• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls Characters

  • Ethan Butler

    Silver Lake Academy Senior

    fc: Jason Segel

    ♡coded by uxie♡



parker louise hunt.




  • 01.



    parker hunt



    park, lou, hunt



    seventeen - april 9th.



    female - bisexual



    junior at silver lake.



    five foot five inches


    parker has an athletic build, she has light blue eyes, tan skin, and dirty blonde hair.


    tess holloway.

♡coded by uxie♡

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Roxie Heart
// wild child
  • "I'm always up for a party! As long as there's booze."
    — roxie heart, 11th grade
    Roxanne Marie Heart
    luaana perez
    height //
    weight //
    120 lbs.
    equation //
    camille //
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Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight

Benjamin Franklin

The Total Headcase


full name

Locke Abraham Horovitz


Lulu (by his mom only)




July 11th


Haven Falls, ND



Thank You, Anxiety

Avenue Beat




5ft 7in



hair c.


eye c.



Nick Pugliese



A constant barrage of anxieties and 'what-ifs' has lead Locke to a lead a life on edge. He is acutely aware of his surroundings, his body, his thoughts, at most if not all times. A blessing and a curse, but usually the latter. He's learned to recluse himself is actually the easier way out rather than trying to blend in. This habit was of course encouraged by his OCD and the occasional bullying that resulted because of it. Locke is a soft soul, attempting to brave the outside world and it's barrage of things to be scared of.

One of the only places he's comfortable being a little more bold is when he's swimming for the team, but even that's a bit more of an exercise in control rather than trying to show off his skills. He no longer has any desire to be the center of attention like he once was as a young child. Locke is comfortable with his supporting role in his family rather than the star.

The best way to find gleams of Locke at his most comfortable, most vulnerable, would be to catch him at the right time when he's creating art. His preferred is writing, usually pouring out his thoughts and feelings into journals, but he also has several sketchbooks and canvases that he's decorated with his inner workings. When he finally does quiet the racing heart and thoughts, when he feels safe Locke's psyche is different. Less analytical, more amusable. Even going so far as to enjoy making jokes and pointing out his favorite catches on rewatches of his favorite movies or shows. Still quite shy, but not quite painfully so, and more willing to warm up to those who will stick around to look for it.


swimming, reading, drawing, plato, a reliable pair of socks, sunshine, hot chocolate, baths, lizards, aristotle, old books


weed, crickets, nickelodeon, math, running out of hot water, people who chew ice, sticky things, chalk, jason derulo, wine, cold floors


His compulsions ruling his life, being a bad person



Abraham 'Abe' Horovitz and Katherine 'Kitty' Horovitz were well off, rich even, however maybe not exactly wealthy. From time to time they engaged in certain lavish activities, exotic vacations, luxury cars, designer clothes, maybe that was why they settled in perfectly with the growing gentrification of the sleepy town of Haven Falls. They had both come from money, as evidenced by their semi-gauche country club wedding attended by practically every member of the Horovitz and Sato families just four short years before the young couple was painting the nursery in their newly closed on home practically right on the edge of Crystal Lake. The paint covering the walls a similarly enchanting blue to that of the water inside the lake, a perfect choice for their incoming baby boy.

Locke Abraham Horovitz looked just as darling in his crib beneath that blue of his bedroom as he did toddling on the sandy, muddy shores of the lake that was merely a stone's throw from the back door. It wasn't long until Abe and Kitty decided it was time he had a playmate to share his idyllic childhood with.

Just three years old Locke couldn't really understand his parents and their busy preparation for his little sister. The bedroom besides his became a powder pink oasis for a girl with a name just as sweet and elegant, Pearl Michaela Horovitz. She joined her brother in the spring but by the fall it was abundantly clear that she would most likely not be trotting side by side with her brother on that lake's beach like her parents had hoped. Shortly after her birth she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Her epilepsy diagnosis came before her first birthday. As did the recognition of her cognitive disabilities.

Locke's youthful confusion continued, slowly realizing that his family's axis no longer rotated around him, but instead focused on his sister and her specific needs. He often replaced his newfound lack of attention with time spent drawing, coloring, writing, and generally occupying himself as Abe and Kitty tended to their daughter. Keeping busy on his own wasn't just to keep him from feeling bored, it also helped to quiet the odd feelings he would get in his mind when he was on his own with nothing but his own thoughts to provide him with company.

