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A futuristic sci-fi universe known as Mass Effect

(Zaeed is notorious as the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and mercenary soldier):

(We've reached an agreement with veteran mercenary Zaeed Massani. You may know the name; Zaeed has been involved in some of the best known (and some utterly unknown) military operations in the Terminus Systems, and is feared as a ruthless and relentless bounty hunter. I felt you might need a man with his skills on your mission, so I arranged to have him join you.)

Zaeed Massani
Zaeed Massani is extraordinarily good at killing people in combat, and even better at not being killed.

He can kill stuff with a rifle. He can kill stuff with a pistol. He can still stuff with grenades. He can kill stuff with a sharp stick. He can kill stuff with his goddamn hands. He might be able to kill stuff with harsh language.

Massani has survived odds that would make a Krogan give up and cry. If something can be used to kill someone — including terrain, nearby machinery, ad hoc explosives, the environment… — Massani will be able to use it.

He’s even taught himself hopelessly archaic skills such as knife throwing. He apparently uses those to kill time.

Being the last man alive on the battlefield is something he’s quite familiar with. In DC Heroes terms, Zaeed always uses his Luck to survive odds that should kill him, and carefully keeps part of his large Hero Points stock to endure damage.

He’s a mediocre fire team leader. This is because he fights solo, concentrating on killing what’s in front of him and surviving to the expense of his unit’s safety. However he’s an excellent soldier, following orders well and taking good tactical initiatives to execute on the battle plan.

Zaeed is the very model of the grizzled badass. He has an overclocked killer instinct and a genuine taste for deadly violence. It’s not that he doesn’t mind death and carnage – he actually finds it pleasant. He thrives on being challenged and surviving difficult odds.

Being shot at and shooting back provides that in spades. Zaeed seems unable to adjust to situations that can’t be summed up as “kill or be killed”.

His favourite memories are of situations so tense and deadly that he was the only thing left standing on the battlefield. He’s actually interested in quasi-suicidal and impossible-looking missions as ways to push himself and his skills.

For 20 years Massani was devoured by a primal need to gain revenge against Santiago. He doesn’t seem sane about it. His near-death apparently left him with a massive PTSD kept under control by obsessing over killing Santiago.

He reportedly felt a flash of adrenaline every time he heard a gunshot or felt pain as he thought of killing Santiago – not exactly the reaction of an undamaged individual.

Zaeed strongly projects the impression that he’s a completely amoral butcher and killer who’ll slaughter anyone and do anything for money. This is not actually true. Although he readily admits that he’s done “some very bad things” during his long, blood-soaked career, Zaeed responds with surprising aversion to some of the evils he sees in his work.

This seems especially true for grave mistreatment of children. He reacted with obvious, lasting disgust when he saw how biotic kids had been imprisoned and tortured on Pragia. His dislike for Batarians may also come from the fact that many Batarians thrown out of their native systems are ruthless slavers who do not hesitate to trade kids of various species.

The ability to ignore and overcome pain is very important to Zaeed. He’s obviously contemptuous of persons who let injury and suffering overwhelm them. As far as Zaeed is concerned, no wound is ever serious and you just have to tough it out.

After Shepard and her team helped Zaeed kill Vido, the veteran is left empty and aimless.

He knows it’s time for him to retire. But he just can’t come up with an idea and his thoughts gradually drift toward the morbid. Usually it’s some variant of going out with a huge bang that kills a lot of people whom he hates. Mostly he’s deluding himself. It’s obvious from the outside that Massani will never be able to retire.



Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Freeing himself from Tristana's biotic grasp, Zaeed managed to stab his ex-girlfriend while the ship itself was being fired upon by the garrison. A hole opened up on the hull, nearly sucking them both out. Zaeed took the opportunity to kick Tristana completely off the ship, luckily finding another object to grab before plummeting to the surface with her. Zaeed rushed to an escape pod and escaped the ship, in time to see from a distance the turian frigate Verrikan explode, describing it as a wonderful sight to see.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

250 words minimum
6'3, heavily scarred, hazel eye and grey cybernetic eye, Zaeed’s deep, gravelly voice has something of a British accent. Most of his sentences are laced with military-style profanity for emphasis, vigour and just because he likes to swear. His voice actor was the late David Sachs. The traditional Blue Suns tattoo can be seen on Zaeed’s neck, though it is now a bit faded. He also has ink on one arm, and perhaps on his back. Zaeed has a definite swagger to him. He is a charismatic man projecting a strong impression of being a ruthless killer and grizzled warlord. He never hesitates to speaks his mind. Wherever he is, he struts around like he owns the place. Massani used to be handsome. Though it’s difficult to get past his disfigurement, looking at the intact half of his face and imagining the rest provides an approximation of whom he was.
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A futuristic sci-fi universe known as Mass Effect

(Zaeed is notorious as the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and mercenary soldier):

(We've reached an agreement with veteran mercenary Zaeed Massani. You may know the name; Zaeed has been involved in some of the best known (and some utterly unknown) military operations in the Terminus Systems, and is feared as a ruthless and relentless bounty hunter. I felt you might need a man with his skills on your mission, so I arranged to have him join you.)

Zaeed Massani
Zaeed Massani is extraordinarily good at killing people in combat, and even better at not being killed.

He can kill stuff with a rifle. He can kill stuff with a pistol. He can still stuff with grenades. He can kill stuff with a sharp stick. He can kill stuff with his goddamn hands. He might be able to kill stuff with harsh language.

Massani has survived odds that would make a Krogan give up and cry. If something can be used to kill someone — including terrain, nearby machinery, ad hoc explosives, the environment… — Massani will be able to use it.

He’s even taught himself hopelessly archaic skills such as knife throwing. He apparently uses those to kill time.

Being the last man alive on the battlefield is something he’s quite familiar with. In DC Heroes terms, Zaeed always uses his Luck to survive odds that should kill him, and carefully keeps part of his large Hero Points stock to endure damage.

He’s a mediocre fire team leader. This is because he fights solo, concentrating on killing what’s in front of him and surviving to the expense of his unit’s safety. However he’s an excellent soldier, following orders well and taking good tactical initiatives to execute on the battle plan.

Zaeed is the very model of the grizzled badass. He has an overclocked killer instinct and a genuine taste for deadly violence. It’s not that he doesn’t mind death and carnage – he actually finds it pleasant. He thrives on being challenged and surviving difficult odds.

Being shot at and shooting back provides that in spades. Zaeed seems unable to adjust to situations that can’t be summed up as “kill or be killed”.

His favourite memories are of situations so tense and deadly that he was the only thing left standing on the battlefield. He’s actually interested in quasi-suicidal and impossible-looking missions as ways to push himself and his skills.

For 20 years Massani was devoured by a primal need to gain revenge against Santiago. He doesn’t seem sane about it. His near-death apparently left him with a massive PTSD kept under control by obsessing over killing Santiago.

He reportedly felt a flash of adrenaline every time he heard a gunshot or felt pain as he thought of killing Santiago – not exactly the reaction of an undamaged individual.

Zaeed strongly projects the impression that he’s a completely amoral butcher and killer who’ll slaughter anyone and do anything for money. This is not actually true. Although he readily admits that he’s done “some very bad things” during his long, blood-soaked career, Zaeed responds with surprising aversion to some of the evils he sees in his work.

This seems especially true for grave mistreatment of children. He reacted with obvious, lasting disgust when he saw how biotic kids had been imprisoned and tortured on Pragia. His dislike for Batarians may also come from the fact that many Batarians thrown out of their native systems are ruthless slavers who do not hesitate to trade kids of various species.

The ability to ignore and overcome pain is very important to Zaeed. He’s obviously contemptuous of persons who let injury and suffering overwhelm them. As far as Zaeed is concerned, no wound is ever serious and you just have to tough it out.

After Shepard and her team helped Zaeed kill Vido, the veteran is left empty and aimless.

He knows it’s time for him to retire. But he just can’t come up with an idea and his thoughts gradually drift toward the morbid. Usually it’s some variant of going out with a huge bang that kills a lot of people whom he hates. Mostly he’s deluding himself. It’s obvious from the outside that Massani will never be able to retire.



Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Zaeed and partner, Vido Santiago, headed the Blue Suns "private security firm". As it underwent development, the Suns started taking part in batarian slave trade, something Zaeed Massani disrecommended for the organization. Zaeed disagreed on the issue, and the rest decided to discuss their differences with a vote. The "vote" ended tragically for Zaeed, as he was shot point-blank at the face by Vido. Zaeed survived the gunshot wound, although over the following years, he got stressed and wasted on alcohol, his reputation and organization gone from his hands, and all he was thinking about was revenge on his ex-partner Vido.

To restore his glory and name, Zaeed took a job from the Shadow Broker: to crash the turian frigate Verrikan. Zaeed recruited three freelancers: the salarian Kendo Holin, the asari Tristana, and the ex-Blue Sun Jace Reyn. The mission went on well, as Zaeed and his three freelances infriltrated the turian frigate, fighting off the turian soldiers that were there. The asari Tristana came to rescue Zaeed, who was surrounded by a number of turian soldiers drawing guns at him. Tristana and Zaeed had a thing in the past, but Zaeed claimed he broke it off before it killed him. He then asked about Jace, but it appeared the payoff was now split fifty-fifty. With the job almost done, Zaeed set the Verrikan ship on a collision course. As he was about to embark off the ship, Tristana suddenly blasted Zaeed with biotics, revealing to be under Vido's employ.

