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Realistic or Modern Thrown Together


There's a certain beauty to broken people...
An old bachelor named Louis Burns passed away recently leaving millions upon millions of dollars to twelve random people he met recently. There's just one condition. They all have to live in his house together for a month an give a chance to love.

He regretted choosing the bachelor life over the woman he loved. Having no kids. No one to mourn his death or celebrate his life. He doesn't want these people making the same mistake.



1) Jack and Maria

2) Sam and Aberdeen

3) Brandon and Jenna

4) Karina and Darren

5) Jesse and Alex

6) Jason and Helena
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Jesse stepped out of the cab she had taken to the upper class area. Looking up she saw large black gates with the initials L.B. in the middle.

She remembered Louis and their brief meeting but she couldn't believe she was called here to the reading of his will. She didn't think she could have that effect on someone.

Walking up to the gate she looked around, unsure at how to get in when suddenly a disembodied voice said. "Miss, do you have an invitation?"

She jumped and looked around, frightened.

"To your left Miss. There's an intercom and camera."

She turned and looked then giggled with relief.

"I have an invite. Just one sec." She went through her purse and pulled the card out. She flashed it to the camera and the gates opened causing her to jump again.

She walked through and followed the path a good ways until she reached the house. Then she stood there gaping at it. The house was gorgeous and couldn't even be called a house.

She couldn't picture a down to earth man like Louis living here.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb0719971_images(3).jpg.e66d4a75e40118980475abdb02de4d53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb0719971_images(3).jpg.e66d4a75e40118980475abdb02de4d53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Vices and Virtues @Capricornus @Ariettie @NotTooBad @Taylor152 @IronManatee

//If you have multiple characters intro them apart if you can so its more natural and you're not just interacting with yourself.//



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Darren stopped his motorbike in front of the gate, and looked at the gate that was slowly closing and hopped of his bike to walk over to the intercom.

"Hey, you've got another visitor here!" He said, lifting the mask he used to evade the public and showing his invite to the camera. The gate creaked open after a few seconds and he waved to the camera before hopping back on his bike and driving up as close to the building as he could. He hooked his bike to a strangely new looking Motorbike rack and walked up to the girl who seemed to be staring at the house. "Hello? The place looks great, but it's definitely not worth the drool that's about to drip down from your lips."

Helena had taken the bus to the stop that was the nearest to Louis's mansion. She still walked a bit, until finally arriving at the mansion.

At the sight of that big mansion, she shuddered slightly. It all remembered her of her old house where she used to live with her parents and stepsiblings.

With her, she had taken a small bag with the most important stuff, her drawing utensils, her camera, and a few clothing pieces. She wasn't too sure how long this was going to take, so she went on the safe side.

After she had arrived at the gate that was separating her and the mansion, she looked through her purse, taking out a small letter and holding it in front of the camera. The gates slowly started opening, and she went through without saying any further words.

As she arrived at the top she saw two more people, a boy and a girl which seemed to be about her age. She hadn't planned on meeting others here, so she proceeded to ignore them. She tucked some lose hairs behind her ear before walking up to the main door.
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Maria Elaina

Maria walked the slightly familiar path to Luis' house. True she'd been there before, but there was a major difference between seeing something in the light of day, and seeing it at 3:24 AM in the middle of a storm. The house looked bigger then the last time she was there, and far less intimidating. "Supongo que la luz de las día puede tener ese efecto en las las cosas... Y el tiempo, probablemente contribuye..." (Translation: I guess the light of day can have that effect on things... And the weather, probably contributes...) She mumbled under her breath. Maria hardly ever spoke Spanish in the presence of others, but her own mind, and the rare occasions when she talks to herself were not immune to the language.

She finally made her way to the gates, slightly exhausted from the long walk, and leaned on the gate.

"Excuse me miss!"

Maria jumped up screaming slightly, before seeing the little camera and speaker.
"¡Dios mio! (My God!) You almost gave me a heart attack!" She yelled at the camera.

"My apologies ma'am," The little speaker said, "But I need to see your invitation..."

