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Realistic or Modern Thrown Together


As Jason reached out to feel for bumps, Helena felt slightly embarrassed. This caused her to slightly blush, which was still very visible due to her fair complexion.

She pushed his hand away, lightly. "Yes, I'm sure that I'm okay. I'm just kind of absent minded at the moment. ", she assured him. "Also, nice mythology reference.", she said in a sarcastic tone, chuckling once.

She hesitated for a moment, but then spoke up again. "Could you show me the way to the backyard then?.. Please? I kind of got lost trying to look for it myself... ", she asked, again feeling slightly embarrassed because of her own stupidity.


Jason smirked and nodded, "Of course fair Helena."

He placed his hand at the small of her back but didn't really touch her. He began escorting her down halls and towards the back yard.

"So the backyard is weird. Its more of a very small side yard that leads to that pool we saw when we walked up." He smiled.

"I can't wait to swim. And when I spoke to Louis he mentioned an exercise room. It'll be nice to have constant access to those things. Sometimes I hate driving to the gym."

The way Jason was talking sounded a lot like attempting to impress someone. That's what people would assume.



Jack started to wander around the house, trying to find the butler or the guy with the pick up outside. He'd rather ask for a favor from them then call a cab or an uber.

He wasn't big on those. Cabs were usually filthy and he didn't feel he could trust an uber driver.

He didn't really like cars at all though. But he needed one to move his stuff.


Karina didn't grab much. Just enough to last her a month. No more. In fact, a few days less, because a sale was coming up at her work, plus employee discount. Fuck yeah. She walked down the hall to the first door. Her room. She placed her things in there, contemplating whether or not to unpack. She decided that first impressions were important - and she was hungry. She could pack later. She aimlessly wandered the house for a while, distantly looking for the kitchen before finding it - and finding some people already in it.

Dios mío, sorry," she muttered, quietly slipping in. She didn't know what she wanted, which would extend this encounter. Damn.

@NotTooBad @SweetCat2319


As Jenna entered the house again with a few bags after that girl with the slightly poofy hair, she sighed slightly. She didn't have work tonight or the next night, at least. And she had no classes tomorrow. She needed some choice time for mingling here. God. It was so weird, what she was about to get herself into.

She dropped several things and cursed quite loudly. She bent over to pick them up and a bag fell from the crook of her arm. She sighed, this time much louder, a sigh that turned into a grunt.

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Maria Elaina

Maria began to walk away from the butler, and his weird little dance, and found herself running right into one of the bearded guests. She stumbled backwards, as she had practically plowed into the man, and mumbled, "Perdón," She cleared her throat and repeated, "Sorry... I was not paying attention..."

Maria tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and eyed the man sceptically. She recognized him as one of the men who drove up on a motorcycle, but she had yet to formally talk to anyone, unless you count that one guy who stood up to rant with her in the lounge. Had this man been a customer of hers, she probably would have found him decent, and despite her best efforts, she had to admit that his motorcycle was her favourite.

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Jack reached out quickly to grab the woman's arms so she didn't fall.

"Its fine." He gave a tiny smile.

He backed up a bit and looked her up and down quickly. He had to admit to himself that there were some very attractive women here, especially the one he had just run into.

He wore a black muscle shirt and some dark jeans. He straightened his shirt out and then stuck his hands into his pockets.

"I'm Jack. Jack Daniels." He smirked at his last name.

Maria Elaina

Maria nodded, with a small smile. She was glad He'd kept her from falling. She raised an eyebrow at the smirk, before shrugging and introducing herself rapidly, "Maria Elaina Reina. Nice to meet you."

Maria glanced at his attire and grimaced at his jeans. "¡Dios mío! Does everyone else in the world find those... pants?... Comfortable?"


Helena nodded as Jason talked. As he mentioned the gym she shrugged slightly.

"Yeah, I guess?", she replied, not sure how to respond to him. Helena had never been too fond of gyms or exercising in general. While others went outside and played things such as soccer, volleyball or went swimming, she preferred staying inside or going to the forest for some inspiration to draw.



Brandon had almost fallen asleep on his bed, but was woken by a thumping sound.

He opened the door and went outside to check if anything happened. He noticed a girl struggling with all her luggage. As kind as he was, he walked towards her and picked up a bag that she just dropped. "Do you need some help?", he asked her, her bag still in his hand.

@Vices and Virtues
//I'm actually so sorry. I had to go to A&E after having an asthma attack. I think the ER is your A&E.


