• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls Characters

  • 04
    full name
    Diamond Courtney Hughes
    date of birth
    TBD (Zodiac)
    place of birth
    Haven falls
    "Raise your glass if your wrong in all the right ways"

    Cheer team, Track and field

    Sometimes just D


    Manon from Katseye
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  • I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone
    I don't wanna say goodbye 'cause this one means forever.
coded by natasha.

Name: Trevor Wesley Carlisle

Nickname: Trey

Ethnicity: European ancestry

Gender: male

Age: 15 years old

Birthday: June 16

Grade Level: 10

Sister: Kyrie

Extracurricular activities: theater

Personal Pets: dog (very huge, with varied shades of brown in different spots)

Personal Possessions: a kickball, nice clothes to change through the week, about twenty books, a cell phone, an ear bud

Personality (likes/dislikes/character traits): has avoided meat for over a year, and chose in the last month to just eat what is vegan appropriate, still really dislikes okra, sensitive to others needs.

Significant events in background: uncle died due to very poor health, parents very argumentative leading to split and divorce, drastic move with big changes soon after that, the mother finally bringing her two children to Haven Falls.
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© pasta

  • *ੈ✩ Carmen Aspen Tate

    • req.


      full name
      carmen aspen tate
      September 26th
      ??? raised in Haven Falls
      n. name
      Carmie, Carm, Car, Calico
      Aslihan Malbora


      #libra⚖️ ♎



      * height
      5' 7"
      * weight
      something Lbs.
      * build
      averagely thin and soft (not athletic)
      * hair
      brunette, it's naturally curly she spends lots of time taming it in the morning.
      * eye colour





    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Quinn Curtis


given name

Quincey Lee Curtis


Quinn, Quinnie




September 4th


Emily Bador



  • a.



    reaches to her lower back in length with blunt bangs, is naturally pin straight, naturally dark brown in color has lighter blonde tips from a previous dye job she hasn't cut off.


    dark brown, almost black


    5' 6"


    1(Something) Lbs.



    Am I the girl of your dreams?
    Am I gonna be blocked?



    "notice how wine makes
    people want to feel sexy?"



    vain virgo ♍✨ #selfie





♡coded by uxie♡
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Harvey Yannick Milk

  • req.


    Milkman, Milk, Dairy Fairy
    July 6th
    Haven Falls, SD
    * question





    some lbs.
    lanky, awkward
    hair colour
    eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

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Grant Fischer

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Grady, Fisch
    * d.o.b.
    August 21st
    * p.o.b.
    Haven Falls
    * faceclaims
    Lucas Till
    * So, do what subject is your favorite?
    "Metalshop" "Why is that?" "Mhm" "ooookaaay..."


    Leo ♌



    * height
    * weight
    190 lbs
    * build
    Athletic and lean with broad shoulders and strong arms from years of hard labor on the farm. His body is muscular but not bulky, shaped by practical, functional strength rather than intentional training. His hands are rough and calloused from farm work, and his gait has a natural confidence and groundedness.
    * hair colour
    Sandy Blonde, often slightly tousled or messy from labour in the farm. It is thick and naturally sun-bleached at the tips from spending long hours under the sun.
    * eye colour
    Greyish blue, with green tones at the very edge. His eyes have a naturally steady, thoughtful gaze that often make people believe he is observing more then he actually is.





♡coded by uxie♡


Milo Hart

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    * d.o.b.
    June 11th
    * p.o.b.
    Haven Falls
    * faceclaims
    Adam Sevani
    * What is school like?
    "Oh it's awesome, I mean sure I sit alone, and sure I'm pretty sure my teachers don't even notice I'm there, but hey! I made alot of friends, oh like there, YO CHIEF WHAT UP!?" "Uh... who are you?" *nervous laughing* "haha.... he's just kidding, its an inside joke... you wouldn't get it."