Freeing himself from Tristana's biotic grasp, Zaeed managed to stab his ex-girlfriend while the ship itself was being fired upon by the garrison. A hole opened up on the hull, nearly sucking them both out. Zaeed took the opportunity to kick Tristana completely off the ship, luckily finding another object to grab before plummeting to the surface with her. Zaeed rushed to an escape pod and escaped the ship, in time to see from a distance the turian frigate Verrikan explode, describing it as a wonderful sight to see.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

Zaeed is contacted by Cerberus, for a job offer to take on the Collectors with Commander Shepard. Commander Shepard finds him on Omega, where he has tracked down a batarian fugitive of which he was hired by "someone rich enough to hire him". Zaeed greets Shepard and accepts the offer. He also asks Shepard in helping him take down Vido Santiago, whom Zaeed has tracked down on the planet Zorya. Zaeed hangs out at the Normandy SR2 cargo hold, bringing along some trophies and keepsakes: his favorite but battered M-8 Avenger "Jessie", a Blood Pack helmet, and the turian frigate model ship Verrikan.

When Shepard takes part in Zaeed's mission, Zaeed finally meets Vido Santiago after 20 years, at his base, where Vido taunts him. Zaeed then intentionally initiates a compressed gas fire which eventually spreads throughout the facility. Shepard can then choose to either put out the fires, thus saving innocent workers, or pursue Vido. If Shepard chooses to save the workers, Vido escapes with a gunship and curses Zaeed, telling him that he'll "see him again in another 20 years". Zaeed gets infuriated with Shepard. At this point, Shepard can convince Zaeed to work together as a team and to put his vengeance aside until the mission is complete, thereby securing his loyalty, but only with great difficulty. Otherwise, Zaeed's loyalty is not secured. If Shepard chose to pursue Vido directly without saving the workers, Zaeed corners an injured Vido. He ejects a thermal clip from his pistol into a pool of fuel that Vido is lying in. As the fuel ignites and burns Vido alive, Zaeed turns and walks away, his vengeance fully satisfied. If Shepard travels to Zorya after the suicide mission, is a Paragon, and has at least two more squadmembers left, then there will be an option to leave Zaeed to die when a metal beam collapses on him. Shepard has the choice to save him or let him die. Shepard, ofc, saves him.

250 words minimum
6'3, heavily scarred, hazel eye and grey cybernetic eye, Zaeed’s deep, gravelly voice has something of a British accent. Most of his sentences are laced with military-style profanity for emphasis, vigour and just because he likes to swear. His voice actor was the late David Sachs. The traditional Blue Suns tattoo can be seen on Zaeed’s neck, though it is now a bit faded. He also has ink on one arm, and perhaps on his back. Zaeed has a definite swagger to him. He is a charismatic man projecting a strong impression of being a ruthless killer and grizzled warlord. He never hesitates to speaks his mind. Wherever he is, he struts around like he owns the place. Massani used to be handsome. Though it’s difficult to get past his disfigurement, looking at the intact half of his face and imagining the rest provides an approximation of whom he was.​
Accepted, Updating list now.
SSIGNUP SHEET: (Obvious Spoilers for Symphogear)

  • Artist: nyanmaru

    "Various Shul Shagana tron..."

    S.O.N.G. Uniform (Winter)
    Senki Zesshou Symphogear

    Shirabe Tsukuyomi
    15 XV Era
    Shirabe in Symphogear G (Old Personality Information)
    Shirabe is a quiet, reserved yet stubborn girl that will voice her opinions bluntly when she feels it's necessary. While her best friend Kirika is a bit of a goofball (at least on the surface), Shirabe gives the opposite presentation. A stoic, mature girl that places the mission first and foremost. Her emotionless poker face rarely breaks but she can show emotions such as disgust towards those she deems as hypocrites. She is a girl that will go to great lengths for those she considers family like her FIS companions, Maria, Kirika and Serena (dead in the mainline canon). Unless it's for the survival of said family, especially Kirika, Shirabe would allow great disasters upon others.

    During this time, she was quite cynical and knew little about the world beyond the strictly curated education to be a living weapon in the White Orphanage. Any semblance of a normal childhood was lost with her memories. However, Shirabe's focused nature also made her more aware. She began to grasp the more complicated aspects of their situation and in turn noticed that perhaps, they weren't doing the right thing.

    Sick of the uncaring attitude Dr. Ver had towards those she loved, she chose to change sides. Even when Kirika and Maria did not.

    There is a possibility that being Finé's host may have influenced her in small ways. Whether or not that is, is up for interpretation. However once Finé had a change of heart and experienced spirit death at the edge of Kirika's scythe, Shirabe was free to slowly cure her cold heart on her own terms with a larger family in SONG.

    Personality Rest of the Series:
    As her time in SONG moves on, Shirabe lightens up ever so slightly and continues to spend all of her time with Kirika, getting used to school life and fighting for SONG.

    Through her tough upbringing under Nastassja's care, Shirabe still has a hard time cooperating with others aside from Maria and Kirika, both of whom she was raised with. This is brought up time and again, by how low her phonic gain is compared to others. Both enemies such as the Autoscorers and SONG themselves discover that she has a weakness here. For a significant amount of time, Shirabe became the weakest link of the team. Her introversion and near hyper protective nature never quite allowing her to feel fully part of the team even after she came to terms with calling Hibiki a hypocrite to be a flawed statement.

    Eventually while chasing down Prelati alongside Tsubasa. Shirabe learns that Tsubasa too, had a similar difficulty connecting with others. With time, Shirabe continues to do what she can to be less avoidant with those not named Kirika.

    Shirabe has some skill as a cook and frequently sings to herself quietly, indicating it as a hobby she enjoys doing. Also, much like Hibiki and Kirika, she is not very into her school homework at Lydian Academy, sarcastically saying its just as fun as rumors say, especially in summertime.


    Kirika Akatsuki, Cooking, Singing, Staring

    Friends in danger, Dr.Ver, Homework, Missing deals on groceries.
    Symphogear Wiki for Series or additional character information.
    Villain Wiki Has additional Details of Shirabe's story in Symphogear
    Note: Befreinding is not one of her hobbies. I don't know where Villain Wiki got that from lol. While she accepts friendship from others, she never went out of her way to get it. It was mostly based on circumstances.

    Pre-Symphogear G History:
    At a very young age, Shirabe was caught in a traffic accident that took both her parents' lives, and she was the only survivor. Due to that accident, she lost most of her memories and any documents that explained who she was. Shirabe was then kidnapped by the F.I.S. and placed in the White Orphanage, as one of the Receptor Children who could potentially host Finé's soul. Her current name of 'Shirabe Tsukuyomi' was given to her by the FIS, as Shirabe could not remember how the kanji of her name was originally read; a note attached to her bloody luggage implied her first name was originally read as 'Tsuki'.

    After the death of Ryōko Sakurai at the hands of the "Hero of the Lunar Attack", Hibiki Tachibana. The FIS attempted to determine if Finé had revived in any of the Receptor Children, but were unable to do so. They then planned to dispose of the project, but due to an armed uprising led by Nastassja, the de facto tutor, and who was seen as a mother by the children, with the help of funding provided by the Bavarian Illuminati, the existence of the confined Receptor Children was brought to light. In fear of criticism from the international community, the US government quickly changed their tune and arranged for the children to be released of their own will or provided shelter. At this point, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika joined with Nastassja and Dr. Ver (the man who took it upon himself to "carry on" Finé's work) in order to stop the fall of the Moon. Which was triggered in the final battle at the Tower of Babel during Finé's struggle with Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris.


    Depends on content. (200 to over 1k words)

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Shirabe Tsukuyomi



    Senki Zesshou Symphogear

    Shirabe Tsukuyomi
    15 XV Era
    Shirabe in Symphogear G (Old Personality Information)
    Shirabe is a quiet, reserved yet stubborn girl that will voice her opinions bluntly when she feels it's necessary. While her best friend Kirika is a bit of a goofball (at least on the surface), Shirabe gives the opposite presentation. A stoic, mature girl that places the mission first and foremost. Her emotionless poker face rarely breaks but she can show emotions such as disgust towards those she deems as hypocrites. She is a girl that will go to great lengths for those she considers family like her FIS companions, Maria, Kirika and Serena (dead in the mainline canon). Unless it's for the survival of said family, especially Kirika, Shirabe would allow great disasters upon others.

    During this time, she was quite cynical and knew little about the world beyond the strictly curated education to be a living weapon in the White Orphanage. Any semblance of a normal childhood was lost with her memories. However, Shirabe's focused nature also made her more aware. She began to grasp the more complicated aspects of their situation and in turn noticed that perhaps, they weren't doing the right thing.

    Sick of the uncaring attitude Dr. Ver had towards those she loved, she chose to change sides. Even when Kirika and Maria did not.

    There is a possibility that being Finé's host may have influenced her in small ways. Whether or not that is, is up for interpretation. However once Finé had a change of heart and experienced spirit death at the edge of Kirika's scythe, Shirabe was free to slowly cure her cold heart on her own terms with a larger family in SONG.

    Personality Rest of the Series:
    As her time in SONG moves on, Shirabe lightens up ever so slightly and continues to spend all of her time with Kirika, getting used to school life and fighting for SONG.

    Through her tough upbringing under Nastassja's care, Shirabe still has a hard time cooperating with others aside from Maria and Kirika, both of whom she was raised with. This is brought up time and again, by how low her phonic gain is compared to others. Both enemies such as the Autoscorers and SONG themselves discover that she has a weakness here. For a significant amount of time, Shirabe became the weakest link of the team. Her introversion and near hyper protective nature never quite allowing her to feel fully part of the team even after she came to terms with calling Hibiki a hypocrite to be a flawed statement.

    Eventually while chasing down Prelati alongside Tsubasa. Shirabe learns that Tsubasa too, had a similar difficulty connecting with others. With time, Shirabe continues to do what she can to be less avoidant with those not named Kirika.

