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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

(Oh yes. I'm loving the creativity. "Boooooiiiiiiing" "sccchhhhwiiiiing" lol)

Jino barely has the reaction to spot him after he jettisons off the ground like a beast. His kagune strike into the ground to anchor him and he braces for the impact. Shining shell... He thought, 'what a joke..' The blow made a thud as if he were full of sand. Jino coughs a few times as his kagune *chink* out of the ground. His knees bent slightly, he wraps his koukaku around his fists, making them into long, thin clubs. He hurls his arms together, making then meet in front of his chest with a boom- hoping his enemy wasn't as quick as he'd perceived.
When launching Hisoka had spun using his long legs to wrap around Jino's head and pull himself using his core strength to barely avoid the clubs using after this motion using Jino as support to launch himself above Jino again, although not going too high it was high enough for Hisoka to go for another strike, coming in from above he forced himself down this time going in legs first.
"Dammit!" Under his breath. He regains his awareness. This man moved like water. Seeing him spring up, he crosses his clubs above his head. Jino squats lower, posing to take the brunt of the attack when the ends of his arms open up slightly. What used to look like metal buds now look like bottomless blades roses. He brings his arms parallel together to form one large funnel filled with shining petals. A manic grin takes over his face.
Hisoka licked his lips, allowing himself to be hit by multiple petals Hisoka had decided to release his own Kagune, his eyes going black and red as he chuckled deviously "My my, you'll regret this." he said in an eerie tone as his Kakuja had partially formed, it was clear that his Kakuja was not yet complete but was definitely developed at it took the shape of a 'Shinigami' figure attached to his back with four arms two of them being blades he used them to defend against the rest of the attack swiping towards Jino as well as using the other two hands to crash down on top of him Hisoka had appeared to stand there and just laugh as he watched his Kakuja do the work for him almost.
He buckles under this rampaging demon that had emerged. His trap, doing nothing more than a wooden box to a tiger. Little by little, the blades within the funnel tire and flatten and finally a few large blades gnash and groan to hold off the weight and the attacks. He thinks 'I've got my fitting still.. That's good.' He takes a breath and surges his wings tighter, stretching and warping them to their limit to reach the beasts waist (just over hisokas head, right? Just wanna imagine it right :) ) he gathers the last if his strength to start spinning, the shell keeping most of his enemy in grasp. He then hurls them through the forest wall (near trees basically, you don't have to hit one). Panting and working out his shoulders as his kagune recess to regular size.
As Hisoka was grabbed and sent flying, one of the arms of his Kakuja also grabbed a hold of Jino's kagune when Hisoka was sent flying, using Jino's attack against him he spun his body while they were both sent flying using his Kakuja to ram Jino into the trees first as Hisoka followed he slid across the ground while tossing Jino further into the forest.
He feels stupid. His rage had lead him to ignore the characteristics of his enemy. Luckily, spinning was a fairly used concept to him so he managed to keep track of what went on to a degree. He flexes his kagune forward to try to counter the momentum. It managed to slow his decent into the tree, back first. He is sitting on the ground, a little hazed and his koukaku slinks around his arms and chest to form his final, defensive state. Usually triggered more than called upon by whim. It appears as a fiery bronze ribbon that sticks to him perfectly. He gets up shakily, his body being supported by his shining shell.
Hisoka kept an elegant pose as he awaited Jino to get up, the size of his Kakuja had extended above the trees "Sing." he said with an eerie smile painted on his face as the two blade hands of his Kakuja struck down with a flurry of strikes on Jino's location attempting to cripple him.
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His body shook and wavered with little resistance. His shell took the beating fairly well. He refused to make a sound under the assault.
Feimaan leaped into the fight between Hisoka and Jino from the rooftop he was on without making much of a sound when he landed. His signature mask with the eerie smile on it would immediately be known by any CCG Investigator as the 'Smiling Cobra', the glass cannon with one of the most firepower out of all the ghouls they have encountered. He thought he saw another ghoul as he was on the rooftops but he didn't think it would be much of a threat. He also clearly heard the sounds of a fight nearby, but he was more preoccupied with this one. "Good evening, everyone. It seems like you two are having quite a lot of fun. You don't mind if I join do you? Do you?" He said to the two ghouls, more hungry for action than he could ever be for flesh. @Sinister Clown @Guts
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown](Thankyou! I love HxH too I actually have a Role-play I'm trying to start for it if you're interested in joining PM me ^-^)
Hisoka noticed two new scents arriving in the scene 'Ohh? More have come to play, lovely~' he thought seductively to himself letting out a small chuckle as Hisoka turned back from the current fight he was watching and turned his attention to the other ghoul smell coming from the rooftops "Oh my..He's coming straight for me.." Hisoka had said with an eerie smile as he tilted his head and waited.

