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Realistic or Modern Thrown Together

The Butler

"You may leave and about your stuff. It can be retrieved and brought here. Mr. Louis had twelve rooms prepared to suit each of you as he knew you. But you can go out and have fun or go on dates with someone here. You can go to class and work if need be. And their are many things here that can entertain you. A media room, a game room, a pool and hot tub. I'm sure you'll find it pleasant."

//P.S. you get to decide what your rooms look like//
"A room you say? If the old man got me right it may not be that bad." Darren said looking around at the others. "So where are these rooms, anyways?" He asked, before wondering when he should head back for his book.

As soon as she heard the words, "you may leave", she was up and walking out of the room. She wasn't interested in making friends,as she most likely wouldn't see any of these people again after this month. Mostly,she just wanted to hopefully find "the one" and get it over with. The act of pursuing was much harder than it sounded. Soon enough,she found herself in a long hallway,immediately knowing there were some rooms in some of these doors. Looking at the doors closely,she decided and walked to the one on the main end. She opened it to see a nice,well kept,simply elegant bedroom,decorated in creamy white walls,curtains,and sheets,followed by gold out linings,and a fluffy golden rug right in the middle. A smile crept onto her lips,enjoying her room. Next,she walked to the closet,nodding in approval. Not too big,nor too small. Looking at the bed,her inner child hit her, she ran and jumped onto the bed,flopping down,staring up at the beautifully designed ceiling. Hm,maybe she would like it here.
The Butler

The butler, Marcus McQueen, showed everyone where the rooms were. Small name card were next to the doors, easily missed if you weren't looking for them. He made it clear he wouldn't actually be serving them. They had to cook themselves and such.


Jack entered his room. It was perfect for his short stay. Some art that suited his taste and a large bed.

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His small apartment has a futon on the floor. This seemed like a nice substitute.

He sighed and started back out to go get his things from his apartment. He had no clue what to pack for a month.



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Sam followed the butler through the mansion to the the parlor. As the lawyer, who was already there, started reading Louis' will, Sam realized that the group of people weren't actually related to Louis, like he had previously thought.

After the reading of the will ended, he started thinking. Of course he would like to have the money, he couldn't believe what he could do with it all, yet he had never experienced real love and didn't think he would be able to now. Yet he agreed to stay in this mansion. He just found the whole house and it's entourage inspiring, so he was sure he could get some great shots out here.

The butler interrupted Sam's thoughts, informing them where they were going to be sleeping, and informing them about multiple rooms such as the media room, which caught Sam's attention.

As the butler showed them their rooms, Sam opened a door, next to which were small name cards.
Sam Waters, it read. He opened the door and walked in, disposing his bag in a corner, like he used to at home. His room was entirely decorated in light colors, except for one wall which was completely black. There was a big window, through which you could see the enormous backyard. Simply by looking at the lights, he knew that those were some extremely bright ones, perfect for taking pictures. He smiled, thanking Louis for this great room, he was sure he would like to stay here for a month.

After observing the whole room, he opened the door again and went out, wandering through the mansion to see where everything was.



Alex followed the group inside. He didn't talk much, or well, not at all. He simply stood there, listening to the lawyer, nodding.

He didn't seem to be very fond of the idea. The money? Sure, he could really use it, especially at a time like this. The love part? Not so much. Sure, Alex was a major jerk, but he didn't want to pretend loving someone and then afterwards hurt their feelings. He knew what it felt like.

He thought about leaving the mansion, but thinking about returning home just send him a shiver down his spine. Everything was better than returning home, so he decided to stay.

He followed the butler through the hall as the group of people started splitting, everyone going to their room. He also went to his room, which was marked with a card, where his name was written on. He opened the door and entered his room. The walls were painted in a greyish color, in the middle of the room his bed. There was one guitar, near the bed, and on his desk was a small note: "No alcohol allowed!"

"Damn, that old guy sure had some humor.", he thought to himself, knowing that with the note he was referring to the time they met.