    Shirabe has some skill as a cook and frequently sings to herself quietly, indicating it as a hobby she enjoys doing. Also, much like Hibiki and Kirika, she is not very into her school homework at Lydian Academy, sarcastically saying its just as fun as rumors say, especially in summertime.


    Kirika Akatsuki, Cooking, Staring

    Friends in danger, Dr.Ver, Not spending wisely on groceries
    Symphogear Wiki for Series or additional character information.
    Villain Wiki Has additional Details of Shirabe's story in Symphogear
    Note: Befreinding is not one of her hobbies. I don't know where Villain Wiki got that from lol. While she accepts friendship from others, she never went out of her way to get it. It was mostly based on circumstances.

    Pre-Symphogear G History:
    At a very young age, Shirabe was caught in a traffic accident that took both her parents' lives, and she was the only survivor. Due to that accident, she lost most of her memories and any documents that explained who she was. Shirabe was then kidnapped by the F.I.S. and placed in the White Orphanage, as one of the Receptor Children who could potentially host Finé's soul. Her current name of 'Shirabe Tsukuyomi' was given to her by the FIS, as Shirabe could not remember how the kanji of her name was originally read; a note attached to her bloody luggage implied her first name was originally read as 'Tsuki'.

    After the death of Ryōko Sakurai at the hands of the "Hero of the Lunar Attack", Hibiki Tachibana. The FIS attempted to determine if Finé had revived in any of the Receptor Children, but were unable to do so. They then planned to dispose of the project, but due to an armed uprising led by Nastassja, the de facto tutor, and who was seen as a mother by the children, with the help of funding provided by the Bavarian Illuminati, the existence of the confined Receptor Children was brought to light. In fear of criticism from the international community, the US government quickly changed their tune and arranged for the children to be released of their own will or provided shelter. At this point, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika joined with Nastassja and Dr. Ver (the man who took it upon himself to "carry on" Finé's work) in order to stop the fall of the Moon. Which was triggered in the final battle at the Tower of Babel during Finé's struggle with Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris.

    Summarizing the 4 remaining seasons and Symphogear and possibly relevant XDU Content will be added later. Just stop me if it's enough or this isn't a acceptable character!

    Depends on content. (200 to over 1k words)
    S.O.N.G. Uniform (Winter)
    SG - i01 Shul Shagana (XV Build)

    Some notes about Shul Shagana

    Shul Shagana cannot walk well since her feet are like pegs or ballet boots. So she rides/skates around on built in miniature buzzsaws that act as wheels and make mobility equal to that of a vehicle such as a car, motorcycle etc.

    More information on LINKER and how her gear functions are WIP

Accepted, And the history that you provided is more than enough. (excuse me if I sounded rude, what I mean to say is that the history you have now is good. no need to recap 4 seasons worth of content.)
"Even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams." - Edward Elric


Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)


Name: Edward Elric

Age: 18

Pronouns: He/Him

Throughout his life, Edward went many life changing events that hold a deep impact on the person his is today. On every corner Edward was forced to confront the assumptions, biases, and philosophies that were once so integral to his view of the world. Naturally this emotional journey also played a large part in shaping Edward into the person he is today for better or worse.

So, who is the current Edward Elric? Well, he’s someone who struggles when it comes to ‘clicking’ with people. He’s not antisocial, but after being forced to live in a world where the experiences that shaped are chalked up as nothing but simple tall tales, for the longest time Edward felt as if he was disconnected from this reality and the people who lived in it. It was like he was simply watching the world pass by rather than being a present part of it. This disassociation and apathy therefore plays a pretty large influence in how he interacts with others, as at its worst interactions with Edward can feel like talking to a brick wall. It was only very recently where Edward had made the decision to finally become a more active presence of the new world he now inhabits, so it may take him time to completely shake off these tendencies.

This distance wasn’t only a trait expressed with strangers either. Even when it comes to the people he truly cares for, such as his childhood friend and Automail Mechanic, Winry, Edward struggles with letting them get too close to him. Multiple experiences in the past have led Edward to feel that the best way to protect the people he cares for is to distance himself from them.

If there’s one thing that’s a core part of who Edward is it’s his sense of justice, kindness, and compassion for others, something that’s doubtful to ever change. He may have some flaws and his good intentions don’t always lead to net positive results, but there’s an undeniable earnestness to his desire to help other people from all walks of life. He wasn’t called ‘The People’s Alchemist’ for no reason. It doesn’t matter if a situation doesn’t directly involve him, if he sees an injustice taking place, he is going to put a stop to it in whatever way he can. And while he’s definitely mellowed out from his rowdier youth, Edward is still very vocal when it comes to voicing what he believes in and is not afraid to call other people out if he feels they are in the wrong.

As a result, Edward typically finds himself butting heads with most authority figures. Whether it be the army, the police, his superior officer, or his own father, Edward’s not just going to blindly follow or believe whatever you say for no good reason. Heck, there might actually be a good reason and Edward’s still won’t do it without at least some sass coming from his lips.

Edward is also the sort of person to act on his first impulse and stick to that action or decision with extreme tunnel vision, something he deeply struggles with correcting himself on. As, if something doesn’t fully align with his world view or there’s an uncomfortable truth he doesn’t want to face, he’ll either try to completely avoid confronting said truth, or in some cases try to overcompensate and hurry towards confrontation without taking the time to examine the nuances of the presented issue. It often takes a third party, typically his brother Alphonse, to cool Edward’s jets and force him to think things through.

Speaking of his brother, if there’s one thing Edward values most, it’s Alphonse. For someone who so often struggles to trust and maintain bonds with others, Alphonse is the one rock in his life who has always been there for him. If something happens to Alphonse, Edward will do close to near anything to save him. This is an incredibly central part of Edward’s character, especially relating to the personal guilt he holds in relation to Al. Edward has internalized that it was his fault for Alphonse losing his body, and it’s something he’ll never forgive himself for all these years later.


Gaudy Fashion
Gothic Architecture (Especially Gargoyles)

ANY mention of his height (Edward is around 5’0 feet)

Note: If you are on mobile, turning your phone horizontally should fix any format issues regarding the gifs

Biography: (Spoilers for the anime and film)

In the winter of 1899 Edward was born within the little town of Resembool to Trisha Elric and Hohenheim. Together he, his mom, and his younger brother, Alphonse Elric, lived out their lives in the countryside. Although their father wasn’t present Edward and Alphonse spent their childhood in relative harmony studying the alchemic journals their father had left behind. However that peace came to an end when Trisha fell ill with a fatal disease and eventually passed away.

The two were heartbroken, but Edward refused to accept his mother’s death and sought a way to bring her back. He told Alphonse of his plans to resurrect her through Human Transmutation, a forbidden taboo within the world of alchemy. Still, Edward believed that they could do it and so together the two brothers studied alchemy under the careful eye of their teacher until they learned all they could know. Finally, the time came to preform the transmutation. On a stormy night eleven year old Edward and ten year old Alphonse gathered the necessary materials and preformed the transmutation. Yet despite Edward’s confidence, everything went wrong. Ed lost his leg and Alphonse lost his entire body, Edward having to sacrifice his right arm to attach Al’s soul to a suit of armor.

Edward and Alphonse had learned there was no bringing back the dead, but now the two boys held onto a new goal. They would find the philosopher’s stone, an item rumored to allow any who used it to disobey the laws of alchemy, and get their bodies back. But to do that they’d need the funds and research that could be only accessed through the nation’s state alchemist program. So, Edward became a dog of the military and together they burned down their childhood home to began their search for the stone, a symbol that the only path they had was onward.

They traveled all over the nation of Amestris, discovering the government’s vast corruption and learning of the genocides that they had been at the helm of. All this time Amestris started wars with the intention of causing mass death for the sake of obtaining the item most needed for the philosopher stone’s creation, human souls. However, it wasn’t just the government who was the cause. Manipulating the country from the shadows were the Homunculi, a group of people named after the seven deadly sins who created from failed human transmutations. They all obeyed the orders of a woman by the name of Dante. Dante was Hohenheim’s first wife, and four hundred years ago they had created they first philosopher’s stone in order to extend their life spans, but with that stone long gone and Dante unable to make another by herself, she used the homunculi to manipulate the people of the nation into creating another for her.

Once Edward and Alphonse learned what the stone was made of, they vowed to stop its creation, yet with the war in the city of Liore and the continued injustices done towards the people of Ishbal, an Ishbalan man named Scar was determined to create the stone in order to stop the Amestrian army in their tracks. The stone would be created, but through a series of events Alphonse Elric himself became the philosopher’s stone. The homunculi soon kidnapped him and Edward had no choice but to confront the leader of the homunculi.

Despite his efforts, Edward couldn’t stop them. He was killed by homunculus known as Envy, Hohenheim’s failed attempt at resurrecting his first son, or in other words Edward’s and Alphonse’s older half brother. Edward would have remained dead if Alphonse hadn’t sacrificed himself to use the stone and resurrect Edward. Yet despite this sacrifice, Edward wasn’t going to let his brother remain gone for long. He transmuted himself, sacrificing himself to return Al back in his original body. At the cost, Edward was taken to a world where alchemy never existed and where his father now resided, Germany, 1921.

From 1921 to 1923 Edward lived in Germany half convinced it was a nightmare or personal hell concocted solely for him. The people of this world were alternate reality copies of the people he knew in Amestris, reminders of the friends and family he’d left behind. Even his roommate, Alfons Heindrich, bore the face of his younger brother, who Edward wasn’t even sure he’d been successful in resurrecting. However that changed when he met a young Romani woman by the name of Noah. Noah, with her strange power to see other peoples’ memories, was saved from being sold to The Thule Society thanks to Edward. Through her and the sudden disappearance of his father, Edward learned that The Thule Society planned to invade Amestris, believing it to be the spiritual kingdom of Shamballa. They’d succeeded in connecting the two worlds together through killing Hohenheim and Envy, thus quickly beginning their invasion of Amestris. Thanks to Alfons’ help Edward was able to give chase.

