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Realistic or Modern Torn limbs

Mason walked through the almost deserted streets of his hometown, well thats atleast how it seemed, he could hear the distant moans of dozens of the dead although unless they spotted you or you made a loud noise, it wasnt to hard to survive but Mason had; had it easy, staying in one place although he had also had ALOT of close calls. Unfortunately the supplies of the town were drying up, what hadnt been looted which wasnt much, had been used by Mason himself as it appeared he was the only permanent ALIVE resident in his town. Mason came to a stop outside one of the General store's in town, the last place that had any food supplies that he could see. He grabbed his gun from a pocket in his jacket, the last owner, a police officer hadnt been so lucky as Mason had found what was left of him on the street a few weeks ago.

Slowly he grabbed the wooden handle on the door. Locked. He pulled at it. Nothing. Stepping back he took a small run up busting the door off it's hinges. Suddenly a blareing high pitched sound filled his ears. An alarm. Mason cursed under his breath, he must of set the security alarm off in the store. He quickly turned on his heals facing the road againand just before he took a step dozens of the dead came stumbling around the corner at the top of street, barely twenty metres from him, knawing frantically at the air as the smell of their rotting flesh filled his nostrils. He quickly wheeled back around, running into the store and spotting a door at the back at frantically dashing towards it only to realise it was locked once he reached it.

((My writings all over the place today, ugh))
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"Shit I fell asleep." He thought to himself as he slowly opened his eyes to the sound of a high pitched alarm system going off. "What the hell is that damn noise?" He mumbled and walked to the window slowly cracking it open. He climbed out and went over to the front door to write in red painting. 'DON'T OPEN HYBRID INSIDE' on it. He then walked down the street for about five mins in the direction of the alarm before finally reaching the source. A whole bunch of infected people were limping about some making their way into the store and some bashing on the window like the idiots they were. "God damnit. Who the hell even set it off?" He said and walked to the back of the store dealing with any infected that came up to him.

He then walked over to the fuse box and opened it. He took out all the wires he could find. It didn't matter if he got electrocuted he was basically dead anyway and didn't feel any pain. Once the sound stopped he found a rock and threw it which hit the car right at the back of the car park which caused that alarm to go off. It drew the attention of the walkers to that place instead.
Suddenly the large glass windows of the store shattered, sending the infected tumbling in over each other in a huge wave of undead bodies that quickly stood up again. Mason raised his gun at the first infected whose jaw was hanging off it's face by a thin thread of rotting skin, pulling the trigger sending the infected's brain splattering all over the dead behind it. He fired several more shots as the infected drew closer. Then it hit him. He quickly turned firing several shots at the lock on the door before it flew off. He quickly kicked the door open and tried to quickly slam it behind him but the undead hands of the dead stopped the door from fully closing. He threw all his weight on the door and then suddenly the alarm stopped although the dead desperately punding against the door had already seen his juicy flesh and were determined to rip it off his skeleton. Mason grunted at the effort of keeping the dead from flooding through the door. After a few seconds he took off in a run down the alley way as dozens of infected flowed through the back door.
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"At least that annoying sound is not on anymore. Now I can get some peace." He said and grunted as he got back up and walked to the front of the store. From the ally on the other side he saw a human running out from it and the walkers were chasing him. "Better get your ass out of here before they knaw on your flesh." He called out to him and waved before walking around down the car park and around the corner to go back to his house. "I swear. Humans are never careful when it comes to these things."
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Isabella nodded and took hold of the flashlight, looking around the dark garage. There was no car as expected but... they still had a lot of room to look. Walking with Antonio around the garage, she flinched and gasped as she heard a faint yet loud siren..or sirens from a distant. Like an alarm? Her eyes were wide and she didn't move, her breath hitches once or twice.

"You hear that too right? Or... is it just me going crazy?" She whispered, scared it was attracting everything outside until it then stopped. A few moments later, another alarm went off, and then there were gunshots. There was living? They were making a lot of noise for being in a zombie apocalypse, don't you think? That alarm was going to attract more and more of those infected monsters if it didn't stop and quite frankly... she had a strong feeling no one was going to put an end to it.

"W--we got to shut off that alarm before it crowds this whole area with nightwalkers." She whispered, her flashlight catching a glimpse of a bright red container. Running over to it, she picked it up... filled with gas. Hallelujah. She smiled, pretty much handing Antonio his prize before looking for the exit. They could easily drive there, check it out, do what they got to do and then drive back... do as they planned. They would still be sticking together and still be going by their schedule, right?