He sat down on the warm and comfortable bed. "Not too bad,not too bad.", he murmured.
He looked around the room. It was way bigger than anywhere he had lived before.

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Jenna bit the inside of her cheek. She could leave for school and work? She'd barely be here. She was already tired 24/7 from going to law school and then to work. How would she find love? She followed a boy towards the long hallway of what she could only assume to be their rooms, her head racing. She just wanted to claim a room before she got her stuff, if she was honest.

She picked a random door before even registering that her namecard was on it and entered the room it withheld. The room was awe-inspiring, if not for the fact that she had her own big apartment. No penthouse, but big. If she was honest, it fit her girly interior. She left her heels in the doorway to show it was taken. She'd brought flats in her cream-colored purse, so she figured she'd be fine.


In fact, she fished those out and put them on. Better. She felt much more stealthy as her shoes no longer click-clacked wherever she went as she left the house and ordered an Uber.


Karina swiftly and quietly got up from her seat and followed the girl with the big heels towards the- rooms? Fuck, man, rooms. She'd have to stay here. Really stay here. For a month. And get to know people. And fall in love with someone who hopefully loved her. As if.

Louis's was nearer to the mall than her moms' house where the 20-year-old still stayed, so there was a plus. But, really? What about people who need to pay rent? That's not fair to them, or at least she thought so. She paid rent to her moms, but they weren't landlords and wouldn't make her pay if she was gone for a month. Who knows if the same goes for real landlords?

These and many other thoughts raced through her mind. She tried to push them away as she opened the first door in the long hall of twelve rooms. She was pleasantly surprised. She liked this room. A lot. The grays and silvers happened to be among her favorite color. The scheme wouldn't fit most people, but hell, it fit her. It made sense, she realized, with her name being on it. Literally. Awww.


The room was nice, but if she wanted to get her stuff, she needed to go and not ogle at it. Her finger burned from the papercut she'd gotten earlier as she left the house, barely paying attention to the world around her.

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Darren followed the butler, walking up to the room with is name on it. He stepped inside, and his mouth lowered a little.


The room was small and cozy, with only the bare necessities he needed. it was like a hotel room in that sense. He put his phone on a nearby desk and sat on the chair beside it. He looked at the bookshelf that he would never read the full contents of during the month, and decided to close the curtains. "Comfy room for a month, an excuse to ignore all my other friends, possible chance at finding love and I get a big cheque at the end of it. I'm kinda alright with this."
Maria Elaina

Maria weighed her options, and figured she had nowhere else to go. She decided to at least see the room Luis had got to the trouble to prepare, but that didn't mean she was staying for the whole month. She didn't believe in love, and no fancy room could change-

Maria's thoughts were cut off, as she opened the door to her room.


"Oh, infierno sí! Darme de alta en eso! Esta es algunos buenos mierda aquí! ¿A quién tengo a enamorarse de !? ¡Estoy dentro! Esta es algunos buenos mierda!" Maria cried in ecstasy. Her exclamation roughly translated to, "Oh, hell yeah! Sign me up for that! This is some good shit here! Who do I have to fall in love with!? I'm in! This is some good shit!" Maria's excitement only grew as she explored the lavish room. Louis may not have known her long, but he sure knew a lot about her. Coming from nothing, Maria always craved more of everything. She would dream at night of living the way Louis did, with lavish rooms, full of unnecessary luxuries. There was no way in Hell she was going to give this up. She didn't really care if she had to fake her way through the month, this was worth it. This room alone was better then any of her most high end clients could afford, and it sure as hell beat rusting outside. The room was perfect, and Maria would do anything to keep it as her own, even if it meant breaking some fool's heart.

Helena followed the others, still standing in the back. She looked left and right, trying to find the room which had a card with her name on it. While walking, she peeked slightly into the rooms that she passed by. Almost at the end of the hallways, she saw her name imprinted on a card. She opened the door to her room, which she closed right behind her after she entered the room.