In Amestris Edward fought and defeated The Thule Society’s leader, but in order to prevent any future attempts to connect the two world’s together, Edward would have to return to Germany and leave behind his homeland for good. He planned to do this alone but at the very last moment Alphonse rushed to join him on the other side. Amestris had been saved and the Thule Society defeated, but their work wasn’t done yet. Now he, Alphonse, and Noah are currently traveling across Europe hoping to prevent another world war from happening. To do so they are currently in search of a Uranium bomb that’s rumored to exist, hoping to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.


Science Prodigy: Doing even the simplest act of alchemy requires a vast understanding of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, and so throughout his years of learning and research Edward has become highly skilled in these fields. As well, Edward traveled to Transylvania in order to study under the famed Rocket Scientist Hermann Oberth, thus being particularly knowledgeable in rocketry.

Hand to Hand combat: It’s just as important to train the body as it is to train the mind, at least that was his alchemy teacher’s perspective. So, during his time studying under her, Edward was taught how to defend and fight for himself. With the skills his teacher taught him, Edward is fully capable of taking down grown men double his size with just his fists.

Armed Combat: So long as Edward has two hands and access to material, he’ll never be forced to fight empty handed. He can transmute and fight with a variety of weapons, ranging from swords, polearms, bats, and so on. His default weapon is his arm sword, made by transmuting a short blade from his Automail arm.

Bilingual: Edward can speak English and German.

Survivalist: During his alchemy training he and his brother were left to fend for themselves on an abandoned island out in the middle of a lake. While there Edward learned all the basic survival skills including how to fish, hunt, start a fire, build a shelter, and so on.

Powers and Abilities:

Alchemy: ‘Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange’. Alchemy is the science of comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction of matter. This act, called a transmutation, allows an alchemist to change matter’s shape or composition. However there are rules to this science. First, the alchemist needs to know the chemical composition of whatever it is they are transmuting. Next, there needs to be enough material for whatever it is they wish to transmute, as alchemy is incapable of creating more than what is available. Then, they need to create a transmutation circle that acts as a conduit for the energy an Alchemist feeds into the transmutation. Finally, the alchemist must clap their hands and place them onto the circle itself, and the transmutation is complete.

Knowledge from the Gate: After a failed attempt at resurrecting his mother, Edward obtained knowledge from the entity known as ‘the gate’, the place where the energy for transmutation (the blue lightning) originates. This knowledge gave him the ability to transmute without having to draw a circle.


Physically Disabled: At eleven years old Edward lost his right arm and left leg in a severe alchemy accident. Although his Automail prosthetics are impressive by the standards of modern technology, it's not a true replacement for the real deal. Automail lacks the fine motor skills of genuine flesh, is heavy and cumbersome, can burn Edward in hot weather or give him frostbite in the cold, and requires regular maintenance in order to function properly.
Not to mention reattaching a limb is just about one of the most painful things you can go through. However, for all that Automail pales in comparison to the genuine limb, Edward is still incredibly reliant on these prosthetics in order to do the things he does. Destroying them beyond repair is a guarantee to put the odds in his opponent’s favor.

Two hands: While Edward can transmute without a circle, he does need to be able to use both hands in order to clap, so if something happened to either one of his arms, he’d have to physically draw out the transmutation circle, which isn’t exactly the fastest thing to do.

Napoleon Complex: At only five feet Edward is incredibly sensitive about ANY comments that may even allude to his lack of height. Even just using the words ‘short’ and ‘Edward’ in a sentence is enough to rile him up.

Rebounds: If Edward doesn’t abide by the steps and laws of alchemy, there is the chance that a transmutation will fail and rebound in him. A rebound is when, if there’s an unequal amount of material or energy needed for the intended transmutation, the alchemist’s own body is used to stabilize the transmutation, leading to injuries and even death.


Lunger P08: Edward carries a Lunger pistol that was lent to him. In a world without alchemy, Edward would prefer to have some method of defending himself.

Automail Arm & Leg: Edward’s recently upgraded Automail limbs. These prosthetic connects directly to the nerves in Edward’s shoulder and thigh, allowing him to move the joints as if it were a natural limb. Edward commonly transmutes the metal plate on his forearm into a short blade.


  • For the sake of highlighting Edward’s uniqueness from his Brotherhood/Manga counterpart, I’ll be using the mistranslated terms exclusive to the 2003 dubbed anime (For example, I’ll use the name Ishbal rather than the more ‘canon’ Ishval, Marta instead of Martel, and so on)
  • Before going on the run from the Amestrian Military, Edward Elric was a State Alchemist (equivalent to the rank of Major) that worked under the title of “The Fullmetal Alchemist”

Openings/Themes: (Anime spoilers in the first two videos)


Literacy Level: Usually 500-1000 words per post
Last edited:


Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)


Name: Edward Elric

Age: 18

Pronouns: He/Him

Throughout his life, Edward went many life changing events that hold a deep impact on the person his is today. On every corner Edward was forced to confront the assumptions, biases, and philosophies that were once so integral to his view of the world. Naturally this emotional journey also played a large part in shaping Edward into the person he is today for better or worse.

So, who is the current Edward Elric? Well, he’s someone who struggles when it comes to ‘clicking’ with people. He’s not antisocial, but after being forced to live in a world where the experiences that shaped are chalked up as nothing but simple tall tales, for the longest time Edward felt as if he was disconnected from this reality and the people who lived in it. It was like he was simply watching the world pass by rather than being a present part of it. This disassociation and apathy therefore plays a pretty large influence in how he interacts with others, as at its worst interactions with Edward can feel like talking to a brick wall. It was only very recently where Edward had made the decision to finally become a more active presence of the new world he now inhabits, so it may take him time to completely shake off these tendencies.

This distance wasn’t only a trait expressed with strangers either. Even when it comes to the people he truly cares for, such as his childhood friend and Automail Mechanic, Winry, Edward struggles with letting them get too close to him. Multiple experiences in the past have led Edward to feel that the best way to protect the people he cares for is to distance himself from them.

If there’s one thing that’s a core part of who Edward is it’s his sense of justice, kindness, and compassion for others, something that’s doubtful to ever change. He may have some flaws and his good intentions don’t always lead to net positive results, but there’s an undeniable earnestness to his desire to help other people from all walks of life. He wasn’t called ‘The People’s Alchemist’ for no reason. It doesn’t matter if a situation doesn’t directly involve him, if he sees an injustice taking place, he is going to put a stop to it in whatever way he can. And while he’s definitely mellowed out from his rowdier youth, Edward is still very vocal when it comes to voicing what he believes in and is not afraid to call other people out if he feels they are in the wrong.

As a result, Edward typically finds himself butting heads with most authority figures. Whether it be the army, the police, his superior officer, or his own father, Edward’s not just going to blindly follow or believe whatever you say for no good reason. Heck, there might actually be a good reason and Edward’s still won’t do it without at least some sass coming from his lips.

Edward is also the sort of person to act on his first impulse and stick to that action or decision with extreme tunnel vision, something he deeply struggles with correcting himself on. As, if something doesn’t fully align with his world view or there’s an uncomfortable truth he doesn’t want to face, he’ll either try to completely avoid confronting said truth, or in some cases try to overcompensate and hurry towards confrontation without taking the time to examine the nuances of the presented issue. It often takes a third party, typically his brother Alphonse, to cool Edward’s jets and force him to think things through.

Speaking of his brother, if there’s one thing Edward values most, it’s Alphonse. For someone who so often struggles to trust and maintain bonds with others, Alphonse is the one rock in his life who has always been there for him. If something happens to Alphonse, Edward will do close to near anything to save him. This is an incredibly central part of Edward’s character, especially relating to the personal guilt he holds in relation to Al. Edward has internalized that it was his fault for Alphonse losing his body, and it’s something he’ll never forgive himself for all these years later.


Gaudy Fashion
Gothic Architecture (Especially Gargoyles)

ANY mention of his height (Edward is around 4’11)

Note: If you are on mobile, turning your phone horizontally should fix any format issues regarding the gifs

Biography: (Spoilers for the anime and film)

In the winter of 1899 Edward was born within the little town of Resembool to Trisha Elric and Hohenheim. Together he, his mom, and his younger brother, Alphonse Elric, lived out their lives in the countryside. Although their father wasn’t present Edward and Alphonse spent their childhood in relative harmony studying the alchemic journals their father had left behind. However that peace came to an end when Trisha fell ill with a fatal disease and eventually passed away.

The two were heartbroken, but Edward refused to accept his mother’s death and sought a way to bring her back. He told Alphonse of his plans to resurrect her through Human Transmutation, a forbidden taboo within the world of alchemy. Still, Edward believed that they could do it and so together the two brothers studied alchemy under the careful eye of their teacher until they learned all they could know. Finally, the time came to preform the transmutation. On a stormy night eleven year old Edward and ten year old Alphonse gathered the necessary materials and preformed the transmutation. Yet despite Edward’s confidence, everything went wrong. Ed lost his leg and Alphonse lost his entire body, Edward having to sacrifice his right arm to attach Al’s soul to a suit of armor.

Edward and Alphonse had learned there was no bringing back the dead, but now the two boys held onto a new goal. They would find the philosopher’s stone, an item rumored to allow any who used it to disobey the laws of alchemy, and get their bodies back. But to do that they’d need the funds and research that could be only accessed through the nation’s state alchemist program. So, Edward became a dog of the military and together they burned down their childhood home to began their search for the stone, a symbol that the only path they had was onward.