She wasn't going to let anyone else die out there if she had the chance to help them... that is... if they are trust-able right?
Mason sprinted through the alleyway, not having of heard whoever had yelled at him over the sound of groaning dead and the now new alarm that going off. Glancing back he saw that the dead were still limping quickly behind them but they were much slower then him and if he kept this pace he would be able to make it back to his house and wait until the comotion died down and the streets cleared again. Then suddenly as he reached the end of the alley something grabbed him causing him to tumble over onto the ground and causing him to drop his gun with an infected falling ontop of him. He could smell the rotting flesh as the infected knawed frantically at his face which was barely inches from the it's jaws. He grunted as he struggled to keep the infected from ripping open his face. He managed to get a hand free reaching for his gun, brushing a few of his fingers over it. The dead man's jaws fell a few inches closer. Mason grunted again punching the man in the head with his free hand although it was like it didnt even notice as it continued to knaw desperately at his face.
Bethany jumped in her own skin at the sound of a distant but clearly audible alarm. She woke up still clutching Angelica's bear to her chest with her eyes wide and bloodshot from crying. Just last night she had stopped by Angelica's grave the next town and has not stopped crying yet. It had been mere months since she's moved to America but more has already happened to her than anyone could ever even imagine; or would even dare to imagine. Bethany peeks out the smashed car window which lays underneath two more crashed cars (she hid here over night) and saw that the sun had come up.... THE SUN HAD COME UP! Bethany hastily stuffs the bear into her backpack and pulls out a loaded pistol in return before scrambling out of her hole cautiously. "Fuck fuck fuck... how could I have slept for so long?! I could've been killed..." Bethany curses under her breath repeatedly as her head whips from side to side, checking for infecteds. There were none around... yet. But those sirens are sure to attract something soon... very soon. "I need to leave... or find somewhere safer than here..." Bethany then sprints as fast as she can in the opposite direction of all the noise. She could hear foreign gunshots going off. That must mean that there may be another living person out there, and as curious as she may be, she was also not stupid. Bethany has no intent in getting herself killed. She was not going to jump into a crowd of infecteds to save one life.

Bethany then stumbles across a van. She examines it closely. It looks fully functionable, which comes to a surprise to her. Most of the ones she's passed are either completely mangled or just simply don't work. It must belong to someone else, that is also trying to get away... But, she would never pass up an opportunity such as this, even if i means someone else will die. Besides, they left it so unprotected, they must not care that much about their lives. Bethany hops into the driver's seat, throwing her backpack into the passenger's seat and just when she goes for the ignition, she realizes that the keys aren't there. She curses under her breath again and looks to the garage. She could hear movement from inside.

Bethany arms her pistol again, stepping out of the car and stepping towards the house slowly, not for a second taking her eyes off of the garage.
On his way back to his shealter he noticed someone getting out of the same van that the girl who stabbed him was in. "Thats a bad idea." He called out while he was looking at her. "They are feisty on-" He banged into a street pole and looked towards it "Mother of fuck who put this peice of shit here?!" He said and punched the pole then started kicking it before he regained control over himself. "Sorry about that." He said and walked back down the street.
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Bethany turned her body from the garage at the sound of another voice and instead aimed her gun at the person who spoke to her. Beth watches the person as they bump into a pole and she puzzedly raises an eyebrow, watching their irrational behavior. They seemed to have no intent in bothering her anymore (hence the fact that they seem to be leaving and well... he was also too preoccupied with beating up a pole) so she decides to leave them alone. Plus, he didn't seem to be very approachable... but then again, neither is she. So Beth turns back to the garage... but then a light bulb goes off in her head. Who is or are "they"? Beth cautiously walks in the direction of the person who once spoke to her. "Who are you?" Bethany asks sternly, her thick russian accent giving away the fact that she is not native to the states. "Do you own this van?" She continues to ask, not giving the person a chance to respond. "Answer or I won't hesitate to shoot you," Bethany clicks her pistol. But as she finally takes in the appearance of the man, she draws in a sharp breath.

