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Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Shroud and Stream wuld go in a nose dive and barrage of bullets wuld hit the leapers over steel taking down most of them as they ready themselfs for a nother Run
As shroud and Stream wuld get ready to cover steel 3 Other hostile Fighters wuld start to open fire on them

"I got a bandit on mi tail i can shake him off"

"We got comppani taking fire...Ligh them up!!"

As shroud and stream wuld be in an air battle they onli take down 1 the other 2 were righ behinde them Opening fire
Shatter blast chucks a con in the air, taking out the two cons following slipstream and shroud. he then continues to feed his blood lust, draining every con of their energon.
Shroud and stream wuld transforme to there beats forms and land near steel

"Thanks foe the assist Shater blast"

"Steel we will guard you till Stance comes"

atleats lets try fixing him Stream"

"were not doctores we might kill him"
"Hey yello stance come on steel need repaire he is not going to last long" Stream says as she grabs her hand and pulls here toward steel
"B-but wait!" Yellow said as stream pulled her away. "Da-had!"

"I will meet you on the Ark." Wheeljack said and watched "his" sparkling being dragged away. He didn't like the look of the other, but shooting the bot a glare, he silently swore that he would blow Stream up.

Yellow nodded at Wheeljack and followed Stream willingly. "What's going on? Who needs repairs? Is everyone okay?"
"Steel he is bleeding badly he need repair amidiatly were all fine for now"Stream says as shroud wuld open fire on som Desepticons
Steel claw lays on the ground, with a hole in his chest that was leaking badly, he shot his assault rifle at some cons who were charging to shatter blast.

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"I got them" Shroud says as he sees the Cons running at Shater as he started to open fire on them and scream at Shater blast "Shater blast stop eating and get in the fight!!!"
Shatter blast then chucks his fresh kill at a gunner, taking off his head. He ran toward a marauder, shooting it with acid.

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Yellow ran outside and towards Steel. "Holy Primus!" She gasped when she saw the large whole in his chest. "We need to get you into the Ark right now." She said half panicking. "I can only stop the leaking so so, Ratchet can fix you. I-I'm not a medic. I-I'm not qualified for something like this." Energon tears were toughing her optics again. She couldn't cry, wouldn't. "Someone has to get you into the Ark right now. Where's Grimlock or Optimus?! GRIMLOCK!" She screeched, knowing that the big robot had a tiny soft spot for her somewhere in that big spark of his. "Okay," She breathed panicking. "We need to get you off the field."
"mi and stream can help Yellow" Shroud says and both help carrie him to Weeljack
"Wheeljack is still packing his things!" Yellow snapped. "You got to Ratchet first and Wheeljack will be right over. Now shut up and listen to me! Get him to the Ark!"
"Two two!" She pointed at Shroud and Stream. "Get him to the medical office on the Ark and get him to Ratchet. Got it?!" then she turned to Steel. "Why do you want to see Wheeljack so badly?! We just need to stop the leaking for now!"
"Dont worri yellow we will come on stream this guy is heavy"

Shroud and stream wuld carry steel to the ark and Shroud is kinda imprest that yellow has strong Will
"Ah. No." Yellow said as Steel was being dragged to the Ark. "He creates leaks, Ratchet usually patches him up or Hoist. Be careful getting him up." She mumbled at the two, knowing that Steel couldn't be the lightest robot.
"We know Yellow dont worri we will be carfulle" Shroud and stream wuld make it to the ark and with all there might try to get steel up

"Ugh....You ar 1 heavy bot"

You dont say this guy weight like 100 tons"

"Shut up and lets get him up"

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