They traveled all over the nation of Amestris, discovering the government’s vast corruption and learning of the genocides that they had been at the helm of. All this time Amestris started wars with the intention of causing mass death for the sake of obtaining the item most needed for the philosopher stone’s creation, human souls. However, it wasn’t just the government who was the cause. Manipulating the country from the shadows were the Homunculi, a group of people named after the seven deadly sins who created from failed human transmutations.
They all obeyed the orders of a woman by the name of Dante. Dante was Hohenheim’s first wife, and four hundred years ago they had created they first philosopher’s stone in order to extend their life spans, but with that stone long gone and Dante unable to make another by herself, she used the homunculi to manipulate the people of the nation into creating another for her.

Once Edward and Alphonse learned what the stone was made of, they vowed to stop its creation, yet with the war in the city of Liore and the continued injustices done towards the people of Ishbal, an Ishbalan man named Scar was determined to create the stone in order to stop the Amestrian army in their tracks. The stone would be created, but through a series of events Alphonse Elric himself became the philosopher’s stone. The homunculi soon kidnapped him and Edward had no choice but to confront the leader of the homunculi.

Despite his efforts, Edward couldn’t stop them. He was killed by homunculus known as Envy, Hohenheim’s failed attempt at resurrecting his first son, or in other words Edward’s and Alphonse’s older half brother. Edward would have remained dead if Alphonse hadn’t sacrificed himself to use the stone and resurrect Edward. Yet despite this sacrifice, Edward wasn’t going to let his brother remain gone for long. He transmuted himself, sacrificing himself to return Al back in his original body. At the cost, Edward was taken to a world where alchemy never existed and where his father now resided, Germany, 1921.

From 1921 to 1923 Edward lived in Germany half convinced it was a nightmare or personal hell concocted solely for him. The people of this world were alternate reality copies of the people he knew in Amestris, reminders of the friends and family he’d left behind. Even his roommate, Alfons Heindrich, bore the face of his younger brother, who Edward wasn’t even sure he’d been successful in resurrecting. However that changed when he met a young Romani woman by the name of Noah. Noah, with her strange power to see other peoples’ memories, was saved from being sold to The Thule Society thanks to Edward. Through her and the sudden disappearance of his father, Edward learned that The Thule Society planned to invade Amestris, believing it to be the spiritual kingdom of Shamballa. They’d succeeded in connecting the two worlds together through killing Hohenheim and Envy, thus quickly beginning their invasion of Amestris. Thanks to Alfons’ help Edward was able to give chase.

In Amestris Edward fought and defeated The Thule Society’s leader, but in order to prevent any future attempts to connect the two world’s together, Edward would have to return to Germany and leave behind his homeland for good. He planned to do this alone but at the very last moment Alphonse rushed to join him on the other side. Amestris had been saved and the Thule Society defeated, but their work wasn’t done yet. Now he, Alphonse, and Noah are currently traveling across Europe hoping to prevent another world war from happening. To do so they are currently in search of a Uranium bomb that’s rumored to exist, hoping to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.


Science Prodigy: Doing even the simplest act of alchemy requires a vast understanding of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, and so throughout his years of learning and research Edward has become highly skilled in these fields. As well, Edward traveled to Transylvania in order to study under the famed Rocket Scientist Hermann Oberth, thus being particularly knowledgeable in rocketry.

Hand to Hand combat: It’s just as important to train the body as it is to train the mind, at least that was his alchemy teacher’s perspective. So, during his time studying under her, Edward was taught how to defend and fight for himself. With the skills his teacher taught him, Edward is fully capable of taking down grown men double his size with just his fists.

Armed Combat: So long as Edward has two hands and access to material, he’ll never be forced to fight empty handed. He can transmute and fight with a variety of weapons, ranging from swords, polearms, bats, and so on. His default weapon is his arm sword, made by transmuting a short blade from his Automail arm.

Bilingual: Edward can speak English and German.

Survivalist: During his alchemy training he and his brother were left to fend for themselves on an abandoned island out in the middle of a lake. While there Edward learned all the basic survival skills including how to fish, hunt, start a fire, build a shelter, and so on.

Powers and Abilities:

Alchemy: ‘Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange’. Alchemy is the science of comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction of matter. This act, called a transmutation, allows an alchemist to change matter’s shape or composition. However there are rules to this science. First, the alchemist needs to know the chemical composition of whatever it is they are transmuting. Next, there needs to be enough material for whatever it is they wish to transmute, as alchemy is incapable of creating more than what is available. Then, they need to create a transmutation circle that acts as a conduit for the energy an Alchemist feeds into the transmutation. Finally, the alchemist must clap their hands and place them onto the circle itself, and the transmutation is complete.

Knowledge from the Gate: After a failed attempt at resurrecting his mother, Edward obtained knowledge from the entity known as ‘the gate’, the place where the energy for transmutation (the blue lightning) originates. This knowledge gave him the ability to transmute without having to draw a circle.


Physically Disabled: At eleven years old Edward lost his right arm and left leg in a severe alchemy accident. Although his Automail prosthetics are impressive by the standards of modern technology, it's not a true replacement for the real deal. Automail lacks the fine motor skills of genuine flesh, is heavy and cumbersome, can burn Edward in hot weather or give him frostbite in the cold, and requires regular maintenance in order to function properly.
Not to mention reattaching a limb is just about one of the most painful things you can go through. However, for all that Automail pales in comparison to the genuine limb, Edward is still incredibly reliant on these prosthetics in order to do the things he does. Destroying them beyond repair is a guarantee to put the odds in his opponent’s favor.

Two hands: While Edward can transmute without a circle, he does need to be able to use both hands in order to clap, so if something happened to either one of his arms, he’d have to physically draw out the transmutation circle, which isn’t exactly the fastest thing to do.

Napoleon Complex: At only four feet and eleven inches Edward is incredibly sensitive about ANY comments that may even allude to his lack of height. Even just using the words ‘short’ and ‘Edward’ in a sentence is enough to rile him up.

Rebounds: If Edward doesn’t abide by the steps and laws of alchemy, there is the chance that a transmutation will fail and rebound in him. A rebound is when, if there’s an unequal amount of material or energy needed for the intended transmutation, the alchemist’s own body is used to stabilize the transmutation, leading to injuries and even death.


Lunger P08: Edward carries a Lunger pistol that was lent to him. In a world without alchemy, Edward would prefer to have some method of defending himself.

Automail Arm: Edward’s recently upgraded Automail arm. This prosthetic connects directly to the nerves in Edward’s shoulder, allowing him to move the joints as if it were a natural limb. Edward commonly transmutes the metal plate on his forearm into a short blade.

Prosthetic Leg: While in Germany Edward had no way of contacting his mechanic so his father developed a replacement for his Automail limbs. His leg is less advanced than the Automail made back in Amestris but it still gets the job done decently well. One thing this prosthetic has over the Automail is a rubber skin-like covering.


  • For the sake of highlighting Edward’s uniqueness from his Brotherhood/Manga counterpart, I’ll be using the mistranslated terms exclusive to the 2003 dubbed anime (For example, I’ll use the name Ishbal rather than the more ‘canon’ Ishval, Marta instead of Martel, and so on)
  • Before going on the run from the Amestrian Military, Edward Elric was a State Alchemist (equivalent to the rank of Major) that worked under the title of “The Fullmetal Alchemist”

Openings/Themes: (Anime spoilers in the first two videos)


Literacy Level: Usually 500-1000 words per post
View attachment 1186714

Accepted, Updating list.
(Trevor telling a story about his past: "He was the smartest, toughest, weirdest kid in Canada. Well, in the Canadian border region of America." *Is from Canada*)
A fairly modern-day universe known as Grand Theft Auto. Trevor is more specifically from GTA 6.

Trevor Phillips
("Oh, yeah? Well I'm not above ripping open your fucking chest to see what's replaced your heart!")

("You make me want a lobotomy!")
've trodden shits with more brains!")​
What is known about Trevor's background is highly speculative and comes from his own words. Trevor was born and raised in Canada, near the border with the United States, or, as he calls it, the "Canadian border region of America". He claims he "grew up in five states, two countries", in "fourteen different homes", "three care homes", "two correctional facilities", with "eight fathers", and "one beautiful, damaged flower of a mother".

As a child, he had a history of rage issues and violent impulses that ruined his attempts to fit into society. He claims that, in a fit of rage, he sodomized his hockey coach with a hockey stick, and at some point, he strangled a clarinet player with his own instrument. He also claims to have killed various animals and "drifters" even during the early years of his life.

Trevor's childhood itself was an unhappy one. His father was physically abusive towards him, while his mother was emotionally abusive, overbearing, treated him with condescension and saw him as a "useless boy" who cared little about her. When he was a child, Trevor's father abandoned him in a shopping mall, which Trevor later burned down in retaliation. Trevor also had a brother named Ryan, whom Trevor was not fond of. Ryan died in an "accident" prior to 2013.

Trevor dropped out of school, ultimately robbing him of some grammatical skills and basic knowledge, such as the location of ancient Rome, which he believed to be part of America. It is possible, however, that he had some formal education, as he claims[8] - though possibly sarcastically - that he took a night class in criminal law. Despite this, he does have good mathematical skills, such as being able to accurately calculate the price of four tons of gold in a matter of seconds. Trevor also claims that he was the Canadian under-18 Champion and "almost turned pro".

Later in his life, Trevor discovered that he had a talent for flying jets. He enlisted in the air force to fly fighter jets, but several days prior to completing his training and becoming a licensed pilot, Trevor was deemed mentally unstable during a psychological evaluation, thus resulting in his discharge and grounding for life. It is implied his discharge was due to his psychological relationship with his mother.