It was an infected, who seemed to had already been stabbed. On top of that, it could speak fluent English. "What are..." She starts under her breath, and without a second's thought she fires her pistol, aiming square at the back of his head. Before Bethany turns her attention back to the garage, she watches to make sure that the walker had died (I mean, he should've) but... he was still alive. "What the fuck??" Bethany shoots at the thing three more times, backing towards the van quickly on her heels. She hops back in and searches around for the keys hastily. "I need to get out of here... I've wasted too much time and that thing out there could be highly dangerous..." She thinks to herself as she breaks open the drawboard.
He turned around to the sound of the girls voice again. He heard her ask him a question so he tried to reply. "Well my name is-" Before he finished she asked him another one. "Well no but-" Again he was interrupted. "Well if you would let me answer the damn question before shooting!" He said getting a little frustrated with the girl. He watched her as she examined him and pointed the gun towards him to open fire. The gun went through his head and out the other side without actually hitting the brain. "Hey you could have killed me!" He said and watched again as she began to shoot again. The bullets landed around his chest and neck area. "WILL PEOPLE STOP GETTING MY FUCKING CLOTHES STAINED AND RIPPED PLEASE?! THESE ARE MY ONLY DAMN PAIR!" He said and calmed himself down. He picked the bullets out of the holes around his chest and walked over the the van she entered. He then opened the door and put them on the passenger seat next to her. "I think these are yours." He said and closed it again before walking away from the van and back into the direction of his house.
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Flinching as she heard the three or four gunshots... right outside of the home her and Antonio were in. Getting her pistol out from her side, she clicked the safety off and held the gun with her free hand. Guiding the flashlight around the room, she finally found the knob to go outside. Walking to it, she turned off the flashlight and handed it back to Antonio, her hand cautiously gripped the golden knob, twisting it slowly and then flung it open, now holding her gun with both hands and pointing.

"Who's the--" She couldn't even finish her sentence without seeing the guy from earlier, walking away with several holes in his body that oozed watery crimson, cursing and complaining as he was the last time. All she could do was glare before her green eyes locked on Antonio's van, one of the doors were open. Slowly creeping closer to the van, she loaded her gun with just one click, chewing her lower lip.

"Step out of the van.." Isabella said firmly, her blood splattered face filled with seriousness... Not ready to joke around what so ever. This was Antonio's van with HIS belongings and HIS gas. For Christ's sake, they JUST found gas for the motherfucker. They were JUST about to go check out what the siren/alarm noises were... to see if anyone needed help. And now... Isabella was secretly scared they were dealing with a bandit.. Well, she would be dealing with a bandit.. again. That was her only fear in this situation.
Mason managed to get a grip on his gun, shooting the infected through it's forehead, splattering blood all over Mason's face and causing the infected to fall, now ontop of him. He could hear the groans of even more infected getting closer .As he started to push the body off him another infected came into view, Mason quickly shot this one as well, causing it too, to fall ontop of him. He let out a loud yell as he struggled to push the two dead bodies off of himself. He managed to do it just in time as the dozens from the alleyway were now only feet away from him. He pointed his gun yet again at the coming infected firing at each, hitting his target as more blooding and brain sprayed over him until his gun started to click. He was out of ammo. He kicked himself off the ground stumbling as he tried to keep his balance. He pulled out his knife from his sheath which was now the only weapon he had that he could use.

Mason stumbled through the town quickly as the infected also started to stumble onto the roads from alleyways and stores that they had been lurking in. He quickly slipped down an empty alley. He coudldnt run properly as he was half limping due to hurting his knee before. After a few minutes of quickly limping through the town he stumbled onto a road, tripping over his own feet and falling to the ground. Looking up he saw a van maybe ten metres away and a girl pointing a gun at whoever was inside. He grunted in alarm as he held gripped his empty gun (Unbeknown to everyone else) firmly.
Bethany's jaw drops as the man she just shot repeatedly drops the bullets in front of her... but he didn't seem to be planning to hurt her. If it's a fight with some unknown creature that she can avoid, she'll settle with that and leave him be. If he intends to hurt other people, well, that's not her problem, so no reason to try to kill him. So, Beth goes back to what she was doing, but then she hears another gun ready itself directly behind her. She froze in place and looked to the holder. It was another woman, one who looked perfectly healthy, minus the fact that she was all bloody. Bethany rose her gun back at the woman and moved forward, pressing the barrel into the woman's chest. "I promise you that I will be the first to fire," Bethany hisses as she pushes the woman back, removing herself from the van. "I don't have time to ask who you are, I'm busy trying to get out of here and -" Beth hears another set of footsteps and then a small thump, as if something fell, to her side and her eyes look in that direction.