    Gemini ♊



    * height
    * weight
    145 lbs
    * build
    Slim but toned, with wiry strength from his years of dancing. His muscles are deceptively defined in his arms, legs, and core, hiding the agility and flexibility needed for his freestyle dance style. Despite his lean frame, his energy is palpable in his movements and posture.
    * hair colour
    Black, naturally curly and kept at around just above shoulder length.
    * eye colour
    Bright amber-brown, lively and expressive. His eyes sparkle with mischief and passion, especially when he's dancing or chatting.





♡coded by uxie♡


  • basics


    wondering what poppy thinks...




    lacey marie kavanagh

    seventeen year old
    girl with big dreams and even bigger doubts. She was born and raised in
    Haven Falls
    , and is most known for being
    the daughter of the baseball coach for the haven falls highschool
    . an aspiring musician and photography lover, a spring girl
    her birthday is literally march 21st
    she is a student from
    Silver Lake Academy



    Lacey stands at 5'7". She has a slender and petite build, since she isn't into sports her physique is rather lean than muscular but still can be described as mesomorph.


    Lacey usually portrays her dark brown hair at a long length, which she usually styles it in a natural, relaxed style. She sometimes accessories her hair with ribbons and has become to a certain point her signature accessory.


    Lacey's style can be described as effortless and laid-back. She frequently opts for a mix of casual and trendy pieces. Her wardrobe includes oversized sweaters, jeans, and flowy dresses.


    Gracie Abrams


the chill girl



the chill girl

I'm still a believer but I don't know why





♡coded by uxie♡


  • basics


    Early morning runs with the best partner


    Oh, I was raised out in the cold


    Adrian Carter Brown

    seventeen year old
    guy. He was born and raised in
    Haven Falls
    , and is most known for being
    the team captain of the Haven Falls Highschool Hockey Team
    . He aspires to become a professional hockey player
    his birthday is October 7th
    he is a student from
    Haven Falls Highschool



    Adrian stands at 6'2". He has an athletic build, due to the continuous training he does every day in order to keep in shape for when the season starts.


    Adrian usually keeps his light brown hair between a medium length, but still looks presentable except after training when it might look a bit like a mess


    Adrian's style can be described as comfortable and laid back. He always tries to portray a clean but relaxed look wherever he goes. His wardrobe includes hoodies, jeans, and denim jackets, he might wear caps depending if he was too busy to fix his hair that morning.


    Brian Altemus


the hockey guy



the hockey guy

You told me you would make a difference





♡coded by uxie♡




Trust me, addicts don't need your help with hating themselves.


The Wastoid Cowboy


full name

Weston Rafferty Greene






July 8th


Gatlinburg, TN



98 Degrees

Arrested Youth




5ft 8in



hair c.


eye c.



Aria Shahghasemi



As a child and later a teen, Wes was often described by his friends and family as being very 'moody', 'inflexible', and 'petulant'. He often caused multiple issues with both family and school members as he was also prone to arguing and would often escalate minor conversations into full on blowout arguments or even physical altercations over seemingly nothing at all. All were actually signs of emotional dysregulation that were disregarded as simple teenage attitude despite the actual presence of his undiagnosed bipolar disorder.

Though he still has not regained that confidence he once had as an adolescent and is now struggles with near constant self-doubt and has a poor relationship with his self-esteem, feeling like he's waiting for the bottom drop out of the life again. Overall he tends to fall on the pessimistic end of the spectrum, though he hopes to someday change that, but for the moment he can't see how. He's the first to sabotage his own life before anyone else can even get a chance to think about it.

Since he knows how it feels to be desolate and timid he makes a good listener or sounding board, though he doesn't really trust himself to actually give advice to his friends. Trying on someone else's perspective comes fairly naturally to him, aided by the fact that he doesn't really enjoy being himself anyways, and when those close to him are in crisis he feels their emotions very deeply. Even in situations where he would choose not to if he could.