After leaving the military, Trevor became a drifter and committed petty crimes along the border with no particular goal in mind. In the late 1980s, around the age of 20, he eventually began running a small airfreight operation in North Yankton, where he met his future partner-in-crime, Michael Townley.

While waiting on the runway to meet his employer, he saw not one but two dust trails coming up the road, despite the fact that he was told there would be only one person meeting him. Michael exited the first car while a man whom Michael previously carjacked exited the other, yelling at them. Trevor shot off a flare gun he was carrying into the second man's eye, killing him. He and Michael both dumped the body into a lake afterwards. The flare was still burning from the inside of his head, causing the pair to throw up. After the incident, Trevor and Michael became friends and started a criminal partnership together.

Trevor's first job involved robbing a place that cashed checks. However, he was caught because the clerk turned out to be someone who knew him, resulting in him serving four months of a six-month sentence. After Trevor was released, he and Michael committed many robberies all over the midwest, though Michael's recognizable quoting of lines from Solomon Richards's movies, and Trevor's habit to snap and murder people in broad daylight often kept them on the run. Throughout their crime spree, they worked with several other accomplices; the closest one being Lester Crest - a talented hacker and heist planner. Over time, Michael developed a relationship with and married a stripper named Amanda, eventually having two kids, Tracey and Jimmy. This created some friction between the criminals, due to Michael spending more and more time with his new family and less with his criminal activities. Despite this, Trevor began to see himself as an uncle to the couple's children, even vowing to avenge Tracy should anyone 'wrong her'. Over the following years, Michael became more cautious as a criminal because he saw himself having more to lose should he be imprisoned or killed, which led Trevor to believe Michael was going "soft". As a result, Trevor recruited a fellow crook named Brad Snider to take part in their robberies. Michael and Lester distrusted Brad, never showing any empathy towards him. At some point, Brad suggested to Trevor that they cut off Michael and work only with each other. Trevor declined, believing he should stay loyal to Michael.

Trevor and Michael remained partners in crime until they undertook an ill-fated heist in 2004 alongside Brad and a getaway driver in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Secretly, Michael made an agreement with corrupt FIB agent Dave Norton to exit his life of crime and start over with his family in Los Santos. The plan involved the group robbing a cash depot, followed by them making their way to a rendezvous point, where Dave would fatally shoot Trevor and non-fatally shoot Michael, with the latter then pretending to be buried at the Ludendorff Cemetery, before actually moving to Los Santos with his family. The heist initially ran relatively smoothly until two security guards were killed - the second one by Trevor as the guard held Michael at gunpoint - and the police arrived, which the group had to fight through, barely managing to get to their getaway car. As they drove to the rendezvous point, where they were told a helicopter was waiting for them, their driver was killed by the police and Michael was forced to take the wheel, though their vehicle was struck by an oncoming train at a railroad crossing and destroyed. Michael insisted that they stick to the plan, and they began walking in search of the helicopter. They were then ambushed by Dave, who fired at the trio, missing Trevor and fatally wounding Brad instead, before shooting again and "injuring" Michael. Trevor refused to leave his friends behind and attempted to fight off the police until a weary Michael told him to save himself, prompting Trevor to reluctantly make his escape.

As a result of the failed heist, both Trevor and Michael wrongly believed one another to be dead. Trevor was not able to get access to his savings because of his identity being blown, but regardless managed to evade the police for several years and made a new life for himself in the rural town of Sandy Shores, San Andreas. There, he developed an addiction to crystal meth and founded a small criminal business with new-found partners Ron Jakowski, a paranoiac conspiracy theorist, and Chef, a m*th cook. The business, named Trevor Philips Enterprises (alternatively called Trevor Philips Industries), specialized in arms smuggling and the cooking and sales of crystal m*th*mph*tam*ne. During Trevor's time in Sandy Shores, he affiliated himself with the Aztecs gang, the redneck hillbilly O'Neil brothers, and high-ranked members of The Lost MC - including the club's leader, Johnny Klebitz. However, the latter's relationship was particularly strained due to Trevor's tendency to occasionally have s*x with Johnny's girlfriend, Ashley Butler, in exchange for m*th payments, much to Johnny's chagrin.

In 2012, Juggalos Wade Hebert, Daisy Bell, Kush-Chronic, and several others stopped in Sandy Shores to buy dr*gs while on their way to "the gathering". They met Trevor, who took the group, save Wade, to a nearby quarry and is implied to have murdered them. Wade never figured out what happened to his friends and decided to stay in Sandy Shores, joining Trevor's criminal empire. At some point, Trevor rammed a hockey stick up Wade's an*s, just like he had done before to his hockey coach.


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Fandom: Resident Evil
NAME: Claire Redfield
AGE: 19
Claire is a very sociable and adaptable person, able to communicate and synergize with people she just met. She has a keen survival instinct and a knack for improvisation. She also possesses maternal qualities, a desire to make a difference, iron will, and an open mind. However, her temper is brought out when she sees cowardly acts, selfish decisions, and overall injustice. She's a free spirit, and while she respects authority, she bites back when people want to abuse their power or condescend everyone else.
INTERESTS: Motorcycles, firearms, environmentalism, socializing, children
DISLIKES: Corporations, politicians, zombies, laziness, cowardice, waste

Claire Redfield lost both parents early in life, leaving her older brother Chris to look after her. The two enjoyed outdoor activities like hiking, camping, riding motorcycles, and shooting. When she went off to college at 18, Chris joined the Raccoon City Police Department's Special Tactics and Rescue Service.

In September 1998, Claire grew concerned as Chris hadn't returned her phone calls. She rode into Raccoon City, only to be pursued by zombies on her way to the police station. After discovering Chris had went to Europe to investigate the evil Umbrella Corporation, she fled into the sewers with a girl named Sherry, who had been separated from her scientist mother Annette.

Claire discovered a secret lab beneath the city that turned out to be the source of the accidental viral outbreak. With Annette killed by her mutated husband and the facility self-destructing, the survivors escaped via cargo train. Oddly, Claire blacked out as the explosion rocked the speeding train engine. When she came to, she was in a nonsensical labyrinth with no explanation and only the bare essentials.

  • Browning Hi-Power Mark III - A 9mm pistol manufactured by Fabrique Nationale of Belgium. Claire looted it from a police cruiser during her previous ordeal.
  • Survival Knife - A simple, versatile, and sturdy blade. Claire always keeps it handy.
  • Lockpick - A bent safety pin that can disable simple locks. More complex locks will still require a key.
  • Lighter - This gift from Chris is useful for starting larger fires.
LITERACY LEVEL: Advanced—heavy emphasis on quality over quantity.
Last edited:
Fandom: Resident Evil
NAME: Claire Redfield
AGE: 19
Claire is a very sociable and adaptable person, able to communicate and synergize with people she just met. She has a keen survival instinct and a knack for improvisation. She also possesses maternal qualities, a desire to make a difference, iron will, and an open mind. However, her temper is brought out when she sees cowardly acts, selfish decisions, and overall injustice. She's a free spirit, and while she respects authority, she bites back when people want to abuse their power or condescend everyone else.
INTERESTS: Motorcycles, firearms, environmentalism, socializing, children
DISLIKES: Corporations, politicians, zombies, laziness, cowardice, waste

Claire Redfield lost both their parents early in life, leaving her older brother Chris to look after her. The two enjoyed rigorous outdoor activities like hiking, camping, riding motorcycles, and shooting. When she went off to college at 18, Chris joined the Raccoon City Police Department's Special Tactics and Rescue Service.

In September 1998, Claire grew concerned as Chris hadn't returned her phone calls. She rode into Raccoon City, only to be pursued by zombies on her way to the police station. After discovering Chris had went to Europe to investigate the evil Umbrella Corporation, she fled into the sewers with a girl named Sherry, who had been separated from her scientist mother Annette.

Claire discovered a facility beneath the city that turned out to be the source of the accidental viral outbreak. With Annette killed by her mutated husband and the facility self-destructing, the survivors escaped via cargo train. Oddly, Claire blacked out as the explosion rocked the speeding train engine. When she came to, she was in a nonsensical labyrinth with no explanation and only the bare essentials.

  • Browning Hi-Power Mark III - A 9mm pistol manufactured by Fabrique Nationale of Belgium. Claire looted it from a police cruiser during her previous ordeal.
  • Survival Knife - A simple, versatile, and sturdy blade. Claire always keeps it handy.
  • Lockpick - A bent safety pin that can disable simple locks. More complex locks will still require a key.
  • Lighter - This gift from Chris is useful for starting larger fires.
LITERACY LEVEL: Advanced—heavy emphasis on quality over quantity.


Tōru & Wonder of U

"Where'd You Come From?"


"A Bit More About You Wouldn't Hurt"
89 Years Old (Pretends to Be 18)

09f8eba67ffffe440f07ae093472cf0d.jpgPersonality & BackgroundScreenshot 2024-09-22 201302.png
On the surface, Tōru is the definition of a normal college student. A part-timer at the nearby university hospital, his co-workers and friends would describe him as cheeky, altruistic, and generally friendly.

In reality,
Tōru is of a completely different species; he is (or in this case, was) the leader of a group of Rock Humans, a parallel silicon-based life form that secretly grew alongside most of humanity. When not in his facade, Tōru is callous and goal-oriented, and generally stoic towards the plight of others beyond his goals. He hates his youthful appearance, believing it holds him back in scales of power, but utilizes it in his cover persona.