The room wasn't too big, nor was it too small. It was perfect for her. Two walls were painted in a white colour, the other two in a grey colour, varying from light to dark grey. Most of the grey walls was covered by dark wood shelfs, filled to the brim with books and magazines. The walls were decorated with plain black and white drawings. She smiled, seeing those drawings. Seems like Louis' remembered Helena having a faible for that kind of art. He also seemed to remember that she played an instruments, judging from the keyboard, standing across the room, right next to the small wardrobe.

The desk in her room, on which she could work on, was right next to the bed. The desk itself, as well as the chair, were made from the same dark wood as the bed and the shelves.


She put her bag on her bed, and took out everything that she had in. She placed her camera and drawing utensils on her desk and put them into the wardrobe. She had already taken some stuff with her, but it sure wasn't enough for a whole month. She sighed and took her phone out. Her flat was a few hours away, so in other words, too far away for her to now go and get her stuff. The only possibility for her to get her stuff was to call someone to get it, and the only person that came to her mind was her stepfather.

She started dialing the number, her hands shaky. She hadn't heard anything from her parents for over a year. She held her phone to her ear. When she heard a voice at the other end she opened her mouth, ready to say something, but closed it again after noticing that it was the voice mail speaking. She hung up and shook her head. "Why did I even think this would work?", she sighed. So she decided that she would just go to her flat tomorrow morning and get her stuff. She got up again from her bed and left her room, walking towards the backyard of Louis' mansion.


Brandon left the parlor and started to look for his room on his own. He almost felt lost in that mansion, as big as it was, but found his room in a long hallway.

He opened the door and went in, but left the door open behind him. "Wow...", was all Brandon had to say. His walls were painted in a dark bluish color, which almost seemed black. The whole room was illuminated by the light that came through an enormous window, which was almost as long as the wall. Through his window he could see the mansion's backyard. The lights of his room were built in the roof, which made them look slightly dimmer when turned on. His bed was a matress lying on top of multiple cushions. The room felt pretty empty, since all that was in it was a TV, a single bookshelf, a wardrobe and the bed. Nevertheless, Brandon loved his new room.


As for his stuff, he sent his friend a message, asking him if he could drop his stuff by sometimes later. He laid down on his bed, truning on the TV and pondered again about the request that Louis had.
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After a while of lying there,just thinking about the next month,she decided to go and see if they had any kind of art related rooms or objects. One of her favorite things to do,besides modeling,was observing and creating art. All of it was just so mesmerizing,it was amazing to her how someone could even think of creating such beautiful pieces. Soon enough,she found herself in a long hallway,much like the one with the rooms,but only there were few painting hanging up along the wall,and at the end,a large door. She wanted to see what was behind it,but she didn't really want to snoop. Deciding to just settle for the few string up on the walls,she walked over to the first,a small gaps escaping. It was a beautiful Van Gogh original. How it ended up with Louis wasn't surprising,as he was a millionaire.

Jesse noticed all mixed emotions in peoples eyes. Hers were wide with wonder at the prospect of living there.

As a child she almost never had her own bed let alone room. When she got her own little studio she was ecstatic. But stay in a room here where there was most likely a huge kitchen. A pool. A media room. It was like the beginning to a modern fairy tale.

She wandered off after the others, tripping a little because she was lost in her own thoughts as usual.

When she entered her room she let out a small shout of shock then blushed quite a bit in embarrassment.

She just couldn't believe the magical quality she saw in canopy bed and lightness of the room.

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Jason had gotten up immediately at the gesture of the butler. He brushed off his slacks and button down shirt.

His room was a modern style bedroom in green. He appreciated how functional it was and how reasonable it looked. It wasn't over the top.

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Sam wandered around the many halls of the mansion, which to him all looked the same. He was lost in thoughts about the current situation, and so didn't watch where he went, and soon lost himself in the house. He scratched his head: "This is something I'll need to get used to.", he sighed. He had never been really good with orientation.

He soon found himself in a long hallway, paintings hanging on the wall, but he didn't seem to be the only one in that hallway. From a distance he saw the silver haired girl, who was admiring one of the few paintings. He thought he had seen her somewhere before, but he just couldn't figure out where exactly.

