"Raise your glass if your wrong in all the right ways"
Cheer team, Track and field
Sometimes just D
Manon from Katseye
5 ft 7 in
135 lb.s
Chestnut brown long and naturally curly, but she tends tokeep it in braids to make it easier to maintain. every once in a while she will wear it out or straighten it.
Diamond is a lean muscle girl thanks to sports she plays and cheer. She's also fairly tall. She's not too happy about being as flat chested as she is, but hey you can't have everything right?
She has several ear piecing's in both ears.
Key Ft.s
mostly people comment on her light eyes or hair style first
Honest: She doesn't see the need to lie. It doesn't hurt nor does it help. Will she still sneak out of the house, of course? if she's busted is she gonna try and come up with some half baked lie to get in "less " trouble? No. When you have a dad like hers "less" trouble means nothing. Every punishment is the same and it's always harsh so what's the point? For better or worse she will always say how she feels about something, even if it costs her.
Insecure: Diamond isn't as solid as she gives off. It's why she used to always get into fights, it's why she wants to leave this place because as much as she acts like the shit people say doesn't matter to her...It does. She hates it. She wishes she was smarter, prettier, anything to give her an edge over the competition and become something, anything else in this world. Go off and go to college, go viral for a video and become a social media celebrity, anything to just not face her reality. In the mean time...she parties as her escape from it all.
Stargazing, Cars/motorcycles, Heights, Pizza, Dancing, Jogging in the early morning, drinking, Going to parties, Hanging out with friends, Shopping
Cooking (cause she sucks at it), Ocra, insects, puzzles and strategy games like chess (once again cause she sucks at it), Math class
Trying to learn to drive, Track and Field, Cheer team, Dancing (she takes classes just not with the school)
fun facts
Favorite quote: "Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown." - Prom Queen by Molly Kate Kestner Theme Song: "Substance" by Demi Lovato Label: "Party girl"
Honestly Diamond is a nice girl who just doesn't always make the best decisions. She is by no means a push over, as they say don't mistake kindness for weakness. She's not afraid to stand up for herself or others. She loves those who are close to her, but she also isn't going to let you get away with murder just because she loves you. She will call out if you're doing something shitty because to her even strangers don't deserve to be screwed over for no reason. Now retaliation is a different story she's more lenient if it's revenge cause you were done wrong first. Something about an eye for an eye sits well with her.
She's developed thick skin to peoples comments about herself and her family. She had to considering her mother became the talk of the town at an early age. While she no longer throws hands every time someone says something about her mom she won't take you disrespecting her. Even though she tries to distance herself from her mothers image she can't help the fact she got her love of partying. She just wants to have a good time while she's young enough to do so. The difference is she knows where the line should be drawn so no hard drugs, no blacking out, no random one night stands. She still wants to go to college one day and maybe even get out of this town to a place no one knows her family history and to just be free to live her own life based solely on her own character not of her mothers.
The only stuff she is super materialistic about is anything bought with her fathers money. She feels like after everything he owe at least this much to her especially since she doesn't buy in for a second he's actually changed just because he has a new girlfriend.
Bentley S.
(Half brother) They aren't close despite living together for 6 years before her mom left. She doesn't blame him after all her mom split up his family...along with others. A part of her wishes things were different, but she's not doing to put more effort into anything than anyone else no matter who they are.
(Boyfriend) She adores him and they get along so well. They are definitely that party couple of the school, and she loves it, but they are getting to their last years in high school and wants to start being just a little more serious. She hopes he's on the same page.
Unholy Trinity
(The ex-Squad) These were her close friends, but things have been rocky ever since the cheating scandal.
coded by natasha
Early life
*Warning: Mentions of abuse, and alcoholism*
- Born of an affair between Bentley's dad and his secretary (her mom).
- At first her mom willingly kept quiet about the the baby being his because he wasn't ready to leave his wife since he had a feeling she'd take him for all he had, but when she was six everything came to the light and a year later they all started living together. Her, him, her mom, and eventually his son from his marriage. It was weird but whatever things happen right?
- This is when the gossiping started, and being brand new to school of course kids talked too. It didn't take long for her to start getting into fights.
- I wish she could say this was a good time for her because it's not like her mother made much money as a secretary, and Bently's dad was much more well off. Living lavishly she supposed was nice, but the price was steep. Their dad loved the bottle a little too much, and raised his hand a few too many times, so despite the living large it only lasted a few years. Her mom took her and left when she was 13. She kinda wished her brother could've come too, but he wasn't her moms responsibility.
The Fall from grace
- Her dad still pays a handsome amount of child support, so they still live better now then they used to, so in a way her mom won.
- Despite everything he still has visitation so Dimond goes to see him every other weekend and that's when she usually gets to see her half-brother Bentley
- Their dad has a new girlfriend now tho, Diamond is pretty sure her dad hates her even more since her mother recently took him to court over the treatment she received. She tries her best to just stay out of his way when it's his turn. Praying 18 will come soon so she no longer has to honor the agreement, or at the very least the case will decide that he no longer should even have visitation rights.
what Now?
- Things have calmed down as she realizes it's getting closer to time to leave this place
- She's got a boyfriend she adores but wishes he'd get serious too yah know?
- She's had a bit of a falling out with her friends due to one of them cheating on her brother. While she's not close to her brother the act of cheating is still an ick.
- So this year she joined the track team to have some break from all of them on the cheer team. she currently runs the 100m, 200m, and long jump
He doesn't overthink it. Casual. Sticks to the basics. T-shirts and jeans. Jackets when the weather is cool. Practical and comfortable is his motto.
face claim
Alex Fitzalan
crime junkie, mysteries, skittles, the ocean, adrenaline
mushrooms, ventriloquist dummies, small talk, being out-smarted, being told what to do
night owl, recording conversations, fidgeting, chewing gum, over-thinking
abandonment, getting close to people, the girl from The Ring
Duke is confident, clever, and driven by a need to know what others won’t tell him. He’s the type that questions everything. He has a inquisitive and rebellious side that often puts him at odds with his father, the sheriff, but his charm and wits usually get him out of trouble.
Growing up, Duke had the picture perfect life. His father, Scott, was in law enforcement and his mother, Michelle, worked at the bank. Duke idolized his father. Wanted to be just like him when he got older. But then, at 12-years-old, Duke's mother disappeared. It rocked the town of Haven Falls and left the Leahy men in shambles.
Despite being the son of the sheriff, Duke’s rebellious streak emerged after his mother vanished. While his father worked long hours, Duke's fascination with unsolved mysteries and crime deepened. He'd hoped to solve his mother's disappearance one day. His obsession led him to start the anonymous podcast "Off the Record," where he investigates town secrets and discusses unsolved cases, often towing the line of legality.
Still, Duke and his dad maintained a close, supportive relationship. His father does his best to nurture Duke's curiosity while attempting to keep him on the right path. His father's presence has helped Duke remained grounded, even when he keeps everyone else at arm's length.
Personal Pets: dog (very huge, with varied shades of brown in different spots)
Personal Possessions: a kickball, nice clothes to change through the week, about twenty books, a cell phone, an ear bud
Personality (likes/dislikes/character traits): has avoided meat for over a year, and chose in the last month to just eat what is vegan appropriate, still really dislikes okra, sensitive to others needs.
Significant events in background: uncle died due to very poor health, parents very argumentative leading to split and divorce, drastic move with big changes soon after that, the mother finally bringing her two children to Haven Falls.
-- 17 years old
-- Senior // 12th grade
-- "Seb"
-- Male(he/him)
-- Pansexual
「Sebastian Realiey」
Sebastian grew up in Haven Falls, the oldest of the Realiey children. He had a happy childhood for the most part, except when he was taking care of his younger siblings of course. Once his parents started fighting more, he had to take responsibility of them, and do what his mother was unable to.
But eventually, they all grew up, and Seb no longer had to take care of them. He grew particularly close to Samantha, which wasn't too odd because of their close proximity in age. While they did fight quite a bit over stupid stuff, they loved each other.
brunette, it's naturally curly she spends lots of time taming it in the morning.
* eye colour
vanilla scented anything
smoking cigarettes
musical theater
working hard
sunday nights
#being stuck
#being alone
#that she's boring
Carmen is a lot of things wildly insecure, a tad overly optimistic, and to be quiet frank a bit of a closet loser.
She is desperate to move on from Haven Falls and onto bigger and better things. A big city with all kinds of life to get lost in is her big dream.
This teen is constantly looking for a mess to clean up (if you're too busy cleaning someone else's, you don't have to pay attention to your own.)
Didn't grow up with alot of friends or romantic interests (she's yet to have a real serious relationship) but when she's in, even platonically, she's all in.
Can be a bit flighty admittedly, she's has even been known to close up the video rental store early because she had better things to do. (Good thing no one actually rents movies nowadays and her manager is ridiculously lax.)
Optimistic bordering on toxically positive. Carmen tries to see the best in everyone around her for better, but mostly, for worse. Often explaining away others bad behaviors.
Grab your past and drag it with you like a bag of rocks...
* history
-Carmen was raised by her Aunt and Uncle her blood parents seemingly out of the picture.
-The one thing Carmen knows is that the Tates have provided her with a life her birth parents never could.
-Big closet musical theater nerd/stage junkie. (That's why she's at Silverlake after all.)
-Has been addicted to cigarettes since she was about 15. Wants to quit to avoid damaging her vocal chords, probably won't.
-Believe it or not Carmen's on the Silver Lake cheer squad, the Tates insist it'll look great on college applications, getting her to actually show up to practice though has been...a struggle. Especially since she's caught the ahem- senioritis.
-She has a bit of a...reputation. The kind that gets your name and number written on the wall of the boys bathroom in permanent marker. Is it true? Who knows. (It's not.)
-Has big dreams of getting out of Haven Falls and going to the big city. Now if she could just manage to graduate...(Maybe showing up for a few of her actual classes would help.)
reaches to her lower back in length with blunt bangs, is naturally pin straight, naturally dark brown in color has lighter blonde tips from a previous dye job she hasn't cut off.
dark brown, almost black
5' 6"
1(Something) Lbs.
Am I the girl of your dreams?
Am I gonna be blocked?
"notice how wine makes
people want to feel sexy?"
vain virgo #selfie
When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.
Have you been drinking again?
A self proclaimed 'vain virgo' Quinn Curtis is obsessed with her image. Quinn puts a lot of pressure on herself to maintain a squeaky clean public persona.
In school she's usually pretty busy as she's vice president of the student council, in the drama club, and head of the cheer squad. Outside of school she's a very social butterfly preferring to keep her social calendar full (Which was admittedly much easier before she moved to quiet Haven Falls her freshmen year.) but still she finds a way.
She's not the easiest person to get along with, tending to be overly critical of those around her, but if you manage to make it into her good graces this teen will always show up when you need her. Test her though or threaten to tarnish her image and Quinn is not above seeking a quiet revenge.