Tōru's main goal is to one-up carbon-based humans in any way he can. Whether through his main scheme of selling a mythical fruit to get money and reign with his brethren, or other ways he finds. A main part of this is his Stand, a special power that manifests physically: Wonder of U.
Wonder of U, along with
Tōru, is masquerading in civilian life. It has stolen the visage of a head doctor, Satoru Akefu, to allow Tōru control without blowing his cover. Tōru also commonly will play the worried intern with Akefu as an older man.

"Sometimes I think that if I ever disappeared, Wonder of U would still remain, and only change it's shape."
  • Rock Skin: All Rock Humans have this ability. At any time, Tooru can turn himself to stone as a protective measure. While in this state, Tōru cannot move or speak and if Wonder of U is still visible, can barely control it. The main benefit of this is that he is incredibly durable.
  • Wonder of U: Along with the physical identity theft power, this Stand has another major ability in two modes.
    • Attack Mode: Wonder of U appears as a thin metallic entity with two curved blades on the back of its arms. Can move slightly faster than the average human citizen, and the blades on its arms have the sharpness of a semi-dull hunting knife. Tōru only uses this mode for carrying items and chasing something.
    • Defense Mode: What Tōru uses most. This mode allows Wonder of U to use its disguise ability, where it can take the form of a dead, ill, or injured individual, and wear any clothes that Tōru directs. When someone realizes the person is not who they say they are, Wonder of U's face becomes the metallic default again. In this mode, it also has the Flow of Calamity. If someone pursues Tōru or Wonder of U while in Defense Mode with a negative or hostile intent, the Flow of Calamity affects them. This means all sharp objects, projectiles, and injuries hurt the affected twice as much (i.e. an affected person is stabbed with a fork but is injured as if it was a steel kebab).

"Like It or Not"
+ Music (Elvis)
+ Sandwiches
+ Monetary Gain
+ Wasps
+ Technology

+ Humans
+ Mangoes

His Main Theme
Wonder of U's Theme
Flow of Calamity

"What About You?"
Timezone: EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Literacy Level: Semi-Literate

Name: Kyojuro Rengoku
"Where you're from?
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no yaiba
"A bit more about you woudn't hurt"
Age: 20
Personality: A optimistic individual. He's really sociable and pleasant to hang with. Due to his life being on the line in every mission,he enjoys life to his fullest.
"Like it or not"
-miso soup with sweet potatos.
-enjoys watching Noh and Kabuki theater.
Those who hurt the inocent
Weapon: Nichirin katana

Name: Zenitsu Agatsuma
"Where are you from?"
Fandom: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
"A bit more about you woudn't hurt"
Personality: On the surface,Zenitsu seems anxious cowardly and lovesick. Despite that he has a heart of gold and tries his best to overcome his fears and help others.
"Like it or not"
-High quality eel
-board games
Being rejected
Demons( and other scary things) ( except Nezuko,because she's nice!)
Weapon: Nichirin katana

Zenitsu Agatsuma
What about you?
Timezone: EST
Literacy level: 200 to 500 words.

Tōru & Wonder of U

"Where'd You Come From?"

View attachment 1186774

"A Bit More About You Wouldn't Hurt"
89 Years Old (Pretends to Be 18)

View attachment 1186776Personality & BackgroundView attachment 1186778
On the surface, Tōru is the definition of a normal college student. A part-timer at the nearby university hospital, his co-workers and friends would describe him as cheeky, altruistic, and generally friendly.

In reality,
Tōru is of a completely different species; he is (or in this case, was) the leader of a group of Rock Humans, a parallel silicon-based life form that secretly grew alongside most of humanity. When not in his facade, Tōru is callous and goal-oriented, and generally stoic towards the plight of others beyond his goals. He hates his youthful appearance, believing it holds him back in scales of power, but utilizes it in his cover persona.

Tōru's main goal is to one-up carbon-based humans in any way he can. Whether through his main scheme of selling a mythical fruit to get money and reign with his brethren, or other ways he finds. A main part of this is his Stand, a special power that manifests physically: Wonder of U.
Wonder of U, along with
Tōru, is masquerading in civilian life. It has stolen the visage of a head doctor, Satoru Akefu, to allow Tōru control without blowing his cover. Tōru also commonly will play the worried intern with Akefu as an older man.

"Sometimes I think that if I ever disappeared, Wonder of U would still remain, and only change it's shape."

  • Rock Skin: All Rock Humans have this ability. At any time, Tooru can turn himself to stone as a protective measure. While in this state, Tōru cannot move or speak and if Wonder of U is still visible, can barely control it. The main benefit of this is that he is incredibly durable.

  • Wonder of U: Along with the physical identity theft power, this Stand has another major ability in two modes.

    • Attack Mode: Wonder of U appears as a thin metallic entity with two curved blades on the back of its arms. Can move slightly faster than the average human citizen, and the blades on its arms have the sharpness of a semi-dull hunting knife. Tōru only uses this mode for carrying items and chasing something.

    • Defense Mode: What Tōru uses most. This mode allows Wonder of U to use its disguise ability, where it can take the form of a dead, ill, or injured individual, and wear any clothes that Tōru directs. When someone realizes the person is not who they say they are, Wonder of U's face becomes the metallic default again. In this mode, it also has the Flow of Calamity. If someone pursues Tōru or Wonder of U while in Defense Mode with a negative or hostile intent, the Flow of Calamity affects them. This means all sharp objects, projectiles, and injuries hurt the affected twice as much (i.e. an affected person is stabbed with a fork but is injured as if it was a steel kebab).

"Like It or Not"
+ Music (Elvis)
+ Sandwiches
+ Monetary Gain
+ Wasps
+ Technology

+ Humans
+ Mangoes

His Main Theme
Wonder of U's Theme
Flow of Calamity

"What About You?"
Timezone: EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Literacy Level: Semi-Literate

Name: Kyojuro Rengoku
"Where you're from?
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no yaiba
"A bit more about you woudn't hurt"
Age: 20
Personality: A optimistic individual. He's really sociable and pleasant to hang with. Due to his life being on the line in every mission,he enjoys life to his fullest.
"Like it or not"
-miso soup with sweet potatos.
-enjoys watching Noh and Kabuki theater.
Those who hurt the inocent
Weapon: Nichirin katana

Name: Zenitsu Agatsuma
"Where are you from?"
Fandom: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
"A bit more about you woudn't hurt"
Personality: On the surface,Zenitsu seems anxious cowardly and lovesick. Despite that he has a heart of gold and tries his best to overcome his fears and help others.
"Like it or not"
-High quality eel
-board games
Being rejected
Demons( and other scary things) ( except Nezuko,because she's nice!)
Weapon: Nichirin katana

Zenitsu Agatsuma
What about you?
Timezone: EST
Literacy level: 200 to 500 words.
(Trevor telling a story about his past: "He was the smartest, toughest, weirdest kid in Canada. Well, in the Canadian border region of America." *Is from Canada*)
A fairly modern-day universe known as Grand Theft Auto. Trevor is more specifically from GTA 6.

Trevor Phillips
("Oh, yeah? Well I'm not above ripping open your fucking chest to see what's replaced your heart!")

("You make me want a lobotomy!")

've trodden shits with more brains!")​

What is known about Trevor's background is highly speculative and comes from his own words. Trevor was born and raised in Canada, near the border with the United States, or, as he calls it, the "Canadian border region of America". He claims he "grew up in five states, two countries", in "fourteen different homes", "three care homes", "two correctional facilities", with "eight fathers", and "one beautiful, damaged flower of a mother".

As a child, he had a history of rage issues and violent impulses that ruined his attempts to fit into society. He claims that, in a fit of rage, he sodomized his hockey coach with a hockey stick, and at some point, he strangled a clarinet player with his own instrument. He also claims to have killed various animals and "drifters" even during the early years of his life.

Trevor's childhood itself was an unhappy one. His father was physically abusive towards him, while his mother was emotionally abusive, overbearing, treated him with condescension and saw him as a "useless boy" who cared little about her. When he was a child, Trevor's father abandoned him in a shopping mall, which Trevor later burned down in retaliation. Trevor also had a brother named Ryan, whom Trevor was not fond of. Ryan died in an "accident" prior to 2013.

Trevor dropped out of school, ultimately robbing him of some grammatical skills and basic knowledge, such as the location of ancient Rome, which he believed to be part of America. It is possible, however, that he had some formal education, as he claims[8] - though possibly sarcastically - that he took a night class in criminal law. Despite this, he does have good mathematical skills, such as being able to accurately calculate the price of four tons of gold in a matter of seconds. Trevor also claims that he was the Canadian under-18 Champion and "almost turned pro".

Later in his life, Trevor discovered that he had a talent for flying jets. He enlisted in the air force to fly fighter jets, but several days prior to completing his training and becoming a licensed pilot, Trevor was deemed mentally unstable during a psychological evaluation, thus resulting in his discharge and grounding for life. It is implied his discharge was due to his psychological relationship with his mother.

After leaving the military, Trevor became a drifter and committed petty crimes along the border with no particular goal in mind. In the late 1980s, around the age of 20, he eventually began running a small airfreight operation in North Yankton, where he met his future partner-in-crime, Michael Townley.

While waiting on the runway to meet his employer, he saw not one but two dust trails coming up the road, despite the fact that he was told there would be only one person meeting him. Michael exited the first car while a man whom Michael previously carjacked exited the other, yelling at them. Trevor shot off a flare gun he was carrying into the second man's eye, killing him. He and Michael both dumped the body into a lake afterwards. The flare was still burning from the inside of his head, causing the pair to throw up. After the incident, Trevor and Michael became friends and started a criminal partnership together.