As she was looking at the painting,she felt the feeling that someone was watching her. She snapped her head around to see one of the guys whom she had seen in the parlor,of course,who else would it be? Louis' ghost? "Beautiful aren't they?" She asked,her eyes locking back to the painting for a quick second. "I'm Aberdeen." She introduced herself,a small smile playing on her lips.


Sam's thoughts were once again interrupted by someone talking. This time it was a girl from the group of people that were previously in the parlor. Sam had been so lost in his thought's, that he hadn't noticed that he's been looking at her this whole time.

He looked at the picture the girl stood infront. "Yes, they really are.", he answered, his eyes still looking at the picture. He took his eyes of the painting, looking at the girl who just introduced herself. "Aberdeen, huh? Uncommon, but nice name", he mentioned. "Name's Sam.", he added, returning her smile.

After a few moments of silence he started talking again: "So, how did you meet Louis?"

"Thank you." She replied to him complimenting her name. After a few moments of silence she began,"well,I'm a model,and I was at one of my shows and I guess I was just in the right place at the right time,cause that's where I met Louis,and we just kinda chatted and here I am now." She said,turning to face him. "How about you? How did you meet Mr. Millionaire?" She asked,a small laugh escaping her lips.


"A model? That sure is interesting and amazing." One could hear Sam's excitement in his voice. With some chance, maybe he could get her to pose for some of his pictures.

"Me? Well, while I was working in a retail store for electronics, Louis stopped by to buy a camera. Since I'm kind of experienced with cameras and such I offered him some help, and well one thing led to another, we got into a conversation and yes, here I am now.", he answered, chuckling.

"So, you said you are a model right? How long, if I might ask?"

Helena walked through the mansion, searching for the door that led to the backyard, yet she couldn't find it. She passed by numerous rooms, the media room, the gaming room, but still wasn't able to find the one door she was looking for.

She passed by numerous hallways, one in which there were two more people, a boy and a girl. She could have easily asked them where the door to the backyard was, but they probably didn't know as well, so she didn't bother striking up a conversation with them.

As she walked around, she held her phone tightly in her hand, now and then looking at it, as if she was awaiting a call. But everytime she looked at it, she shook her head, barely visible. "How come I'd think they'd actually call me back?", she thought to herself, while still wandering around.

"Ah,so you're into photography. I enjoy nature shots every once in a while,when I go camping in the mountains or the Grand Canyon for a week,just a little escape you know?" She said,before nodding. "Yeap. I'm up there with the big guys. I've been doing this for 4 years. Must be decent at it,for I haven't been fired yet." She said jokingly.

After seeing her room Jesse decided to go get her stuff. But while walking out of the room she actually forgot her way to the door.

Wandering around she found herself quite easily lost. She wound up in the kitchen, or one of the kitchens. She had no clue where in the house this was.

But her frustration took the back burner to her curiosity.

The kitchen was huge and gorgeous. Plenty of counter room and she was sure the fridge full of stuff. Raw ingredients she could transform into anything.

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Jason had no problem navigating the house. He remembered from his recent visit during his response to Marcus' 911 call about Louis.

He was headed to the back door and texting on his phone the entire time.

He was texting his dad that he'd be out of the house for a month.

He then accidentally bumped into a young woman who seemed somewhat lost, causing both of them to drop their phones.

He reached out quickly to steady her in case she was falling back.

"I'm sorry! My fault, I wasn't watching where I was going."




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Darren looked at his phone and shrugged. "I can take my bike and go get the book in a bit. I. Might as well see what else is around here." He said, stepping out of his room and walking back towards the entrance. After findin the entrance, he began to wander, eventually stumbling across the kitchen, and the girl who was seemingly impressed with the room. "It's fancy, but I'm still gonna be going to get take out more often than using this room."

@SweetCat2319 (Jesse)

Helena, who was again looking at her phone, suddenly bumped into another person. She didn't fall, thanks to that person's quick reaction, but she dropped her phone. She soon realized that the person was one of the six guys, one of the twelve people that were staying there.