Maria nodded, her heart rate slowly starting to come back to normal. She was honestly shocked that she got an invitation, seeing how she had no where for it to be sent to. Her 'Player In a Management Position' (Pimp), had received it, and handed it ff to her. Maria pulled the invitation out of her bra, as that was the safest place for it, and held it up to the camera.

The man on the intercom sputtered a bit before saying, "Go right on in..." The gates opened, and Maria replaced her invitation in her bra, before strolling inside the gates, taking her sweet time, and enjoying the scenery.

Sam got to Louis' mansion by simply walking there. He actually didn't live too far away from here, about ten to fifteen minutes away by foot. On his way there he read Louis' invitation. He barely knew that guy, but nevertheless got an invitation to this event. Even though he didn't know him all that much, it still saddened him slightly.

As he stood infront of the gates, he pulled out his camera that he had taken with him, already taking pictures before even walking in. He took out his invitation and showed it to the camera near the intercome, so the gates finally opened.

He walked in, but at a slow pace, admiring all this mansion's beauty from the outside. "Amazing", he murmured. On his way up he passed by another girl, thinking it was part of Louis' family.

As he arrived at the front door he saw three people already standing there. "Also probably his family?", he thought to himself before talking to them. "Excuse me? Is this Louis' former mansion?", he asked, even though he was sure it was, trying to start a conversation.

@Capricornus @SweetCat2319 @NotTooBad
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"Thank you,Richard." The silver haired girl said as she stepped out of the limo. Her eyes fell upon a large house,obviously belonging to someone of a high name. "You're welcome,miss Collins." A voice said,breaking Aberdeen's stare at the huge home. "I shall take it from here,thank you for bringing me." She said,before waving a final goodbye to her driver,Richard. As the car slowly drove away,Aberdeen walked towards the front gate. "Hello?" She questioned,noticing a few other people already inside the gate. Remembering why she was even here,she pulled out a creamy white envelope from her bag,holding it up to the camera. As if on cue,the gates opened,signaling for the girl to enter. "Thanks." She slightly mumbled before taking those steps into the estate. She looked around,her eyes stumbling across the small group of people again,most likely people she would be staying with. Deciding to be social,she walked over slowly. "Well,I guess this starts now." She whispered under her breath.

Jack rode his motorcycle up to the large gates and pulled out his invite. As soon as he was addressed by that voice he flashed the card and rode ride through the gates and up to the house, dodging the others around.

He parked his bike along with another and then swung his leg over and off. Before looking at anything else he checked out the motorcycle next to his.

Alex got out of the cab, throwing the money at the driver in an impolite way. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the gates, where just moments ago another bearded guy walked in. He quickly figured out what to do, taking out the envelope from the back pockets of his pants, holding it infront of the camera. He rearranged his sunglasses, which he wore mostly because of looks and not protection from the sun, before walking in.

He looked around, having slight flashbacks from the night that Louis' took him in. It might not look like it, but Louis' death actually made him feel sad.

At the main door he saw a group of people already standing there. He sighed. He was sure it was going to be a pain in the ass these next weeks. He walked up to them, giving them a casual "Hi.", but not trying to get involved in a conversation.

@Taylor152 @Capricornus @SweetCat2319 @NotTooBad
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Bradon arrived unusually early. He usually was the one to arrive an hour late, but actually managed to be on time.

He looked around for some time, but figured out that it could only be this giant mansion.

He passed in front of the intercom, showing his invitation as indicated and walked towards the group of people standing at the top. He noticed they were already talking with each other, or well, there was one of them talking to the others. He greeted them and introduced himself to the group: "Hi, my name's Brandon , nice to meet you.", he said, holding out his hand.
//pause everyone.

@NotTooBad Darren can't guess everyone's occupation they have to get to know each other and calm down. Now is the time for character intro not interaction. //
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NotTooBad said:
"So the newercomers are Posh casual, 70 at 20, The long walk, obvious surfer and that guy who won't stop staring at my bike, and over in the distance is the Hired lover." He stated as he watched the new six approach, analysing their clothes, walks and hair colour. "Guessing you guys are all here for the murder mystery? I'm guessing it was 70 at 20 in the lounge with a hammer."

