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Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Jet blinked at steel. "Actually, I've seen many Maximals during my lifetime. I've even seen Optimus Prime!" Jet said this to reassure steel that he wasn't alone, but then she thought of something. "Steel, what if I stayed predacon/Maximal, and kept my mark as a predacon, and I can update the maximals with news for where the predacons are and what they're plans are?"
"Too risky. I a can however, change it to maximal, and you can change it like your forms." He said. "I have met the last prime, but have seen none of my maximal brethren." (Optimus is the last prime.)

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"When you are in the presence if predacons, you can change your symbol to theirs." He said.

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"That would be very useful, to." Jet nodded, but then though of something. "Where do you stay? It's not very safe out here, since we are close to the predacon's hide out here." Jet said, looking around to make sure nobody was watching them.
He puts her on his back, the walked to his lair, which is a cave covered by rubble that is 30 cycles (minutes) away.

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Jet is a little suprised at first that he effortlessly put her on his back, but gets a little used to it, staying on the look out for any cybertronian.
A scanner activated, scanning Steel Claw. "Access granted, welcome home master." A female ai said as he walked into the cave,

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"This is my home." He said. The cave is filled with computers, weapons, it has 4 massive rooms used for sleeping, and one bigger room used for training using simulators.

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(I really dont have the minor idea how to starts....well yolo)

Shru wuld sore trew the skyes scouting for the desepticons and the roar of his jet engins can be heard
"Corta, close the doors, and cloak the entrance, a decepticon is near." Steel Claw said to the ai. "Yes master, activating defense protocol. Closing and cloaking entrances." The female ai said.

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Shru wuld fly over the cave not notecing it and continuse his scauting north and he wuld contact Desepticons "This is Shru scouting compleat over moutin area continuing to plains....Shru out"He wuld say in a deep voice and continu flying north
"Threat avoided, returning to normal state." The ai said as the doors uncloak, remaining closed.

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Shru wuld fly over the plains and tranform in mid air and fall to the ground he looks around and walks for a bit trew the plains but sees nothing he then contacts Desepticon,s "This is Shru i have finish scouting the designated locations...are there any more areas needed to be serch" Shru ask wating for a respons

"Shru theres dosent seem any other place of scout but theres a pile of corpses near the moutin area you were"
"Yes sir....Shru out" Shru wuld transform back to his bomber form and go back to the moutin area and serch the bodise as he makes his way the sound of his engins can be heard again
Shroud wuld transform back to his Bot mode and land on the pile of bodies far off from the cave and wuld start to move them with his feet serching for anything as he was told
"A decepticon?" Jet muttered quietly so only Steel could hear. Jet was a bit scared, but she still had her predacon mark, so he shouldn't attack her if he spotted her, but he would attack steel. Jet was a little worried for Steel, but scared at the same time, since Jet never seen a decepticon personally.
"He is looking for something. I do not think it is us." Steel said as he watched live footage of Shroud looking through corpses.

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Shroud wuld pick up a small Insectabot (correct mi if wrong) and look at it "so small yet so far" and squish it with his finges and prosids to move more bodies
(The insecticon was not little, but rather the size of a sports car) "He is moving the empty corpses." Steel claw said.

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Jet sat, also watching the live footage. Jet shivered as he killed a something, seeing small sparks fly off of it. Jet was also wondering about finding other maximals, since she knew Steel and herself were not alone. The decepticon was rather big, and it seemed to have the transformation of a plane of some type.
"Looks like he is not leaving for a while. We should rest while we are safe." Steel Claw said.

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Shrude wuld contact desepticon,s wille siting on a corp "This is Shru nothing here anything else"

"Serch for any caverns ner by"

"Alright Shru out"

Shru wuld walk near the bodis and see a small cavern and prosod to walk in (Not yours)

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