Like most teens she loves love and prefers being in a relationship to the alternative. Though like most teen girls she doesn't have the greatest track record when it comes to picking her suitors.
lattes, event planning, gossip, feeling loved, a glass of wine after a long day, watching skincare routine videos, salty snacks, walks on the beach, mischief
cheaters, liars, staying in, raisins, action movies, exercising alone, weirdos
paranoid, licks her teeth when she's pissed, binge-drinker and potential alcoholic
not being in control, being undesirable, of failure
section title
-Quinn grew up in a big house on the beach in California with her private jet pilot Father and lawyer mother.
-Everything changed the summer before her freshman year of highschool when suddenly the Curtis's decided it was time for a quieter kind of life. Her Mother Janice would open a small office in the tiny town of Haven Falls, South Dakota and her Father would help with the clerical work.
- Still Quinn found a way to assimilate. Diving in and keeping busy with school activities. Student council, cheer squad, drama club, and of course- a 4.0 gpa to maintain.
-She even found a boyfriend, Mason, to help pass the time. Though things wouldn't last between the two.
"In case you haven’t noticed I don’t really let go of things so easily.”
After Midnight
Chappell Roan
goodbye too loonng what happens when it gets to long
relationship title
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam volutpat ex nibh, id accumsan lacus varius ac. Duis vel lacinia elit. Aliquam sodales, augue nec maximus interdum, urna purus interdum massa, a accumsan erat quam id mauris. Integer gravida est sit amet erat lobortis pharetra. Mauris sapien tortor, fermentum vel auctor in, eleifend ut enim. Nam dui nibh, suscipit vitae neque eu, imperdiet convallis dolor.
relationship title
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam volutpat ex nibh, id accumsan lacus varius ac. Duis vel lacinia elit. Aliquam sodales, augue nec maximus interdum, urna purus interdum massa, a accumsan erat quam id mauris. Integer gravida est sit amet erat lobortis pharetra. Mauris sapien tortor, fermentum vel auctor in, eleifend ut enim. Nam dui nibh, suscipit vitae neque eu, imperdiet convallis dolor. Donec vitae nunc ac urna vestibulum ultrices. Nulla quis finibus ante. Nullam malesuada eros a accumsan molestie. Donec vehicula erat iaculis erat faucibus tempus. Fusce ligula leo, aliquet et posuere ut, consectetur nec sapien. Suspendisse cursus massa ac urna tempor venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Nullam cursus interdum risus quis rutrum. Ut a felis facilisis, ultrices mauris a, imperdiet turpis.
Quisque eget euismod purus. Morbi at scelerisque nunc. Sed pulvinar libero risus, sed lacinia risus imperdiet eu. In eu urna pulvinar, vehicula tortor vel, consequat nisi. Integer orci leo, fermentum ac metus a, mattis scelerisque erat. Fusce ac euismod ante, in placerat ex. Suspendisse vel faucibus ligula.
Generally a big goofball. He likes movies, baking, and spending time with his friends (maybe even in that order.) Giant nerd but fiercely loyal. If you aren't nice to the people he loves he probably doesn't like you.
Harvey Says...
I'm all ears.
* history
Harvey was born with a love of cinema pumping through his veins.
Maybe it was because his parents set him up with a TV and a DVD player in his room at too young an age but while other kids were watching Sesame Street Harvey was making his way through the classics.
He has dreams of one day making his own movies, of becoming a part of American Cinema in a big way. And his parents support this dream buying him any of the expensive he asks for- not questions asked.
It's taken him awhile to connect with people his age but now he's part of a tight knot little group who he's extremely loyal to (Jace and Damien in particular.) Not much interest in relationships outside of friendships though.
Altogether he's just a sweet caring guy (with a bit of an emoji obsession) always trying to keep an eye out on his Friends (in his own special way.)
Athletic and lean with broad shoulders and strong arms from years of hard labor on the farm. His body is muscular but not bulky, shaped by practical, functional strength rather than intentional training. His hands are rough and calloused from farm work, and his gait has a natural confidence and groundedness.
* hair colour
Sandy Blonde, often slightly tousled or messy from labour in the farm. It is thick and naturally sun-bleached at the tips from spending long hours under the sun.
* eye colour
Greyish blue, with green tones at the very edge. His eyes have a naturally steady, thoughtful gaze that often make people believe he is observing more then he actually is.
Horseback riding
Whittling wood
Idle Talk
Losing the Farm
Haunted Houses
* personality
Grant Fischer is the embodiment of dedication and grit, molded by years of early mornings and long days on his family’s ranch under the watchful guidance of his grandfather. From the moment he could walk, his life revolved around the values of hard work, humility, and steadfast faith, principles his grandfather emphasized as the cornerstone of being a true Fischer. Grant takes pride in his ability to shoulder responsibility, whether it’s fixing fences, caring for the animals, or helping a stranded passerby with their broken-down car. His unwavering loyalty runs deep, extending not only to his family but to anyone who earns his trust—a loyalty as steadfast as his bond with the land and the animals he tends.
However, Grant’s deep-rooted values come with their challenges. His stubborn streak often surfaces, particularly when his grandfather or others propose modern solutions or alternative methods to traditional farming tasks. This resistance to change stems not from arrogance, but from a cautious skepticism of anything that might disrupt the way things have always been done. While he’s dependable and selfless, Grant’s tendency to keep to himself can make him seem reclusive, and he struggles to open up about his own frustrations or doubts. His introspective nature often leads him to be overly self-critical, holding himself to impossibly high standards that few others would expect of him.
#GrantFischer tweets . . .
*Sorry but this account does not exist, perhaps you where looking for "GritNBert"?*
* history
Grant Fischer’s roots run as deep as the fields he works on. Raised by his grandfather on the Fischer family farm, he’s grown up surrounded by generations of tradition and a legacy that extends far beyond his own life. The Fischer family settled in Haven Falls long before the town had a name, carving out a life through hard work and commitment to the land. Over the years, while the rest of the world changed around them, the Fischer farm remained much the same, isolated from the bustle of town and untouched by the rapid modernization happening elsewhere.
With the absence of his parents from his life, Grant's grandfather, the owner of the Fischer Ranches became both his father figure and mentor, instilling in him the values that defined the Fischer family: loyalty, integrity, and an unwavering work ethic. From the time he could walk, Grant was right beside his grandfather, learning the ways of the farm, from plowing fields to repairing fences. His grandfather's presence gave Grant a steady foundation, filled with stories of the past, of ancestors who survived harsh winters and built the farm with their own hands. These tales, told in the quiet evenings next to a bonfire outside the house after a long day's work, deepened Grant's connection to his heritage, fostering a sense of pride and responsibility.
His grandfather decided to homeschool Grant up until highschool, commited to teaching Grant the ropes of handling the ranch as age began to break him down. But as he saw his lad grow up, he began to worry for the kid after he was long gone from this earth. Grant by all intense and purposes had very little social interaction beyond his grandfather, prefering the company of the animals of the farm and the quiet of the rural life over the crowds and noise of the urban sprawl. So, in a suprise move for the young farmhand, his grandfather sent him to high school within the city.
However, life on the farm left Grant somewhat of an outsider in school, where he stands apart from his classmates, who have grown up in town and socialized freely. Few have interacted with him, his quite, stoic demenor and curt, manner of speech, never speaking more then is needed have unintentionally given him a poor reputation amongst his classmates, as cold or if the worst of the rumors are to be believed, violent, the hick from the boonies of Haven Falls. Unfazed, Grant chooses to keep to himself, feeling more at home with his grandfather and the steady demands of the farm than at school events.
"Oh it's awesome, I mean sure I sit alone, and sure I'm pretty sure my teachers don't even notice I'm there, but hey! I made alot of friends, oh like there, YO CHIEF WHAT UP!?" "Uh... who are you?" *nervous laughing* "haha.... he's just kidding, its an inside joke... you wouldn't get it."
* height
* weight
145 lbs
* build
Slim but toned, with wiry strength from his years of dancing. His muscles are deceptively defined in his arms, legs, and core, hiding the agility and flexibility needed for his freestyle dance style. Despite his lean frame, his energy is palpable in his movements and posture.
* hair colour
Black, naturally curly and kept at around just above shoulder length.
* eye colour
Bright amber-brown, lively and expressive. His eyes sparkle with mischief and passion, especially when he's dancing or chatting.
Junk Food
Boring Routines
Being Ignored
Fading into the Background
* personality
If you where to ask someone to describe Milo, the first thing to mind would be "Wait, who again?", the next thing in mind would be to forget the conversation entirely. However, if one where to notice, Milo is the type of guy who's always friendly and approachable if not a bit silly and childish, sure he might not dominate converstations and the attention is often absorbed by more popular guys in his grade, but if one where to get to know him better they'd find a thoughtful, creative, and deeply genuine individual. While he enjoys talking and connecting with people, he often time struggles with the feeling of being overlooked, ignored, or underestimated.
Mickey's creativity shines when he’s in his element, especially when music plays. Dance is his truest form of expression, a space where he lets go of all his insecurities. He’s passionate and playful in his movements, blending focus with a childlike joy. However, his impulsiveness can sometimes cause trouble—he’s quick to jump into situations without thinking, whether it’s joining a prank or overestimating his ability to wing an assignment last minute.
His lack of academic motivation frustrates his family, who worry he’s not living up to his potential. While Maxie doesn’t actively rebel, his laid-back attitude toward grades and his tendency to prioritize creativity over structure make him seem like he’s drifting. In truth, Maxie dreams of making something meaningful out of his passion, but his fear of failure and tendency to hide his true abilities keep him from pursuing bigger goals.
#Mickey tweets . . .
Yo yo yo, just know M-dog is open to all friend requests!
* history
Milo Hart is the youngest of the Hart family siblings, and the quietest member of his family, growing up in a modest home on the outskirts of Haven Falls. His parents run the local diner, pouring their heart a souls into long and unruly hours in order to keep the business alive. Despite his parent's dedication to their work, Milo was often an afterthought at home. His older siblings, where all high achievers in academics and sports, consumed most of their parent's attention, leaving Milo alone.
So as a child, naturally curious and imaginative, Milo would spend hours exploring the woods behind his house, inventing stories about hidden treasures and mysterious creatures. However, he was always alone, or if the neighborhood kids where ever playing games, he was last picked or just forgotten about.
Around 5th or 6th grade, Milo came across a series of clips and videos online while scouring the internet. They where of freestyle dance, particularly breakdance, popping and locking, and something clicked within him. It became his secret outlet, a way to express and release everything he couldn't put to words.
At school, Milo was always that warm, funny, approachable guy almost anyone could get along with, but he never truely stood out. Those who might have been his friends at one point joined other groups and eventually forgot about him, or didn't realize he was there in the first place. He's the kind of guy who shared notes with classmates, joined projects without complaint, and always prepared to join in for the latest gossip. Yet, when it came to social gatherings, postings, or just hanging out, Milo was often left out. He was like a fleeting breeze, pleasant, but forgetable.