Darren looked at Jesse and smiled a little bit. "If you can make a good pizza I think I've already found the love of my life." He joked, turning around to the new person in the room. "I'm not sure apologising every time you walk into a room with other people will help this month."

@Vices and Virtues @SweetCat2319
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Jack looked down at his jeans and laughed a little.

"Well I prefer sweats but these are better to work in. They're thick and if a client, usually a woman, needs to squeeze something nearby she can bunch up my pants at my knees. If I'm sitting near her hands at least."

He pulled at the knees of his jeans.



He glanced at her with a small sheen of curiosity in his eyes.

"Do you need help getting your stuff and bringing it here? I have a pick up."

Now he was trying to see if she'd flirt with him like most women do. He isn't really a player, he's just used to that type of attention.

He finds it interesting that she didn't talk about the gym. Most women like that in a guy. He just went to keep in shape for the army and to curb his temper if he gets angry.



Jesse smiled at the guys joke. She kept rooting around the kitchen.

"Well you'll probably get to find out."

When another girl came in, Jesse smiled.

"Hey! Don't be sorry. I'm Jesse!" She then turned to the guy, "I don't think we introduced ourselves either."

@Vices and Virtues @NotTooBad


"Well, maybe you were in the middle of an intimate conversation about your immediate love for each other, grosero. I wouldn't know." (Grosero being rude boy) "Like it seems you were, anyway," Karina added with a slight smirk playing at her lips.

"I'm Karina. Call me Karina or Kari or Kai. I don't give a fuck," she said, a giggle evident.

"What about pizza, though?" She asked, referring to the thing that Señor Grosero said, tilting her head to crack her neck.

@NotTooBad @SweetCat2319


Jenna looked up to see someone fairly - okay, really - attractive offer to help with her bag. "Thank you so much," she breathed out with a smile on her face. She picked up the remaining items she'd dropped, mostly a bit of makeup. She dropped them into her purse. "I'd like that help, thank you," Jenna replied.

"I'm Jenna. What's your name?" She asked, absent-mindedly biting her lip.


"I'm glad to see I don't need to use my fame to create a red carpet here. I'm Darren, Darren Marcus Tarry. You two ladies however, can call me anything you like." Darren said, doing a comedic bow. "I wrote the Zion, the snitch and the dresser, as well as other, actually good things."


"I can call you whatever I like, huh... how about mine?" Karina said, raising an eyebrow as she leaned on the counter and bit her lip. It was way against her personality to actually flirt, though, so she started giggling. Oh, boy, she was gonna have a rough time here, but it didn't stop her from her fit of laughter.

@NotTooBad @SweetCat2319

"Wow, flirting in the first hour of staying in a dead man's home. You do realise there's another potential 719 hours to flirt and you shouldn't use it all up day one?" He said, smiling at the girl who had amused him. "I will admit though, red chef, she's already a step up on you here."


"I can't flirt," Karina stated. "Captain obvious, right? But yeah," she added, her giggling finally ceasing.

"It's a competition with this one for your love, then?
Ay, ya wey*, I'm really not sure I'm up for that." She protested as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

She wanted to add 'I mean, look at
her and at me' but she wasn't sure self-doubt would get her any guy. Confidence is supposed to be desirable, isn't it? She could fake it. Probably.

(*basically "stop already")

@NotTooBad @SweetCat2319

"Hey, I didn't say there was a competition, did I? I'll just leave you two alone for the time being, not expecting you two to get it on, but I'm gonna have to go pick up some stuff for this month." He said, looking at Karina and Jesse as he walked out the door. He popped his head back into the door, and looked back at the two. "Of course, if you two do want to compete over me you'll hear no complaints." He said, winking as he began to walk off.

Jesse smiled at their flirting with each other. She rolled her eyes at what Darren said.

"Well Darr bear, I'm not too upset by that. I'm not easy to get to fall in love or even flirt."

Then she turned to Karina and smiled, "I'd watch out for this one if I were you. " She joked.

@Vices and Virtues @NotTooBad


"Don't gotta tell me twice. Honestly." Karina grinned as she said it, then yawned slightly. "I almost forgot I came in here for food," joked the girl, sluggishly scratching her arm.

She realized she was still in her somewhat-fancy-will-reading getup. She made a guttural groaning noise. "I'm just gonna eat in this. Fuck it," she said, more to herself than to Jesse.

