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Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

as Shroud and Stream fly over the destroyd base to make sure its secure and see nothing from above they wuld land near the fron entrys with there wepons ready and wuld enter most what they see is corpses and deep scrash marks on walls.

"This is stream to steel the base is mangeld up what ar we exacly serching for" Stream wuld say trew here comunication radion
"the other side of the predacon base, steel. I just took out the security systems. I know this base, and they do have a hidden prison in here.." Jet walked down the hall, and turned right. She saw a door in the end, and walked over to it. Jet switched to predacon logo, just in case. Jet heard a creaking when she stepped, nodded, and kicked at the creaking metal. There was a dark room, and Jet jumped in, faded lights suddenly turning on.
Back at the base, the communications systems would began to sound off, informing whoever might be around to hear it that there was a call incoming from Autobot High Command.
Jet heard a ringing in her ears, since she had a device in her ear that was connected to the alarm at the base. Jet was a bit distracted at first, but contacted steel. "Steel!! Someone's going to contact our base! I think it might be some form of high command!" Jet was panicking a little, they had to answer this call, they could use some help, and they needed to know they weren't going to be alone!
On the other side of the call, Grimlock tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for an answer, his temperament not helped by the sounds of battle echoing throughout the city. All of that glorious combat he could be fighting in, and he was stuck here because Prime's pet Communications Officer was too busy helping with the finishing touches for the Ark to do his slagging job. The very thought would have caused Grimlock to scowl in irritation, if Grimlock's robot mode had possessed a mouth. He settled for a growl instead. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up...he needed to get back to scrapping Decepticons!
Jet scowled, calming down. She would just answer, and answered the call through the com link. What in primus was she supposed to say? She didn't want to sound rude, and she didn't want to sound un professional either, so Jet just waited for the caller to say something first. She heard something that sounded like battle in the background of the call, and hope this wasn't a call for back up. Then she would be screwed.
Grimlock heard somebody picked up, but the lack of any actual answer made him growl in frustration again. Well, if they weren't going to do anything, then he would. "This me Grimlock, transmitting from Iacon, calling Autobot and Maximal forces. Who answers me Grimlock's call?"
Steel Claw enters the base with yellow stance and shatter blast. "I do." Steel claw said. "We read you loud and clear." (Is this a video call?)

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(no, it's a call in the COM) "What's the reason for calling, Grimlock?" Jet walks through the dark halls, the lights flickering, Jet transformed her hand into her subsonic gun, pointing it at anything that moves.
Shroud and Stream dint reseav and answer from steel and continue deeper in the destroid base as the only thing they see is mangeld bodys and scrach marks all over the place and holes of explosions...is Shater blast this Strong?
"I will be back boss, i am gonna go check on the seekers." Shatter blast said as he turned to beast mode.

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Grimlock's mood brightened slightly when he heard two voices answer his call. Finally! The sooner they got this done, the sooner he could get back to killing 'Cons! "Me Grimlock calling because him Prime have new orders for all units; Autobots and Maximals fall back to Iacon for new operation."
"The thing is grimlock, he have a ship of our own to repair." Steel claw said. "I will send you the coordinates of my HQ." he said as he sent the coordinates.

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Aaaaand there went Grimlock's improving mood. "Me Grimlock not requesting, New Spark. That order. Return to Iacon. Besides, repairing ship waste of resources, and him Prime say we lost enough soldiers already; him be angry if you get scrapped because you stupid enough to think random junker make it past Decepticon and Predacon fleets."
"New spark!! I will have you know i have enough trouble on my hands!" He said, not knowing he was using grimlock's voice, due to him being a Grimlock V2.

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Jet smiled. Iacon? Jet walked out of the prison, everything was obviously dead in here, even the prisoners. Jet was ready to just fly there by herself, but knew she had to stick with the others. Jet sighed and walked outside the damaged predacon base. Jet looked in the direction of Iacon. Jet's eyes sparkled a bit, Jet could get past decepticon and predacon fleets, her body had the shape of a predacon and she could change her logo to predacon, since that was what she was originally. But the other's couldn't, and she wasn't going to ditch them.
"Jet. Meet me at the entrance please." Shatter blast said. "I need to gather parts for the ship."

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Shroud and Stream wuld hear him from the Comm and walk outside and meat up with Shater

"What is it shater blast"
"Fine then! Just you wait til i come over there. Then you will see my fury, "brother"." He said. "All maximals, return to base, we are leaving for iacon." He then said to jet, shatter blast, stream and shroud.

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Jet winced as the voice filled her processors. She noticed something, their base wasn't in Iacon. So there was no returning to Iacon, just going there. Jet went to shatter blast and couldn't help but laugh at the argument between steel and grimlock, but she made it so that the laugh was not heard in the COM link. Jet did as steel said, and returned to base as her griffin mode, running pretty fast. Jet wanted to say, 'woot! leaving for iacon!' but didn't say it.
Shroud and Stream wuld look each other and transforme to there Fighter form and fly as fast as posible back to base and land reverting back to bot mode

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