(Also it's up to you really, I could make Suzo work alone for now and make him go on a few missions where he could encounter a few of you, or you could take up your chances with Hisoka and meet him ^-^)

Suzo sat at the training room and placed down his brief case, it appeared he was awaiting someone to arrive, after a few hours of sitting there in complete silence until Sir. Shinohara had come also with a brief case placing it down next to Suzo's; While looking at the young boy Shinohara wasn't overly fond of Suzo for some reason, he felt as if he couldn't be trusted despite the way he acted with Suzuya it seemed Suzo was a whole different ball game, they both got up and walked to the center of the training room still without saying a word it seemed they both knew why they were there. Before you could even say "Start!" Suzo & Shinohara launched themselves at eachother and began interlocking into an intense fist fight. (Not going in detail just putting it out there!)

xD Finally someone else claims a cannon character! Pfffthahahaha!~ Shinohara-san, don't die, please! Juuzou-kun would be really sad!

Yes, I was gone a while. I should be on a bit more often, now, though! *smile**smile*
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He looks to the sky, tired and wondering what he'd done to deserve this. "I guess not? I'm pretty beat" he says through his panting.

(I don't mind. But I don't think sinister hadhas been active for a while.)
Guts said:
He looks to the sky, tired and wondering what he'd done to deserve this. "I guess not? I'm pretty beat" he says through his panting.
(I don't mind. But I don't think sinister hadhas been active for a while.)
Sinister-saaaaan! *sniffle*
(Sorry I was busy because it's been my birthday so I've had to be social a lot)

Hisoka burst out into an evil laughter "Oh please please! Come come join me and I shall tear you from limb and devour it; but always savor the flavor after all what's the rush?" his Kakuja at the time also seemed to speak, giving out a loud screech all four arms came crashing down into the area and lifting Hisoka into the air while doing so.

Shinohara took the first move, by stepping to the side and leaping in he decided to feel out Suzo's movements by sending a few effortless swings towards Suzo 'We'll see how this kid moves before I decide if he has what it takes.' the first two strikes were swift and quick despite not placing any real power into them he first sent two strikes towards Suzo's head and roundhouse kicking his mid section attempting to crack his ribs.

Suzo remained in place after noticing the his foot movement changing direction, being able to assume that he would try strike from his side; avoiding the punches was effortless ducking and swaying from side to side in order to avoid the punches directed towards him "Please Sir. Shinohara; Don't go easy!!" at Shinohara's last punch Suzo swayed to the side grabbing onto his arm and pulling Shinohara towards him dashing forward and catching Shinohara in his arm Suzo sent Shinohara flying into the wall giving off a childish giggle after.

@Reika Suzuya


Feimaan grinned beneath his already smiling mask, getting excited, very similar to Yamori at that exact moment. His kakuja appeared from his back, the rinkaku kagune looking very similar to snakes and Cobras. He dashed towards Hisoka at incredible speeds, boosted even more by the fact that he was an Ukaku ghoul. His kagune cancelled out eachother's weaknesses, being able to counter Bikaku, his Rinkaku's weakness, and being able to counter Koukaku, his Ukaku's weakness. The ghoul before him was clearly a Kakuja. A fight between Kakuja and Kakuja, he was very excited to see who would win the fight. "Hahahahaha you're a Kakuja too? What an ugly, monstrous creature you've become. I'll fix you up soon enough with a few holes and cuts." He said to Hisoka, in his usual joking manner, unable to resist saying something about Hisoka's Kakuja. @Sinister Clown @Guts
(Reika-Chan remembered! Thankyou <3)

Placing his mask just above his mouth Hisoka revealed his jagged teeth exposing them with his sinister smirk as he glared at the new comer who had seemed to also possess a Kakuja "Oh my, it looks like I'm going to have to really start getting serious no?" he said in an eerie tone, placing his mask back onto his head he wasted not time in getting started, rushing forward to the new comer he threw a flurry of attack towards his mid torso and head.

Shinohara was surprised to see the kid avoid attacks with flourishing ease, as a response Shinohara sought to cut out the boy's legs in hopes he wouldn't be able to move around so much, leaping to the side and behind Suzo, he grabbed his legs and flipped them from under Suzo sending him flying into the air and launching himself up to chase after the flying Suzo, going in for a large uppercut "Got you now!" he shouted as he threw the final uppercut.