"So. Love, huh? How are you feeling about all this?" Asked Karina in an effort to make some sort of conversation. Jesse seemed nice enough, and funny, so what's the harm in making friends along with making a relationship?



Jesse smiled and pulled out stuff for sandwiches. "Want me to make you one?"

She started making herself a sandwich.

"Well. I believe in love. I was in love once. I just don't think any good can come of it. But we get the money as long as we just try and that money can be very useful for me. What about you?"

@Vices and Virtues


"Oh, sure. Thank you," replied Karina, watching lazily as Jesse prepared herself a sandwich. She did it masterfully - like she cooks for a living or just has a lot of free time at home. Hey, maybe both. Who knows.

She listened intently as Jesse spoke. When she was done, Karina considered her words. "I was in an unrequited love for three years, from the time I was 15 until I was about 18. It was totally fucking awful, really. Truthfully, it left me somewhat scared of love and affection." Karina brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and sighed. She sighs a lot, it seems. "So I guess I'm also kinda in it for the money, too." She stared off into space as she added the last sentence.


Taylor152 said:
"Goes by faster than you think." She mumbled,before looking at him. "I don't know about that,as you could be some weird guy who ma-- Ya know what,forget I said that." She said nervously laughing. "Of course I will pose for a few pictures,always nice to help people out." She said to him. "As for the hair,I'm sure you'd get plenty of bonus points. It's unique,nothing you see everyday."

Sam laughed. "Thank you. I'll owe you you one for this.", he said with a warm smile. "So whaz do you usually model for?", he asked, raising one eyebrow. He was extremely interested, wanting to understand what being a model is like.



Alex exited his room. He wasn't really in the mood to talk to others right now, but he felt quite hungry.

He walked to the kitchen, but at the sight of the two girls, he let out an audible sigh. He passed by them, heading towards the fridge. He silently listened to their talk, while checking out the food in the fridge.

"Love, huh? Do they also believe in the toothfairy?", he mumbled to himself under his breath.

@Vices and Virtues @SweetCat2319
Maria Elaina

Maria looked thoughtful for a moment, before asking, "What do you work?" She shook her head, attempting to reword the sentence. "No, eso no está bien... That's not right... Um... What do you do for a living?" The question was asked with uncertainty, as though asking if that was the correct was to say the phrase.


Jesse nodded and then glanced over at the man who walked in. She had to keep herself from staring. He was attractive. Maybe it was just the tattoos. She did love tattoos. She wished she had enough money to get one.

But she turned back to Karina and handed her a sandwich. "Kinda late to ask but are you allergic to anything?"

"But I dated a guy with serious issues. Had to act like a jerk around his friends, had to pretend he was a player, too scared to stay with me for more then a few months at a time. I just don't feel like love is all its made out to be."

She then decided to turn back to the guy,"Hey. Bad boy, want a sandwich too?"

@Vices and Virtues @IronManatee


Jack chuckled again. He had to admit this girl was cute as well as beautiful.

"I'm a tattoo artist. A lot of women choose me for their first times." He winked at her to add emphasis to the double meaning, "And they don't realize how painful it can be."

Maria Elaina

Maria gave a small amused chuckle at the innuendo, and said, "Well, I guess we have more in common then I thought..." She leaned against the wall, lazily, and eyed Jack carefully, finally coming to the conclusion that he was indeed attractive. She elaborated on the statement, and said, "I've had a number of women hire me to give of the impression of being a lesbian in public..."

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Helena turned her head towards him, as he mentioned that he had a pick up. "Oh, no, it's okay I'll - Well actually, yes, I could need some help getting some stuff from my flat. I mean, only if you're okay with it though. I don't mean to bother you and all...", she answered, the volume of her voice continuously lowering, as she noticed she had been talking a little too much.



"Ah, nice to meet you Jenna.", he replied, smiling at her. "Name's Brandon."

"So, where to?", he asked, holding some of her luggage in his hands. He caught himself staring at her face for a little too long, before turning his head around. "Damn, nice face she got there.", he thought to himself. He was amazed by her blue eyes, her perfectly shaped eyebrows, and her full lips as well as by her hair, which fell in a beautiful way, topping it all off.

@Vices and Virtues

(Sorry for only replying now, didn't get any notifications! :) )
Darren stepped out the front door and walked back over to his motorcycle, getting on and starting it up. He drove off quickly, so as to get back quickly and not waste much time.

// The next time I post I'll get back to the house, so as to not waste time.

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