He hates how depressed he is and how aware of it he is when he’s sober, which is why he chooses so often not to be. Though getting high blurs his awareness of his problems, it doesn’t make them go away. In fact it introduces new ones. While under the influence he’s erratic and impulsive, more than usual. His behavior while under the influence was once described by his mother as ‘terroristic.’ Wes is painfully aware of this and doesn’t particularly like himself much more when he’s high, but he doesn’t know who he is when he’s sober. It’s pretty much a lose-lose situation that he doesn’t know how to get out of it.


cheap booze, guitar, nature, horses, music, olives, hoodies, willy nelson, cigarettes, homemade soup, cafes, sunrises, bagels


rainy days, traffic, tight clothes, socks with holes, pain, minimalism, big cities, peanut butter, public transit, summer heat, silence, judgement


Getting outted as an addict, overdosing again



Born to Anthony and Renee Greene, Wes was their second child between his older brother Emmett and his younger sister Parker. He had a pretty cliché childhood growing up in the south. They kept two horses in the barn on their property, Daisy and Cisco. His sister spent her weekends out of town at pageants, his father worked as a foreman on multiple construction sights, and his brother was something of a soccer star on the school's team.

Being the middle child it was a little easy for Wes to get lost in the mix, he was often reduced to 'Anthony and Renee's boy', 'Emmett's little brother', or even 'Parker's other brother'. Which frustrated him to no end as he longed to be his own person.

He spent a lot of time at home with his mother tending to the various needs and chores around the house. Just the two of them as his father often busied himself with Emmett's soccer team and Parker was competing in beauty pageants with her auntie and cousins. With his mother being very passionate about the animals she kept he ended up taking a particular interest in their horses.

Excited to see her son interested in something she loved, she began teaching him how to ride. The two of them would spend most evenings after school and mornings on the weekends working with the horses. Eventually graduating from just trail rides to beginning to learn about barrel racing, a sport that Renee competed in during her youth.

One practice at a time he began to excel at the sport and he started competing in local horse shows around the state, the acclaim he gathered from being so good at the sport was a thrill. He thrived off the feeling of having something that he was good at that wasn't housework. Particularly thankful that it was something that distinguished him from his siblings, finally giving him an identity that was all his own and not tied to his family.

Wes continued competitive barrel racing into his adolescence. Occasionally skirting his academic duties to spend more time practicing and honing his craft. Much to the chagrin of his teachers and family, particularly his mother who felt guilty for introducing him to the sport. This was a frequent point of contention in their relationship. However he never let his grades slip enough to the point of failure. He would often spend a few days pulling all-nighters cramming and doing homework, saving his GPA from the brink of disaster, if not to the point of exceeding expectations. Sometimes he would spend weeks at a time on the honor roll, only to fall off later.

After any grating conversation with his mother or one of his teachers he would end up using his time in the ring to decompress. Though sometimes just being outside in nature was enough to help clear his head. It was his safe space.

The only other thing that helped him manage his emotions was listening to music and playing the guitar, a skill he picked up when he was sixteen during the time he had fractured his tibia after falling off of his horse. He had been practicing relentlessly all day, both of them had become sloppy and fatigued leading to him losing his seating.

Initially he was devastated at not being able to ride, but after discovering his father's old guitar in the living room's closet he made it a personal goal to learn how to play at least one song by the time he had his cast removed. When he was back on his feet a month and a half later he could play five of his favorites. He continued to play around on the guitar, finding it gave him the same enjoyment and release that riding did.

As high school progressed he managed to balance his riding with his schoolwork. A handful of times he landed himself in detention for physical altercations with other students. Thankfully keeping his record clean enough to secure a place at the University of Tennessee with plans to major in nutrition.

During his senior year he knew that his riding career was likely coming to an end, he wanted to make the most of what remained. While riding at a competition he was desperate to beat his record time, pushing both him and his horse to their limits. He came in much to fast on his second turn and was thrown from his horse. In the process he made the grave mistake of putting his hand down and virtually shattered several bones in his wrist, hands, and fingers of his dominant hand. Later finding out at the hospital that he tore several ligaments and tendons as well

The injury was treated surgically. Wes and his family were told that the healing process would likely take years, with multiple surgeries, and the use of his hand would be limited for a large portion of that time. Which meant no riding or guitar, a crushing blow to Wes's already reeling mind as he found all his coping mechanisms suddenly stripped away from him in a flash.