Milo has always kept his passion for dance under wraps. The thought of performing in front of others, of baring a part of himself that feels so deeply personal, terrifies him. He practices in secret, often in the diner’s storeroom or the back alley when no one is around. His siblings occasionally tease him for being “the dreamy one,” and while they don’t mean harm, it only makes Milo retreat further into his shell. He doesn’t want to be compared to their more tangible successes.
Academically, Milo struggles to stay focused. He has the potential to excel but lacks the motivation, feeling like school doesn’t offer him a path to express who he really is. Teachers often describe him as “pleasant but unremarkable,” which stings more than he lets on. Deep down, Milo fears he’ll never find his place, either at home or in the wider world.
Despite his insecurities, Milo remains a kind and playful spirit. He’s the type of friend who’ll cheer you up with a silly joke or an impromptu dance move, even if he’s feeling unsure of himself inside. While he’s content with being overlooked most of the time, a small part of him yearns for someone to notice the spark of creativity and passion he keeps hidden.
girl with big dreams and even bigger doubts. She was born and raised in
Haven Falls
, and is most known for being
the daughter of the baseball coach for the haven falls highschool
. an aspiring musician and photography lover, a spring girl
her birthday is literally march 21st
she is a student from
Silver Lake Academy
Lacey stands at 5'7". She has a slender and petite build, since she isn't into sports her physique is rather lean than muscular but still can be described as mesomorph.
Lacey usually portrays her dark brown hair at a long length, which she usually styles it in a natural, relaxed style. She sometimes accessories her hair with ribbons and has become to a certain point her signature accessory.
Lacey's style can be described as effortless and laid-back. She frequently opts for a mix of casual and trendy pieces. Her wardrobe includes oversized sweaters, jeans, and flowy dresses.
Gracie Abrams
what are you looking for?
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past searches
how to get taylor swift tickets
crumbl cookies recipe
baseball for dummies
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toys for dogs
Lacey can be described as a quiet yet insightful person. She is the one to always be some kind of observant rather than being the center of attention. Lacey is usually the type of person who knows how to read between the lines. She often picks up on emotions and nuances others might overlook, offering valuable advice when sought. Though she tends to be reserved in social settings, when she speaks, you know you will get thoughtful or moody answers depending on her mood. Her loyalty is unwavering; she stands by her friends and loved ones, often going out of her way to support them. However, this deep commitment can lead to emotional exhaustion, as she handles other people’s emotions so intensely. She is passionate about everything she does despite her lack of confidence and self-doubt in achieving her dreams, which is why she has some difficulty expressing how she feels.
singing, Fleetwood mac, pancakes, tulips, ceiling stars, madeleines, her dog, starry nights, songwriting, chocolate milkshakes, taking pictures, board games, watching baseball with her dad.
gossip, cheating, loud places, rush hour, matcha, thunderstorms, horror movies, team projects, riddles, messy places, lizards, waking up early.
Are you still at Savannah's?
the game run longer than I expected
But I am on my way now
I am already home
her parents drove me off, so don't worry about it!
did you already had dinner or want me to pick up something?
i ordered pizza
we can eat it together and watch the game
say something...
I can change everything about me to fit in
While young love is something everyone cherishes, it never means it will last forever, or at least that was the story of Lacey’s parents. Samuel Kavanagh and Amelia Davis couldn’t be the more opposite, but as everyone says, opposites attract. Growing up, Samuel was the best baseball player the town of Haven Falls had ever seen in its history. Destined for greatness, it was a matter of time until one day he made it professionally. Meanwhile, Amelia didn’t want to do anything that involved Haven Falls. She had a mission since she was to leave the town and have the best life she could ever afford. The catch here. She wanted to take the easy route to achieve it. Marrying the rich was always the goal, or that was the plan until she met Samuel in highschool.
The promising star of Haven Falls had everything offered on a silver plate to become a professional baseball player. It was just a matter of time and for Amelia; it wasn’t exactly what she desired but deep down fell in love with Samuel, or probably what she fell in love with was the idea of what his life would be in the future. Unfortunately, those dreams were cut short when she was nineteen. She found out was pregnant, and while Samuel was delighted by the news Amelia couldn’t dislike more the idea of starting a family. A kid would only ruin her plans for the easy life she knew she deserved and, if that wasn’t enough, after the news of the pregnancy. Samuel decided to not become a professional baseball player, as him still being tested to even make it to a team while having to provide for a child, he decided to go for the secure route and have a steady job.
This didn’t sit well with Amelia. She was now pregnant and married to a guy who was far off from what she wanted in her life, but still, she had hoped that Samuel would change his mind and try to become a professional again. Long story short, he didn’t, and he remained the baseball coach of Haven Falls Highschool until this day.
So when Lacey was born, only one of her parents was truly happy while the other one, well, just faked it. Growing up, Lacey always wondered why her mom was not like the mothers of her classmates, one that was caring and warm every time the girl tried to get close to her. Lacey was always told she was too busy, tired, or had any other excuse while being a child. She never understood this, but as she grew older, it didn’t need to be a genius to know that Amelia didn’t want to do anything with Lacey.
Probably she should have taken the hint when every gift, drawing, and letters she made to her was instantly thrown into the trash while her father kept all of them and displayed them in his office; some remained until this day despite the efforts of Lacey trying to convince her father that he should get rid of them because it’s embarrassing knowing that people her age are seeing the drawings she made of him and her for father’s day when she was five years old.
But once she grew up, Lacey and her mother became more distant. In her head, the girl thought that if she didn’t bother her mother, she would eventually end up liking her. This hurt Lacey but didn’t tell anyone while she had her dad. She thought it would be okay, but when she was fifteen, everything went on a downfall. The problems and arguments her parents had were more often than she cared to admit, but she thought they would make it work as adults always knew what to do. In reality, they didn’t know what to do.
And probably that was the reason her mother cheated on her father, with a richer man from a nearby town, or maybe Amelia was just done with the two of us that she didn’t care to be found and that was exactly her golden ticket to the life she never had. Because why breaking up the news herself when she could have her daughter telling her father as she was the one that found her mother with another man after she returned home from school?
Maybe Lacey should have kept the secret and waited until her father found out, but she couldn’t. How could she do that to the only person that cared for her? But perhaps that would have made the divorce less messy, although part of her knew it would always be that way. Especially when it came to the custody of Lacey. Rather than co-parenting, Amelia decided she didn’t want anything to do with the girl, that she had done more than enough, but if you asked Lacey she couldn’t think of a single thing, her mother did for her, and still a year later she wonders what she did for her mother to not love her.
i know the end
taylor swift
what was i made for?
what's Lacey's part-time job?
Lacey works as a waitress at the local dinner, she doesn't hate the job after all it's a good income for a student and the tips are not that bad, but she has decided that she won't be pursuing a degree related to customer service.
why lacey attends silver lake?
Despite the athleticism of her father, Lacey wasn't born with any of those genes, she might not be terrible at sports but clearly she is not going to become an Olympian. Since she was younger she had an affinity towards the arts, especially music, and photography, and for her to develop her skills she went to Silver Lake which had a better art program than Haven Falls High School also because Lacey's father didn't want her to feel pressured there just because her father was a teacher and the baseball coach.
Samuel Kavanagh
Lacey and her father are as close as a father and daughter can be. He had always been there for her no matter what and had always been the one to take care of Lacey since she could remember. Even if their relationship didn't become strained after the divorce, it's obvious it hasn't been the same since ever since still they make the best of what they have. Still, their nights watching the baseball games stand until this day.
Amelia Davis
A stranger more than a mother, probably that's the best way to describe their relationship. Lacey always thought that she wasn't doing enough for her mom to love her like the other moms loved their kids, but she realized she did too much, and still nothing would change. After her mother moved away with the person she cheated with and rescinded her parental rights, they had never spoken since then.
the team captain of the Haven Falls Highschool Hockey Team
. He aspires to become a professional hockey player
his birthday is October 7th
he is a student from
Haven Falls Highschool
Adrian stands at 6'2". He has an athletic build, due to the continuous training he does every day in order to keep in shape for when the season starts.
Adrian usually keeps his light brown hair between a medium length, but still looks presentable except after training when it might look a bit like a mess
Adrian's style can be described as comfortable and laid back. He always tries to portray a clean but relaxed look wherever he goes. His wardrobe includes hoodies, jeans, and denim jackets, he might wear caps depending if he was too busy to fix his hair that morning.
Brian Altemus
what are you looking for?
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Fixing Cars
past searches
boston bruins game recap
running shoes
weather for saturday
what do you gift to a ten year old
used cars for sale
Adrian walks through life with confidence and at times cocky demeanor, as he remains a pillar of support for his friends, while also displaying a deep sense of care towards his loved ones. Often perceived as a bit arrogant, he is fiercely loyal to his circle, usually lending an ear during their tough moments. While his bits of advice might carry a touch of superiority it's rooted in genuine concern.
Beyond his friend circle, Adrian's caring nature truly shines when it comes to his younger siblings. Despite his confident exterior, he takes over a protective role, guiding them with a mix of wisdom and playful banter. He effortlessly balances his confident persona with a genuine, caring attitude towards those closest to him, providing a solid support system for his loved ones.
spicy food, overly sweet desserts, black licorice, eggnog, miscommunication, being late, losing, being told what to do, annoying people.
Did you take the trash out?
Is Henry behaving? He has been moody this couple of days
Don't let Hazel stay up too late
Henry is being moody because he is starting to be a teenager
And Hazel is getting ready to go to sleep. So don't worry
You didn't answer me about the trash
I may have forgotten about that...
Just enjoy your dinner with dad
say something...
Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are
Adrian’s life has always been quite a simple and normal one. His parents, Christopher Brown and Felicity ... didn’t have an overly dramatic love story that would make anyone be on the edge of their seat. It was your typical love story where they met in college, fell in love, realized they were the one and eventually got married and decided to settle in the hometown of Adrian’s father, which was none other than Haven Falls.
Life was easy, but at the same time, busy for them. Christopher was the owner of a mechanic shop, and Felicity worked in the local hospital as a nurse. But despite the difficulty of making their schedules work; they eventually got the hang-up of it to the hectic work life of the other without ignoring their marriage and when the right time came for both, they decided that a family was the next thing in their lives.
Which led to Adrian’s birth on the early morning of October 7th. He became the oldest of the three children they had. Henry was born four years later than Adrian, making him the middle child, and lastly, the youngest one Hazel, who was born when Adrian was seven years old.
Growing up, Adrian realized two things: His parents’ house would never know what a moment of peace would look like, and he was good at sports and had a passion for hockey. He begged his parents to sign him until they agreed and the rest was history.
What just started as a recreational activity eventually became Adrian’s world. He was good at hockey and soon that passion became into a goal of becoming a professional hockey player. His parents supported his dream, but still, they were always making sure he wouldn’t miss his classes. After all, education was still as important as sports.
When Adrian became a teenager, he found another passion besides hockey, of course, and that was everything related to cars, something that he always saw growing up, but didn’t understand quite well until he was older when he was in middle school he had been helping his dad on his mechanic shop as a part-time job.
