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Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity (OOC)


Lost Martian

Get in the robot!

The planet Cybertron was home to a unique species of completely technological beings who could change their forms. These Cybertronians, once a great power in the galaxy, had become more isolationist after finishing a great war with the Quintesson Empire. The traditional ruler of the Cybertronians, the Prime, had lost their power as the Senate took control of the day to day lives of those living on Cybertron.

Eventually revolution would brew, as a young intellectual named Orion Pax and a miner named Megatron would rally for political change. The two would eventually have a falling out over Megatron’s violent ways. Soon the revolution would split into the Autobots, who fought for more autonomy and freedom, and the Decepticons, who wished to return to the stars and rebuild the Cybertronian Empire.

The Decepticons would eventually gain enough forces and power to march on the capital of Cybertron. In one terrible battle the Senate would be killed and their puppet ruler Sentinel Prime was gravely wounded. Sentinel Prime would escape from the Decepticons, finding sanctuary with the Autobots. Just before passing away from his wounds, Sentinel Prime would hand the Matrix of Leadership, an ancient artifact that can only be held by a Prime, to Orion Pax. The energies of the Matrix would transform him into Optimus Prime, the legitimate ruler of Cybertron.

Feeling betrayed, Megatron would declare war on the Autobots. This would be the start of the Great Civil War, a cataclysmic event that would ravage Cybertron for centuries. Eventually there would be no more resources on Cybertron, with most cities razed to the ground. Optimus Prime would then make the hard decision to abandon Cybertron, the Autobots leaving in ships called Arks.

Though technically victorious, Megatron wouldn’t be satisfied and would chase after Optimus in his own ship the Nemesis. He would find Optimus’s Ark just outside a planet called Earth. A battle would ensue in which Megatron boarded the Ark. However both ships would then crash into the Earth, forcing all Cybertronians aboard into stasis.

They would remain that way until 1984 when a volcano eruption would reactivate the Ark. The Autobots and Megatron’s forces would reawaken, the Decepticons being forced off the ship. Now stuck on Earth, the Autobots, and the Decepticons who Megatron would reawaken, would assume alternate forms to blend in.

It wouldn’t be too long before the Human governments would discover that the Cybertronians were continuing their battle on Earth. After some initial confusion, the people of Earth would side with the Autobots. It was also around this time that contact would be reestablished with space, both sides still apparently fighting amongst the stars.

Eventually the Autobot-Human Alliance would force the Decepticons off Earth, Optimus Prime leading a crusade to push back the Decepticons to Cybertron. It was during this time that Optimus and Megatron would have their final battle, both of them disappearing after it. It would be soon after this that the Decepticons finally surrendered.

Shortly after this Autobot City would be built on Earth, a base for the Autobot-Human Alliance. The Autobots would then begin making contact with the other alien species that the Decepticons had wronged. Soon a new age of peace began. But there was still the question of what happened to Optimus Prime. A ship, the Odyssey, with a crew of Autobots and Humans would be dispatched from Autobot City to try and find the lost Prime, the true leader of the Cybertronians.

Welcome to Transformer: Into Infinity, an original Transformers roleplay set in an alternate universe of our own design. While the core of this roleplay will be Generation One, we will be taking aspects from other series, like Beast Wars, Prime, the movies, and even some original world building. This roleplay is going to be lighter in tone than other Transformers stories, as we are no longer actively in a war, in fact its an era of mass peace.

The characters who you will be playing, of which you are allowed up to three, will either be Autobots or Humans assigned to the Odyssey, a newly built starship given the mission of finding the missing Optimus Prime. Each character will need a specific role aboard the Odyssey, especially if they are a Human. As far as Transformer alternate modes go I’m allowing both vehicle and animal ones, as well as being a triple changer, but I’m going to disallow combiners.

And that’s basically it. This is going to be a fun adventure through space, with only basic knowledge of what a Transformer is required to join in. I’m really open on world building as this is an original universe of our own creation. If you have any questions about the plot, setting, or character ideas, feel free to either ask me in this thread or send me a PM. Also please post any completed character sheets in the characters tab for review.
I'll need to do some small sheet adjustments later today, so it might be a minute before Jet n Arii are back into written form

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