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Realistic or Modern Thrown Together


Alex turned around. "Me?", he asked. "Made by you? I guess one wouldn't hurt.", he added, with a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Name's Alex by the way, but I guess Bad Boy works as well.", he said, again sarcastically, as he closed the fridge door. He walked up to the counter, sitting down on one of the chairs.

@SweetCat2319 @Vices and Virtues


"Well,I've modeled for American Apparel,Hollister,American Eagle,Hot Topic,Marc Jacobs,basically clothing lines. On the side I usually just upload my own pictures to my tumblr." She told him. "It's a great job,but can be overwhelming at times. So many famous people,you're always got the fear that you're going to screw up." She said,laughing softly.

Jack raised an eyebrow, "And what is your job?" He just sounded surprised.

He wasn't a judgmental person but he wasn't expecting an escort here. He didn't think Louis would know any but then he wasn't super close with the man.



Jason smiled at her quieting voice.

"I don't mind, I figure its easier to get it together. After we check out the heard of course."

With that he opened the door to the yard and gestured her to go out first. Then he stepped out and looked around the pool area, as though searching for something.

He made no comments on it however and just kept trying to spot something.



"I'm Jesse. And I happen to make great sandwiches." She finished off the one she was already making and handed it to him.

She started on another one again. She had a peaceful smile on her face as she put together the ingredients.

"Bad boy does work because that's what your image screams. The sarcasm too."

@IronManatee @Vices and Virtues


Sam nodded. His eyes lightened up: "Oh, I knew that I had already seen you somewhere. No wonder if you already modeled for such big brands. I sure bet it's overwhelming as well as exhausting.", he added with a smile.

He sighed. "Ah, I would love to be among those famous and amazing photographers. But it isn't easy coming that far. Well, of course you know how hard it is trying to get to the top.", he chuckled.



Alex accepted the sandwich. He bit into it. "You were right, it's not too bad.", he said, teasing the ginger haired girl, whose name turned out to be Jesse.

"Me? Sarcastic? Oh really, I didn't know." This time, his sarcasm was forced and pretty obvious.

He stopped for a moment. "So, how did you guys meet the old man Louis?",he asked, before continuing to eat his sandwich.

@SweetCat2319 @Vices and Virtues


Karina shook her head slowly and took a bite of the sandwich. Goddamn, that's amazing.

"Yeah. Love got me to some bad places," agreed Karina as Jesse turned her attention to "Bad Boy." She smirked ever-so-slightly. He was hot. She approved of whatever subtle maybe-she-doesn't-even-realize-she's-doing-it flirting Jesse was doing.

"I'm Karina. I met Louis in the mall I work at," she answered Alex after taking another large bite of her sandwich.

@IronManatee @SweetCat2319


Jenna giggled a bit as she caught Brandon staring as she stood back up straight. He turned around and asked her where she's going. "Very nice to meet you. To my room. It's right in the middle of the... room hall." She felt herself grin. She walked in front of Brandon to her room and stopped at the open door.

"Here it is," she voiced, grunting as she set everything down on the floor. She realized she was still in the dress clothes from before, as she didn't change at her apartment and bit her lip. "I hope I'm not too fancy for your first impression of me, Brandon."



"He came into the restaurant I work at and I was closing up. I made us dinner and we chatted."

She finally finished her sandwich and bit into it. She really had been hungry.

"What about you Sinbad." She gave him a nickname off the top of her head. His personality reminded her of Sinbad in an old cartoon movie shed seen as a child.

She turned to Karina, "Where in the mall do you work?"

@Vices and Virtues @IronManatee


That made a lot of sense, that Jesse does cook for a living. Another bite of her delicious sandwich affirmed it. Maybe her mom just made shitty sandwiches or something, but she hadn't had a sandwich this good in, like, a year, at Potbelly. She didn't go there often.

"Are we making references now or something? Because...
I wish that I had Jesse's girl..." Karina sang quite well, especially considering Jesse's Girl wasn't her type of music. She didn't know why she even liked the song.