Now as a junior Adrian is making sure to keep up with school, his training, and, of course, his part-time job, which to this day he feels he is doing a good job with it and he desires to keep it that way.
hold on to what you believe
you're gonna go far
noah kahan
simple as this
what's Adrian's hockey position?
Adrian plays as the center for the high school team and has been the highest scorer in the last couple of years, besides that he was also choose to be the team captain despite him being a junior
what's Adrian's plan b?
Well, he doesn't want to think about doing plan B in case the whole hockey thing doesn't work, that's his entire life, and not making it into a professional level would be devastating, but still he knows that everything is possible so he would pursue a degree that allows him to continue working with cars, so he has been eyeing automotive it mechanic engineering to accomplish that.
Jonah Patrick Montgomery
Adrian and Jonah had always got along since he could remember, they might not be the closest of cousins as they only spent time with each other during the holidays when his family came to visit or his family went to his parent's house, either way, they are friendly with the other and have some common interests since they have the same age. Adrian knows that he is staying with his family because he got expelled from his high school, and he doesn't want to meddle in understanding the entire reason for the sudden movement of his cousin to Haven Falls, if Jonah wants to tell him he would listen to him, but until that moment he won't pressure him.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec arcu lacus. Praesent sagittis libero orci, ut pharetra nisl fringilla molestie. Quisque ullamcorper congue finibus. Mauris dolor urna, sagittis et posuere id, ullamcorper a urna. Aenean eu interdum dolor. Etiam elementum ligula elit. Praesent iaculis ex est, vitae molestie nibh ultrices vitae. Donec at arcu vel nibh porttitor ullamcorper quis ut mauris. Aliquam vehicula nisi ut mauris maximus luctus.
Trust me, addicts don't need your help with hating themselves.
The Wastoid Cowboy
full name
Weston Rafferty Greene
July 8th
Gatlinburg, TN
98 Degrees
Arrested Youth
5ft 8in
hair c.
eye c.
Aria Shahghasemi
As a child and later a teen, Wes was often described by his friends and family as being very 'moody', 'inflexible', and 'petulant'. He often caused multiple issues with both family and school members as he was also prone to arguing and would often escalate minor conversations into full on blowout arguments or even physical altercations over seemingly nothing at all. All were actually signs of emotional dysregulation that were disregarded as simple teenage attitude despite the actual presence of his undiagnosed bipolar disorder.
Though he still has not regained that confidence he once had as an adolescent and is now struggles with near constant self-doubt and has a poor relationship with his self-esteem, feeling like he's waiting for the bottom drop out of the life again. Overall he tends to fall on the pessimistic end of the spectrum, though he hopes to someday change that, but for the moment he can't see how. He's the first to sabotage his own life before anyone else can even get a chance to think about it.
Since he knows how it feels to be desolate and timid he makes a good listener or sounding board, though he doesn't really trust himself to actually give advice to his friends. Trying on someone else's perspective comes fairly naturally to him, aided by the fact that he doesn't really enjoy being himself anyways, and when those close to him are in crisis he feels their emotions very deeply. Even in situations where he would choose not to if he could.
He hates how depressed he is and how aware of it he is when he’s sober, which is why he chooses so often not to be. Though getting high blurs his awareness of his problems, it doesn’t make them go away. In fact it introduces new ones. While under the influence he’s erratic and impulsive, more than usual. His behavior while under the influence was once described by his mother as ‘terroristic.’ Wes is painfully aware of this and doesn’t particularly like himself much more when he’s high, but he doesn’t know who he is when he’s sober. It’s pretty much a lose-lose situation that he doesn’t know how to get out of it.
rainy days, traffic, tight clothes, socks with holes, pain, minimalism, big cities, peanut butter, public transit, summer heat, silence, judgement
Getting outted as an addict, overdosing again
Born to Anthony and Renee Greene, Wes was their second child between his older brother Emmett and his younger sister Parker. He had a pretty cliché childhood growing up in the south. They kept two horses in the barn on their property, Daisy and Cisco. His sister spent her weekends out of town at pageants, his father worked as a foreman on multiple construction sights, and his brother was something of a soccer star on the school's team.
Being the middle child it was a little easy for Wes to get lost in the mix, he was often reduced to 'Anthony and Renee's boy', 'Emmett's little brother', or even 'Parker's other brother'. Which frustrated him to no end as he longed to be his own person.
He spent a lot of time at home with his mother tending to the various needs and chores around the house. Just the two of them as his father often busied himself with Emmett's soccer team and Parker was competing in beauty pageants with her auntie and cousins. With his mother being very passionate about the animals she kept he ended up taking a particular interest in their horses.
Excited to see her son interested in something she loved, she began teaching him how to ride. The two of them would spend most evenings after school and mornings on the weekends working with the horses. Eventually graduating from just trail rides to beginning to learn about barrel racing, a sport that Renee competed in during her youth.
One practice at a time he began to excel at the sport and he started competing in local horse shows around the state, the acclaim he gathered from being so good at the sport was a thrill. He thrived off the feeling of having something that he was good at that wasn't housework. Particularly thankful that it was something that distinguished him from his siblings, finally giving him an identity that was all his own and not tied to his family.
Wes continued competitive barrel racing into his adolescence. Occasionally skirting his academic duties to spend more time practicing and honing his craft. Much to the chagrin of his teachers and family, particularly his mother who felt guilty for introducing him to the sport. This was a frequent point of contention in their relationship. However he never let his grades slip enough to the point of failure. He would often spend a few days pulling all-nighters cramming and doing homework, saving his GPA from the brink of disaster, if not to the point of exceeding expectations. Sometimes he would spend weeks at a time on the honor roll, only to fall off later.
After any grating conversation with his mother or one of his teachers he would end up using his time in the ring to decompress. Though sometimes just being outside in nature was enough to help clear his head. It was his safe space.
The only other thing that helped him manage his emotions was listening to music and playing the guitar, a skill he picked up when he was sixteen during the time he had fractured his tibia after falling off of his horse. He had been practicing relentlessly all day, both of them had become sloppy and fatigued leading to him losing his seating.
Initially he was devastated at not being able to ride, but after discovering his father's old guitar in the living room's closet he made it a personal goal to learn how to play at least one song by the time he had his cast removed. When he was back on his feet a month and a half later he could play five of his favorites. He continued to play around on the guitar, finding it gave him the same enjoyment and release that riding did.
As high school progressed he managed to balance his riding with his schoolwork. A handful of times he landed himself in detention for physical altercations with other students. Thankfully keeping his record clean enough to secure a place at the University of Tennessee with plans to major in nutrition.
During his senior year he knew that his riding career was likely coming to an end, he wanted to make the most of what remained. While riding at a competition he was desperate to beat his record time, pushing both him and his horse to their limits. He came in much to fast on his second turn and was thrown from his horse. In the process he made the grave mistake of putting his hand down and virtually shattered several bones in his wrist, hands, and fingers of his dominant hand. Later finding out at the hospital that he tore several ligaments and tendons as well
The injury was treated surgically. Wes and his family were told that the healing process would likely take years, with multiple surgeries, and the use of his hand would be limited for a large portion of that time. Which meant no riding or guitar, a crushing blow to Wes's already reeling mind as he found all his coping mechanisms suddenly stripped away from him in a flash.
Over the next several months he was in and out of the hospital for surgeries. His doctor had prescribed him oxycodone very early on in his treatment to manage physical pain, though Wes soon took to using it to numb his emotional pain as well.
He became reliant on it, slowly his tolerance increased and he needed more and more to feel anything. It became the new thing that he was looking forward to each day. He began experimenting with the medication to increase it's effects. Taking more than the prescribed dosage, taking it with alcohol, even crushing the pills into a powder and snorting it so that it would start working faster.
By some miracle he was still able to just barely pass his final year of high school. At graduation he made the startling announcement to his family that he would not be going to University of Tennessee in the fall, citing the fact that he didn't feel ready. Though somewhat disappointed, his family tried to understand. Some of them a little more supportive than others as Anthony and Renee frequently spent nights in their bedroom fighting over how to deal with him.
Soon the oxy no longer felt like enough, he wanted more. He began going out to local bars in nearby towns with a fake ID, usually telling his family that he was sleeping over at a friends houses, and looking for something else that could give him what he wanted.
The world of nightlife introduced him to cocaine. He continued to spiral over the next few months. His dealer introduced him to the rest of the world of cocaine beyond just the powder, specifically crack cocaine and showing him how to smoke it and shoot up with it.
The erratic behavior he was already prone to was only amplified when he was under the influence. After returning home from a week long bender he was greeted by an intervention organized by his family. A fight ensued, almost escalating to a physical altercation as Wes refused to attend treatment. His mother tearfully posed an ultimatum to him, get sober or get out.
Wes chose the latter.
He gathered a small collection his belongings and boarded a train with no clear destination in mind. He rode it until the end of the line somewhere in middle America. Close enough to spark an idea. His Auntie Meri had always been such a sweetheart, surely she'd take pity on her poor, displaced nephew. It wasn't foolproof, but it was worth a shot. Soon enough he found himself at her doorstep, crying and telling her of the fight he'd had with his parents. Of course the tears had been greatly exaggerated and the details of his own issues were conveniently left out of his version of the story, namely his addiction.
As he'd hoped, she took him into her home. Claudia Jean would just have to adjust to having her cousin in the house.
Having a clean slate was as relieving as it was intimidating, but it was too late to back out now. He eventually settled into a new sort of routine, mostly performing many odd jobs around town to make rent and feed his habits.
It was easy to fit right in with the other rejects and misfits of the town, for the first time he felt like he could walk down the street without being surrounded by people who had known him since he was born and watched him rise to popularity as an athlete and eventually flame out into his current state. He was finally a nobody, and it felt good.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
Anthony Greene (Father, 41), Renee Greene (Mother, 40), Emmett Greene (Brother, 23), Parker Greene (Sister, 17), Claudia Jean Taylor (Cousin, 17), Brady Taylor (Uncle, 38), Merriweather 'Merri' Taylor (Aunt, 38)
- terrible sense of direction while driving, also bad at telling time
- never leaves the house without narcan
- in addition to his undiagnosed bipolar, he also suffers from undiagnosed pulmonary dysfunction and chronic tachycardia
- his memory isn’t as good as it used to be and he harbors a lot of shame over it since he knows he brought it on himself, but usually he's too high to care
- once got into a huge fight with his father for coming home high that involved a physical altercation on the ground and ended with him punching out the window of his father’s pickup
- his parents took his bedroom door off the hinges up until he left
- frequently suffers from insomnia at night and often falls asleep during the day to compensate
- keeps a handkerchief in his pocket for his nosebleeds
- always tries to hide how out of breath he is after simple things like going up or down stairs
- has a brace that’s supposed to help with his wrist pain but he never remembers to wear it
- left-handed, though he's become somewhat ambidextrous now since he lost around a third of the function in that hand since breaking it
- has a poor appetite and frequently forgets to eat, between this little habit and his drug usage he's several pounds underweight compared to his height
- favorite food is his mom’s apple pie
- hasn't been sober for more than forty-eight hours in around two years
- often trades sexual favors for drugs when he's short on cash, he always ends up disgusted with himself after
- didn't see snow until he was like six years old
- not a very strong swimmer
Patrick and Prudence Montgomery have two children Jonah (Joey) Montgomery and his little sister Juniper or (Junie). Junie dances and Jonah plays baseball just like their parents did before them.