By middle school his parents had decided that their son was now old enough to help lessen their load of caring for Pearl. Locke soon grew accustomed to the intricate routines of performing tasks such as setting up her feeding tube and connecting her pump, assisting with her daily physical therapy sessions, monitoring her breathing and respiratory function and what to do if it was abnormal. It was a muscle that was built over time to become second nature to him.

Often it was Kitty looking over his work and teaching him how to perform the individual things she asked of him. Always encouraging him to double or even triple or quadruple check everything, stressing the sentiment that it all had to be "Exactly right." A mantra that would slowly bleed into more and more aspects inside of the boy's life. No longer a routine, it became an obsession.

As his caregiving skills grew, more trust was placed squarely on Locke's shoulders. There were even occasions in which Abe and Kitty would leave their daughter in the sole care of their son. The expectations placed upon him from his parents were compounded with those he placed upon himself. It was a lot of weight for young man to bear, but it was something that he was determined to continue to carry it. To keep all the plates spinning in perfect order.

By the time he was a freshman in high school, he couldn't sleep at night unless he was the last one to fall asleep after triple checking that all the doors and windows in the house were locked. Only a few hours sleep gained afterwards so he could be the first person to wake up in the morning as well, intent on checking on each member of his family to ensure that they hadn't stopped breathing in their sleep or been somehow murdered by him in a fugue state. If his brain latched onto a random word in conversation, TV, movies, music, school, or other surrounding noise, and deemed it 'too important' he just had to repeat it over and over until it felt right. Something many of the snarkier members of his class had happened to latch onto as well, to use it against him.

There was one place he felt like was his oasis of sanity. When he was in the water at the school's pool, swimming laps for the swim team. Focusing on cutting through the water helped to keep his mind silent, or at the very least a bit quieter. The urges to knock wood, confess to something wrong he did in a dream, wondering if he secretly hated his entire family. All of it rolled off his skin like water off a duck's back.

His parents were finally clued in to the suffering under the surface of their son's psyche when they received a letter from the school. Informing them that Locke's position on the swim team was at risk for suspension. He had been late nearly every day for an entire quarter and placed on academic probation. A little probing later and they found out it was because he was spending too much time on his compulsions. Tying and retying his shoelaces because someone around him would trip and die if they weren't tied exactly right. Extra time added to his commute to school because he'd had to turn around and drive the route back home to ensure he hadn't hit someone with a car and forgotten about it.

Another medical expense for another child was the last thing they needed, but it had to be done. Locke was placed on a routine of meeting with a therapist multiple times a week following his diagnosis of OCD and GAD as well as being put on various regimens of antidepressants, antianxiety, mood stabilizers, and more until they found the right cocktail that seemed to help the most. His mind still wasn't quiet, but now he could at least hear his own voice above all the noise.

Locke managed to keep a lower profile since the peak of his compulsions and anxieties. They're still intertwined in his life, but no longer ruling them. Still there's a few that have kept themselves present in his daily routines. In addition to the solace he finds in the water, he also has taken to putting more time into his writing and creating. Something that's been aided by his attendance of the Silver Lake Academy. Honing his mind as well as his hand.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




Abraham 'Abe' Horovitz (Father, 45), Katherine 'Kitty' Horovitz (Mother, 45), Pearl Horovitz (Sister, 15)


- japanese on his mother's side
- can speak a little latin, he's always found it fascinating
- enjoys black olives on pizza
- gets stomachaches when he's trying to suppress his compulsions
- tea enjoyer, one of his first 'adult purchases' was a kettle for his dorm
- gets more and more irritated every time someone says "you have ocd? but you're so messy!" to him
- associates the smell of vanilla with home, it's his mother's favorite scent for scented candle
- doesn't eat brown rice
- favorite color is actually purple
- pretended to have a crush on mandy moore when he was younger
- his favorite chore is vacuuming
- has an aloe vera plant in his room named 'allen vera'
- on occasion will take edibles to manage his anxiety, but is extremely cautious to keep it from his parents
- is terrified of werewolves, he knows that they're not real but just the idea of them is enough
- was almost named 'asa' by his parents but they didn't like the double 'a' initials he would've had with his middle name
- doesn't drink coffee because it makes his anxiety worse, he drinks tea instead

♡coded b
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the rich girl
merlot hightower
basics & visage
merlot hightower
mimi, merle
ruby, alaska

"you don't own me, i'm not just one of your many toys; you don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys"

dark brown
honey brown, often wears blue/green contacts
tanned to perfection
5' 5"
spaniard, brazilian
cindy kimberly

distinguishing features:
merlot has always been easily distinguished for her bold style and intense eyes. she almost always wears lipstick, and is never seen without her lashes amplified to their fullest degree.