"Oh, um. If I was wearing regular clothes it'd be obvious but I guess I'm dressed up. I work at Hot Topic. I'm a manager," She answered. She always felt slightly silly saying she worked at Hot Topic, with it being considered an emo teenager store, but she loved it there.


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As she took a step outside she took a deep breath and started stretching her arms. She covered her mouth as she started yawning. She was amazed by how fresh the air was, you could almost compare it to the air in the woods.

She looked around and noticed Jason looking around the pool area, as if he was looking for something. "Need help looking for something?", she asked him, without looking into his direction. She still had her arms crossed over her head, in a stretching position.



Brandon followed her to her room, entering and disposing her luggage on the floor. "You've only known me for a few minutes, and you've already taken me into your room?" He raised one eyebrow, as he was obviously joking around.

He hadn't actually noticed her clothes, but now as he looked at them he noticed that they were actually pretty fancy.

"Nah, don't worry, you look just fine.", he answered casually with a hand motion. "Good enough to leave a nice first impression.", he added with a wink, again joking.

@Vices and Virtues


Jenna raised an eyebrow at Brandon, a smile playing at the edges of her lips. "If you wanna look at it like that, come here," she joked, a sultry voice mixing with a sarcastic voice. Funny and sexy? What a catch, Jenna, she thought to herself sarcastically. Yeah, right. More like easy. Ha.

"Hmm. Good," she grinned, "first impressions are important to me." She kicked off her flats and placed them next to her heels that she'd been wearing earlier.

"Off topic question," she began, flipping her hair all over to one side, "but where do you stand on this whole... love thing?" Some of her hair fell back to the side she flipped it away from, but Jenna didn't mind. She was worried, at the moment, about Brandon's answer. Well, not worried. She barely knew the guy. Still, she'd like to know.


Maria Elaina

Maria looked at Jack as though it was the most obvious thing in the world and said, "I'm a professional escort... Why? Do you have a problem with it?" Maria was used to ridicule for her perfusion, but she really wasn't looking forward to living in a house with someone who would judge her at every chance he got.



"Restaurant and mall, I see." He took another bite out of his sandwich. "That would explain these sandwiches. Also, Sinbad? Try again.", he said with a pathetic smile.

"Wait, isn't Hot Topic the shop that all the teens go to nowadays?", he added, trying to tease her. Most people didn't like it that people associated the shop with emo teenagers.

"Well as for me, long story short, I blacked out due to too much alcohol and woke up here.", he replied, after finishing up his sandwich.

@SweetCat2319 @Vices and Virtues


"Precisely, cabron," teased Karina. She finished off her sandwich and put the plate in the fancy sink. She'd wash it once done with these people. "The ones that listen to Panic! at the Disco and My Chemical Romance. I don't mind. The community there is wonderful." She wasn't necessarily being defensive rather than explaining her situation.

A drunkard? Or a one-time-drunk? Who knows. But she kinda felt bad for how Alex met Louis.

@IronManatee @SweetCat2319


Brandon laughed at her comment. He shrugged at her question. "To be honest, I don't really have an opinion on it. Well I mean, sure it'd be nice finding someone, and I'm not against finding love here. But it wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't. Get what I mean? So what about you?", he asked with a smile.

@Vices and Virtues

// Plus points for mentioning MCR╭( ・ㅂ・)-b //

He chuckled when Karina insulted him in spanish. "Exactly what I thought. But their taste in music is pretty decent, if I may say so." He shrugged.

He also took his plate and walked to the sink, running water over it and drying it off, before heading back to his seat.

@SweetCat2319 @Vices and Virtues


"I can dig it," said Karina with a shrug. She sat a few seats away from Alex and smiled slightly.

"So. Tell me. What do you think about love and this whole deal we're in?" She asked him. She already knew Jesse's stance, and her own he seemed to have heard when he was at the fridge earlier, so she wanted to know his.