#bee says . . .
Baseball just makes sense to me.
* history
Jonah grew up in Seattle Washington in his little family unit of four.
Mom, Dad, litter sister Juniper and of course Jonah.
Every Holiday they'd make the hours long drive out to Haven Falls, South Dakota to spend it with his Aunt, Uncle, and all their kids. (Because they could afford the drive his mom Polly would say. Jonah never complained.)
Most of his early life was- uneventful. His father Patrick (his middle name sake) kept him busy with Baseball and school and Jonah liked it that way.
Junior year everything seemed to be going Jonah's way. He had a best friend the pitcher on the baseball team (A guy named Matty) and a long time girlfriend (his highschool sweetheart a blonde girl named Destiny and boy did he think she was his.)
Everything seemed to be coming up Jonah until he found out Destiny was cheating on him...Couple shots and some prying later Jonah found out it was with his supposed 'best friend'.
The heartbroken team showed up on school grounds plastered and let Matty know just how he felt about this betrayal...with his fists.
Jonah was expelled and wanting not to cause his little sister any of the trouble that came along with moving schools decided he'd be the only one to leave. His Mom and Aunt arranged for him to come live with them in Haven Falls with the promise being he would work and stay out of trouble
While Jonah misses his life back in Seattle and is a bit nervous about starting a new leaf- there's a part of him that's relieved he'll never have to go face the mess he left behind.
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay." — Madonna.
date of birth.
December 27th
Stell, Star (Parents)
Place of birth.
LA, California
Current Residence
Haven Falls
Economic class.
Rich (upper class)
Everyone thinks
that i have it all
It's so empty
behind these castle walls
Stella's ethnic features shine on her from both parts of her background from the shape of her brown eyes, her sharp nose and full lips complimented by her warm lightly tanned skin. Her hair is naturally dark brown and she used to dye it blonde a lot but stopped. She considers herself average height but knows as far as showbiz goes she's on the shorter end of the spectrum standing finally at 5ft 5in. Not that she really minds. Thanks to her active nature she's got a lean, but still athletic build.
Body Mods.
Other then ear piercings none due to not wanting to mark her body for potential roles. (though she might change her mind later down the road.)
Distinguishing feat.s.
Her massive switch in style. She took a break this summer and got a chance to embrace her Dominican side and basically kept it.
In general she's a very straight forward person. She doesn't like to beat around the bush because her time is precious and she can't afford to waste it. She thinks extremely highly of herself and believes that she's got that IT factor that will take her all the way. Childhood success along with the success that this school is bound to bring with it's track record also has her very confident. She prides herself in believing that she is a triple threat despite having to choose a specific one to focus on as a department. Something she feels is limiting but she supposes not many others could keep up with more then one thing.
She's an extremely hard worker (Yes she's naturally talented, but that doesn't stop her) even if she's learned to chill out a bit. Coupled with her determination to always push herself to the limits makes her a force to be reckoned with, and once again she knows this. While she is a people pleaser tweaking herself time and time again to be the vision she believes the world wants to see her be it's only because she believes that's the nature of the industry because that's what her parents made her believe. She wants to be liked because being liked and popular is what helps lands future gigs, it's what keeps you on magazine covers. Their job is to entertain and BE POPULAR. So she doesn't see that trait as a bad thing. What's wrong with being adaptable?
She would say a downfall is her lack of trust in others. After the incident with her Ex's and one of them being her best friend that's only intensified. She is also a bit spiteful and is not below some petty means to get back and feel better about herself if she won't be caught for the backlash. She's not normally such a sore loser, but when the rare event does affect her and get under her skin she can't simply let it go without due punishment. She's got no problem stealing the spot light if the opportunity arises because once again this is going to be her world one day anyways you're just don't know it yet. She's willing to play whatever angle, or game is necessary to get her where she wants to be in life.
Bonus: Perfectionist, Vain, Competitive, Organized
› personality
misc info ‹
Anything music related, Stargazing, Stand-up comedy, Aquatic life, Tea, Jewelry (the more expensive the better), Himbos,
-Singing & Dancing (Intermediate from her time in musical theatre)
-Acting (Advanced)
-Piano/keyboard (Advanced from lessons since she was 5 years old)
-Cosmetology (Beginner from doing her own make-up and hair most of the time)
-Violin (Intermediate from classes since 6th grade)
-Martial Arts (Beginner from a few things her brother taught her for self defense)
Was in a movie but midway through filming had to quit because her family moved. So she's still in it once it released just not as big of a role as she originally was gonna be.
Normani & Megan Thee Stallion
Early Life
Stella was the second born and only daughter into a musically inclined multicultural home. Her father was a Afro-Dominican Jazz pianist, and her mother was a second generation Middle eastern American aspiring actress. They affectionately named her Stella However most of the time they called her Star as a pet name. They hoped it'd stick for a stage name as well, but Stella likes her actual name more. Her parents dreams had to be put on an indefinite hiatus once her mother became pregnant with her older brother Aiden, and by the time she came along they'd given them up completely to raise their children.
Her father took up more the producing end of music to build a client base, and her mother gave acting classes to many celebrity's children she'd met while in the field herself. This did mean however that all their hopes and dreams (specifically their mother's) was placed on them before they even realized what was happening. When their parents noticed the children actually had a gift for music their fate was sealed.
Being close in age helped her and her brother become the best of friends. One was rarely seen without the other in anything and they loved it. While their parents pushed them to be their very best at whatever they were pursuing their mother pushed even harder on Stella. It was subtle at first and neither child noticed it since they were both in so much of the same things and as children the same is expected. Their parents gave them vocal lessons, introduced them to Jazz, and taught them how to play the piano. Music was always ringing through the Bailey home. They took dance classes of various different forms outside of school as well. Anything to give them a competitive edge in the industry their parents were grooming them to be a part of.
It was a lot on their plate but Stella loved every moment of it. She got to have fun alongside her brother everyday with the help of her parents who were always very supportive of her and her efforts. They pushed her, but they also always gave a lot of praise boosting her self confidence through the roof. Another boost was actually landing small commercial parts at such a young age. Getting accepted into arts camps helped even more. Stella never wanted for anything if her mother could help it and she kept performing.
Middle School
While her brother would eventually take up martial arts Stella decided to take up a second instrument learning how to play the Violin in the school band starting in the 6th grade. Even though she didn't notice it at first, 6th grade was the turning point for her. Her mother started being even more demanding of her, and people at school seemed to be taking more notice of her too. Her focus however was on what it always had been, her brother and her future. This was also the time she started auditioning for roles on tv shows.
That was until she got the attention of a cute 7th grader who asked her to be his girlfriend. It was her first experience with something like this, so without much thought he said yes. Unsure of what her parents would think the only one she confided in was Aiden. As most middle school relationships go it didn't last long, but the impact had already made it's mark. She wasn't bitter about having to break up with her first puppy dog love due to knowing it was for the best. It was their relationship or her career and she was only 12 so of course she picked her career.
Over the course of the next three years was that start of her and her brother dominating their field. In theater and drama clubs and class they always landed leading roles, in Glee and Choir they always got the best solos, and in her band class she was usually 1st chair for her section. Their success outside of school was very similar winning at most competitions. Often if they had to compete against one another because it wasn't split by genders or solo competitions Stella would get 1st while Aiden got 2nd. Stella was always still proud of them as a team when that happened not realizing that a shadow was growing and it was slowly covering him. She was so blinded by all the praise and adoration she got, she didn't notice they weren't cheering as loudly for him. Only she was, however he did notice, and the wedge was born before she knew it.
Another outside recognition was landing her first role as a regular on a popular Sit-com her 7th grade year. It only ran for two seasons before having to be canceled, but it sealed the deal for her being able to audition and be accepted into Hollywood Arts. Her brother went to another performing arts focused school as well, but it did mean she no longer saw him as much.
High school
Freshman year she once again was met with a lot of attention from her peers for her age. She was decently popular even to those in the years above her. Considering she was to most people the whole package and well connected. She was beautiful, talented, and she wasn't dumb. With a certain level of fame already entering the school combined with her personality it wasn't hard for her to get immersed into the culture.
Freshman year she got her second boyfriend, but this time things were different. Sadly only a month in he'd broken her heart by dumping her for the more popular head cheerleader at the time because she'd been voted homecoming Princess. Stella had been too busy to even run for something like that, but that's how high school is she discovered. People were always chasing what was new, who was the prettiest, what was the best, who was the winner. With that realization she stopped trusting people so blindly, and decided the only person she could trust was her brother and the one friend who'd stood by her through the whole embarrassing ordeal Zeph.
Well that was until she tried dating Zeph and also felt betrayed after only a few months. Which only solidified her original thoughts of not trusting anyone. However that one hurt more then all the others because he'd become her Best friend. She threw herself harder then ever into work and wound up overdoing it and having a mental break down on set. Her father was the one to step in because her mother just told her to get over it and not let some guy ruin her career. Her father stood up to his wife got both of them into therapy, and decided to have Stella spend the entire summer (work free) with him.
Once they returned they also moved. Stella and her mother weren't happy about t his, but he assured her she could pick acting back up, but just at a slower pace. He wanted her to really experience her school years properly while she had a chance, so Silver lake it was.
Cami C.
While stella has lost trust for 99% of the people in this world, Cami is the one exception, but that wasn't without putting in work. She's sweet and one of the few people Stella feels like is her actual friend
Open Spot
TBD once the slot is filled. Could be you just dm me
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mi lectus, scelerisque et cursus vitae, porta a massa. Nullam semper molestie quam, eu sagittis nisi dictum varius. Nunc imperdiet bibendum mi in feugiat. Ut ultricies imperdiet enim, at ultrices eros imperdiet vel. Aliquam quis laoreet lacus. Praesent eget justo laoreet erat semper convallis. Morbi at cursus libero, non placerat lacus. Phasellus elementum enim eu justo ultrices luctus.
Nobody yet
Place holder until she makes some connections.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mi lectus, scelerisque et cursus vitae, porta a massa. Nullam semper molestie quam, eu sagittis nisi dictum varius. Nunc imperdiet bibendum mi in feugiat. Ut ultricies imperdiet enim, at ultrices eros imperdiet vel. Aliquam quis laoreet lacus. Praesent eget justo laoreet erat semper convallis. Morbi at cursus libero, non placerat lacus. Phasellus elementum enim eu justo ultrices luctus.
