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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike laughed, shaking her head and examining her own energon sword. "You should tell me your name. It's only polite if you tell me your name before I kill you." She purred
Riptide growled, though couldnt get a word in before there was a loud roar and Matriarch, in her dino form, jumped out and pounced at Riptide who jumped to the side and looked between the two con femmes. "Theres a Dinobot?! I thought Grimlock and his gang were the only ones!" She exclaimed, backing up. Though Matriarch didnt have her attention on Riptide but Shadowstrike. "My kill!"
The small Bot continue to Follow the Male bot,as soon it was starting to walk the small bot would hide its metalical Insect like limbs and turn in to a perfect sphear befor sliding off the cealing and falling on the ground,the small now ball started to rolle behinde the Bot,it was small and darn hard to see for Bots and aswell the camo just made it even harder,it rolled behinde him but if he had a Kin hearing he could pick up the sound of the small bot rolling on the concreat,as it followd i remain slightly away to maintain distance.

On the Other side far away he femme saw what her Little Buddy was seeing and perfect aswell,a she laid on her Chassis she would give out a sigh and would once again plant her helm on he scope watching,as she did she would surely look were Teddy was,geting sight of the mech "Nice work Teddy...Ya keep Rolling,Got the Little Buger on sight.....No Hostility as Old Angel can tell...keep Ya Rolling"she said keeping the Walking bot on the scope.....she was not gona shoot him or anything but was keeping in eye on it,as she did she would reach up her helm and remove Bob and placing him beside her "Ok Boby...Y'all watch around,dont whant to get a suprice"she said as bob would nod and would clime the small antena on the building and standing on the highest Point,keeping watch for anybody coming this way.

@RedTeam Grif
Graveblade turned around as he thought of many things starscream ran from for smaller reasons, " Eh, no sir, i'm heading back now. Just send me shadowsrtikes coordinates."
Shadowstrike crossed her arms, fighting the urge to punch Matriarch. "Go find your own prey. This one's mine." She growled, glaring at the Dinobot. She didn't like Matriarch. She just got in the way and caused problems for everyone
Silvershot stopped, "What the?" He looked around, though didnt see the ball and shrugged. "Guess something in meh audials" He scratched the side of his helm and kept walking. He didnt know he was being spied on by a femme and her pets, he had no idea anything was even around him at the moment.


Starscream then sent him coordinates. "And tell Shadowstrike that the pest of a Dinobot is lurking around. And remember, she has no problem in slaying cannon fodder like you or the femme. Much like Shockwave"


Matriarch hissed at her, "No! My kill! I track her!" She snapped, her tail lashing right from left and repeating. "You haul pretty aft back to Starscream, he like watch femme grovel" She spat.

@Seraph Fighter
Graveblade headed towards the coordinates sent to him, and mumbled under his breath, " Oh but i wouldn't have a problem with killing you jackass..."
Shadowstrike snarled, her digits clenching by her sides as it took all her power not to shoot Matriarch. "What'd you say Dinobot scum?! Do you want your aft kicked?! I'm sure every Deception would be happy to help me!" She snapped, her lips curled back in a sneer
Graveblade landed next to shadowstrike and matriarch in the middle of their little squabble, " I'm sorry to interrupt ladies but we have a job to do," He said bringing out his twin mini-guns, " and if we don't kill the auto-bots now starscream might yell at us ferociously."
Matriarch turned and hissed at Grave Blade, "Only Decepticon I'm afraid of is Shockwave, true Decepticon of fear!" She growled, then looked over at Shadowstrike. "Matriarch is stronger than all Decepticons but one! I take both offline and the Autobot!" She snapped. Meanwhile Riptide was sneaking away, she jumped up a building and started leaving. "See ya, suckers" She muttered.
Graveblade noticed riptide running off and quickly turned towards matriarch, " I don't care who gets the kill just go kill the damn bot before we all get in trouble!"
Shadowstrike turned on Graveblade, "You don't have a say in this! This is between me and Matriarch not you. The Autobot is my kill, and I plan on claiming it!" She snapped, "No stupid Dinobot is going to get in my way!"
Graveblade just stared down at shadowstrike, "Well are you going to let the auto-bot get away, or are you going to keep arguing over it smart aft!"
Matriarch's tail slammed into Graveblade's side, "Leave, mech bot! Tell Screamer he get his kill soon" She growled, "You are messenger bot after all" She added then hissed at Shadowstrike. "Stupid Dinobot? Ha! No stupid Dinobots but Grimlock and his subordinates" She hissed.
Shadowstrike glowered up at Graveblade, her arms crossed and her optics narrowed, "We can just tell Starscream it was you and Matriarch's fault. Both of you showed up and messed up my job." She growled
Graveblade grabbed matriarch by the neck and slammed her into the wall, " I'm not the messenger, I came here to finish the job..." He then let go and transformed flying after riptide.
Matriarch roared at him as he went. "Stupid mech bot, all think they big and bad" She muttered, then started chasing after where Graveblade left to get to the Autobot first. Riptide looked back and cursed as she saw the helicopter and heard the Dinobot coming as well. "Slag!" She growled, the wheels on her heels making her go faster until she slightly had tire tracks on the top of the buildings.
Shadowstrike cursed and transformed before zooming off after Matriarch, seeing Riptide quickly out running her and Graveblade. She transformed back into her normal form and with one leap, made it to the top of the building Riptide was on. "Come back hwr you fracking bot." She snarled, starting to run after her, even though she was slower. If Riptide requested a Ground Bridge, they were screwed
Graveblade was still a ways behind riptide but he still had her in his sights. As long as he could see her he could shoot her. So he started spraying bullets and missiles in her direction trying to land as many hits as possible.
Riptide had to zig zag, though one hit her behind her knee, which was unarmored, and made her almost trip. "Screw you, Cons!" She growled, grabbing a handy grenade and threw it backwards, wincing every time she moved her leg. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow"
Graveblade just kept pursuing, while laughing menacingly, " HAHAHHAHA, its been so long since a chase like this!" at the same time shot the hand grenade out of the sky now getting closer and closer to the limping auto-bot.
Shadowstrike grinned, and using her sniper, aimed through the scope and took a shot at Riptide's other knee, hoping to make her fall so she could kill her.
Riptide yelped in pain, "Now that fracking hurt, glitch!" She yelled, though good for her she had called in a ground bridge and it opened up. "Thank Primus, see ya glitches!" She called back as she went through it and the ground bridge disappeared. Matriarch stopped and roared in irritation.
Graveblade transformed back and landed on the building closest to him, "Ah damnit... Starscream will have all our afts for this one..."
Shadowstrike stopped and whirled on Graveblade and Matriarch, "You glitches are the ones that caused this! One of you can contact him right now, I'm not taking the blame for it." She snapped, her digits clenched tightly.

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