Helena gave him a slightly pathetic smile. "A jokester, huh?", she mumbled under her breath. "Guess I'll be stuck here with them for quite some time.", she thought, rubning her front as if she had a headache.

She looked at every newcomer, trying to find something they had in common, but didn't find a thing. Did Louis really just take some random strangers.
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SweetCat2319 said:
//pause everyone.
@NotTooBad Darren can't guess everyone's occupation they have to get to know each other and calm down. Now is the time for character intro not interaction. //
// I'm not saying it like I know them. I said Darren named them after how they were dressed and how they looked. I'll give you that hired lover was too close a nickname but the rest aren't exactly perfect guesses at their job.
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Capricornus said:

Helena gave him a slightly pathetic smile. "A jokester, huh?", she mumbled under her breath. "Guess I'll be stuck here with them for quite some time.", she thought, rubning her front as if she had a headache.

She looked at every newcomer, trying to find something they had in common, but didn't find a thing. Did Louis really just take some random strangers.
//Pause Capricornus. I want all the characters introduced before repeats and interaction.


But you can't just announce it like that. He can have suspicions and later voice them but right nows not the time please. I want the characters to be introduced. Interactions can bury introductions. Just let all the characters get in. Let me do the will reading and then real interaction can begin please//
SweetCat2319 said:
//Pause Capricornus. I want all the characters introduced before repeats and interaction.

But you can't just announce it like that. He can have suspicions and later voice them but right nows not the time please. I want the characters to be introduced. Interactions can bury introductions. Just let all the characters get in. Let me do the will reading and then real interaction can begin please//
// Fine, but I'm not removing it.


"Hijo de la gran puta madre," insulted Karina colorfully to a catcaller of "hey baby, nice ass" as she got out of her car. She spoke mostly fluent Spanish due to one of her mothers being Cuban.

She found it funny that the first time she ever met Louis, she was crying, and as he's gone she now yells at someone to stand up for herself. Not necessarily that she's changed - well, she has, but also that maybe she's slightly grieving, but in a funny way. Louis was a kind man and -

Holy mother fuck, is
that his mansion? Karina's mouth gaped open and she looked down at herself. Her clothes were slightly fancy, as should be at the reading of a will, but, damn, she felt underdressed. Her flowy button-down white blouse and black pencil skirt along with black flats made her feel inferior.

She took in a deep breath and managed to put a smile on her face. "Dale, mija, dale," she said, mimicking the words of her mother. Someone - presumably who speaks Spanish - looked at her like she was a big old weirdo. She stuck out her tongue at the old person and giggled before taking another deep breath. She walked up to the large, elaborately designed gate and looked around nervously.

"Miss? Miss. Do you have an invitation?" She recognized the voice to be from an intercom, after a moment. After, she noticed a camera.

Fuck, she thought, feeling around her skirt pockets. She felt a smoothly folded envelope, a slight "ouch" escaping her lips as the sharp corner gave her a papercut. She was relieved and in pain. She put the invitation up to the camera, and the gate opened swiftly. She continued gaping at the house before retrieving the invitation from in front of the camera and beginning to walk down the well-kept path.


Jason parked his small pick up outside the gate and stepped out to show his invite as he had just seen a woman do.

When the gates opened for him he drove through and parked a good bit away from everyone and then walked up.

He felt sad that the old man had passed. They'd only met a week and a half ago. He'd been the EMT on site of Louis' fall.

He sighed as he stopped by everyone.


Jenna sighed very slightly as she climbed out of her Uber. She didn't pay cash, as it had been put on her card to be paid soon. She'd been protected from a shaky situation by Louis, now a debt she wouldn't be able to repay. He was one of few to quickly gain her trust, too - as in, within the first time meeting her. Good luck finding another of those, she thought as she sluggishly closed the door to the car.