Over the next several months he was in and out of the hospital for surgeries. His doctor had prescribed him oxycodone very early on in his treatment to manage physical pain, though Wes soon took to using it to numb his emotional pain as well.

He became reliant on it, slowly his tolerance increased and he needed more and more to feel anything. It became the new thing that he was looking forward to each day. He began experimenting with the medication to increase it's effects. Taking more than the prescribed dosage, taking it with alcohol, even crushing the pills into a powder and snorting it so that it would start working faster.

By some miracle he was still able to just barely pass his final year of high school. At graduation he made the startling announcement to his family that he would not be going to University of Tennessee in the fall, citing the fact that he didn't feel ready. Though somewhat disappointed, his family tried to understand. Some of them a little more supportive than others as Anthony and Renee frequently spent nights in their bedroom fighting over how to deal with him.

Soon the oxy no longer felt like enough, he wanted more. He began going out to local bars in nearby towns with a fake ID, usually telling his family that he was sleeping over at a friends houses, and looking for something else that could give him what he wanted.

The world of nightlife introduced him to cocaine. He continued to spiral over the next few months. His dealer introduced him to the rest of the world of cocaine beyond just the powder, specifically crack cocaine and showing him how to smoke it and shoot up with it.

The erratic behavior he was already prone to was only amplified when he was under the influence. After returning home from a week long bender he was greeted by an intervention organized by his family. A fight ensued, almost escalating to a physical altercation as Wes refused to attend treatment. His mother tearfully posed an ultimatum to him, get sober or get out.

Wes chose the latter.

He gathered a small collection his belongings and boarded a train with no clear destination in mind. He rode it until the end of the line somewhere in middle America. Close enough to spark an idea. His Auntie Meri had always been such a sweetheart, surely she'd take pity on her poor, displaced nephew. It wasn't foolproof, but it was worth a shot. Soon enough he found himself at her doorstep, crying and telling her of the fight he'd had with his parents. Of course the tears had been greatly exaggerated and the details of his own issues were conveniently left out of his version of the story, namely his addiction.

As he'd hoped, she took him into her home. Claudia Jean would just have to adjust to having her cousin in the house.

Having a clean slate was as relieving as it was intimidating, but it was too late to back out now. He eventually settled into a new sort of routine, mostly performing many odd jobs around town to make rent and feed his habits.

It was easy to fit right in with the other rejects and misfits of the town, for the first time he felt like he could walk down the street without being surrounded by people who had known him since he was born and watched him rise to popularity as an athlete and eventually flame out into his current state. He was finally a nobody, and it felt good.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




Anthony Greene (Father, 41), Renee Greene (Mother, 40), Emmett Greene (Brother, 23), Parker Greene (Sister, 17), Claudia Jean Taylor (Cousin, 17), Brady Taylor (Uncle, 38), Merriweather 'Merri' Taylor (Aunt, 38)


- terrible sense of direction while driving, also bad at telling time
- never leaves the house without narcan
- in addition to his undiagnosed bipolar, he also suffers from undiagnosed pulmonary dysfunction and chronic tachycardia
- his memory isn’t as good as it used to be and he harbors a lot of shame over it since he knows he brought it on himself, but usually he's too high to care
- once got into a huge fight with his father for coming home high that involved a physical altercation on the ground and ended with him punching out the window of his father’s pickup
- his parents took his bedroom door off the hinges up until he left
- frequently suffers from insomnia at night and often falls asleep during the day to compensate
- keeps a handkerchief in his pocket for his nosebleeds
- always tries to hide how out of breath he is after simple things like going up or down stairs
- has a brace that’s supposed to help with his wrist pain but he never remembers to wear it
- left-handed, though he's become somewhat ambidextrous now since he lost around a third of the function in that hand since breaking it
- has a poor appetite and frequently forgets to eat, between this little habit and his drug usage he's several pounds underweight compared to his height
- favorite food is his mom’s apple pie
- hasn't been sober for more than forty-eight hours in around two years
- often trades sexual favors for drugs when he's short on cash, he always ends up disgusted with himself after
- didn't see snow until he was like six years old
- not a very strong swimmer