"bitch" tattooed discreetly behind her right ear

merlot boasts a confident, showy style full of bold colors and vibes that scream "expensive". she'll often use setting sprays and perfumes that spangle glitter on her skin. her favorite colors to wear are red, gold, black, and deep greens.
persona & attributes
merlot is an enigma, but you'd never guess it from the first few conversations with her. she presents herself as a snobby, upper-class materialist with everything in her life all neatly put into place. her lavish style and intense ambience are enough to convince you of who she is right then and there. a judgmental bitch. a flirtatious teen drama queen. but the closer you look, the more you see between the cracks. despite her efforts to keep it concealed, merlot doesn't truly have any friends. at least, not any she can trust. she keeps people at arms length because the closer they come, the more she lets the parts of herself she keeps boxed away slip out. if you manage to sneak past her defenses, you'll discover her more melancholy, philosophical and intelligent side. she's highly emotionally aware and adores big conversations about concepts beyond the surface level.

observant, intelligent, calculated, resourceful, a survivor, confident

vendictive, aggressive, secretive, mistrusting, materialistic

hoarding expensive shoes, decorating her bedroom, shopping, drinking, shit-talking, (she'd kill you if you ever found this out, but she also loves collecting rare comic books)

merlot has a rare congenital heart condition called truncus arteriosus. she's needed multiple surgeries as she's gotten older.


the judgement of others, having nothing, dying, feeling powerless, feeling ugly

merlot is a survivor. she'll crawl tooth and nail out of any predicament you put her in. you better believe she's gonna find her way out and still kick your ass. she's a black belt in jiu jitsu. insanely good at fishing, but she'd never let you know that.

sucks at math despite all the money she spends. actually somewhat disorganized for someone who owns so many things.
lore & backstory
mother is daisy hightower, father is jude hightower, older brother is joaquin hightower

a lavish two story home on the upper end of town

"they'll ignore you right up until they crawl back to your feet begging for your mercy"

merlot was the youngest of her parents, born in an extraordinarily small town with little access to the outside world. as a child with a life-threatening congenital heart defect, she caused her parents a massive amount of strife. her mother, who had been raised by her own neglectful grandmother, wasn't the best at being nurturing herself. her father buried himself in the work life, often flying out and staying away for months at a time.

merlot's mother spent most of her time raising her and her brother alone. during these times, there were a lot of bitter, dark moments. despite their growing income, the small town knew how daisy treated her kids. they could see as she pulled their ears and whispered relentlessly "you don't deserve what you have." merlot grew up always hearing that she deserved nothing. no one. that she was nothing. for a while, she believed it. until her father opened his eyes one day.

when merlot was eleven, she got her period for the first time during a neighborhood cookout. her mother, outraged by her soiling a brand new pair of pants, briskly escorted her out of the backyard and toward the side of the house where no one could see. she bent down and muttered, "you're never gonna stop being a nasty little burden, are you?" her father, who had swiftly followed suit, overheard her venomous words and escorted the entire family home. things changed after that. daisy became more tame. more... subdued. merlot never understood why, but appreciated her father providing the extra special attention.

as time passed, she discovered here and there just how many pills jude had daisy swallowing. "your mother isn't well, sweetheart," he would assure.

fast forward to the future, her mother is no longer in the picture. "she wasn't a happy woman." he'd say. "we weren't good enough for her." they ended up moving out of ruby and into a more accessible (albeit still small) town. enter haven falls.
current & past connections
known affiliates:

→ father
jude hightower. alive. semi-stable. semi-positive relationship.
→ brother
joaquin hightower. alive. estranged.
→ mother
daisy hightower. status unknown. poor relationship.

plot ideas:

→ "you had me at..."
nibh felis quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.
→ "please shut up."
nibh felis quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.
→ "care for a scheme?"
nibh felis quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.