- giant nerd
- loves bowling
- deep down kind of insecure
- wears two different socks all of the time
- is never on time
- hates high school
- daredevil
- way too talkative
- conceited
- doesn't know when to stop
Carter grew up in the poor area of Joplin with his mother Patricia. She was troubled and had a hard time keeping a job, after working four years as a cashier she ended up in the wrong crowds and started making some extra money on the side by working as a prostitute. Carter after himself at only twelve years old but got bullied at school because his mom was never around. Carter was never shy so he dealt with the bully's in the only way he knew how too, bullying them back. This made him get respected a lot more and was a way to survive high school at all.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.
Val has a long mane of thick, dark-brown curls. She typically wears her hair out, but is also seen every now and then with a braided protective style.
Her eyes are dark brown, oval-shaped, and always framed by a fresh set of wispy eyelashes.
Valeria has the build of your typical female boxer; Her curves are well built, her body is lean, her abs are chiseled, and her muscles are defined.
Val considers herself a "tomboy," and the way she dresses is a direct reflection of that. Much of her closet consists of joggers, sweatpants, graphic T-shirts, and sneakers. When the occasion calls for it, however, she does have a small selection of skirts, dresses, and heels in her closet to choose from.
She has her earlobes, nostril and bellybutton pierced. She also has a small tattoo on her wrist that she got in some sketchy kid’s basement. She also has a long, vertical scar on the back of her left leg from a childhood incident involving a fence.
face claim
Princess Nokia
Exercise. Boxing. Hip-Hop and Alternative Music. Collecting Lighters. Vodka. Horror films. Anime and manga. Spiders. Gaming. Chinese Takeout. Skateboarding. Thrifting. Smoking weed.
North Dakota. Cooking. Hot weather. Cigarettes. Crocs. Doing Laundry. Reality TV. Coffee.
Letting her fists do all the talking. Cursing like a sailor. Popping her gum.
Mild PTSD.
Losing her mom. Large bodies of water.
Most people who went to grade school with Valeria would describe her as crazy or odd. From her explosive temper to her strange interests, she just always seemed like a bit of a handful. Val was the kind of girl that parents warned their children about hanging around; Although she has always been known to be a likable young woman with a winning smile and a quick sense of humor, she also had very little respect for authority, was often dangerously careless, and was ultimately out to get but not to give. Even to this day, Val tends to operate on the principle of having a good time; a borderline Hedonist, she's a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life, and will go to great lengths to get the things that she wants. She angers easily, especially when things don't go her way, and had resorted to violence in her past in order to deal with certain issues. Although she doesn't necessarily hit people anymore—at least, not outside of the ring—she does still have a short-temper and has to remove herself from the situation to avoid causing any trouble.
While her personality has evolved to a certain degree, she still proves to be the same clever and quick-witted young woman she was in middle school; With her sharp tongue, devilish eyes, and a direct way of approaching things, she is not afraid to speak her mind and will always fight for what she believes is right. When she isn't being an aggressive and confrontational bitch, she is actually a really cool person to befriend. She's usually a moderately nice and sociable person, and carries herself with a certain confidence. She'll make you laugh more than anyone else you know, and will go to Hell and back for the people that she considers to be her family and friends. She's also a very determined person, and will always follow through whenever she sets her mind on something.
Valeria’s conception was the direct consequence of the negligence and irresponsibility of two teenage lovers. College Freshmen Lettie and Miguel had been dating each other for a little over four months when they received news that they were expecting, and despite being pressured by their friends and family to terminate the pregnancy, they decided that they would rather take on the responsibility of being teen parents. With the help of their families (after they finally accepted the inevitable), Lettie and Miguel had no issue caring for their newborn baby; whatever they needed help with, their community was always there to support them. It took a village.
Soon after the birth of his daughter, Miguel found himself proposing to Lettie, and the couple moved into an apartment complex not too far from their college campus. They arranged their schedules so that one parent could stay at home with Valeria while the other attended classes. They both worked part-time jobs so they could afford everything their parents and other family members were not providing. They made it work. For three whole years, they made it work.
And then came graduation… and the constant arguing…. and the infidelity.
And then came the divorce.
Being the child of divorcees wasn’t easy for Val. For the next few years of her life, she practically lived out of a suitcase. Due to her parents’ joint custody agreement, she spent the entirety of the school year living with her mother, and the Summertime, as well as any major holidays, with her father. Val didn’t mind it at first; she loved both of her parents dearly, and had eventually made friends on both sides of the city. She especially loved spending time at her dad's gym every Summer, watching in awe as he trained some of the best young boxers the city had ever seen.
It wasn’t until her father remarried when she was 10 that everything started going to shit.
Amira Greene was the woman who’d driven a wedge between Val’s parents and wrecked their happy family all those years ago, and obviously she just couldn’t help but come and finish the job. After rekindling their relationship for a few months, the pair announced their engagement at a “family dinner” that consisted of not only Val and her father, but Amira and her fifteen year old son as well. Less than a month later, the mother and son duo were moving their belongings into Val’s home.
Val refused to call Amira “mommy Mira” like she insisted, and hardly acknowledged her new step-brother whenever they were in the same vicinity. It was around this time that Val first began to get into trouble, which led to her spending a considerable amount of time in detention after school for talking back to teachers, skipping class, and sometimes even starting fights with her classmates. She was only eleven years old when she was first suspended from school for starting a fight on the playground, and by the time she’d turned thirteen she’d been brought home by the police multiple times after being found hanging around a bad group of much older teenagers.
Worried for their daughter, Val’s parents put her in boxing in an attempt to help manage her anger issues and keep her focused on something other than being out in the streets. This worked… for a little while. Val would grow to be a very disciplined and skilled boxer. But it wasn’t until after a heated exchange between Val and her step-brother during family dinner that everything she’d kept buried inside for so long had finally been brought to light.
TW: mention of SA
“The fuck do you mean you don’t believe me?”
Valeria stood frozen in place, stunned as she stared into the eyes of the one person she thought would always have her back. For the first time in over four years, Val had finally made it known that they were all sharing a home with a predator. For the last four years, Val had been living in fear of her own step-brother, who’d occasionally sneak into her bedroom when everyone else was asleep and do to her whatever he pleased.
But instead of sticking up for his child as Val had expected, her father chose to side with his new wife and step-child. “I don’t think Thomas would ever do anything like that,” he told her. “The kid’s a saint. Never gotten in trouble a day in his life.”
As soon as she heard these words. Val could no longer control herself. Within a split second the young woman found herself lunging across the table, her fingernails clawing at the face of her abuser. The rest of that evening was a blur.
Val remembers a whole lot of screaming and crying, most of it coming from her stepmother. She also remembers hands desperately grabbing at her arms, and her father threatening to call the police right before she took off running. Less than a week later, Val and her mother were packing up their things and moving to North Dakota to live with her grandma Josephine. She has been in New Haven ever since.
Val is a member of the book club and is a point guard on the women's basketball team.
Scarlett is a shorter girl, hardly over 5 feet. She has long, black hair, and dark brown eyes. She's slightly pale, having been told she looks like a ghost in the past. She's relatively skinny, but not to the point where she's bony.
jenna ortega
Scarlett is a very introverted person... when she's around her brothers. She always acted like a perfect angel around them. When she's around everyone else? She's extroverted, loves to talk, and is a total stoner. She loves to gossip when she's high, and keeps her friends updated on all the drama around the school. How does she know about it? Not sure, but don't worry.
Extroverted. Optimistic. Compassionate.
Superficial. Gossiper. Secretive.
Death. Aliens. Chicken.
f*** it, do now, think during, regret after
Scarlett had a happy first few years of her life, until her parents got killed in a hit and run. That was when she picked up every single one of her bad habits. Smoking, drinking, pills, sneaking out. Everything. That was also when she picked up her... somewhat bitchy habits. She went from sweet, kind, and honest to toxic, superficial, and secretive. Not around her brothers though. They had to think she was perfect, or she wouldn't be able to do what made her happy.
For her eleventh grade year, Ari left Silver Lakes and started to attend Haven Falls. She dropped every one of her old friends. Ghosting and shit-talking them all. She had to have a fresh start. So, she replaced all of the people she used to have fun with, used to make memories with. Replaced them with people who were easily-manipulated. She had a couple who actually meant something to her, but the rest of them? Merely entertainment, a reason to keep her away from the hotel they now lived at.
extra facts.
✧ making stupid decisions is her passion
✧ doesn't go to half her classes
October 30th (But he wouldn't tell you that- Dallas hates birthdays.)
Haven Falls, ND
Louis Garrell
6' 3"
some lbs.
hair colour
deep brown-black
eye colour
dark brown
#Nix(At the Moment)
#his secret getting out
#being undesired
Dallas was to put it quite simply put- a dickhead. Did what he wanted, when he wanted, without any consideration of the consequences. Smoked what he wanted, screwed who he wanted, and hung around with a crowd of undesirables. Now post the tragic passing of his parents well- Dallas is much more complicated.
He's a giant bundle of contradictions all fighting to be true. The desire to be a good older brother and the kind of man his father would be proud of crashing into his innate ability to be well- a selfish prick.
His sisters have always seen the best of him, a softness very few are afforded. A vulnerability he very seldom shows (maybe it's he picked it up from his rather closed off older brother.)
Dallas Says...
Ugh something witty here...
* history
Harvey was born with a love of cinema pumping through his veins.
Maybe it was because his parents set him up with a TV and a DVD player in his room at too young an age but while other kids were watching Sesame Street Harvey was making his way through the classics.
He has dreams of one day making his own movies, of becoming a part of American Cinema in a big way. And his parents support this dream buying him any of the expensive he asks for- not questions asked.
It's taken him awhile to connect with people his age but now he's part of a tight knot little group who he's extremely loyal to (Jace and Damien in particular.) Not much interest in relationships outside of friendships though.
Altogether he's just a sweet caring guy (with a bit of an emoji obsession) always trying to keep an eye out on his Friends (in his own special way.)
control, luxury, dark chocolate, winning, rainy days
small talk, emotions, mediocrity, losing, avocado
keeps record of his conquests, finger tapping when bored, smoking, staying fit
failure, intimacy, vulnerability, losing Desmond
Lucian is charm and charisma personified. At least he likes to think so. A master of manipulation. Lucian sees the world as a chessboard and himself as the king. Confident. Sophisticated. Behind the walls, a quiet vulnerability scratches at the surface.
Lucian grew up in a world of privilege and status. His father, Henry Vale, an authoritative, ruthless business tycoon was softened only by the warm, nurturing nature of his wife, Caroline. Caroline kept a much needed balance in the Vale household. She instilled in him a love for literature, classical music, and to embrace his intellect.
When their mother passed unexpectedly, the family dynamic shifted drastically. Lucian, barely a teenager, felt an overwhelming pressure to step into the void she left behind. Their father, consumed by grief, redirected all his expectations onto Lucian, praising him for his ability to maintain composure and excel academically. This praise became both a sense of pride and a burden for Lucian, who quickly learned to wear his control and charm like armor.
Desmond, on the other hand, turned inward, channeling his grief into art and defiance. While Lucian admired his brother’s creative resilience, he also saw it as impractical and a sign of weakness. Their once-close relationship began to strain under the opposite ways of coping.