♡coded by uxie♡
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Jonah Patrick Montgomery

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    jo, joey
    march 3rd
    seattle, wa
    * n.name(s)
    * question




    #big bro

    5' 10"
    hair colour
    eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

Last edited:
  • basics
    Stella Jade Bailey
    "I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay." — Madonna.
    date of birth.
    December 27th
    Stell, Star (Parents)
    Place of birth.
    LA, California
    Current Residence
    Haven Falls
    Economic class.
    Rich (upper class)
coded by natasha.

carter fallon

seventeen(did a grade over)



the weird one






- giant nerd
- loves bowling
- deep down kind of insecure
- wears two different socks all of the time
- is never on time
- hates high school
- daredevil
- way too talkative
- conceited
- doesn't know when to stop

Carter grew up in the poor area of Joplin with his mother Patricia. She was troubled and had a hard time keeping a job, after working four years as a cashier she ended up in the wrong crowds and started making some extra money on the side by working as a prostitute. Carter after himself at only twelve years old but got bullied at school because his mom was never around. Carter was never shy so he dealt with the bully's in the only way he knew how too, bullying them back. This made him get respected a lot more and was a way to survive high school at all.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

  • Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
    valeria castro
coded by natasha.


scarlett price




  • 01.



    scarlett price



    ari, lett














    Scarlett is a shorter girl, hardly over 5 feet. She has long, black hair, and dark brown eyes. She's slightly pale, having been told she looks like a ghost in the past. She's relatively skinny, but not to the point where she's bony.


    jenna ortega

♡coded by uxie♡

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Dallas Tobin Price

  • req.


    Dal, Dally, ??
    October 30th (But he wouldn't tell you that- Dallas hates birthdays.)
    Haven Falls, ND
    Scorpio ♏ 🦂
    Louis Garrell





    6' 3"
    some lbs.

    hair colour
    deep brown-black
    eye colour
    dark brown





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • I'm the fucking golden boy of the Vale family.
    Now tell me, are you in or are you out?
coded by natasha.
  • If you're going to be bad, be bad with a purpose
    Otherwise you're not worth forgiving.
coded by natasha.

  • scottie.

    scottie jean clark.




    • 01.



      scottie jean clark



      scott, jeanie (only her mom calls her this)



      sixteen - january 9th.



      female - heterosexual






      five foot three inches


      scottie has a slender but athletic build, she has light blue eyes, tan skin, and platinum blonde hair.


      kennedy walsh.

    ♡coded by uxie♡




Music can change the world because it can change people.


The Famous Loser


full name

Michael Graham Watts


Mickey, Mick/Micks




March 28th


Detroit, MI



Are You Gonna Be My Girl?





5ft 8in



hair c.


eye c.



Mark McKenna



Once a very meek child, Mickey was regarded as being quite the sensitive soul by his family and their friends. He preferred the company of himself and a good record over other people and was not nearly as loud and boisterous as his brothers. That is, until he got his hands on a guitar. From then on he quickly learned how to enjoy being the center of attention.

As he aged into this new aspect of her personality, then came the confidence. Though from time to time, that more shy part of himself comes back out but it’s less common than the part of him who knows how to work a room. He can always get a conversation going at a party or dinner, usually about the subject of music. However it can be easy for him to mistake his own confidence as cockiness, it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for him to get a little humbled now and then. Though as far as Mickey is concerned, there’s no such thing as being ‘overconfident.’