Suzo avoided the first attack towards the legs and realized a moment too late that Shinohara used this to get behind him, being sent in the air Suzo tried regaining balance mid air which had been interrupted shortly after being uppercuted by Shinohara and sent flying further but thanks to this Suzo was able to eventually regain his balance mid air, using his weight as he came down he punched down in Shinohara's head forcing him into the ground as Suzo lands.
Feimaan dodged the attacks from the other Kakuja with ease thanks to his incredible reflexes and the fact that he was a Ukaku along with being a Rinkaku ghoul. The other ghoul seemed too tired to be able to interfere, so he focused on his fight against Hisoka. He attacked the other Kakuja with a series of quick yet strong attacks from his Rinkaku, while simultaneously firing shards from his Ukaku from time to time to keep his opponent distracted and troubled by the attacks from two different Kagunes. "If I eat you, then I bet I'll get so much stronger. Oh the excitement at imagining how another Kakuja tastes. Let's get this over with soon." He said, smiling beneath his already smiling mask.

Rapax was distracted by the sounds of another clash. He flew directly above them, camouflaged by the night sky which matched the colour of his pitch black Kagune as well as his clothing and dark mask. They both seemed to be Kakujas, just like him. It was very rare to see three Kakujas all in one place. In fact, he was surprised that the CCG's Ghoul Investigators hadn't showed up yet, though they would surely be eliminated in no time at all when faced with two Kakujas, three when including him. Unless it were Arima of course. He decided to pick out the 'small fry' and flew down to Jino at incredible speeds, practically diving down to the ground. He landed behind Jino and turned his Ukaku to blades. @hisoka @Guts
Hisoka loved how this had turned out, once seeing that his Kakuja's attacks were avoided and countered he laughed at the sight when seeing the quick attacks made towards his Kakuja, it seemed to not really take any effect but it also appeared that Hisoka's kakuja although not completely developed had still been larger than that of his opponents and seemed to take the attacks pretty well considering the clear force of the attacks Hisoka seemed to be impressed as he was sent sliding back.

You are confident; Delicious" He said in a eerie tone, although mainly speaking to himself the Ghoul may have been able to hear it but it wouldn't matter, Hisoka charged in after that, attacking himself using his nails as a form of attack it each hit would pierce through quinque easily as well as other Kagune; Kakuja's being an exception hence also attacking with his own kakuja as it towered above them both the Shinigami kakuja thrusted both of his blade arms towards the ghoul; aiming to decapitate the ghouls arms whilst using his other hands to block behind the ghoul, making it impossible for him to dash back although, the sides would have been open if he were faster than him; Hisoka pondered on this.


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Feimaan grinned and dashed to the side, using his Ukaku to fire a constant stream of shards while using his Rinkaku to go for repeated stabs to the other Kakuja. "Heh. You're taking my attacks pretty well, you masochist. Would you enjoy it if I pulled out all of your insides?" He said, getting more aggressive ande wondered whether he should stop holding back with his attacks and go all-out offense and overwhelm his opponent with his sheer attack force, or continue enjoying this fight and balance out offense with defense. @Sinister Clown
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Hisoka assumed this would happen, in terms of speed Hisoka was out matched Looks like I'll have to play this one on the defensive, how dull.. he thought to himself not paying much mind to the insults thrown towards him about his insides being cut out "This little bird likes to chirp a lot." he said with an eerie chuckle afterwards, dashing back his Kakuja enveloped Hisoka completely instead of being connected to his back, this worked to be a defensive wall, taking on a completely defense Hisoka made himself look as if he were helpless.

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown](Reika-Chan remembered! Thankyou <3)
Placing his mask just above his mouth Hisoka revealed his jagged teeth exposing them with his sinister smirk as he glared at the new comer who had seemed to also possess a Kakuja "Oh my, it looks like I'm going to have to really start getting serious no?" he said in an eerie tone, placing his mask back onto his head he wasted not time in getting started, rushing forward to the new comer he threw a flurry of attack towards his mid torso and head.

Shinohara was surprised to see the kid avoid attacks with flourishing ease, as a response Shinohara sought to cut out the boy's legs in hopes he wouldn't be able to move around so much, leaping to the side and behind Suzo, he grabbed his legs and flipped them from under Suzo sending him flying into the air and launching himself up to chase after the flying Suzo, going in for a large uppercut "Got you now!" he shouted as he threw the final uppercut.

Suzo avoided the first attack towards the legs and realized a moment too late that Shinohara used this to get behind him, being sent in the air Suzo tried regaining balance mid air which had been interrupted shortly after being uppercuted by Shinohara and sent flying further but thanks to this Suzo was able to eventually regain his balance mid air, using his weight as he came down he punched down in Shinohara's head forcing him into the ground as Suzo lands.

Of course Reika-chan remembers! Reika-chan has a good memory.~

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