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Realistic or Modern Torn limbs

"Bethany," She returned, just as shortly as Isabella had. Beth turned her attention to the run-down scenery that swiftly passed by the car and recalled the last time she's been in a vehicle like this before - it'd probably be back when she was setting up at her new college. Bethany was also surprised by Antonio's abundance of supplies. How had he managed to find energy drinks of all things in all of this rubble? For certain, he got luckier than she did in their findings. "Settlement?" Bethany asked and cocked her head to the side curiously. "A settlement as in a group of... other living people?" She asked once more. Her voice was full of disbelief. She couldn't believe that there were enough living people left in a small area to be able to call it a "settlement"... but then again, she had run into an abnormal amount of people today. Anything could be possible at this rate, she assumed.
"A settlement?" Mason said also in disbelief looking at Antonio who was in the back of the van. He hadnt seen anyone alive since this whole thing had started, most had either tried to flee at the start of the outbreak or had died and become the infected. He wiped more blood from his face as they kept driving, while he gave directions to Isabella, they were nearing his house now. It had become clear from today that Mason couldnt stay in this town any longer, the others were probably surprised he had lasted this long staying in one place.
"Well then that's the next plan but.. Let's be honest, we can't drive on these roads while the dead is hunting for us. We gotta stay low... at least until tomorrow morning." She sighed, listening to Mason's directions as He gave them out. She started thinking about the next settlement... the ranging of the miles and the area it might be in.

"Antonio, can you read me the town it's in? I think... It might be a Quarantine Zone." She asked... well, an old Quarantine Zone, if it was active then they would see soldiers around the place, this area for sure.
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"Yes," Antonio replied, looking up at Mason and Beth. "You all seem surprised that there are living people, like you, out there trying to live together in an organized fashion. Even in the absence of the law, these things are possible. We're alive, so why not others, too?"

He sighed and shook his head. "Maybe I'm too optimistic. But it's better to have some hope than to have none."

He looked over at Isabella and checked the area's information briefly.

"Yes, it is. Or was. I can't be sure. There is no reason to quarantine anything anymore because the outbreak is beyond control. Maybe the soldiers left supplies when the helicopters came to retrieve them. There's not enough room on a chopper for everything they would have needed."
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"I don't think they're shocked about the survivors..there are obviously others. But its whether or not they are trying to kill you for your belongings or even your own flesh. Not many people out there like... us? None that i've seen anyway... hope there are though.." Isabella added, pursing her lips as she nodded to Antonio's other statement.

"I know the town, went there for my fifteenth birthday.If it's a.. settled plan, we'll have to come up with a route. Can't just walk into a Quarantine zone well-- an abandoned one. I don't think we'll be the only ones with the idea of checking it for supplies.." She nodded, biting the insides of her cheeks. She was completely okay with getting out of this town, as everyone else can tell, it's creeping with tons of the dead, too much to stay safe from. Every town is going to have walkers, obviously, but this location was too open for a permanent settlement. Too many alarm systems and... big houses. It wouldn't be smart to stay.
Mason wasnt shocked that there were other survivors, he had always doubted that every single person was dead, although he did find it surprising that there might be organized settlements and not just lone survivors like himself. After a few minutes of driving, the van came to a stop outside of his house. A small and rather ordinary house. " This is my house" He said to the others as he opened the door, getting out of the van and walking to the dront door. He grabbed the key out of his pocket, opening the door and walking into the living room. He had scavenged most of what was left of the towns supplies, he had around a months left of food and enough ammunition for the foreseable future.

He pulled the empty clip out of his gun, grabbing a box under the couch that had mixed ammunition for different types of guns and loading in a full clip.
Bethany followed Mason in to his house with careful steps and looked all around her. "Nu layno (Well shit)..." Bethany commented under her breath, looking at all of Mason's collected supplies. This must be why she wasn't able to find anything in this area, because he already took everything. "Zhadnyy ublyudok (Greedy bastard) ..." She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. Bethany was being a hypocrite, though, seeing as she'd do the same exact thing: which is take everything for herself. It's not like the living are abundant anyways, as far as she knows, so who else would use all this food and stuff? Beth was just upset that she couldn'tve gotten her hands on these valuables first.

"So would we be staying her until tomorrow?" Beth asked. She did not like to be the sheep following a Sheppard, but she had no where else to go.
"Cut my life into pieces this is my last resort." Lui found a generator in the garage and a stereo that he was blasting at full volume. He found some of his favorite songs in a bedroom that use to be owned by a rock lover. Maybe a teenager before this infection started. "Wonder what happened to the kid once he left." He said and began to wonder. He couldn't care less about the zombies banging on the door like a neighbor telling him to turn down the music. He was just rocking out making air guitar hand motions. The walkers were bashing on the window trying to get in to him. He reinforced the doors and windows though so he was alright for now. He couldn't get infected anyway and he didn't feel pain but he did not feel like stitching up his skin again.


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