This one looked injured, not healthy like the female before her. It may be an infected, or someone who is soon to become one. The injured man also had a gun. Bethany turns her deadly gaze to the man on the ground and returns it to the girl again, her stare never lingering on one more than the other. Bethany unsheathes her knife, now holding her pistol in her free hand (pointing it to the man) and the knife in the other (ready to kill the woman). She was ready to kill them both.
"You know, during those few brave words, I could've actually been the first to fire. I think it's a fair game..." She growled back. Her gun was aimed right at the woman's chest/neck area. "What makes you think I wasn't trying to get--" She was cut off by the thud next to them, seeing a man. He looked hurt.. coming from the direction of the alarms! So there was living in that direction. Well.. at least they didn't have to waist their time going that way... but by the sound of it, they wouldn't want to. Infected were following him... she could hear them from a distance.

Looking back at the woman, she saw now that her knife was pointed towards her. Giving out a sarcastic, weak chuckle, she pulled out her machete and switched places with her gun. Now her gun was pointed at the limping man and the machetes blade was only a centimeter or two away from the woman, in a tight grasp from Isabella.

"I can play the knife game too." She hissed. "I don't have time for this bullshit, I don't think any of us do. I don't know about you, but I hear the walking dead down that road coming this way and quite frankly, I don't want to stay to be their next meal." She growled, continuing. "So you either put your damn knife away and just come with us and we can figure out the pathways for each other later, or... I think we know option number 2." She clenched her jaw, glancing at the man and back at her. "Let's be honest... Option one would be a hell of a lot better."
"Argh" Mason grunted as blood filled his mouth, his face had hit the road when he had fallen. Looking up at the van he now saw two guns pointed at him by a blonde haired woman and a brunette woman. They didnt seem to be together as both also had thier blade held at eachother. Mason looked at them for a moment, contemplating whether he should point his gun back. After a few seconds he dropped his head back to the road. Even if he wanted to put up a fight, he had no ammunition to stand a chance.
Bethany listened to the woman, but did not let her guard down. She's already decided that she does not like this one, but she had to admit, she respected this woman's guts and brains. Beth put the gun away but keeps the knife out by her side. "Fine. But I'm keeping the knife out," Beth said reluctantly and added, "You can't expect one to put down all of their defenses". She then leaned against the van with her arms crossing her chest, waiting for what's next. "I saw men's underwear in there so I'm assuming you're not alone. Is your husband with you?" Bethany asked the woman. Beth then looked to the man on the ground again, seeing his head drop, but she still refused to go near... him... or it, she was still unsure. "And are we taking that with us?" Beth asks.
Mason breathed heavily as he slowly pushed himself up with his elbows. He could hear the two women talking but it all sounded blurred for a few seconds. "And are we taking that with us?" He heard one of the women say. Were they referring to him? Did he really look that bad? "Ungh" He grunted again as he managed to push himself to his feet, wiping the blood off of his face with his sleeve. "Take me where?" He replied, spitting blood out of his mouth (His own blood).
He climbed back through the window to his home and closed it behind him. He looked around and found thin wire and a needle with a thread. He put the wire through the thread and took off his top half to reveal deadly blows to a normal human. But a few bumps and scratches to him. "Ok. Lets deal with you before I turn grey from blood loss." He said to himself and began to stitch himself up. He began with the machete wound peircing the needle through his skin and onto the other side of the wound to tie it together. Once he was finished he did the same with the bullet holes including the ones that were located on his head.

Once he was finished he placed the needle, thread and wire onto the table in front of him before slipping his stained jacket and hoodie back on. For anyone who could see him the stitches were perfectly visible because the tear's where they actually hit were still there. "Great. I may not feel pain but the damn cold is another thing. It's going to kill me before the infection does." He joked a bit and rested his head on the couches pillow behind him.
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"Obviously." She responded, licking her lips as she put her machete away and held her gun by her side. Okay... they got off to a bad start. Hopefully if this Woman was sticking around, they'd at least get along more than...well, more than putting knives to each other's throats. Huffing, she heard the Woman speak again, shaking her head. "No, No.. I met him today. Just another survivor." She answered, tucking the loose hairs from her ponytail behind her ear.

She heard the man speak English, so he was alive and not infected... undead thing, thank god. She noticed blood pouring from his mouth, causing her eyes to widen a bit. He didn't look so good. She knew there weren't time to ask questions, so she just went over to him.

"Were you bitten... You had to be a part of that alarm thing, right?" She asked bluntly, quickly. The noises started getting closer and soon they would be able to see the heads of their enemies who would chomp their broken jaws for their beating hearts.