She recognized only as her heels click, clacked to the intercom and camera where she presented her invitation to that her outfit might be a little tasteless. Dead give-away that she's a stripper? Not necessarily. But definitely not the classiest choice to a will reading. Her black dress had a keyhole back, but a reserved neckline. It tastefully stopped just above her knees but it was tight. Her shoes were three-inch heel sandals. She'd walked in much higher for
work, so she didn't think it too bad.

Then again, she wasn't gonna be amongst strippers for a will reading.

These thoughts all crossed her mind as she opened the door to the
giant house right after a man walked in.

The Butler

Suddenly the doors opened and an older man came out. He had a dignified look about him and was dressed in gray slacks and a beige pull over.

"Will the ladies and gentlemen please follow me."

He escorted everyone into the mansion.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/15-Extremely-Luxury-Entry-Hall-Designs-With-Stairs-7-630x787.jpg.1f992aa73afdfe1db0db712505a09b9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/15-Extremely-Luxury-Entry-Hall-Designs-With-Stairs-7-630x787.jpg.1f992aa73afdfe1db0db712505a09b9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The entry hall was beautiful but he did not pause to allow anyone to enjoy the view.

He passed right into a nearby parlor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/copper-king-mansion-bedroom-parlor--butte-montana-daniel-hagerman.jpg.1fa40b255b70250ce253438ee50a412b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/copper-king-mansion-bedroom-parlor--butte-montana-daniel-hagerman.jpg.1fa40b255b70250ce253438ee50a412b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A middle aged man stood in the parlor already holding some documents. He was obviously the lawyer.

"Everyone have a seat where there is one. Then we can continue on with the reading."

As everyone took their seats, or stance if they could not sit, the lawyer unfolded the will.

The Butler had left and brought some refreshments for everyone, spreading them around. Lemonade and finger foods.

"May I have everyone's attention?" The lawyer said, "My name is Gregory Kale. I was Mr. Burns lawyer and we are here to discuss the contents of his will."

Last Will and Testament

I do not have immediate family. I never had a wife though I came close once. But I did not want to live the married life and now I regret that.

So having no spouse, children, or family, I have decided to leave my fortune and the amount brought by my estate to you twelve young people, minus necessary expenses at my death of course.

But there is a stipulation.

You must live in my home for a month together and attempt a romance with someone here.

Whether or not you find love does not matter as long as you give it a fair chance.

My friend and butler, who will also get some of my fortune with a stipulation that he stay with you just to make sure you follow your stipulation. He can not be bribed. Be warned.

I know we did not know each other all that well but please know I mean this in all sincerity.

I do not want such lovely people to go alone in life just because of a few doubts and issues.

~Louis Burns

The lawyer rolled up the will.

"Do you all agree to this stipulation?"


Jesse had sat on a love seat and now leaned forward her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Louis had just given her a chance to go forward with her dreams.

It was worth giving love another chance for the money to go to college and make a better life for herself.


Jack was thinking. He'd never really thought about love. He was more focused on saving enough money for his tattoo parlor.

He would agree for now and if he didn't like it, he'd leave.


Jason had to hold in a chuckle. It was inappropriate but he just found the idea of love funny.

But the money could come in handy at avoiding student loans later on in his med student career.

He nodded.



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Slowly,she followed the group into the parlor. Wow,this place was absolutely spectacular,from the grand staircases,to the simple yet elegant parlor. She was admitting that,for an old guy,Louis had good taste. Her thoughts were drowned out by the lawyers steady voice. As if replying,she nodded,glancing down at the white converse on her feet. She wasn't wearing anything showy,as she wasn't here for a competition,just to hopefully meet the love of her life. Wow,she was sounding cliche. She thought over her outfit in her mind,just a simple oversized red,black,and white plaid along with a pair of skin tight leggings,showing off her figure nicely. Her hair was simple and messy,just how she preferred it. Looking at everyone else,she noticed how they were dressed more casual,more fancier,if you will. With a small shrug in her mind,she focused back on the lawyer.


