Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

At best she's like his 19th cousin twice removed! And you know how it goes, if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family
Say, Sarky, the DB manual mentions something about a free dot of Resources for Spiral Academy graduates. I don't suppose I could get in on that action? I need pretty things.
Hey Sarky, most of my stuff is up here. The backstory is basically finished, but exhaustion is holding me up from putting into a worthy format. If it's cool, I'll get you the rest tomorrow.
Xarvh will be replacing fghwadfghfghfgh (I could never figure out where to stop :) ). Say hello to him.
Hi everybody! =)

Ugh, still to reread eeeeeeeeeeverything you did so far!

Posting the PC soon!
Just so you know, my own updates will be a bit sporadic over the next week, got people visiting and a quick trip abroad with no internets lined up.
It's all good. I suppose I have to be understanding, since I've been pretty sporadic myself lately. Apologies on that, by the way, my search for summer work has been consuming much more time than I thought it would : P
Dreadfully sorry about all that. Internet can be awfully hard to find in London when you're poor...

I'll be getting on with it then...

Well at least you are back. I honestly thought you and/or others were part of the finals/pre-summer away from the computer type thing xD
My goodness, no. I despise the sun* and spend more time indoors at my computer in summer than winter. And it'll likely be a while before I have exams in my future again...

*Feel free to make accusations of anti-Solar sentiments as a result of this statement
It might be pertinent to point out that I'm very much in favour of letting a character's words speak for themselves instead of requiring rolls all the time. If you REALLY want to, I'll call for charm/socialise/whatever rolls, but in general I like to leave them for particularly important moments or when Charms are involved. Much as I <3 Exalted, I do whatever I can to stop my games getting bogged down in dice and rules...

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