Despite their differences, the bond between Lucian and Desmond lives on, rooted in their shared experiences. While their relationship is filled with tension and sibling rivalry, there is a prominent sense of protectiveness over the other, but as they approach adulthood, concerns arise of whether or not their relationship can survive the trials.
being compared to Lucian, crowds, posers, public speaking
losing track of time, listening to music too loudly, disorganized
losing Lucian, being forgotten, clowns, rejection
Desmond is outspoken, reckless, and desires to be his own man. The opposite of Lucian’s cool, calm and collected, Desmond often makes moves without thinking even when he has the best intentions in mind.
Desmond grew up in a world of privilege and status. His father, Henry Vale, an authoritative, ruthless business tycoon was softened only by the warm, nurturing nature of his wife, Caroline. Caroline kept a much needed balance in the Vale household. She instilled in him a love for music and art, something they shared together.
When their mother passed unexpectedly, the family dynamic shifted drastically. Desmond, barely a teenager, felt an overwhelming need to hold onto his mother’s memory. . Their father, consumed by grief, redirected all his expectations onto Lucian, leaving Desmond to find his own way. This became a common goal: do whatever it takes to not become his father.
Lucian, on the other hand, loved his father’s attention.. While Desmond loves his brother, he’s worried that he’s on a dark path that he won’t recover from. Their once-close relationship began to strain under the opposite ways of coping.
Despite their differences, the bond between Desmond and Lucian lives on, rooted in their shared experiences. While their relationship is filled with tension and sibling rivalry, there is a prominent sense of protectiveness over the other, but as they approach adulthood, concerns arise of whether or not their relationship can survive the trials.
scottie has a slender but athletic build, she has light blue eyes, tan skin, and platinum blonde hair.
kennedy walsh.
scottie is the definition of all american girl. she is a straight a student, cheerleader, and good girl. since she is the eldest of her and her sister, juliette, she is the one always following the rules. typical eldest daughter behavior. wip.
loyal. determination. strength.
perfectionist. jealousy. vanity.
abandonment. rejection. failure.
i don't want to be here.
scottie and juliette recently moved to haven falls from their home in malibu. scottie did not want to move and put up a huge fight about it which is one of the only things she has fought her parents on. scottie was in a relationship with a guy in malibu and broke up with him due to the distance, thus is heartbroken.
extra facts.
✧scottie has a kitten named socks.
✧ scottie's favorite drink is diet coke
✧ scottie struggles with anxiety
juliette has a slender build, she has light green eyes, pale skin, and platinum blonde hair.
sage tullis.
juliette has always been considered 'the wild child' as she is a thrill seeker, reckless, and impulsive. she does what she wants and is set in her ways. she is incredibly stubborn, which is one of her main downfalls (besides the impulsivity). jules loves thunderstorms, painting, having fun (not always legal fun), and horror movies. jules hates cuddling.
honest. adventurous. creative.
lust. wreckless. moodiness.
commitment. losing. losing scottie (won't catch her dead saying this).
running away has worked for me so far.
scottie and juliette recently moved to haven falls from their home in malibu. juliette was extremely excited to move and didn't fight her parents on it which was a huge shock because she fights them on everything.
extra facts.
✧juliette's nickname is jt and scottie frequently teases her about it calling her 'timberlake'.
✧ juliette's favorite drink is black coffee
✧ juliette struggles with depression
Music can change the world because it can change people.
The Famous Loser
full name
Michael Graham Watts
Mickey, Mick/Micks
March 28th
Detroit, MI
Are You Gonna Be My Girl?
5ft 8in
hair c.
eye c.
Mark McKenna
Once a very meek child, Mickey was regarded as being quite the sensitive soul by his family and their friends. He preferred the company of himself and a good record over other people and was not nearly as loud and boisterous as his brothers. That is, until he got his hands on a guitar. From then on he quickly learned how to enjoy being the center of attention.
As he aged into this new aspect of her personality, then came the confidence. Though from time to time, that more shy part of himself comes back out but it’s less common than the part of him who knows how to work a room. He can always get a conversation going at a party or dinner, usually about the subject of music. However it can be easy for him to mistake his own confidence as cockiness, it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for him to get a little humbled now and then. Though as far as Mickey is concerned, there’s no such thing as being ‘overconfident.’
Whatever really went away is that sensitive side, though now he prefers to keep it a little more locked away, only utilizing it when it’s time to write music. When you grow up in a house as masculine as Mickey did, it’s hard not to feel a little bit like being as soft hearted as him is a little bit of a failure, despite the fact that his father openly supported his choice to go into the arts and not the family business. It’s an internal struggle that Mickey’s been trying to work at, when he has time at least.
Even if it seems like he’s a little too full of himself, Mickey cares deeply about those around him, particularly family, both blood like his parents and siblings, or chosen like some of his friends. Just like he’s been playing guitar for seventeen years, he’s able to commit to something he’s passionate about. Relationships included.
He has a tendency to be a bit reclusive when he’s working, shutting out others due to his beliefs that they can be ‘distracting’ when he’s ‘in the zone.’ Though it’s not all work related, sometimes he just needs a little downtime after spending the day in his room writing or putting in the work at school for good grades just in case this whole music thing doesn't pan out.. He tries his best to avoid those situations that bring out the hot temper inherited from his father There haven’t been too many instances of that fiery rage rearing its ugly head as of late, but things like that tend to simmer quietly, until they boil over.
record stores, B-movies, vintage cars, working with his hands, pineapple fanta, 80s/90s haircuts, oversized sweaters, pizza bagels, cool whip, dandelions, dominos
the smell of burnt toast, jamming his fingers in either car parts or guitar parts, rap solos becoming more popular than guitar solos in pop songs, candy canes, hard leather dress shoes, hate comments, nail files, squeaky bedsprings, hitting your shin on a scooter, all treenuts but specifically walnuts (he's allergic), cats (also allergic)
The woods, breaking his fingers
Michael Graham Watts was born into some sort of American cliche. His parents, David and Heather, got married shortly after high school and settled into their adult lives in their hometown of Detroit. Heather was a stay at home mom to the couple’s five children, Mickey, his three older brothers, Isaac, Noah, and Alexander, and their baby sister, Lily. While David kept himself busy with taking over his father’s mechanic business.
The boys all grew up helping their father conduct repairs on the various cars and trucks of neighbors or other locals. Isaac, Noah, and Alex, all took to their father’s, and grandfather, and great-grandfather’s, trade very naturally. However the sensitive Mickey hated the feeling of oil on his palms and dreaded the pain of accidentally pinching his fingers with the tools. There was one thing he liked about being in the garage with his dad and brothers though, the music that played over the radio. While he had no love for his father’s tastes in professions, he adored his father’s taste in music. The twang of the bass and pluck of the guitar drew him in, often distracting him and contributing to the mistakes that frustrated his father so much.
There were a few years of David attempting to get him back on the straight and narrow, to learn the ways of the family business, but it soon became apparent that there was no stopping it. His youngest son wasn’t destined to be a mechanic, he was a born musician. So for Mickey’s seventh birthday, he was gifted an acoustic Fender and it was love at first sight.
As Mickey grew so did his musical skills, and he was keen to show it off anywhere he could manage. School talent shows, family gatherings, and local open mic nights became regular places to find him honing his skills. Particularly the latter, there was one shop in particular that eventually gave him a permanent spot in the line-up each night, and even contacted him for solo performances from time to time.
Mickey was also no stranger to busking, something he did to help fund his next guitars or other musical supplies. Overtime he became something of a familiar face among the locals, he even garnered something of a fanbase. Though there was only so much he could do as a youngster from the city, desperate for a little more than hitting the local coffee shops and bars.
He had been encouraged to try out for some kind of singing talent competition, though he never quite had the confidence, or the desire. Although he did enjoy watching them while he kept his head down and continued to grind in his own ways.
It wasn’t until he was tapped by some city officials to play in a holiday performance, not just a hole in the wall venue, but something practically the entire city would attend. As nerve wracking as the preparation was, the actual performance was stellar. Still riding that high, he signed up for the auditions for one of his favorite competition shows, **The Showcase.**
Mickey made it through the initial cattle call audition and passed into the next level, auditioning before the judges, and the cameras. Armed with his fender, and a bit of undue confidence, he entered the audition room. To his surprise, having expected to get some pity applause and leave a little humiliated but more experienced, he actually made it. There were lots of tears, once he was safely off camera, and some celebration with his family. Though the work was far from over.
TV had made the trials and tribulations of the competition look much easier than they actually were, there were a lot more details and direction behind the scenes but Mickey held on steadfast, facing each challenge with vigor.
He expected to make it maybe halfway, if he was lucky, each day he was saved from elimination he was blown away a little bit more. Especially as singers and performers that had been favored over him began to head home. Still he remained, and the small group of fans he had back in Detroit were soon joined by various individuals across the states.
As contestants dwindled down to the final four, the challenge for the quarter final was to play an original song during the live broadcast. Even back home Mickey had scarcely played original works, there was always something about them that he felt was missing. While what he played was far from what he felt was his best work, and despite being well received by the audience and online fans alike, what it lacked was clear to the judges and Mickey was eliminated that night.
Coming home without the grand prize felt like a shame, but he didn't come home empty handed. The experience earned was nothing compared to prize money, but it was better than nothing. His small group of fans back home had increased thanks to the exposure, mostly teenage girls around his age who had a thing for guys with shaggy hair but there was one person out of the usual demographic. An older musician, one with connections to an acclaimed arts school. Much closer to Mickey's home than the ones in L.A. or New York City and as for the tuition? Covered by this good Samaritan who had thought Mickey had more than enough to make it as a musician, even if the judges on some show didn't. So Mickey packed up his Fender and headed for North Dakota.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.
David Watts (Father, 51), Heather Watts (Mother, 51), Isaac Watts (Brother, 23), Noah Watts (Brother, 20), Alexander Watts (Brother, 18), Lily Watts (Sister, 13)
- terrible sense of direction while driving, also bad at telling time
- carries an epipen for his tree nut allergy and insists on having it physically on his person at all times. in a few episodes of The Showcase you can see the outline of it in his pocket.
- he's a little bit paranoid of allergic reactions since he's had to use the epipen on himself three times in his life
- favorite show is community an his favorite character on the show is britta
- thought the phrase 'crumb bum' was a slur until he was like twelve thanks to his brothers
- enjoys reading but is a little bad at finishing books, he has a kindle nonetheless
- can't fall asleep without the TV being on, usually he's watching favorite shows or old pixar movies
- sleeps in boxers and old t-shirts, also still wears his retainer
- TERRIBLE vision without his glasses or contacts, he's incredibly nearsighted
- favorite alcoholic drink is a screwdriver
- not a fan of eminem, mostly due to his brother playing his music obsessively when they were younger
- has the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap to him
- could probably change the oil on a car with a blindfold on
- afraid of camping
Please, please, please
Let me get what I want
Lord knows it would be the first time
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
The Smiths
character name
Lindsey Paige Sinclair
Lin, Linds, Linny
hair style
Lindsey naturally has a lovely, glossy mane of espresso brown ringlets. Boring brunettes don't command nearly enough attention though, so she recently began assaulting her curls with bleach and brightly colored dye, usually some variation on pink or blue. In her natural pattern of bouncy coils, they fall slightly past chin length, paired with a dense curtain of thick bangs she sometimes wears pushed back from her forehead (usually when hard at work on art, or slaving away cleaning up after her parents' motel guests.)