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"I'm two days away in a stolen '98 Saturn sedan
I'm two thousand miles from the clothes I threw away in a Wendy's trash can
It's not the same
As the picture I had painted in my brain
It's not the same at all
I'm on a lightning bolt of cosmic self-expression
I'm listening to "Band on the Run" a
nd that's it"
—Rozwell Kid,
"Wendy's Trash Can"

Name: Seth Allons
Age/Grade: 17, Junior (HFHS)
Gender: Cismale
Face Claim: (Zac Oyama, Dropout TV)

Appearance: Seth has a small variety of clothing he keeps in rotation at any time. There are a few vibrantly colored and/or patterned collared shirts for when he wants to pretty himself up. Most of his wardrobe are band t's in differing states of disrepair—some are new and hardly worn, others are so old and ratty that Seth has ripped them off into sleeveless midriffs. He tends to cuff the ankles of his pants high, though doesn't always pair that with high-tops. Since hitting puberty, Seth occasionally attempts to grow out facial hair and has been mostly unsuccessful, aside from the most hideous mustache everyone begged him to shave off in his sophomore year. Is very much supposed to wear glasses for his poor eyesight, but rarely does so. Soon, Seth is going to find out how unprepared he is for a North Dakotan winter.

Personality: Deep into his self-discovery era, Seth thrives on doing what he wants to do, and the exact opposite of what other people tell him to do. He had a habit for doing whatever the hell he wanted even before his parents' divorce, though his teen years have only brought this trait way to the forefront. Immensely passionate about the arts, while Seth is a bass player making punk rock music, he also has a knack for camerawork, and in his old school was the go-to guy for anything that needed to be filmed or edited. Outside of working on passion projects, Seth is an unserious person: he's not thinking about college, he's not thinking of his future in any way, he's only thinking about the next thing he can do to get a laugh, or some kind of reaction. Smart and sort of witty, Seth makes friends quite easily. His problem maintaining relationships in general comes from his flakiness—Seth is always late, if he shows up at all, and he is the king of making promises he cannot keep. Still, Seth has a habit of showing up right when he's needed the most, and will do pretty much anything if it's to help out a friend: the last $30 in his wallet? Take it; need to drive nine hours to see a show in Chicago? Seth's pretty sure his mom won't be mad if he borrows the car; want to steal something cool? Seth will run diversion and chat up whoever might be watching.

[Seth having your back as you do the stupidest shit you've ever done]

Backstory: Seth was born an only child on October 13 to Mary and Harold Allons in Santa Monica, California. Mary taught at local elementary schools while waitressing a nearby diner on the weekends, and Harold worked as a commercially licensed driver. Even before Seth was born, Mary and Harold's relationship was far from stable and loving. The two genuinely attempted to set aside their smoldering feelings and raise their child as a happy couple. Through the trying stages of infancy and toddlerhood, Harold and Mary's relationship survived. It was almost a miracle. Seth still clings on to his early memories of happy Christmas mornings or trips to the beach where all three of them were just a whirlwind of laughter and joy. While Mary and Harold stayed together a few years longer, those years would be far from happy.

The arguments started again, and escalated farther than ever before. Suddenly, Seth hated the thought of being at home with every fiber of his being. He joined after school sports and band, picking up the bass guitar for the first time. As early as middle school, he'd be staying up all night with his friends getting into trouble in Santa Monica, and no amount of angry, screaming phone calls from his parents were sufficient in bringing him back home. Seth found himself on the fringes of popularity at school, but Seth wanted to lie low, unnoticed, doing his own thing. He improved greatly at playing the bass, becoming a standout for his school band. Seth found a strong escape mechanism in music, movies, video games, they all gave him something to do, which was really all he needed at the time.

Shortly before Seth's 13th birthday, Harold and Mary split up, heading toward an incredibly messy divorce. Harold had simply packed up his essentials and left one night. Seth only realized as much when he noticed the house was surprisingly devoid of raucous, screeching argument. After almost thirteen years of playing at love, the cracks in the foundation finally brought everything crumbling down in an instant. Seth spent a lot of eighth grade dodging his dad's attempts to communicate with him, while struggling to adjust to his mom's own over-correction—quitting her teaching job and spending far too much time in Los Angeles partying and hooking up with men unsavory enough to make Harold look like an anointed saint. On the edge of his teenage years, Seth discovered punk rock music: first through newer bands like PUP, The Menzingers, and Spanish Love Songs, to older bands like Titus Andronicus, The Lawrence Arms, and Dillinger Four, and even further back to the genre's founding through The Clash, The Germs, Black Flag, and more.