Trevor's first job involved robbing a place that cashed checks. However, he was caught because the clerk turned out to be someone who knew him, resulting in him serving four months of a six-month sentence. After Trevor was released, he and Michael committed many robberies all over the midwest, though Michael's recognizable quoting of lines from Solomon Richards's movies, and Trevor's habit to snap and murder people in broad daylight often kept them on the run. Throughout their crime spree, they worked with several other accomplices; the closest one being Lester Crest - a talented hacker and heist planner. Over time, Michael developed a relationship with and married a stripper named Amanda, eventually having two kids, Tracey and Jimmy. This created some friction between the criminals, due to Michael spending more and more time with his new family and less with his criminal activities. Despite this, Trevor began to see himself as an uncle to the couple's children, even vowing to avenge Tracy should anyone 'wrong her'. Over the following years, Michael became more cautious as a criminal because he saw himself having more to lose should he be imprisoned or killed, which led Trevor to believe Michael was going "soft". As a result, Trevor recruited a fellow crook named Brad Snider to take part in their robberies. Michael and Lester distrusted Brad, never showing any empathy towards him. At some point, Brad suggested to Trevor that they cut off Michael and work only with each other. Trevor declined, believing he should stay loyal to Michael.

Trevor and Michael remained partners in crime until they undertook an ill-fated heist in 2004 alongside Brad and a getaway driver in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Secretly, Michael made an agreement with corrupt FIB agent Dave Norton to exit his life of crime and start over with his family in Los Santos. The plan involved the group robbing a cash depot, followed by them making their way to a rendezvous point, where Dave would fatally shoot Trevor and non-fatally shoot Michael, with the latter then pretending to be buried at the Ludendorff Cemetery, before actually moving to Los Santos with his family. The heist initially ran relatively smoothly until two security guards were killed - the second one by Trevor as the guard held Michael at gunpoint - and the police arrived, which the group had to fight through, barely managing to get to their getaway car. As they drove to the rendezvous point, where they were told a helicopter was waiting for them, their driver was killed by the police and Michael was forced to take the wheel, though their vehicle was struck by an oncoming train at a railroad crossing and destroyed. Michael insisted that they stick to the plan, and they began walking in search of the helicopter. They were then ambushed by Dave, who fired at the trio, missing Trevor and fatally wounding Brad instead, before shooting again and "injuring" Michael. Trevor refused to leave his friends behind and attempted to fight off the police until a weary Michael told him to save himself, prompting Trevor to reluctantly make his escape.

As a result of the failed heist, both Trevor and Michael wrongly believed one another to be dead. Trevor was not able to get access to his savings because of his identity being blown, but regardless managed to evade the police for several years and made a new life for himself in the rural town of Sandy Shores, San Andreas. There, he developed an addiction to crystal meth and founded a small criminal business with new-found partners Ron Jakowski, a paranoiac conspiracy theorist, and Chef, a m*th cook. The business, named Trevor Philips Enterprises (alternatively called Trevor Philips Industries), specialized in arms smuggling and the cooking and sales of crystal m*th*mph*tam*ne. During Trevor's time in Sandy Shores, he affiliated himself with the Aztecs gang, the redneck hillbilly O'Neil brothers, and high-ranked members of The Lost MC - including the club's leader, Johnny Klebitz. However, the latter's relationship was particularly strained due to Trevor's tendency to occasionally have s*x with Johnny's girlfriend, Ashley Butler, in exchange for m*th payments, much to Johnny's chagrin.

In 2012, Juggalos Wade Hebert, Daisy Bell, Kush-Chronic, and several others stopped in Sandy Shores to buy dr*gs while on their way to "the gathering". They met Trevor, who took the group, save Wade, to a nearby quarry and is implied to have murdered them. Wade never figured out what happened to his friends and decided to stay in Sandy Shores, joining Trevor's criminal empire. At some point, Trevor rammed a hockey stick up Wade's an*s, just like he had done before to his hockey coach.



Bungou Stray Dogs

Chuuya Nakahara

In general, Chuuya comes off as an irritable and arrogant character, especially around Osamu Dazai, his former partner turned enemy and rival.
Overall, Chuuya's ESTP personality type is a key aspect of his character, driving his bold, assertive nature and his ability to tackle challenges head-on.


Black coffee

height jokes
‘ Osamu Dazai’
Chūya Nakahara
He’s based on the real life author by the same name

California Time Zone ( PST)

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Final Fantasy VI

Terra Branford
In the beginning of Final Fantasy VI, Terra is scared, forgetful, and incredibly hesitant toward anyone that might want to use her for her powers. As time goes on, Terra develops into a strong woman.
She shows an affinity for children. She is kind and caring towards others.

Herbal Tea
The Returners

Emperor Gestahl
Her powers being misused or abused for selfish gain

California Time Zone (PST)
Semi- Lit

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Bungou Stray Dogs

Chuuya Nakahara

In general, Chuuya comes off as an irritable and arrogant character, especially around Osamu Dazai, his former partner turned enemy and rival.
Overall, Chuuya's ESTP personality type is a key aspect of his character, driving his bold, assertive nature and his ability to tackle challenges head-on.


Black coffee

height jokes
‘ Osamu Dazai’
Chūya Nakahara
He’s based on the real life author by the same name

California Time Zone ( PST)

View attachment 1187191
Final Fantasy VI

Terra Branford
In the beginning of Final Fantasy VI, Terra is scared, forgetful, and incredibly hesitant toward anyone that might want to use her for her powers. As time goes on, Terra develops into a strong woman.
She shows an affinity for children. She is kind and caring towards others.

Herbal Tea
The Returners

Emperor Gestahl
Her powers being misused or abused for selfish gain

California Time Zone (PST)
Semi- Lit

View attachment 1187194
Black Clover

Zenon Zogratis
Zenon is extremely merciless. He does not seem to talk much, preferring to settle disputes with his magic power. He believes that emotion and tenacity mean nothing when compared to absolute power and that such weaknesses should be discarded.
A facet of Zenon's personality seems to be his devotion and loyalty for his home kingdom of Spade. He is highly meticulous and determined to acquire more power to add to the Spade Kingdom's war force. He goes as far as invading the Clover Kingdom and directly attacking the Golden Dawn's base for the sole purpose of obtaining an Arcane Stage mage for his kingdom's military.
However, beneath Zenon's typically cold and serious disposition lies a bloodthirsty individual.
Unlike Dante and Vanica, Zenon is not cruel and evil for the sake of it. As opposed to Dante who tends to waste time flaunting arrogantly and Vanica who loves fighting against strong opponents to the point of either prolonging their battle or letting them live to become stronger, Zenon will instead quickly eliminate threats to their plans.

Successful plans
Bone Magic:
Zenon uses this magic attribute to generate and manipulate his own bones. He typically releases massive tangles of bones that offer no openings for his enemies to evadeand are sharp like spears, allowing him to brutally skewer his opponents.[46] He can increase these bones' regeneration for defensive purposes, repairing them faster than they can be destroyed. He can also shape the bones into weapons to wield by hand, like a sword.After unleashing 100% of his devil's power, he switches to powerful and swift bone whips that have been noted to possess greater attack power and regeneration speed.

SPATIAL MAGIC: Zenon uses this rare magic attribute to manipulate space. His version of this magic attribute involves creating spatial cubes that allow him to dominate and negate the mana trapped within them. The cubes can vary in size and number.
Immense Magic Power: As a devil host, Zenon possesses an immense amount of magic power
Devil-Possessed: As a member of the Dark Triad, Zenon is host to one of the highest-ranking devils, Beelzebub, who grants him immense power.

Dual Mana Attribute: Due to being devil-possessed, Zenon has the ability to use both his own Bone Magic and Beelzebub's Spatial Magic.

Devil Form​

After a making a new bargain with Beelzebub, Zenon obtains the heart of a devil, effectively turning him into a devil. His magic power also becomes more devil-like.

Spatial Magic: In his devil form, Zenon can utilize offensive Spatial Magic, alongside his other space-based spells.

Union Magic: Zenon combines his Bone Magic with Beelzebub's Spatial magic​

Enhanced Magic Power: Zenon's massive magic power increases even

further.Enhanced Regeneration: Due to his devil heart, Zenon is capable of surviving and regenerating from otherwise fatal injuries.


California Time Zone (PST)
Semi- Lit
Last edited:
Black Clover

Zenon Zogratis
Zenon is extremely merciless. He does not seem to talk much, preferring to settle disputes with his magic power. He believes that emotion and tenacity mean nothing when compared to absolute power and that such weaknesses should be discarded.
A facet of Zenon's personality seems to be his devotion and loyalty for his home kingdom of Spade. He is highly meticulous and determined to acquire more power to add to the Spade Kingdom's war force. He goes as far as invading the Clover Kingdom and directly attacking the Golden Dawn's base for the sole purpose of obtaining an Arcane Stage mage for his kingdom's military.
However, beneath Zenon's typically cold and serious disposition lies a bloodthirsty individual.
Unlike Dante and Vanica, Zenon is not cruel and evil for the sake of it. As opposed to Dante who tends to waste time flaunting arrogantly and Vanica who loves fighting against strong opponents to the point of either prolonging their battle or letting them live to become stronger, Zenon will instead quickly eliminate threats to their plans.

Successful plans

California Time Zone (PST)
Semi- Lit
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: fire emblem

AGE: 15


PERSONALITY: Roy is very collected and formal, as a result of his aristocratic background,
A competent leader and warrior, Roy is an upstanding, thoughtful, and idealistic young man. While he would prefer to avoid bloodshed, he maintains a strong resolve to see peace return to his homeland, Elibe during the time of his game, binding blade


Peace, knowledge

EXTRA: Roy is not very good at handling women, being dense and feeling overwhelmed when talking to girls

TIMEZONE eastern daylight time
LITERACY LEVEL in all honesty, hell if I know

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