@IronManatee @SweetCat2319


Jenna tilted her head and sighed a little, causing her hair to shift to - hopefully - create her desired effect. "I mean... Yeah, I feel the same. It'd be, actually, a pleasant surprise to find love." She didn't mention her mistrust of love and of people in general because she's seen two people who vowed they'd be together till death do them part nearly kill each other. Seen them want to separate. Seen them...

So much married people shouldn't do.



"Love sure is something great, as long as it is with the right person.", he nodded and let out a sigh.

He paused for a moment, looking around. "So, I guess that's all, huh? If you still need help with anything, feel free to ask me. My room isn't to far from here.", he mentioned, still smiling.

@Vices and Virtues
//Sorry I took so long, I should be able to post for two hours.

Darren parked his motorcycle in the same spot as before, walking back up to the mansion and opening the door. "Hear ye, hear ye! Your beloved King hath returned" He shouted as he walked back towards the rooms set out for the other people. He kicked his door open, left his bag of stuff on his desk after retrieving the laptop he used to write his books with and fell over onto the bed. He plugged his laptop in and started it up, before looking at the door. 'I'll leave it open, someone might want to say hello, or something.' He mumbled to himself as he looked down at the screen of his laptop.


"Yeah, of course," she agreed, a big smile on her face. "Don't be surprised if I come around there often," Jenna half-joked, smiling at Brandon. She offered her hand, thinking it polite to shake hands with someone who helped her with her luggage. "Thank you so much for the help, by the way, I could've been there forever trying to pick my stuff up."



"Meh.", he answered, shrugging. "I'm actually just here for the money, as harsh as it may sound. I don't really believe in love. Well at least not anymore. Loved someone, ended badly, yada yada. The usual stuff.", he said, shrugging again and rolling his eyes. "And I'm pretty sure that the chance of finding 'the one' in this group of people is pretty small, if not impossible."

@Vices and Virtues @SweetCat2319

"It's much harder than anyone actually imagines." She said. "Well,I have never seen any of your photographs,but I would love to. Did you happen to bring any with you? It's fine if you didn't. I'll just have to remember when you're on top." She said,with a playful wink.


"My door will always be open for you.", he replied with a teasing smirk. He shook her hand. "Ah, no problem. I'm glad I could help you.", he said, winking. He let go of her hand when he noticed that he had been shaking it for too long. "Well, I guess I'll be leaving now, see you around.", he said before leaving her room.

As he was walking back to his own room, he passed by an open door. He peeked inside, knocking on the open door. "Hello? Anyone there?"

@Vices and Virtues @NotTooBad
Darren barely noticed the knocking. It was only when the voice entered his room he looked up, still only partially however. "Enter." He said, looking back down at his work. He continued to type, while taking the occasional sip of a drink he had removed from his bag. "I don't recognise that voice, who are you again?"

Brandon entered the room, looking around. "Damn, that's a lot of books...", he murmured.

"Oh me? I'm the ghost of Christmas past.", he joked. "Just kidding, my name's Brandon. Brandon Lambert. What about you, Mr. Writer?", he asked, looking at the boy constantly typing on his laptop.

"Well I can tell we won't clash." Darren sarcastically said as he looked at this "Brandon" person. "I'm Darren Marcus Tarry. The famous author? No-one here seems to have heard of me, which shows how many of you actually read anything other than Kotaku articles." He added, not bothering to look up. He was a little irritated at his lack of recognition in the house, and he felt like there was no chance of 'falling in love' while he was here. "Anyways, what do you do for a living? Struggle to make jokes at comedy clubs?"

"Well, I guess you won't act too surprised if I tell you that I don't know you.", he replied, chuckling. "So, Darren it is, huh? Nice to meet you, I guess?", he said with a smirk on his face.

"My occupation? I wish it was something as interesting as that. I'm currently spending my time studying medecin." He sighed, sarcastically. "So if I got it right, you are a 'well-known' writer?"


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