For a few moments she simply stood there, perplexed. She needed a moment or two to understand what just had happened, since she had been completely lost in thought.

She finally began to say something: "Oh.. Oh no. It was my fault, I'd better watch my steps.", she said as she went to pick up both phones, handing one of them to the guy. "I guess this belongs to you?", she asked, his phone in the hand she held out.

She was about to leave again, when she finally remembered what she was actually doing out here. "Excuse me, but do you by any chance know the exit to the backyard?", she asked in a rather monotone way. "Name's Helena, by the way.", she quickly introduced herself.

Taylor152 said:
"Ah,so you're into photography. I enjoy nature shots every once in a while,when I go camping in the mountains or the Grand Canyon for a week,just a little escape you know?" She said,before nodding. "Yeap. I'm up there with the big guys. I've been doing this for 4 years. Must be decent at it,for I haven't been fired yet." She said jokingly.


Sam nodded. "I know exactly what you mean.", he affirmed.

"Four years... That's a lot of time.", he said chuckling. "I know this question might come a little abruptly but can I ask you for a favour? Since I'm trying to make a living out of my photography abilities, I'd need some more pictures to fill my folder. I've got pictures of nature and all, but I'm still missing some shots of other people. So I wanted to ask if you could pose for a few pictures only, once I've got my stuff here. I'm sure I'll get bonus points for the hair.", he said jokingly, as he pointed at her unusual coloured hair.

"Goes by faster than you think." She mumbled,before looking at him. "I don't know about that,as you could be some weird guy who ma-- Ya know what,forget I said that." She said nervously laughing. "Of course I will pose for a few pictures,always nice to help people out." She said to him. "As for the hair,I'm sure you'd get plenty of bonus points. It's unique,nothing you see everyday."
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"Well I love to cook. I'll cook for you if you want. I'm a line cook so I'm used to it. This kitchen is a dream."

The entire time she spoke, she had this airy quality about her. Like she wasn't really there.

She practically skipped to the fridge, making her dark green skater dress bounce.

She opened the fridge and stared at all the ingredients.

"I bet I could make pizza!" She whispered to herself but it echoed.



"Actually I do. I had to go out there just recently and I wanted to check the pool out. Are you sure you're okay? I didn't bump your head?"

He gave a dazzling smile and reached up to feel for bumps.

"I'm Jason. Helena is a nice name. 'The face that launched a thousand ships'" he quoted with a chuckle and another smile.

Maria Elaina

Maria had spent a long time simply exploring the ins and outs of her room, and hadn't really considered leaving. She didn't have much, but what she did have was stored in the large bag she called a purse. Honestly it surprised her how much crap you could stuff in a woman's purse. When she was still in school, she'd come across the smallest purse she'd ever seen, no bigger then her fist, but still it held five tampons, a small bottle of pepper spray, a decent sized bottle of sunblock, and a wallet (which contained 'only' $10, as far as anyone's concerned).

Her thoughts about the magic of purses aside, she was pretty much moved in, after she put her few outfits into some of the drawers, and changed into something more comfortable. It was still red, but it was better then the stiff dress she'd been in, which she usually wore around the 'uppity' clients, and deemed the most appropriate thing for the situation. Her new outfit was a scarlet crop top, and a pair of black yoga pants. Try as she might, Maria simply could not find comfort in squeezing her curvaceous figure into the torture device known as skinny jeans. She didn't know how other people could say that skin tight fabric, with about as much movement as the Statue of Liberty, was comfortable. Maria didn't really like jeans in general, because "My butt's gotta breath!"

Maria slowly decided to explore the house. She left her room cautiously, weary of any of the other guests. True she would stay for the month, but she wanted to delay the inevitable faked romance for as long as possible. She made her way around the manor, finding herself getting lost a few times. At one point she could have sworn she saw the butler who'd showed them around, dancing lightly to an old Britney Spears song, as he moved about one of the rooms, making sure everything was in order. Maria had to hide a giggle at the funny image. Mind he wan't dancing much, but it was still funny.

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