Jenna, sitting comfortably on a loveseat, raised an eyebrow even at the opening of the will. Once it was finished, she felt her mouth open as if she were a fish and made it close. She subtly looked around the room for anyone she'd consider. Let her be real, there were some cute people there... but love?

She had money. She's a stripper on her way to be a lawyer. But... should she go with it? This money is so much more and-- fuck it. Why not? She brushed off her dress self-consciously.

Sure, she was a pretty face. But she was high-maintenance. Who could love her? She may be proud but...


As though tasting the news, Karina grinned slightly. Money? Sure. Love? She actually felt excited. Of course, she'd have to keep in mind that whoever she may give a shot may only be doing it for the money. But if he turned out to love her, and she love them, then why not?

That's a pretty big
if, though. Really, what are the chances that, out of 6 guys, she'd fall in love with one who loved her? Love triangles galore, but hey. As long as she gives it a fair shot, she's fine, right?

Maria Elaina

Maria followed the group into the house, and gaped slightly at the large house. Mind, she'd seen it before, but it was pitch black when she was last there, as the power had been blown out due to the storm. She followed them into the parlour and sat on the arm of the sofa farthest from the door, under an expensive looking painting of a weird little man in a loin cloth, and next to an ornate lamp that Maria swore was worth more then anyone in the room. She listened to the will reading, and nearly swallowed her tongue. Sure she needed a place to live, but learn to LOVE! H-E-Double-hockey-sticks NO! Her eyes went wide, and she promptly fell off the sofa arm, and onto the floor, nearly braking the expensive lamp. Her invitation, like all the others she assumed, had been personalized, and specifically stated that she would receive a place to stay if she attended the will reading, and agreed to the conditions. Had Maria known these were the conditions, she'd never have come in the first place. She didn't fall in love, she could fake it with the best of them, but she didn't even believe in love.

Maria slowly stood up from her place on the floor, her eyes never leaving the lawyer. She was calm for a moment, before she yelled,
"¿QUÉ? Are you all loco!? 'Attempt a romance with someone here'? I may be desperate, but I'm not that desperate!"

Maria took a breath and calmed down, smoothing her tight, short, scarlet dress in the process. "Look, I liked Louis. He was a nice guy, and I give my condolences to those who knew him better then I, but I fear he may have gone demente in his old age! This is madness! We don't even know each other!"
Darren stood up next to the woman shouting, and took of the mask he forgot he still had on. "I have to agree. I'm willing to get to know you guys but a month without leaving this place so we can 'find love'?" He stated, quoting the air around him as he spoke. "What are we meant to do anyways for a month? It's not like we all instinctively brought clothes and everything we need, hell, I need to keep writing my book and I left it at home."

Helena followed the small group of people, itnto the mansion. She looked around, admiring every small detail.

The small group entered a parlor, and so did Helena. She stood a little back, near the door. As the man, who introduced himself to be the lawyer, read Louis' will, she listened carefully.

After the reading, her facial expression didn't change, but she sighed, barely audible. She really could need some money, paying for her flat wasn't too expensive, but she also wanted to invest some into her future occupation. She looked up as some girl started yelling. She slightly shook her head. Of course she wasn't too fond of the idea of finding love, but she didn't make a big fuss about it. But nevertheless, she decided to stay. She thought that at the moment, everything was better than being at home. She had even brought some spare clothes, he drawing utensils, etc. So why not? Even if she wouldn't get the money, trying to wouldn't hurt.


Brandon followed the group, led by the butler, to the parlor, where another man was already waiting. He stood behind a chair and was leaning against the wall.

While listening to the lawyer reading Louis' will, he looked around at every single person, pondering why each and every one of them was there.

As the reading ended, he remained silent. he started thinking, thinking if he should stay or not. He didn't need the money, since he had inherited all of his parents' wealth, but some extra money sure wouldn't hurt, would it? Also, the thought of falling in love hadn't crossed his path yet, maybe because he didn't find
the one yet?

He looked again at the six girls that were there. They were all different one from another. There were of course some pretty faces, but he barely knew them.

After pondering for some more time, he finally took the decision to stay.


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