, "I was going to check up on those two, what do you need?" he asked calmly.

(Oh don't worry Nichole, I've got libraries of that kind of stuff if you're interested, *pervert face*)

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