Twice pierced lobes, coupled with a brand new helix piercing she happens think is pretty badass.
A teeny tiny pixie of a girl. She has a petite and wispy little frame, acutely aware of the fact she's a bit underdeveloped compared to some of her peers. And what she does have, she's pretty self-conscious about, usually hiding her budding curves under oversized clothing.
Has kind of a quirky, eclectic style, definitely one to revel in finding weird t-shirts, giant hoodies, and ugly sweaters at the local thrift store. Tends to gravitate to more of an alternative look, though it's rare for her to wear black, sticking almost exclusively to a wardrobe full of cheerful neons and pastels.
89 lbs.
eye colour
hair colour
Whatever shade she has it dyed this week
Lindsey fancies herself a mysterious, tortured artist, though she's really just a sheltered little girl who desperately wants to be seen as anything but a sheltered little girl. Always the wallflower, the nobody, the little sister. It's an uphill battle, but she's been trying her damnedest to set herself apart these days, acting out to reinvent herself into someone the cool kids might even associate with someday. Actually a pretty bubbly and upbeat little creature, despite all the depressing music she's always listening to.
Later life?? She's a baby, nothing has happened to her yet. The youngest of the three Sinclair girls, she's been mostly ignored by her parents her whole life, a couple of busy bee business owners. Well, now we know where the complex about feeling constantly overlooked comes from. While she doesn't have much of a relationship with her parents, she's very close with her elder sisters, and still clings to them for family bonds and support, just as she's always done.
even later life
After an uneventful freshman year fading into the wallpaper, Lindsey is determined to stand out this year, make tons of new friends, and get noticed by boys--or even just one boy would be nice.
Music (post-punk, dream pop)
Dollhouse furniture
Riding her bike
Sour candy
Trying on clothes
Gym class
Her natural hair color
- Her bedroom is a technicolor explosion, filled to the brim with paintings, sculptures, and all manner of different art projects she's rendered herself in bright colors
- Loves the Smiths
- Constantly doodling on any tests or school papers she comes in contact with
- Helps out at her parents' motel, cleaning rooms and working the front desk
- Always blowing said earnings on art supplies
- Desperate to get in with the "bad" kids and drink, try drugs, etc.
- Enjoys nature, hikes in the woods
- Often seen riding her bike around town
- Lover of all things cute, tiny, and miniature
Indiana’s a wild 16-year-old who’s always up for a good time. She’s fun and full of energy but also very dumb and clueless. That gets her into trouble a lot of the time. She has a habit of putting herself out there for guys, which isn’t the best idea.
#Dumb #Clueless #Wild child
Indiana Sinclair
July 4th
Indiana had a lot more of her dads features than she did her moms. She has a slim build with long legs that give her a bit of an awkward yet endearing appearance. A heart-shaped face and a soft complexion that gives her a doll-like quality. Her thick, dark hair is always a little messy, like she’s just rolled out of bed or was in a rush, and it falls in loose waves around her shoulders. She has big, wide eyes that make her look like she’s always confused or daydreaming, which only adds to her clueless charm. Her brows are thick, her nose is slim and her lips have a natural pout, giving her a mix of innocence and mischief. She’s usually seen wearing mismatched, sometimes skimpy, outfits that somehow work, like she just threw on whatever she felt like and ran out the door.
Face Claim: Lily collins
Indiana is the kind of girl who seems like she’s always in the middle of some misadventure, whether it’s sneaking into a concert, showing up at a party uninvited, or getting lost on her way to class. She thrives on spontaneity and never turns down a dare, even if it means risking embarrassment or getting in trouble. Rules don’t mean much to her and she’s always chasing the next exciting moment, dragging her friends along with her. Her energy is infectious and she has a thing for making people laugh, even when the joke is at her own expense. Indiana’s impulsiveness does leave her in sticky situations, which she’s not exactly great at cleaning up afterwards.
What really sets Indiana apart from others though is her cluelessness. She has a way of missing the most obvious details, whether it’s not noticing someone flirting with her or completely misinterpreting a serious conversation. Her mind is always bouncing from one thought to another and she’ll blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, even if it’s hilariously off-topic or makes no sense. She’s constantly getting confused by things, like mixing up common sayings or mispronouncing words, but it’s never in a way that feels forced…it’s just how she is. Her friends can’t help but roll their eyes sometimes, but they love her for it. Her innocence and ditzy nature make her incredibly endearing, even when she drives them all up the wall.
Indiana’s dumb moments are a big part of her charm. She might spend ten minutes searching for her phone while it’s in her hand or panic about not having her homework done, only to realize it’s Saturday. Her “Indiana logic” leaves people scratching their heads, but her wide-eyed sincerity and genuine belief in her ridiculous ideas make it hard to stay frustrated with her. She’s remarkably trusting, sometimes to a fault and she tends to take people at face value, which can get her into trouble. Still, she always manages to bounce back with a funny story to tell.
Indiana struggles with feeling like she’s not enough. She seeks validation, especially from guys, and tries too hard to win their attention, sometimes at the expense of her self-respect. She has a habit of throwing herself into things without thinking, driven by a need to feel seen and wanted. Indiana has a big heart and a lot of love to give though. She’s deeply loyal to her friends and will do anything to make them laugh or cheer them up, even if her attempts are a little misguided. She’s not the best at picking up on serious situations, cracking a joke or saying something wildly inappropriate by accident, but her intentions are always good. Besides being clueless, she’s someone who genuinely cares and wants to make people happy. She may not always have the right words or ideas, but her actions come from a place in her heart.
#Vulnerable #Lovable #Free
Likes +
Attention, chunky accessories, bubblegum flavor, funky wild dancing, glitter, rom-coms, lip gloss, roller skating, silly sun sunglasses, making her own clothes, DIY fashion, Bright colors, boy bands, candy, bike riding, polaroid/crappy cameras, froyo, skincare, diners, talking, magazines, painting nails, perfumes, the rain, drinking, boys, daydreaming.
Dislikes +
Reading instructions, quizzes, tests, math, numbers, schedules, vegetables, mornings, waking up early, the silence, boring/basic clothing, the word no, being told no, libraries, homework, working, losing stuff, serious guys, being left out, being in one place for a long time, having to think hard, serious situations, being alone by herself.
Hobbies +
Making bracelets, singing karaoke, dancing in her room, scrapbooking, taking selfies, binge movies and tv shows, shopping, cosmetology, roller skating, people-watching
Quirks +
talks to herself, overusing slang, losing things, plays with her hair a lot, doodling everywhere on everything, randomly having bursts of energy, forgetting names, being clumsy, makes faces, overpacking her bag, sometimes skips when she walks, makes up her own words, bad at winking, always fixes herself in reflections, spaces out, chews gum when she's nervous
Indie’s childhood was a whirlwind of colorful chaos and blissful oblivion. Growing up in Haven Falls, she was sandwiched between her older sister Frannie, who she always deemed as cool, and her younger sister Lindsey, who she cared for deeply. Their parents were busy running a string of motels and while they provided for the girls, they weren’t the most emotionally present. Indie never really seemed to notice or mind. She was too busy living in her own world of glitter, mismatched outfits, and made-up adventures to see the cracks in her family’s foundation. When her parents argued, which happened a lot before their divorce, she’d be in the other room, humming pop songs and doodling in her notebook, oblivious to the tension.
Indie was always the wacky one in the family, the wild child who danced to the beat of her own drum. Sometimes literally, banging on pots and pans for fun. She didn’t crave structure or rules, which was just as well because her parents were too preoccupied to enforce many. Instead, she found joy in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. She’d raid her mom’s and sisters’ closets, transforming their clothes into her own creations by sewing patches, cutting fabric, or adding random accessories. Her outfits turned heads in Haven Falls, but Indiana took every stare as a compliment. Makeup became her obsession at a young age. She would smear on glittery eyeshadow or bold lipstick, even if it wasn’t remotely close to the right color for her look. She’d strut around as if she were walking a runway, proud of her creations, no matter how chaotic they seemed to others.
Even with her sisters by her side, Indiana always looked for attention in her own way. Though her parents’ divorce and lack of attention might have been hard for other kids, Indiana seemed to live in her ignorance of it all. She created her own joy, filling her childhood with laughter, mishaps, and glitter. Though, under all the fun and cluelessness, her constant need for attention hinted at the void left by her parents’ absence. It was as though she believed that if she could be loud enough, bright enough, or funny enough, someone would finally notice her. Indiana’s carefree spirit and wild individuality made her impossible to overlook, she lit up every room she walked into, whether anyone was paying attention or not.
Indiana’s life is just as colorful and unpredictable as it was when she was a kid, but now it’s layered with the awkwardness and drama of being a 16-year-old. She still lives in Haven Falls even with the divorce. The divorce, which might have devastated someone else, barely fazed Indie. She still treats life like one big adventure. She’s the kind of girl who walks into school with glitter in her hair and lip gloss that’s just a little too sticky, turning heads without even realizing it.
Indie spends most of her days daydreaming about things that feel bigger than Haven Falls, like her future as a pop star, an actress, or maybe even a fashion designer. Her sense of style is still loud and unapologetically her, featuring thrifted gems and DIY pieces that she swears are “couture.” At school, she’s known as the girl who’s always running late, tripping over her own feet, and dropping books in the hallway. Though, she’s also the clueless girl who unintentionally makes everyone laugh. Even with her cluelessness, she’s popular in her own way. People can’t help but be drawn to her bubbly energy and unpredictable antics or incredibly annoyed.
Indie’s love life, though, is where her wild side really shows. She has a tendency to throw herself at any guy who gives her the slightest bit of attention, usually misreading friendly gestures as romantic interest. This has led to more than a few awkward moments, but Indie never stays embarrassed for long, she bounces back with a giggle and a shrug, chalking it up to “practice” for the real thing. She craves the validation and love she never felt she got enough of growing up deep down, even if she doesn’t realize it herself.
Though, when she’s not chasing boys or experimenting with new ways to bedazzle her sneakers, Indie loves hanging out with friends, blasting her favorite throwback songs, or sneaking off to the local diner for milkshakes and fries. She’s still every bit as clumsy and carefree as she was as a kid, but now there’s a growing determination under all the sparkles and glitter. Whether it’s through her over-the-top outfits, her infectious laugh, or her wild stories, her main goal in life is to stand out and be unforgettable. She may be a little lost in her own world most of the time, but there’s something about her that’s so chaoticly messy, yet beautiful and admirable.