Whatever really went away is that sensitive side, though now he prefers to keep it a little more locked away, only utilizing it when it’s time to write music. When you grow up in a house as masculine as Mickey did, it’s hard not to feel a little bit like being as soft hearted as him is a little bit of a failure, despite the fact that his father openly supported his choice to go into the arts and not the family business. It’s an internal struggle that Mickey’s been trying to work at, when he has time at least.

Even if it seems like he’s a little too full of himself, Mickey cares deeply about those around him, particularly family, both blood like his parents and siblings, or chosen like some of his friends. Just like he’s been playing guitar for seventeen years, he’s able to commit to something he’s passionate about. Relationships included.

He has a tendency to be a bit reclusive when he’s working, shutting out others due to his beliefs that they can be ‘distracting’ when he’s ‘in the zone.’ Though it’s not all work related, sometimes he just needs a little downtime after spending the day in his room writing or putting in the work at school for good grades just in case this whole music thing doesn't pan out.. He tries his best to avoid those situations that bring out the hot temper inherited from his father There haven’t been too many instances of that fiery rage rearing its ugly head as of late, but things like that tend to simmer quietly, until they boil over.


record stores, B-movies, vintage cars, working with his hands, pineapple fanta, 80s/90s haircuts, oversized sweaters, pizza bagels, cool whip, dandelions, dominos


the smell of burnt toast, jamming his fingers in either car parts or guitar parts, rap solos becoming more popular than guitar solos in pop songs, candy canes, hard leather dress shoes, hate comments, nail files, squeaky bedsprings, hitting your shin on a scooter, all treenuts but specifically walnuts (he's allergic), cats (also allergic)


The woods, breaking his fingers



Michael Graham Watts was born into some sort of American cliche. His parents, David and Heather, got married shortly after high school and settled into their adult lives in their hometown of Detroit. Heather was a stay at home mom to the couple’s five children, Mickey, his three older brothers, Isaac, Noah, and Alexander, and their baby sister, Lily. While David kept himself busy with taking over his father’s mechanic business.

The boys all grew up helping their father conduct repairs on the various cars and trucks of neighbors or other locals. Isaac, Noah, and Alex, all took to their father’s, and grandfather, and great-grandfather’s, trade very naturally. However the sensitive Mickey hated the feeling of oil on his palms and dreaded the pain of accidentally pinching his fingers with the tools. There was one thing he liked about being in the garage with his dad and brothers though, the music that played over the radio. While he had no love for his father’s tastes in professions, he adored his father’s taste in music. The twang of the bass and pluck of the guitar drew him in, often distracting him and contributing to the mistakes that frustrated his father so much.

There were a few years of David attempting to get him back on the straight and narrow, to learn the ways of the family business, but it soon became apparent that there was no stopping it. His youngest son wasn’t destined to be a mechanic, he was a born musician. So for Mickey’s seventh birthday, he was gifted an acoustic Fender and it was love at first sight.

As Mickey grew so did his musical skills, and he was keen to show it off anywhere he could manage. School talent shows, family gatherings, and local open mic nights became regular places to find him honing his skills. Particularly the latter, there was one shop in particular that eventually gave him a permanent spot in the line-up each night, and even contacted him for solo performances from time to time.

Mickey was also no stranger to busking, something he did to help fund his next guitars or other musical supplies. Overtime he became something of a familiar face among the locals, he even garnered something of a fanbase. Though there was only so much he could do as a youngster from the city, desperate for a little more than hitting the local coffee shops and bars.

He had been encouraged to try out for some kind of singing talent competition, though he never quite had the confidence, or the desire. Although he did enjoy watching them while he kept his head down and continued to grind in his own ways.

It wasn’t until he was tapped by some city officials to play in a holiday performance, not just a hole in the wall venue, but something practically the entire city would attend. As nerve wracking as the preparation was, the actual performance was stellar. Still riding that high, he signed up for the auditions for one of his favorite competition shows, **The Showcase.**

Mickey made it through the initial cattle call audition and passed into the next level, auditioning before the judges, and the cameras. Armed with his fender, and a bit of undue confidence, he entered the audition room. To his surprise, having expected to get some pity applause and leave a little humiliated but more experienced, he actually made it. There were lots of tears, once he was safely off camera, and some celebration with his family. Though the work was far from over.