[Rare Seth glasses pic. He's trying to be chill in a world of absolute, depraved awfulness]

In high school, Seth formed a punk band he called The Whining Minors, and he fell in with what some would call an unsavory crowd—skaters, stoners, grifters, weirdos, all those derogatory terms. He got really into smoking weed and recording music or shooting skate videos for his friends. He rarely ever went to class, attending just enough to pass tests and hand in assignments. His freshman and part of sophomore years were filled with basement shows and petty vandalism, often getting chased down for minor offenses by local cops or tracked down by a truant officer to drag his ass to school. Detentions and suspensions came early and often, and Seth was generally a pain for every single teacher at school. It was around this time that Seth was trying to record a first album for his band, and a teacher discovered his knack for production—both general audio production and filmography. The teacher recruited Seth to help run sound for a school musical, and eventually convinced him to take photos for the newspaper and help record the morning announcements. Something clicked for Seth in his sophomore year, and he hunkered down and built a reputation at school for being the guy for those sorts of things.

At the end of sophomore year, Seth started dating Sadie, a dedicated student and top editor for the school newspaper. He'd crushed on her for a long time, but it took a while for her to take him seriously. They spent all summer together, even as Seth and The Whining Minors went on a small "tour", playing shows in L.A and San Diego for two weeks in July. Toward the end of August, Mary Allons broke the bad news to Seth: since separating, Harold and Mary both had accrued almost comical amounts of debt on their names (Harold through gambling, and Mary through credit cards) that the bank would foreclose on their Santa Monica home and leave them homeless in September, October at the latest. On a whim, Mary accepted a job offer to teach at some high school in North fucking Dakota. With little other choice, Seth accepted having to move. Harold had no income, and was in far worse shape than Mary, and Seth hadn't spoken to him much for the past five years anyway. After around four perfect months, Seth and Sadie broke up amicably, the two understanding that they were too young and that even trying a long distance relationship just wouldn't work. And in a prolonged argument, The Whining Minors decided to dissolve after releasing their first album, "We're Going to do This Shit Forever".

New to Haven Falls, Seth has leaned back into what he knows: searching out punk shows (if any exist), and joining up at Haven Falls High School's many extracurriculars, making his audio production and film editing expertise available to the people there. He hasn't had much time to party as his first priority is finding a job to help Mary pay rent at their new place, but he's trying.

[Seth is supremely unimpressed]

You say, "How are you?", I say, "I don't know
Let's dissolve the band, move to Idaho"
Everyone's around and I hear you smiling
You say, "I love you", I say, "You too"
I am never anywhere
Anywhere I go
When I'm home, I'm never there
Long enough to know
— boygenius, "Ketchum, ID"
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I didn't ask to live, but dying's up to me?


the outcast


full name

Archer Moore










17th November

Dog Days








hair c.

Bleached white

eye c.



Cameron Hill



Archer acts the way he looks - he's sassy, moody, and more often angry than not. He has a rebellious streak when it comes to his so-called 'family', but not so much for school; he attends most of his classes, and does not drink or do drugs. Archer is angry at the world, and he knows it, but sees no reason why he should attempt to change that. He can be severely judgemental when it comes to the rich or elite, and certainly holds a grudge. Archer has a hard exterior with a soft inside. He wouldn't be able to remember the last time he felt real, true love, in any sense of the word, and has learned to live without it, though it is a painful existence. He makes a good friend, if you can get past the pessimism; he's reliable and would do anything for the people he cares about, even if it might take him a while to admit that he does care about them.


petrichor, snakes, cats, matcha lattes, berries, eyeliner, scented candles


the concept of money and classes, oranges, soft drink, ants


Living his whole life without ever feeling love again, ending up like his mother



Archer feels that his life was doomed at the time of his conception. His mother was a short-term mistress of one wealthy man, and she ended up pregnant - whilst he was still married with children. At first, Archer's mother was content to raise him by herself and did not speak to his father about Archer's existence. However, Archer's mother was far from rich, and his home life was extremely problematic. His mother struggled to get work, and struggled even more with addiction to various substances.