How romantic of them...
The brunette haired woman walked up to him, he noticed her shock at the blood in his mouth, he held his hand up, shaking his head. "It's my own blood" He said to her. "Were you bitten... You had to be a part of that alarm thing, right?" She asked him bluntly and quickly, the dead were near although they still had probably a minute before they reached them. "No, i wasnt bitten, i was searching a store and the alarm went off" He said to her through deep breaths. He looked at the blonde haired woman and then back to the one i he was speaking too. "I have a house... Nearby.. Supplies.. Food.. Ammunition". As he said it, his thoughts flashbacked to when he was on the ground fighting one of the infected, something or someone had spoken to him and killed some of the infected.
Isabella nodded, noticing the man was... well from the looks of it, she didn't know how much longer he would stay awake, that was just her observation though. The house sounded reliable... and right now it was the only thing anyone had to go to. She kind of felt bad because he literally had to offer something to make sure he wouldn't get killed, due to how cruel this world is now. She unloaded her gun, sending another click to her gun as she then put the safety on and back in her belt on her side, looking behind him as she saw the tops of their heads, the infected.

"Okay.. Okay, C'mon let's get you in the van. You got shotgun.. just tell me the directions and..we'll all be fine." She stuttered through words, seeing as it was already hard enough for him to walk, she wrapped one of his arms over her shoulders and stood up with him, walking to the van. Once they got there, she helped him get up in the passenger's seat and closed the door.

"Antonio! We gotta go, now!" She yelled over the hissing groans of the dead and distant car alarm.

Once she would get the keys she waited for the Blonde and Antonio to get in and close the doors. Once everything was set, she turned on the ignition of the van, putting it in drive and started going, awaiting for the Male's instructions of where to go.
Bethany's ears perked up when she heard the man's offerings. It turned out that he was worth saving, that is, as long as he wasn't lying. But then again, he was critically wounded, so what reason would he have to lie? It's not like he could kill them in the state he's in. Although, this could all be a set up between these three people... Bethany held her bag close to her chest, where the teddy bear was, as the van started up. She remained silent and unsettled, expecting them to turn on her any second now. But... they didn't, not yet at least. "So, Antonio is it?" Bethany said, looking at the man whom she assumed owned the van. "What are your names then?" Bethany asked the other two in the car whom she did not know the names of yet. "And what happened to you? If you were attacked how did you not get bit? Did someone else save you?" Beth asks the injured man. If he had attracted a pack of infecteds, how the hell could he have made it out alive on his own without getting bitten at least?
The woman helped Mason into the front passenger the seat of the van, there was already a man in side, Antonio was his name judging by what the woman called him. These survivors seemed friendly enough, on edge and cautious but not hostile, besides if they wanted to kill him he would already be dead. "What are your names then?" The blonde woman asked from behind him, she had a foreign accent, He thought it was Russian but he couldnt be sure judging by the state that he was in. "Mason" He replied. "And what happened to you? If you were attacked how did you not get bit? Did someone else save you?" The blonde woman spoke again. "I almost got bit, I ran and then one of them surprised me and i fell and it fell ontop of me, i managed to kill it and then another one fell ontop of me, i killed that one too" Mason replied, wondering about the person who he had seen, not sure if he had jsut imagined it or if there was actually another person around somewhere. "That way" He said the woman driving, pointing at the a street to the right.
She turned right, going down the open street as she listened to the two converse. "Isabella." Was all she said. That was a close situation and... she couldn't even imagine being where Mason was. "I didn't catch your name.." She said to the blonde, glancing in the mirror to look back at her and then back at the road in front of them. This was... a lot of living in one day. The only living she had saw anyway. She guessed Colorado had more luck than other states.. Or everyone had the same idea in traveling. Either way... It felt good not to be the only one left? Because if she was... Oh man, One would never know what would have happened. Can she manage on her own? Yes, but she would feel like she was going crazy and start talking to a door or something.
Let's assume that Antonio was there and gave the keys to Isabella. And she is driving now.

Antonio leaned his head on the side of the car door, his eyes half-shut. "I'm tired," he muttered with a yawn. Reaching behind him, he pulled an energy drink from the supplies so that he could stay awake if he had to. "Too bad there weren't any other people there... But at least we found you, right?" he asked, turning to the other passengers. "And gas."

He pulled the GPS out of his pocket and turned it on. "Next settlement is... 20-50 miles southeast," he said.

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