TV had made the trials and tribulations of the competition look much easier than they actually were, there were a lot more details and direction behind the scenes but Mickey held on steadfast, facing each challenge with vigor.

He expected to make it maybe halfway, if he was lucky, each day he was saved from elimination he was blown away a little bit more. Especially as singers and performers that had been favored over him began to head home. Still he remained, and the small group of fans he had back in Detroit were soon joined by various individuals across the states.

As contestants dwindled down to the final four, the challenge for the quarter final was to play an original song during the live broadcast. Even back home Mickey had scarcely played original works, there was always something about them that he felt was missing. While what he played was far from what he felt was his best work, and despite being well received by the audience and online fans alike, what it lacked was clear to the judges and Mickey was eliminated that night.

Coming home without the grand prize felt like a shame, but he didn't come home empty handed. The experience earned was nothing compared to prize money, but it was better than nothing. His small group of fans back home had increased thanks to the exposure, mostly teenage girls around his age who had a thing for guys with shaggy hair but there was one person out of the usual demographic. An older musician, one with connections to an acclaimed arts school. Much closer to Mickey's home than the ones in L.A. or New York City and as for the tuition? Covered by this good Samaritan who had thought Mickey had more than enough to make it as a musician, even if the judges on some show didn't. So Mickey packed up his Fender and headed for North Dakota.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




David Watts (Father, 51), Heather Watts (Mother, 51), Isaac Watts (Brother, 23), Noah Watts (Brother, 20), Alexander Watts (Brother, 18), Lily Watts (Sister, 13)


- terrible sense of direction while driving, also bad at telling time
- carries an epipen for his tree nut allergy and insists on having it physically on his person at all times. in a few episodes of The Showcase you can see the outline of it in his pocket.
- he's a little bit paranoid of allergic reactions since he's had to use the epipen on himself three times in his life
- favorite show is community an his favorite character on the show is britta
- thought the phrase 'crumb bum' was a slur until he was like twelve thanks to his brothers
- enjoys reading but is a little bad at finishing books, he has a kindle nonetheless
- can't fall asleep without the TV being on, usually he's watching favorite shows or old pixar movies
- sleeps in boxers and old t-shirts, also still wears his retainer
- TERRIBLE vision without his glasses or contacts, he's incredibly nearsighted
- favorite alcoholic drink is a screwdriver
- not a fan of eminem, mostly due to his brother playing his music obsessively when they were younger
- has the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap to him
- could probably change the oil on a car with a blindfold on
- afraid of camping

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:





  • lindsey.

    Please, please, please
    Let me get what I want
    Lord knows it would be the first time

    Heaven knows I'm miserable now
    The Smiths

    character name

    Lindsey Paige Sinclair


    Lin, Linds, Linny







♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

Last edited:
8:50 pm / 1/24/25
  • Indiana’s a wild 16-year-old who’s always up for a good time. She’s fun and full of energy but also very dumb and clueless. That gets her into trouble a lot of the time. She has a habit of putting herself out there for guys, which isn’t the best idea.
    #Dumb #Clueless #Wild child
    + INFO
    Indiana Sinclair
    July 4th
    Indiana had a lot more of her dads features than she did her moms. She has a slim build with long legs that give her a bit of an awkward yet endearing appearance. A heart-shaped face and a soft complexion that gives her a doll-like quality. Her thick, dark hair is always a little messy, like she’s just rolled out of bed or was in a rush, and it falls in loose waves around her shoulders. She has big, wide eyes that make her look like she’s always confused or daydreaming, which only adds to her clueless charm. Her brows are thick, her nose is slim and her lips have a natural pout, giving her a mix of innocence and mischief. She’s usually seen wearing mismatched, sometimes skimpy, outfits that somehow work, like she just threw on whatever she felt like and ran out the door.
    Face Claim: Lily collins


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