Eventually, when Archer was only four years old, his mother was forced into rehab by her siblings. Refusing to put Archer in foster care, his mother reached out to his father - the process was lengthy, complicated, and intense, but by the age of five, Archer found himself living with none other than Bentley Schroeder and his family. Make no mistake; Archer was hardly a member of the family. He ate dinner with the family and met family friends, but he was not treated as a Schroeder child. He was an outcast, a pet, an unwanted addition.

Archer never received anything near what Bentley did. He was taken care of, yes, but he was rarely spoken to by Bentley's parents; particularly Bentley's mother, who was no doubt extremely upset about the entire situation. He got along fine with Bentley, the two of them actually becoming quite close as they grew older, but Archer did not end up sharing the same fondness for the rest of the family.

He's mostly followed Bentley around in terms of ending up living with their father, but he stays away from any drugs or drinking. He'll attend a party but will strictly drink water. Like Bentley, Archer does his best to stay out of the house as much as possible to avoid their father, spending most of his time at work at one of the local convenience stores.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







♡coded by uxie♡

  • Basic Details

    Name: Stephanie Heather Barker ("Stevie")
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Grade: 11/Junior at Haven Falls.

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the delinquent/div]
sylus badwinds
basics & visage
sylus badwinds
lassy, jack frost, lost boy
some dumpster

i don't know if the silence is deafening, or if it's home

he keeps it a chilling shade of bone white
lake blue
6' 3"
umm, he thinks dutch
otto seppalainen

distinguishing features:
the hair kinda stands out, but it's not always easy to see behind his smoke cloud

his back is fairly covered in abstract tattoos, as are his arms. a circular target is tattooed neatly on his sternum.

his style can be narrowed down to dark denim, combat boots, and things of minimal design. he does enjoy thrifting occasionally, and many of his things are random items he finds in these shops. he wears numerous rings, as well as the occasional dog tags.
persona & attributes
sylus is a charmer, brimming with humor and warmth that somehow radiates a sense of connection with whoever he's talking to. it's how he's survived as long as he has. he enjoys messing around with others in more ways than one, whether it's via pranks, riling them up, or just debating for the hell of it. despite his charismatic side, he does have intense apprehension regarding letting others spend any more time than necessary in his thoughts. to say he has trust issues would be the understatement of the century. not to say it's impossible, but it can't exactly be said that it's a fruitful effort, either. sylus surrounds himself with distractions, whether it's sex, drugs, adrenaline or drinks. he's a serial runaway; one that's been given an endearing personalized nickname by the police. "jack frost the lost."

creative, charismatic, comedic, adventurous, inventive

aloof, calloused, reckless, avoidant, easily frustrated

bad things, driving at perilous speeds, video games, rock climbing

nothing he really knows about

outliving anyone he cares for, being betrayed, the venom of certain creatures (particularly the ones with anti-coagulant properties)

sylus can escape from any and everything. he's essentially the towns very own houdini. he can break into a building with complicated locks with ease, and hot wire most vehicles like it's second nature.

he doesn't think he's capable of staying put, even if his life depended on it. he struggles to keep himself out of life-and-death situations.
lore & backstory
he doesn't really know his parents. he's just some foster baby that a trashy couple adopted for the stipend money. one of six.

a rickety apartment in the lower end of town.

"life is for midnight swims and blurry nights under the stars"

there's not much to say about sylus' life. it's all been the same since he was a child. a life in foster care right up until a couple scooped him into their arms. unfortunately the arms weren't there for love, however. for money, instead. he shares his home with six foster siblings in a far-too-small area, so he's virtually never home. his parents have called the authorities to locate him numerous times solely to cover their asses by ensuring he's alive and keep the checks flowing.

sylus is like a sewer rat the way he's crawled through life without giving up. no methods of survival are too extreme for him. he rather enjoys the life he lives, whether it's floating peacefully in a euphoric daze in the middle of a black lake, or slumbering blackout drunk under an overpass. some nights he'll charm passing women into a free night stay at their place just to keep himself away from home.

his fellow classmates in school know nothing of his home-life, and he ensures it stays that way. in their eyes, he's just a delinquent with a cheeky grin and a silver tongue.
current & past connections
known affiliates:

→ father
devon ramirez. alive. he sucks.
→ brother
rachel ramirez. alive. she sucks too.

plot ideas:

→ "..."
→ "..."
→ "..."


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